Mountainshark Ideas

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+1 Land Leader Shock
+50% Looting Speed

Glimmers of HopeThere was once a time where goblins roamed the Serpentspine freely, without anyone to oppress them. Many clans struggled against dwarves and orcs, but none other had to endure the pain we had been subjected to. As slaves to a black orc warband we were the lowest of the low, we were worth less than the dirt we slept on. But deep in our hearts there stirred a thought. A faint memory of hope that someday we could be free once more. This hope nurtured us, strengthened our resolve. It is only through these decades of hidden resistance that we could eventually gain our freedom from the orcs.
+10% Morale of Armies

Empty HallsThe rise of Dookanson meant that almost all orc warbands had left the Serpentspine, leaving behind a gigantic power vacuum that is slowly being filled by the innumerous goblins crawling out of the eternal shadow. If we want to stay relevant in this world we must make haste and fill these empty halls with our own goblin kin who serve us and only us.
+20 Global Settler Increase
-1 National Unrest

Cutthroat ExpertiseTo survive in the harsh world of the Serpentspine the Clanboss needs only the most capable advisors around him. But in a world forged by fearsome strife and bloody battles such as the Serpentspine a simple academic is useless if they can’t fight. To prove that an advisor can survive the world they need to fight for their place. Whoever wishes to lead must defeat the one in front of him. This way only the truly strong will be the ones to advise the Clanboss on matters of state.
+2 Possible Advisors

Mithril CoinageThe brutal advisors of our clan demand high pay for their services which has put significant financial strain on our treasuries. To ease the burden we have supplemented their pay with coins not made of gold but of mithril, which we have in relative abundance thanks to our home, the mithril hold of Mithradhûm. This mithril coinage enables us to put our gold to other use.
-10% Advisor Cost

Reuse RefuseLeft in the wake of the fall of Aul-Dwarov many holds and roads are full of ancient dwarven mechanisms and machinery of war. Those that have not been trashed by roaming black orc warbands can still be put to some use. Especially the old cannons and firearms are useful once they are outfitted and repaired with what we can find elsewhere. These patchwork weapons are quite hefty and to our delight we have found that they leave more than a few scars and blue spots.
-10% Artillery Cost

Innovative MiningWhile drills and pickaxes are perfectly suitable tools to scratch the rock of the Serpentspine they are not much use if we want to dig down fast. For that we need to blast away all of the useless rock by firing explosives from our mithril-cannons and free the precious, shiny metals, obliterating the surrounding stone in much the same way as we did to our warband when we gained freedom. These new mining practices will show the world what it truly means to dig a mine.
-5% Development Cost
+5% Production Efficiency

The Great SharkOur clan’s name comes from Glozok the Shark, the goblin who brought us out of slavery and into freedom. Under his leadership we have become more than a ragtag group of warriors. To this day it is his fierce wisdom that guides us and our Clanboss into the future. Each goblin of Mountainshark tries to emulate the genius, the cunning, and the incredible violence which he showed us.
+1 Random Candidate Bonus

+1 Yearly Devotion+1 Yearly Horde Unity+1 Yearly Legitimacy+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition