Zerat Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
+2 Diplomatic Relations

Scaleguard ResilienceMany years ago, the Scaleguards ruled at the top of a great Anzalkatsa Empire. But foreign invasions and treachery at home toppled us, and our empire was reduced to nothing. One would think, as has happened to so many other ruling dynasties, that we would have fallen to nothing too. Hah! We laugh at such absurdities. We live still, and thrive in Serat—we have survived against all odds!
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

The Worthy FoeIt has been so since ancient times, and persists as such today: the cat and the lizard shall fight, and neither dares underestimate the other. Centuries of rivalry and combat between us and our eternal foes have yielded a familiarity with Khet military tactics unrivaled anywhere in Halann. Others may shatter before Khet offensives, but not us—we will have prepared well in advance, for we know our foe and respect its power too much to be complacent.
-10% Morale Damage Received

Loyal BloodlinesMeritocracy is not for us. More important, more trustworthy is seniority and right of blood. Inherited experience from generations of competent servants of the rulers of Zerat is the surest guarantor of loyalty and ability today. Our ancient noble families know this, and so they have always placed themselves at our service. So it has been, so it will be—and so Zerat shall prosper.
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Waters of LifeIf one looks at the core reasons why Zerat is as exalted as it is, surely the waters of our home must be one of them. We would not be able to hold the line through the ages if we did not live on the shores of great Lake Lasadza, most beautiful and bounteous of all the lakes in the world. The lake graces us with as much water as we could possibly need for agriculture. But that is not all: great Lasadza holds many unique species of fish, and other diverse aquatic life. Small wonder, then, that we have as much produce as we do.
+10% Production Efficiency

Rushdown TacticsArmaments and soldiers are all well and good in their own way but they become worthless if they cannot move from one place to the next within their homeland quickly. Fortunately for us, years of fighting for control over Zerat and its surroundings have enabled us to develop what are called 'rushdown tactics'. Zerat forces maneuver quickly through our home terrain, which every soldier must know like the back of their hand, and disappear as quickly as they appear, leaving defeated armies in their wake.
+10% Movement Speed

Centralization ReformsFor ages, we were governed by a relatively decentralized system—our ruler devolved power upon vassals, and those vassals governed in the ruler's name, handing produce, tax, and soldiers back to the central government. That persisted until a minister, named after the great Chief Ptolek, realized that holding to this system could only lead to opportunism and rebellion. Thus he, in proper devotion to Zerat and our serene dynasty, convinced his liege to centralise the realm. The result was the Ptolekas Reforms; thanks to them, all power in Zerat is now centralised upon the ruler, and the vassals serve only at their liege's pleasure.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Antsakirak Of All LizardsOur destiny could not be clearer to us as we look out upon the bustling shores of Lake Lasadza. Time was that we ruled all of our kind; though we lost that power for a time, Zerat still stands proud among its scaled peers today. But let the world take note: it is only a matter of time before we are made ruler of all lizardfolk again, until the 332nd Empire dies and the 333rd Empire rises. When that time comes, Halann will know and take note: our ruler will no longer be a mere 'king' or 'chieftain', but an Antsakirak—a god-emperor!
+1 Yearly Absolutism

+5% Administrative Efficiency