Ebenmasser Ideas

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-10% Cavalry Cost
+5% Settler Chance

Taming the ExpanseThe Expanse stretches out as far as the eye can see without any natural landmark and danger is everpresent, from Epednar raids to the occasional landshark attack, fond of horses as they are.\n\nWe can't settle the entirety of such a vast area, but we will bring safety to the flatlands by building small wooden forts every few miles. No matter how remote the location, a few of our horsemen will always be able to react quickly.
-10% Fort Maintenance

Buffalo CullingThe buffalo herds are one of the Expanse's greatest dangers, a bovine wave several miles wide trampling everything in its path; but they are also an almost endless resource.\n\nOur hunting parties simply shoot their entire ammo stock in the herd and bring back as much as they can carry. This practice has earned us the inimity of the Epednar tribes that rely on the herds to survive, which was noticed by the Juzornic lords who in turn pay us to focus on the herds of tribes they deem hostile.\n\nThe massive cullings are thus doubly profitable for Ebenmas.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Four-Horned ExhibitionThe largest cattle fair in the entire Ynn, held every year in the town of Zelen on the Ynnic border. Cattlemen bring tens of thousand of aurochs along the Ravatynn river and sell them to Cannorians and Ynnics alike.\n\nWhen this happens, Zelen quintuples in size, and the herds extend as far as the horizon. It is said each cattle baron has more aurochs to manage that the Ebenmasser mayor has men to rule.
+10% Domestic Trade Power
-1% Prestige Decay

Prasoynn TrailMost Ebenmassers settled along the Ravatynn river, but it is itself a tributary of the larger Prasoynn which finds its source in the Ekyunimoy range and ends up merging with the Ynn near Mocvare.\n\nThere has been rumors of gold to be found in the west in the 17th century, and many settlers followed the Prasoynn to reach the mountains. Thanks to our efforts to tame the great flatlands, the biggest danger they had to face was dysentery; but many pioneers were underprepared and the Expanse claimed most of them.\n\nYet, more settlers headed westward every year, a proof of the Ebenmasser's enduring spirit.
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

Ynno-Cannorian MediatorEbenmas has diplomatic ties with the Ynn dating back from 1560; many Ebenmassers served Ynnic lords faithfully, and their merchants are present in numbers equal to their Cannorian counterparts.\n\nThis special relation was officially recognized in 1625, after the devastating War of the Bacaran Succession. Despite supporting opposing sides, with Ebenmas favoring Vels Bacar and Arganjuzorn backing Arverynn, no shot was fired over the border, which allowed both of us to end the war mostly unscathed. Lord Artorean V of Arganjuzorn therefore gave us the title of Mirdarant, Shield of Peace, in a grand ceremony. Most interactions between them and non-Ynnics would thus have to go through us as an intermediary.\n\nRumors that Artorean sought to ensure that Ebenmas would act as a first line of defence against the rising Dragon Dominion are of course nothing but slander.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Rider, Epednan RangerThe best rangers in the Expanse are from Tellumtir and can take on an Epednan landshark by themselves. The best of the best, however, was a man from Ebenmas, Castén Rider; it is said he could beat a landshark to a pulp with his bare hands and ride it back home afterwards.\n\nNo obstacle was too great for Rider, and every Ebenmasser ranger dreams to emulate his exploits. The ones that reach even a fraction of his crazyness are simply known as Riders.\n\nAs our best men, it is only natural that they lead their fellow Ebenmassers in battle.
+1 Land Leader Fire

The Pale Rider"In the eyes of the Pale Rider\nThe unsuspecting stranger\nHad better know the truth of wrong from right\n'Cause the eyes of the Rider are upon you\nAny wrong you do, he's gonna see\nWhen you're in Ebenmas, look behind you\n'Cause that's where the Rider's gonna be"\n\n-An Ebenmasser tale about a mysterious stranger appearing out of nowhere to help the truly hopeless, that no-gooders always seem to recognize too late.
-1 National Unrest
-0.05 Yearly Corruption

+10% Governing Capacity Modifier