Qarshtulan Ideas

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-10% Development Cost
+1 Yearly Prestige

City of GlassThe prized frosted glass of Qarshtuluu is known from Länkinä to Zurkanrek, and perhaps even far beyond. It is our most treasured export and may very well be the most sought after luxury in the islands.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Vanguards of DemocracySince our founding we have always stood as the most stalwart guardians of freedom within the islands. From rebelling against the hegemons of Kovdazar, repelling and hunting the Tyrant Queen, and containing the warmongers of Vahjevgiiv, we are truly the bulwark of the people.
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Hired GuardsRather than subject our own people to the horrors of war, we have always used our great wealth to either hire mercenaries or buy out incoming armies. Though this may not have saved us from the barbarians of Vahjevgiiv, this was clearly due to us not spending enough on hired blades.
-15% Mercenary Maintenance
+3% Mercenary Discipline

Archives of EnuukLocated in the heart of the city, the Grand Archives of Enuuk hold records dating back to our city's founding, its venerated halls guarded fiercely to prevent the accords from being lost. Now that our city has recovered from its sorry state we are in a prime position to utilize the knowledge stored by our ancestors to look to the future.
-10% Institution Embracement Cost
+15% Institution Spread

Pride of the BrightmarchQarshtuluu is the greatest city in the islands, having once claimed dominion over a great stretch of land known as the Brightmarch, stretching from Länkuuhsta in the north to Yizuqkeyil in the south. Even with the incredible damage we sustained in the aftermath of the Vahjevgiivan conquest, our leaders know they have a great legacy to live up to.
+1 Random Candidate Bonus

Four Quarters of QarshtuluuQarshtuluu is split into 4 great quarters, the largest and most important being the scholarly and manufacturing quarters. The scholarly quarter is full of countless libraries and laboratories with our researchers granted unlimited access to the archives. The manufacturing quarter is an isolated ward where the producers of our frosted glass live and die, keeping our secrets of production from leaving our walls.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier
-5% Technology Cost

The Gem of the Islands, RestoredRising from the rubble, Qarshtuluu has returned from the brink of destruction to regain its rightful position as the most powerful city in the islands, dominating the interlake trade and pursuing our destiny as the leaders of the Federation.
+1 Merchants

+10% National Tax Modifier