Butuguzi Ideas

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-10% Development Cost
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

Ai Yi's PeaceRarely does Butuguzi see a Chairmistress that is not a figurehead for the Seventeen Families’ interests. Elected due to her expert diplomatic capabilities in times of uncertainty, Ai Yi pursued a policy of gaining allies in the consolidating environment of the late Warlord era. She restored ties with the Pirate Queen of Pinghoi, while securing a defensive alliance with the warlord Akaliza, forming a strong block against the might of Kwizera and riches of Mwasagore.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Coffee CultureCoffee permeates every facet of both public and private life in Butuguzi. Indeed its place is not unlike that of tea in Yanshen, acting as both a common drink in many Antmvura homes, a special brew to be served to guests, and even the centerpiece of ceremonies. Lovers bring gifts of coffee to celebrate and enemies offer seven beans as a form of truce. These traditions are an indelible part of Antmvura culture, exported to customers from various parts of the world along with the goods itself.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Children of CuihiokThe Antmvura are descendants born from the native Dakinshi people and emigrating Naamjyut merchants from Cuihiok. Their mixed descent is something they take pride in, seeing themselves as the heirs of Bwa Dakinshi, but also taking into account the sophisticated and deviant customs of the Naamjyut, incorporating and syncretizing many aspects of both cultures from local customs through faith into statesmanship. Like a nice brew of coffee they are a blending greater than the original ingredients.
-10% Culture Conversion Cost
+10% Trade Steering

Monks of the Ancestral WisdomFollowing the Righteous Path syncretized with local Beast Memory traditions, the Antmvura, like other Inyaswarosa peoples, have those among them who can manifest the ability to shapeshift. Combining the two traditions, these shapeshifters are the main inhabitants of the local monasteries, attuning themselves with the chi of their spirit animals and practising many Halessi and local martial art styles. This training allows them to be the fiercest shapeshifters of Dakinshi, taking to the battlefield with incredible precision.
+15% Shock Damage

Way of LifeAntmvura society acts like a series of caste systems. Each family occupies a certain profession and the associated commercial activities, acting as a trades guild, with the gender of their children determining the roles that they are allowed to occupy. One’s family matriarch is expected to determine everything about one’s life and identity. Only shifters are the exception, being sent to the monasteries when their abilities manifest.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Ringlet Sea Storm PoetryThe Baashidi were the preeminent seafaring power in the 17th century Ringlet Sea, famed for their poetry. Some of these seafarers established poetry schools in Butuguzi, leading to the development of Antmvura-Baashidi fusion poetry, incorporating ideas and techniques from three worlds.
+1 Diplomatic Free Policies

Refugees of the RendingWhen the Rending hit Haless, many with the ability or wealth to make their way to Sarhal sought refuge in Fuhoengwaan. Yan, Bom, Kai and Kelino peoples, cultures that only the most learned folk had a notion of, now came in droves. With this newfound influx of people came a new Dakinshi renaissance. New cuisines, philosophies, and ideas exploded leading to lasting cultural, technological and military advancements that shaped the society for many centuries.
-5% Idea Cost
+10% Improve Relations

+10% National Sailors Modifier