Amethyst Ideas

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-10% Idea Cost
-10% Leader Cost

Master BrewersThe Amethyst Dwarves of Hul-az-Krakazol were famous for their brewing. It is said that they were the people who originally discovered the fermenting process, and created the first beers. Backed by hundreds of years of improvements, Amethyst brews are renowned for their unique flavours, quality, and potency. The quality and quantity of ale produced in the hold was of such a high standard, that the Amethyst Gem was placed in the Dwarovkron of Aul-Dwarov to honour Hul-az-Krakazol's craft, expanding their influence all across the Empire.
-2 National Unrest

Amethyst HospitalsOstensibly founded after a boisterous party got out of hand, Hul-az-Krakazol was one of the first holds to set up a permanent hospital. Called the Heilzahul, the hospital became a place for many dwarves to learn how to heal. The practice carried into wars, with field hospitals and healers up near the front lines to help heal the inevitable casualties of war.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Green ThumbsThe best alcohol requires plants, and few holds could rival Hul-az-Krakazol's gardens and orchards. In certain caverns near the surface, the ceilings were opened up to the sky to allow the growth of plants that do not grow underground. During the early days of Aul-Dwarov, Amethyst dwarves assisted with maintaining the Serpent's Vale, taking advantage of this role to grow a variety of grains that favoured the climate of the Vale, with which they subsequently continued their experiments in beer-making and debauchery.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The ValkumolThe Valkumol, or 'Welcome Ale', is an Amethyst tradition of swapping an ale or beer when having a friendly meeting, helping everyone keep a calm demeanour during negotiations. The finer the spirit, the greater the respect shown to the recipient, it being common to give the finest in all of Aul-Dwarov to the High King and many other influential visitors when visiting Hul-az-Krakazol. Failing to bring spirits to swap can be perceived as a slight, and ignoring such a tradition would often be used to begin a duel between the two parties - even if the one who forgot happened to be the High King himself.
+20% Improve Relations

Berserker Battle BrewAmethyst armies were famous for their fearlessness in battle, showing no fear even against overwhelming odds. The secret to this unnatural bravery was a special brew that soldiers drank before heading into battle, which rendered them numb to pain and doubt and fear. The secret of this battle-brew would famously spread east when, according to the legends, a lost amethyst berserker was found by a dozen Xia martial artists. Fueled by the brew and thinking himself captured, he proceeded to fight and defeat all of the warriors before coming to his senses. Impressed by this feat, these martial artists traded the Amethyst dwarf refuge and safe passage for the secret of his spirits, and with this knowledge would go on to found a new branch of martial arts focused on utilising this new brew in Liuhexingzhe, where the Way of the Drunken Fist is practised to this day.
+15% Morale of Armies

Barrel BrigadesWarfare requires many supplies, but none are as critical as water. The Amethyst Dwarf Barrel Brigades were the logistical arm of Hul-az-Krakazol's army, and were famous for their efficacy, ensuring that the front-line soldiers always had something safe to drink. By bringing alcohol around, Amethyst armies faced far less trouble with bad water supplies than other armies, ensuring more dwarves reached the battle in good health.
+20% Land Attrition

Erig's LegacyIn the dark days of Praaq Bloodscrawl's chiefdom, The master brewer Erig Darkbarrel famously refused to abandon his brewery despite an encroaching tide of goblins. A few hundred dwarves stayed with him to delay the horde's advance while the outmatched Amethyst army rallied to the east and joined forces with Grôzumdihr . A week later, the combined armies returned to find that the brewery still stood, manned by a handful of survivors and surrounded by thousands of dead goblins. While Darkbarrel himself had fallen, his kegs still stood , stocked with ale and filled with the surviving dwarves who had celebrated their victory, swearing to defend Erig's Legacy to the last. This spirit still lingers in the armies of Krakazol, and many a mug is raised to Darkbarrel both before and after battle, swearing first to fight to the death, and second to remember the fallen.
-10% Shock Damage Received

+1 Random Candidate Bonus