Kairncalan Ideas

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+2% Missionary Strength
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Riches BeneathKairncal harbor has always been shielded by a natural bay, but it is not only a favorable port town. This bay has always been fertile and replete with animal- and plant-life in vibrant reefs, fertilized by the sweet waters of the Milsgelp but shielded from its strong currents. These waters are plied by divers and druids who tend to beautiful coral and shellfish beds, harvesting pearls, shells, and other gems of the sea for sale as popular jewellery across Eordand.
+10% Production Efficiency

OathbreakersCenturies ago and shrouded in antiquity, all of Eordand was united in worshipping each of the seasons equally. When that unity was shattered, war erupted between the tribes. The loyalist forces of Pelodan the First were finally defeated near Kairncal when they were betrayed by the locals. Disavowing Eordellon and accepting Spring as the season paramount in secret, the ancient Kairncalans tricked the Peitar into believing they were still allies. On the eve of battle, the Kairncalan formations turned on the Peitar, leading to a devastating defeat of the Eordellon that still echoes to this day. Since then the Kairncalans make sure to meticulously study and prepare for any situation like their ancestors long ago.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Gathgob LighthouseOn the far western coast of Eordand the Gathgob peninsula juts into the ocean, separating out the Milsgelp and Sarmadfar seas. This coastline is treacherous for its ever-shifting sands, creating and destroying new bays, points, and sandbars monthly. Luckily for Kairncal, the ancient Precursors had recognized this and built a mighty lighthouse that still stands to this day. Although overgrown with vines and constantly under repair, its druidic fires make sure that all passing ships know where it is safe to sail, avoiding shipwrecks.
-10% Naval Attrition
+5% Trade Efficiency

Milsgelp Seaweed SailsPast the sheltered bay of Kairncal, the Milsgelp sea surges with sweet and fertile water rising from the depths of the seas beyond. Vast forests of seaweed host underneath the ocean grow, full of fish and monsters beyond explanation. This seaweed grows incredibly fast: whether it is from the magic of Aelantir or simply the fertile water is debated. Seaweed is harvested by the Kairncali in the oceans, but the vast majority of it is grown on terraced farms on land. The plentiful seaweed is often woven in flexible and tough sails, allowing for our ships to sail with ease and security of always having replacement sails.
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre

Winds and StormsKairncal is at the conflux of Spring and Summer: it is no surprise that their druids and clerics of Spring favor to channel the powers of Winds and Storms, overlapping powers between the two seasons. Powerful gusts and devastating deluges can wreak havoc on the course of a merchant vessel, but with the channelling of magic these can be dispelled or shifted. Doldrums causing ships to become stranded can be solved as well by summoning winds to propel ships away.
+1 Merchants

Sunrise Meteorological SocietyGenerations of ship-borne druids and clerics have gained experience and knowledge about the pattern of seasons: the Sunrise Meteorological Society has compiled this knowledge and aims to understand the greater pattern behind of the weather. There is more than just understanding... with effort the whole climate may be shifted through channeling magic in small increments. A wind here, more rain there, all combined can be used to create a new climate that is perfected to our needs.
-10% Development Cost

Gateway to the GlorelthirCannorian traders travelling north to Glorelthir and beyond will need to stop somewhere for supplies and rest. Luckily for them, the perfect port exists. For the few days or weeks they stay, the Cannorian sailors can spend their money on tempting trinkets and exotic services, and if a few spend all their money or are kicked off their crews, the better for us. These down-on-their-luck sailors can earn their place by lending us their services as soldiers.\n\nOf course, Kairncal's position has made it a valuable target for Cannorian powers, and in 1781 the Vanbury Guild forcibly gained Kairncal as a treaty port from Arakepruni control.
-10% Mercenary Cost
+3% Mercenary Discipline

+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier