Nalenian Ideas

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+20% Available Loot
+10% Ship Disengagement Chance

A Pirate's WitThe Pirate-Harpies of Naléni were once disorganized flocks, but as they grew stronger and consolidated, they began to spread out beyond the reaches of Telekenid. The sharp wit and quick tongues of their leaders let them strike deals and cut across courts, stitching together a small pirate empire out of the husk of the old Irkan Eparta before anyone could begin to realize how much land was held under their wings and sails.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
+10% Improve Relations

An Eye for TalentHarpies spend their entire lives hunting, and the Pirates of Naléni are no different. They have a fine eye for quality in what they want, both men and treasure. This allows for quick and effective decisions to be made when they raid coastal towns, cities or rival shipping vessels, as to which men would work best under the decks of the galley as rowing slaves, or above board as the soldiers of their newfound 'masters'.
+10% National Sailors Modifier
+25% Naval Tradition From Battles

Siren’s SongSailors hear tales of the Siren, their songs deadly lures for those without their wits about them. Many believe these to be fantasy - tales to scare children at night, and excuses by husbands caught in scandalous affairs. The Harpies of Naléni, however, bring reality to these tales, our songs having lured many an unsuspecting enemy into lowering their guard at a vital moment in combat.
-10% Fire Damage Received

Prosperous RacketThe Harpies of Naléni have built a league of trading factors throughout the Isles of the Ringlet Sea. They serve double purpose; as both merchants and as strong-arms, negotiating 'protection fees' to do business in the local ports, as well as reminders of how cheap the price of their protection is. An exchange of coin is far less costly than a return visit from a Nalénian ship, after all.
+5 Merchant Trade Power

Ravelian InvestmentsIn an attempt to strengthen relationships with the Busilari court, Nalénians converted to the Ravelian Church in wake of their increased influence in the Ringlet Isles. The Church would later use the Nalénian cities as a center of operations across East Sarhal. A positive effect of this was the development of centers of Artifice research and education systems - funded by either the Church itself or particularly wealthy Rectors with an interest in the region.
-5% Technology Cost

Aerial LogisticsPiracy has existed in Sarhal for aeons, but few are as skilled at it as the Nalénian Harpies. Able to utilize their wings, they can raid further from home and keep their ships further ashore, safe from potential defenses. This has been perfected over generations to allow expeditions farther and farther afield, bringing winged raids to new shores, rich with new men and new treasure.
+1 Coastal Raiding Range

Mountain MonumentsNaléni has carried forth a tradition of the former kingdom of Irkan Eparta; the display of authority and rule by carving the heads of their leaders into the sides of the Emot Nepas Sedar. The Harpies construct their additions higher than that of the humans - whether or not this is a show of superiority over their subjects is a matter of debate within Naléni. Naléni’s inherently factional political structure has led to each ruler feeling pressure to outdo their predecessor, leading to demands for more and more statues carved into the mountainside upon ruler succession. While expensive, this has concentrated a wealth of stoneworking and construction expertise into our realm.
-10% Construction Cost

+1 Diplomats