Cursed Howl Ideas

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-1 National Unrest
+10% May Recruit Female Generals

On Gordak’s HonorUnder our old chieftain Bolk Cursed Howl, our clan lost its way. When our foes were defeated, Bolk refused to acknowledge their strength out of personal pettiness and ordered them slaughtered. When our warriors suffered the abominations of the Hunter’s Grove and horrors of the Flower Grove, Bolk only callously ordered them forward. Who knows how long this stain on our clan would’ve continued had Gordak Cursed Howl not challenged Bolk and killed him.\n\nUnder Gordak, things have changed. He holds each warrior accountable to the old ways of honor and strength. Foes are challenges to strengthen our clan. A chieftain is there to care and lead his warriors. And, as Gordak reminds us, should a chieftain ever stray from these time honored ways, we must challenge him.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The Cursed HowlA clan is born from the deeds of a great orc. For our clan, we honor the warrior Zur. Though he and a dozen other orcs were caught outnumbered ten to one by Escanni of the Blademarches, Zur did not back down. Instead he howled. And as his deep voice pierced the air, the other orcs began to howl as well. Then Zur charged, when others would have balked. Zur embraced death, when others would have run. When Zur fell, those who survived the Escanni ambush would continue to honor his warrior spirit by beginning every battle with his howl. Its terrible fervor drew others in, and as more orcs joined that howl, our clan took shape.\n\nThough Zur is long dead, the howl is not. It has echoed alongside the sounds of battle through the castles and towns of Escann, and now it sounds through the Deepwoods. Soon enough, it shall be heard throughout the world.
+10% Morale Damage

+15% Available Loot

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

-10% Construction Cost

+10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

+10% Goods Produced Modifier