Bozkuqaylan Ideas

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+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

Signing of the AmberpactBozkuqayla is where the ancient Amberpact was signed, ending the Amber Wars and unifying the peoples of the islands for the first time. Though that alliance was not to last, our people have always sought to unite these lands in peace.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Neagol's EndAn ancient and famous inn built over the supposed site of the dreaded centaur Caehn Neagol, Neagol's End draws many adventurers and traders to our fair city.
+10% Global Trade Power

Rising from the AshesOur golden age came to an end with the Great Heartland Fire of 954 AA, which burned down more than 80 percent of Bozkuqayla and allowed our colonies to break free. With the unity and peace the Federation has brought to the land, we are finally in a position to reclaim our status as the grandest state in the Heartland.
-8% Development Cost

FreetowerOne of the few buildings to survive the fires, the Freetower is the castle that was built by the great Chelkot Talsen Itnel to bring a stop to Neagol's invasion. In the years since it has been converted into a grand residence for our leaders and features more than a dozen rooms to house visiting dignitaries.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

The Old DominionAs our city finally rebuilds and finds itself in a new golden age, our people have began to demand that our city reclaim the lands we lost in the wake of the Heartland Fire, and are willing to die on the battlefield to do so.
+3% Discipline

Champions of the FederationThere are those that would see our Federation torn asunder, plunging these lands back into squabbling city states and greedy merchant lords. It is our responsibility to ensure their plans come to naught, a responsibility our people are glad to take care of.
-10% Reinforce Cost

The New GuardThe armies of the Freetower march throughout the Heartland once more, enforcing the will of the Federation and entrenching our rule. The citizens of Bozkuqayla are eager to join our new militia.
+10% Land Force Limit Modifier

+5% Morale of Armies