Elchosi Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Morale of Armies

Goldtree RebellionElchos was once firmly part of the Arakepruni heartland until the revolt by Manaron Goldtree. For too long the bureaucrat clerics of Arakeprun had misused our lands and insulted the rights of the nobility, slowly taking all power and authority from our lawful hands. Manaron Goldtree organized a pact with the true sons of Elchos, and made secret deals with the so-called "Champions" of Pelomar. In 1435 war erupted with the Elchosi quickly seizing control of all our rightful lands this side of the Arrag River. Were it not for the vile Filnar Dawnbringer, we would have defeated Arakeprun once and for all and asserted our rule over the Spring Court!
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

Arrag RiverlandsThe Arrag River is the lifeblood of Spring Court lands of Darhan and Monkast, with goods from furs, crops, and precursor relics flowing down the river in trade barges. In truth the Arrag River is situated mostly within Arakepruni lands, but the Riverlands themselves are the borderlands between the two states. Constant patrols and surveillance must be carried out to stop the Arakepruni from stealing our rightful Riverlands. We will not let those stuffy and low-born academics steal our goods, most importantly our relics!
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

Hibiscine ChampionsThe sweet smell of Spring heralds the arrival of the Hibiscine Champions - our most elite noble-born cavalry. Bedecked in beautiful - and expensive - bronze armor ornamented with floral designs, these Champions earn their name from their obsession with herbal teas which perfume them. None laugh at the Hibiscine, for all know that their aroma is not only of flowers, but also of the impending doom of all their enemies!
+20% Cavalry Combat Ability

EldersfieldPrecursor ruins sprout from our eastern lands of Letmener and Varn like grand, but withered, trees. Although we extract valuable relics from these lands, they are also the burial ground of the Elchosi, with vast fields of blossoms marking the graves of our finest. The Eldersfield attracts pilgrimages each year, and many stay in these lands to perform rituals for the dead, forming new communities of their own.
-10% Development Cost

Manaron Court of the EsteemedAlthough the nobility reign supreme in Elchos, elsewhere in Eordand they are hounded and oppressed by clerics, druids, and even snake-tongued merchants! A grand courthouse and dining hall, the Manaron Court of the Esteemed also doubles as a secret meeting place for noblemen abroad who plot with the Elchosi to overthrow their masters. The Elchosi nobility are loyal due to this united cause of fighting for the rights of the nobility throughout Eordand.
-1 National Unrest
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Aromatic MarketsAir heavy with aromas sweet, spicy, and everything wondrous perfumes the markets of Elchos from candles, incense, flowers, and more. It is said that the scents bring back memories of both that have been and have never been...
+10% Trade Efficiency

Tear Down the Druids!In our past the Druids and Clerics held us with leashes, and even after the Goldtree Rebellion they managed to persist in leeching from us like parasites. No more! All these decadent bureaucrats will be thrown down from their gilded towers and face reality: they are nothing more than cloud-whisperers whose powers are nothing to stop our blades!
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

+10% National Manpower Modifier