Ynnic Imperial Ideas

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-20% Cavalry Cost
+100% Vassal Force Limit Contribution

First Elven Empire of This EraThe world beyond the cliffs, with its many so-called revelations, has confirmed something which we have long suspected: that we are the oldest and greatest Empire built by the elves of this era.\n\nIf there were any empires before the Flood, all memory of them is gone along with the old decadent world. After the Flood, the other surviving elves across Aelantir rebuilt their nations only to see them devolve into mob rule, squabbling magocracies or outright anarchy. The day the Ynnic Empire rose, the elves of the Remnant Fleet were still stranded at sea. The day the Ynnic Empire fell, the Empire built by the strongest of the Sun Elves, Jaher, had already turned to ashes.\n\nIf our eastern kin wants to posture themselves as "Elven Reclaimers" and bringers of civilization, they'll be sorely disappointed to find an empire that was built by the elves who never fled Aelantir like they did.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+1 Monthly Splendour
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Great Works of Imperial ArchitectureMany works of grandeur were constructed during the Ynnic Imperial heydays, and as the restorers of the Empire it is our duty to not only see its monuments cared for and rebuilt to the best state they can be, but to also build new, greater projects as the land is ushered into a new era of prosperity and technical advancement.\n\nThe master engineers who oversaw the construction of the Great Ynnic Dams are gone, their dynasties tragically extinguished during the fall of the Ynnic Empire. However, many Cannorian builders and specialists have stepped forth to fill in their shoes, some even treating it as a challenge more than as a job, and disregarding the pay.\n\nWe will not choose lightly who shall receive the Imperial seal and the resulting honour to take part in the Empire's legacy; however, we can say we have ample choice all the same.
-10% Construction Cost
-10% Development Cost

Champion of the YnnOriginally bestowed by Empress Zeldja upon a mute adventurer who saved her from an ambush, the title of "Champion of the Ynn" confers the rights to military command as well as great status to its bearer: to be a champion of the Ynn is to be a hero blessed by the River itself, a main actor in the fates of elvenkind who shoulders the well-being of the land (it is also mandatory to be a horse-rider).\n\nMany Ynnic Imperial generals committed valiant deeds in the pursuit of this title, sometimes giving their lives, sometimes achieving victories against all odds. Some people go as far as to say that even the knights of the realm, who are now so ubiquitous, originated as nothing more than humble adventurers looking to one day be Champion, once.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability

The Lessons of the Civil WarsWhile the Ynnic Empire enjoyed many centuries of harmonious collaboration, we cannot forget the times it was ravaged by its own people, who had been torn asunder by discord, envy and treachery.\n\nThree great Ynnic Civil Wars tore away at the fabric of our Empire, from the uprising of the Rider Assembly against the power of the Emperor, to the war between the cousins Calrodiy and Ivranvit for the throne, to the division of the Empire in three warring states which invited barbarians and traitors to take the stage, culminating in great ruin and the sundering of the Ynn into many small realms.\n\nOur line has emerged victorious from the fires of the third civil war and reforged the Empire, so let us bask in the peace of prosperity of today, but let us be prepared to ride, swiftly and decisively, to crush any rebel stronghold before the fires of rebellions can even threaten to set our fair riverlands aflame in a fourth civil war.
-2 National Unrest

The Prayer of Emperor GamelirnAs we achieve internal cohesion, we can't grow neglectful of our neighbours either. The Epednan Expanse and the Veykodan overlands, home to the springs of the Divine Ynn, are ever-shifting frontiers, and their inhabitants, while perhaps more loyal than the past barbarians, never shy from making clear their ardent love for freedom.\n\nOne moment of us turning our gaze away from them is enough for all the flags of Tellumtir in a town to be replaced by the banners of Elathael, and once we are back paying attention, those will already have been replaced by the shields of Chippengard.\n\nLet us invoke the prayer of Emperor Gamelirn, so that it may quell their ardent spirits: «In the name of all that is good, o Divine Ynn, let me ride to the lands near and far, wherever war has left the mar. Let me quell the fires, dispel hatred, trample injustice.»\n\nWhat good is a free world, if the passing of its days is marked by suffering?
+1% Missionary Strength
-25% Liberty Desire from Subject Development

Emperor of the Ynnics, and…The Ynnic Empire was originally sustained by the union of two great peoples: the Dolindhans, righteous and strong, and the Sarda, patient and wise. Power gradually shifted from the former to the latter as time went forward, but they kept working together, for they were the Ynnics, and theirs was the Ynnic Empire to hoist upwards as a beacon of civilization against the savages that threatened to destroy it.\n\nHowever, times have changed; not only have the relations between Sarda and Dolindhans soured gravely, but now there are many among the newly-arrived races of humans, dwarves and halflings who profess themselves as collaborators of the Ynnic Empire. We would be wise not to take all those claims for granted, however it would be needlessly arrogant to write them all off as trouble-making outsiders.\n\nCooperation with the Cannorians opens up a great deal of opportunities, especially if we take the time to break down such a catch-all grouping as "Cannorians" into more specific terms such as "Ebenmassers", "West Tipneyans" and "Beggastonics", to truly see which of these peoples are worthy of our time, and of one day becoming our peers as the backbone of the Ynnic Empire.
+4 Max Promoted Cultures

The Three Forks TheoremDescribed by Roy Elsavels, a naturalized human philosopher serving at the court of the Sarda emperor, the Three Forks Theorem states that like the Ynn River is a succession of three-way junctions between rivers, the success of Ynnic Emperors is the juncture of three moving forces:\n\nStrength, without which the emperor is unable to rule.\n\nWisdom, without which the emperor is unable to rule well.\n\nAnd finally benevolence, without which the Emperor is unable to rule any different than nature already would.
+1 Free Policies

+15% Morale of Armies