Blightseed Ideas

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+1 Land Leader Shock
-25% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion

Lessons Through BattleWhen us orcs first invaded the Hunter’s Grove, we were met by the great elven general Oberon Fealgarn. Time and again he managed to inflict orcish defeat upon orcish defeat. And, though this left many orcs seething, our founder Og chose to grow from it.\n\nWhen he next met Oberon and his elves, Og used his shamanic powers to summon gnarled roots and withering vines to ensnare the Fealgarn elves, leading to Oberon’s first taste of defeat.\n\nNow chieftain, Og “Blightseed” challenged every warrior of his new clan to find lessons, not dishonor, in defeat. Even when Og was struck by a stray Fealgarn arrow, he held true to this view. With his dying breath, Og asked his son, and later chieftain, Bosk not to seek vengeance but to learn from his death. Bosk swore he and clan Blightseed would honor that wish.
+10% Military Technology Cost

Bigger QuarryIt is not enough to wait passively for challenges to come to you. The elves, while stubborn foes, are simply not enough to keep one’s warrior instincts properly honed, and we must seek out new tests in order to stay strong. Luckily, the Hunter’s Grove is full of such obstacles.\n\nThroughout the grove are strange and monstrous creatures unlike anything we encountered. Wingless and vicious crowlike monsters the size of a small house stalk the grounds. Toads as large as an orc with pustules that ooze acid lurk beneath shallow marshes. These beings and so many more bring certain death given one misstep. And it is for that reason we will hunt them, for those who survive will return stronger and wiser than before.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

+15% Available Loot

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

-10% Construction Cost

+10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

+10% Goods Produced Modifier