Mizaqtochen Ideas

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+15% Garrison Size
+10% Trade Efficiency

The HauntwoodsSurrounding Mizaqtoch are the feared Hauntwoods. Avoided by most not just because of the pitch black environment but the horde of monsters that prowl throughout it, our patrols frequently come across the eviscerated remains of bandits and spies.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Refugees of the Tyrant QueenOur city was founded by the survivors of the Tyrant Queen's rampage, forced from their homes by her armies or twisted into the creatures that lurk just beyond sight through horrific experiments in transmutation. We are determined to not lose our new home.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

The CullingEvery 5 years our militia heads out into the Hauntwoods to cull the monstrous hordes. Our ranks are full of men that have fought the most horrific abominations one can imagine.
+8% Morale of Armies

Brightheart PassTo our west lies the Heartland, in the east lies the Brightmarch. Straddling the divide between these prosperous lands is Mizaqtoch, providing a valued resting point for merchants tired from running from shadows.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Copper CensusOriginally enacted to check who had been dragged off in the night, the Copper Census allows the government to set annual budgets to ensure the prosperity of our city.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Armed CitizenryEvery man, woman, and child capable of walking is armed and trained in combat, ready to defend our city from any invader, monstrous or otherwise.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Dharzim HoghakDharzim Hoghak, Always Vigilant. The motto of our city and an accurate descriptor for our guardsmen.
+10% Fort Defence

+3% Discipline