Chibuswa Ideas

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-10% Ship Costs
-10% Shock Damage Received

City of BeautyThere are many port towns along the Horashesh coast, from the bustling Zuvavim to the densely populated Bivuzena. What made Chibuswa stand out from the others was its beauty or, to put it more accurately, its wealth. The Khetist settlers who moved to Chibuswa were in constant competition to flaunt their wealth through extravagant clothing and ornate manors. Its reputation attracted more rich Khetist nobles, which in turn brought more merchants to the city to peddle their wares. The tariffs on merchants entering the city were considered exorbitant, but it never stopped them from visiting the City of Beauty. The business opportunities were too great.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Furthest Reaches of the EmpireChibuswa was founded by enterprising nobles of Kheteratan descent, who made the long trek over the Mukis mountain range to the Horashesh coast to start a new life. This was the furthest reach of the Kheterata Empire, and as far as one could get from the capital city while still being able to claim you were still technically on Khetist soil. We are pioneers by spirit, and should the Khetist lands spread even further afield, we would again be the first there.
+30% Colonial Range

All We Have is Each OtherVery few people in Horashesh truly follow the teachings of Elikhet. Their version of Khetism is so warped from its original vision that it can barely be called Khetist. Nirakhet, the mother of Elikhet, is the only scrap of old Khetism they follow in their Noukahi Pantheon, and even then she has been renamed to Niramhat, bastardising the sanctity of His Mother. Along the coasts and the plains of Horashesh, we are the only place left that still follows the true meaning of Khetist. It would do us well to stick together, for each other is all we have.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Zviriria BeadsChibuswa produced uppity sons of rich nobles in truly alarming quantities, but this was only their second most famous export. Only a day’s journey from the Chibuswa port lay the glassworks of Zviriria. There, beads of every imaginable color and complexion were strung together into elaborate sashes, often containing thousands of beads. Being able to decipher the language of beadwear was a skill unto itself, and different sashes were worn for different occasions. They were used as dowries, given as gifts to visiting dignitaries, and even used as a replacement for currency in some markets.
+10% Global Trade Power

Caught UnawareNews of the collapse of Kheterata was ignored in Chibuswa. It was believed to be simply impossible that Kheterata would fall. There was no other military in Sarhal that could possibly challenge that of Kheterata. When the forces of Zuvavim and Iqhekabi marched on Chibuswa, it was reported that there was nobody manning the defences and not a soul on lookout. There wasn’t even a battle. This embarrassment has stuck in the minds of the people of Chibuswa. Should they regain their independence, it was vitally important such a pathetic collapse never happens again.
+20% Garrison Size

Entrepreneurial SpiritThe great secret nobody tells you within Chibuswa is that very few of the supposed Khetist Nobility actually have much Kheteratan blood in them. The vast majority of the population are Vurebindu. The Khetist settlers married local nobles as a means of assuring their local political power. Most who moved to the nation were those seeking better opportunities, like the Kuivahni to the north. There’s a certain entrepreneurial spirit amongst those who move here - as anyone who has been haggled by merchants walking through the Chibuswa marketplace will attest to. They’re quick to embrace new opportunities and innovations, and believe their next money-making scheme will be the very thing to catapult them to Chibuswa nobility.
+50% Innovativeness Gain

Baashidi Trading RouteThe Vyzemby people have been here for far longer than any Khetist settlers made Horashesh their home. The people of the two regions typically enjoyed a cordial relationship, including those in Chibuswa. The Vyzemby imported Chibuswan glassworks, while their spices were brought to Chibuswa. Things changed when the Vyzemby started monopolising the trade from the Baashidi people and Haless in the 1600s. With traders no longer naturally stopping at Horashesh ports, the merchants of Horashesh started aggressively sending out their own merchant fleets to secure this lucrative trading route.
+20% Ship Trade Power

+1 Diplomats