Jhorgashirran Ideas

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+1 Land Leader Shock
+20% Religious Unity

JhorgacuithSeized from the heartland of the Winter Court during the Hibernal Crusade, Jhorgashirr must forge their own realm to stand against the harsh cold. It is no easy task, far from their home and deprived from its comfort, and surrounded not only by the freezing death but also their wintry fanatics. Jhorgacuith will stand against these threats: the outer fortifications at Garmcrabh will shelter our new home from the harshest blows, while Jhorgacuith's wide surrounding walls will guard our precious farmland.
+15% Fort Defence

The Cold TruthOur endless struggle against Winter has left us huddling within our fortresses, desperate for warmth. Our victories in the field against the Snecboth fanatics has done little to ease the cold, the seasons continue to shift from the pale imitation of Summer to the long Winter. We are not blessed with Golden Acres like in our homeland, eternally bound to the most pleasant Autumn.\n\nIt has become clear: Winter cannot be stopped by warfare with the Snecboth, as they have no more control over the seasons than we do. In fact, while Winter brings pain and suffering, it is natural. The Snecboth revere Winter not to bring suffering into the world, but for them and their children to survive. The Snecboth are no different than us, let us cast aside our petty differences and unite as brethren!
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

Midwinter OathsThe revelation that the Hibernal Crusade's goal of extinguishing Winter is false has lead us on a new path: while we cannot back out of our conquests, we will right our wrongs by ending the Hibernal Crusade! Winter will coexist with Autumn under our leadership from the Randrunnse to the Fogharabh and beyond! To ensure the loyalty of our subjects, the Midwinter Oaths must be undertaken by all. An adaption of the pre-revelation Jhorgashirran warrior code, the Midwinter Oaths require all to accept the validity of the Winter Court and allegiance to the Frostguard.
+10% Morale of Armies

Terms of Chivalrous SurrenderAmongst the many chivalric oaths expected in Jhorgashirran society, the practices of siege warfare are meticulously codified within the treatise 'Terms of Chivalrous Surrender.' From generals to footsoldiers all are expected to follow the guidelines as to create a predictable expectation for all enemies of Jhorgashirr. Fortified locations are given the option to surrender with dignity and retreat with their lives. If they do not accept our generous offer, they will be slaughtered to the last living soul.\n\nThe Terms of Chivalrous Surrender have never been broken: all know of their fate when besieged. Stubborn enemy commanders who believe they may persevere find that mutiny and sabotage is rife within their fortifications, their soldiers hoping that they will be treated with mercy should they overthrow their leader.
+1 Leader Siege

Permafrost to HarvestThe shoreline of the Randrunnse is a seemingly endless expanse of rocky, frozen pine forests and wintry bogs unsuited for habitation. The Hibernal Crusaders settled in Jhorgashirr after conquering the local Snecboth for both its defensive position and port access, but soon found that the loamy soil there holds some promise.\n\nYears later, with the marriage between Snecboth survival techniques and Autumnal rites, Jhorgashirr has become a pastoral haven in the frozen north. Where the soil was once frozen, fields of healthy crops and fruit trees laden with fruit bring life outside of the cold winter, and some say that Jhorgashirr hosts the finest harvest festivals of all Eordand!
-10% Development Cost

Intra-Eordand Settlements OrdinanceCannorian explorers from across found refuge in Jhorgashirr following their journey across the Broken Sea, and spread tales of our hospitality back home. While no tall tales may hide the fact that our lands are far from perfect, sometimes all someone needs is a place to build a new life.\n\nTrickling in during the late 18th century, settlers from Cannor established small homesteads and communities from which they hunted for furs and fished alongside the local Snecboth. Tensions were eased by heavily penalizing the adventurers who sought to abuse our hospitality, and ensuring that the settlers who follow our laws and renounce their country of origin are protected by law.
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

The Royal Jhorgashirran Fur SeizureFurs have always been a staple export from the Randrunnse coastline, and with Cannorian traders the demand has more than doubled. However, the promise of wealth has brought exploitative adventurers and trade companies who seek to drain our realm dry of wealth. In 1773 all fur trade was mandated solely sold through partnership with government officials, and all who refused or broke this order had their entire stock seized. Cannorian trading companies were likewise raided and expelled.\n\nThe Royal Jhorgashirran Fur Seizure would cause panic and uproar across Cannor, and even increased demand of furs, perfect for the ambitious to take advantage of. Mercenary companies were hired by Raithtall and their allies against Einnsag and their Autumnal League, but the adventurers instead invaded and seized Jhorgashirr and Slegcal, and were soon realized to be agents of the Gnomish Hierarchy.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

+1 Land Leader Fire