Kaino Federation Ideas

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+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+15% Production Efficiency

Lich HuntersIt was the Adaru tribe, above all, who understood the need to undo the damage done by our ancestors, who had sided with Kaino and his army of necromancers and undead against the First Fangaulan Empire. However, their approach was one of passivity: they stood guard over the treasures and remains of the demi-lich Kaino, protecting them for centuries, but doing nothing to correct the world around them.\n\nNow, they realise that they can do more to oppose necromancers as well as others that misuse magic. The Adaru sentinels have integrated into our ranks to form an elite unit of ‘Lich Hunters’, specialised in combating spellcasters. Their intense discipline keeps them calm in the face of incoming magic and allows them to avoid harm with avoidance tactics, while closing the distance to bring them down.
-5% Morale Damage Received
-10% Shock Damage Received

The BanniFor millennia the name of the demi-lich Kaino has been used to brand us as a symbol of our ancestors’ sin. As we have begun to reckon with our past and our present, differing opinions have emerged about our people’s history and legacy.\n\nThe Bokiya tribe have always venerated Banni, who freed us and the other tribes of Fangaula from the tyranny of the second empire. Among their ranks have emerged some who have taken to referring to themselves and our people as the Banni. They argue that by ending such a terrible evil as the Second Fangaulan Empire, Banni redeemed our people of our ancestors’ sins. Now, they say, we should discard the name Kaino and take up the name of Banni as a name we can wear with pride.\n\nWhile this movement is still young, these motivated loyalists nonetheless go about espousing the accomplishments of our people, leaving a different impression of us in the minds of others.
+20% Improve Relations

The Past Informs the FutureThe Kaino have always favoured and respected the ‘Jelli’ who travel between settlements and tribes, sharing stories, poems, and music with the people. However, it was the Mausarjirad tribe above all Kaino that raised the position of ‘Jelli’ to one of primary importance within their society.\n\nIt was also the Mausarjirad tribe that saw how society had become open to new ideas and possibilities after the unification of the Kaino tribes and realised another important task that the ‘Jelli’ could undertake. In addition to the tales and fables conveying morals and values, they began telling of the Kaino’s past and present. While still reciting poetry of emotion and beauty, they began speaking of the pride of the Kaino people.\n\nIn this way each new generation could help forge a brighter future for their people and overcome the stains of the past.
-5% Idea Cost
+10% Institution Spread In True Faith Provinces

Maikirow RhetoricThe Maikirow tribe was famed for its singing caves and the order of hermits that resided in them. These apparent mystics dispensed cryptic poems to children who were sent there to learn of their future. However, as the tribes began to intermingle, the people began to realise that their assumptions of magic and mysticism couldn’t have been further from the truth.\n\nThe hermits of the singing caves are, it emerged, an order of thinkers and philosophers who use a unique rhetorical style to convey their ideas. Experts in Kaino poetry, they would create poems for each child to convey their insights to them. Those children who gleaned understanding from the poems went on to make changes in Kaino society that left others assuming some mystical impact from their poem. Now their poems circulate and inspire more Kaino to consider new perspectives.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Temples of KanhatiAs larger settlements start to form, a need emerges to set aside dedicated spaces for the worship of the aspects of Dasa Tofen. These were placed in the centre of the settlement to allow easier access for all the inhabitants.\n\nWith tastes shifting to more permanent settlements and structures, as well as a growing wish to beautify our realm, these open spaces were replaced with permanent structures within which to venerate the gods. As these temples were designed based upon the desires of the people, the temples to Kanhati are invariably the greatest building within any settlement.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Gardeners of FangaulaSince we learned how to cultivate ironwood and gemfruit trees from Kanhati, others have coveted our knowledge and abilities. Outsiders hired us as guides and the Tamajoba even invaded the jungle to subjugate our people for their skills.\n\nNow the jungle is ours and ours alone. Now we use Kanhati’s wisdom only for ourselves. As we have come to accept the Dao Nako as our true home, the desire has emerged to see it bloom as never before. These gardeners who cultivate jungle-gardens within the Dao Nako are among the most respected of our people and their idyllic creations stand as a symbol of the peaceful future we strive for.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture

One People, One DestinyOur eyes were clouded. Kanhati saved all the Kaino and taught all the Kaino, knowing that all Kaino needed to work together to create a new home in the Dao Nako. But when the skies turned dark and monsters emerged around us we each scattered our separate ways. Banni freed all the Kaino and led all the Kaino, knowing that we needed to depend on each other to be safe from the would-be tyrants of these lands. But when the remaining imperial planetouched murdered him, we gave up on his dream instead of taking responsibility for achieving it ourselves. Those times are behind us now, however we must always remember these events and never allow ourselves to be broken again.\n\nOnce four, now we are one. Whatever fate may have in store for us, we face it together.
+5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium

-10% Construction Cost