Degakheioni Ideas

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+1 Colonists
+20% Garrison Size

Development of the City-StateFor as far back as our records go, the city-state (the kheion) has always been at the center of the Kheionai life. Many attempts to unify the region have happened in the past, but the deadly Kaydhano sandstorm would periodically kill those caught in its winds and destroy much infrastructure outside of the cities making effective communication impossible. As such we have learned to best utilize all the space we have available.
-10% Development Cost

Warrior CultureFor most other countries the army is important, but simply another part of their nation. This is not so for us, here being a warrior is synonymous with being a citizen. A true degabhen will dedicate most of his life towards perfecting the art of warfare and when called to battle will fend off armies much larger than theirs, as their ancestors did during the League War several centuries ago.
+5% Discipline

Children of the KheionaiExpansion outside of our walls was a strenuous task and our great cities eventually became overcrowded. Facing this, our predecessors turned to beyond the Cleaved Sea and there founded settlements that would not be touched by the storms. These nékheis - 'New Cities' - have proven extremely successful, and with them we have discovered that there are vast lands filled with riches simply waiting for us to exploit them.
+5% Settler Chance
+15 Global Settler Increase

Great Works of South AelantirBe it the Grand Library of Lokemeion, the Goliath of Degakheion, the Wondrous Harbour of Ormam, or simply the vast amphitheatres and lifelike statues present in any Kheionai city, it is undeniable by any who have seen our work that we have mastered the art of architecture.
-10% Construction Cost
-1% Prestige Decay

The DaografíDue to its harsh requirements, in its infancy our army would often find itself unable to conscript an acceptable number of warriors. It was thus necessary that we created a strict and efficient governmental body, the Daografí, that would make sure that every possible warrior had been accounted for. Even as our nation expands, and more and more people are counted as citizens, our institution must remain as efficient as ever. Every man that can serve, will serve.
+20% National Manpower Modifier

The First NékheiWhen Devand was discovered, the first Nékhei was founded by none other than us. This was possible thanks to the great general Eranian, the man in charge of our expedition towards the new lands. He was a true visionary, and taught the men under him to not only fight, but also build. We should extend Eranian's lessons to all citizens so that, when idle, our warriors will still help further our state by assisting the construction of important buildings.
-20% Construction Time

Secure the KheionaiIn 1651 the cities of the Kheionai put aside their differences and signed the "Edict of Protection", a series of trade laws that defended their lands from the siphoning influence of Cannorian merchants and trade companies.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

+10% Trade Efficiency