Dearktiran Ideas

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+15% Cavalry Combat Ability
+1 Yearly Prestige

Pink, Magenta, and Purple!Dearktiran society is obsessed with the bright and vibrant colors of pink, magenta, and purple, sourced from sunlit groves of flowering bushes. The petals of these bushes are crushed into powder and made into dye which ornament all manner of garish clothing, furniture, and even paper. It is said that the very appearance of noisome pinks and purples can be identified as the high-born Dearktiran, recognized by their prided vibrant colors even above the flowers of the Spring Court.
+10% Production Efficiency

Stranglehold of BillelThe islands of Billel was nothing of note until the grace of Dearktir claimed it: naught but a few mostly barren islands with little other than grass, skies and sea. Billel is near Murdkather, our greatest adversary, so near that one could control the trade going in and out of the city. Carodir Strongarm saw the use in the island in 1432, providing a great fortune to colonize it and establish a port at which our navy can strangle them with fees. Our hold on Billel over Murdkather may one day prove that Dearktir is the greatest city in the Sarmadfar!
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

Sports of the NobilityThe long, warm days of Summer may seem like the ideal state for pleasure, but for the most upstanding of Dearktir it has become rather tiresome. There are only so many galas, parades, hunts, and other affairs that may entertain one can endure... but astride their prized mounts, the nobles charge to war! The thrill of battle, exhilarating in victory, the uncertainty of the moment - Dearktiran nobles live and breathe for war!
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
-1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay

Crash of the WavesNoble estates throughout Dearktir are often surrounded by pastures dedicated to antlered warmounts, the embodiment of Dearktiran pride and virtues. When war calls, the nobles eagerly race to battle on their mounts. Like the waves of the Sarmadfar, the Dearktiran nobility crash down upon the enemy like an unstoppable tidal wave in their eternal quest for glory. And if the first wave does not succeed, in the end all broken down by the waves.
+0.25 Cavalry Shock

In the Precursor StyleWhen it comes to partying, the Dearktiran are scholars in the art of debauchery and historians of the old traditions. While they may all be renowned for their care-free ways, the nobility claim for themselves an even greater spotlight. South of Drisleak are the Precursor ruins of Marmaroc, a palace of hedonism in the ruins of the old world. The celebrations extend farther than just the tents and fireworks at the surface: the half-ruined labyrinthine tunnels underneath Marmaroc are littered with galas and dives until the candlelight dims... and there in the darkness further decadence.
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Lawful Ownership of the SarmadfarAll objects may be bought and sold, even parcels of land, so why not the seas? The Sarmadfar is bordered by heretics who disregard the supremacy of Summer, the clerics who are blinded by the sun, and shopkeepers who have no respect for peerage! It is clear that there are none but Dearktir who may inherit the Sarmadfar. In the late 15th century the Sonad Ivran Goldbrook declared that the Sarmadfar was hereby property of Dearktir, and all who trespass on it may have their property confiscated. Following this proclamation, many vessels of rival nations were seized under this pretext, serving a greater purpose for the true rulers of the Sarmadfar!
+20% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships

Floating PalacesDearktirs are not known to be at the forefront of naval warfare, crippled by the controlling nobility focusing more on their pasture estates. However, they may be enticed to divert their attention elsewhere: in the words of the great admiral Vaceran Firesong 'If I am to sail, it had better be no worse than my third manor!' Although vast sums are wasted on decorating the warships, the nobles compete against each other for the most prestigious floating palace using their own riches. These floating palaces must naturally have the best panelling and guns, as the noble's toys cannot possibly sink!
-10% Heavy Ship Cost
+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

-20% Cavalry Cost