Verminhusk Ideas

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+20% Land Force Limit Modifier
+10% Morale of Armies

With a Little Help From My FriendsGoverning is all about delegating. No one can do everything. The archfey, who we have made extensive pacts with in the past, rely on our warlocks to make their sometimes incomprehensible agendas a reality. The chain of delegation doesn’t stop there, though. As we may work for the archfey, other fey may work for us.\n\nOne example is the Aralez. These fey come in the shape of winged dogs and are exceptional at carrying mail and messages, all for a bit of consistent attention. Another common fey we work with are fairies. They can be difficult partners, but are excellent consequences for missed taxes. And we shouldn’t forget a favorite of all administrators, Dobies. Scarcely coming up to a goblin’s knees, Dobies will faithfully copy any text or writ given a pact for a warm hearth.\n\nSuffice to say, we’ve gotten very good at delegating. It’s no wonder that our clan functions smoother than so many others.
-20% State Maintenance

Long Time NeighborsBefore the Greentide, our grove was unlike any other. Elves, fey, and us goblins lived in relative peace. There was the occasional raid on elves of Salla Ahain, which were entirely justified. Entirely unjustified counter-raids by the elves. And, there were more than a few pranks gone too far by the fey. But, it was far better than what our cousins faced in other groves.\n\nThose times are over. The orcs came and ruined that. However, we haven’t forgotten the lesson we learned during that time. Living together with long-time neighbors is a lot easier when we look past our differences.
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

The Clan of Many HandsSurely no goblin clan is like ours. Before the orcs came, the Wood Elf sorceress Selussa Ghul and her elven retainers joined us at the behest of our charmed clanboss. When the orcs came, goblin slaves eagerly joined us as we fought to free them. And when the scattered elves of Salla Ahain returned to the River Grove, Selussa Ghul forcibly brought them into her ranks, and by extension our own.\n\nWe know there is no goblin clan like ours. For what goblin clan can claim to have as many different hands as us?
+15% National Manpower Modifier

For Our Patrons.. and UsBy now, everyone knows how closely coupled our clan is with the fey. It is natural for others to assume that our clan’s actions are not just our own choosing, but also our patrons’. We’ve found this to be particularly useful during peace negotiations.\n\nMore than once, as we sat across from defeated foes carving out our rightful winnings, we’ve found the threat of invoking our patrons’ wrath to be enough to quiet any protests. After all, what’s the loss of one more province compared to the anger of the archfey?
-15% Province War Score Cost

Goblin Numbers, Elven TacticsIn the past, fights between goblins and elves were always fights of quantity against quality. Not that a goblin isn’t worth ten elves. It was just that the elves tended to be a bit quicker and more deft than us goblins in battle, while we always held the numbers advantage. Regardless, the past is over and the future is now.\n\nOur goblins now fight with elves, not just against them. And, over time, we have learned to compliment each other’s strengths. Our numbers as goblins can tie down anyone who opposes us, while the less numerous, but more nimble elves can strike from the sides and rear. Together, we will be unstoppable.
+10% Shock Damage

The River Grove CodeOur grove is perhaps the only grove in all the Deepwoods that is truly pleasant to live in. The many streams and rivers are teeming with delicious fish and shellfish. Woods hold bountiful and succulent fruit. And there are only a few creatures actively trying to kill you.\n\nWhen we were but one of the many small clans living here, we relied on tradition and bounty to determine who gets what. Now, however, our clanboss doesn’t have time to explain every tradition to everyone. Instead, we will write down our rules so everyone knows what they get and what we get too! These rules shall be known as the River Grove Code.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Secrets of the FeyThe ignorant believe that the Fey are bound to the Feyrealm. And fools assume that the only connection between Halann and the Feyrealm is the Deepwoods. We are neither ignorant nor foolish. \n\nGiven enough will and power, a fey can cross into our world. And, throughout not just Cannor but all of Halann, there are many portals tucked away connecting our plane and the Fey’s. Perfect for the Fey we have pacts with to cross through.\n\nFrom these crossings, these fey have seen many things. They’ve heard many whispers of knowledge. And sometimes they deign to share those with us.
+20% Institution Spread In True Faith Provinces

+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium