Inek Ideas

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+10% National Tax Modifier
+10% Morale of Armies

Tribute from the CliffsInek is a realm blessed by the heavens, and as such we are regularly sent tribute in the form of gold adorned coffins which fall from the Great Waterfall and flow down the river. Within these holy vessels sits the body of an ancestor as well as great treasures, which we display with great pride as a sign of our holiness.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Unite the BoekIt is said that many years ago warriors came from the heavens to unify the warrior tribes of the Boek. We are the descendants of these warriors, and our lands are the results of their conquests as is proven by our most sacred artifact, a solid gold medallion with an embedded blue jewel, representing the river our tribe was to settle along, and which still brings us our tribute from the heavens. We must expand our tribe and unite the Boek; as is our destiny.
-0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change
+10 Global Settler Increase

The KuukuswlawsWhile our destiny is shaped by the heavens our people are shaped by something darker, something older, something hidden reaching out from the depths and into the minds of the Inek: the Kuukuswlaws, the speaker in the water.\n\nThe Kuukuswlaws whispers of things no man should know. It whispers of the world as it is, not as you know it but the strange and incomprehensible truth of it all. It whispers of the world as it was, a time before time when the world was water, and the water was the world. And then, it whispers of you. Your deepest desires, those we hide even from ourselves, and how they can all come to bear. And the whispers, they drag you down. Down to the bay where the waters beckon you. Down under the chilly surface of the water and to the depths. Down into the embrace of the Kuukuswlaws and once the Kuukuswlaws embraces you, you never return.
-2 National Unrest

World Above the CliffsIn our ancient legends there is a tale of the brave few Inek who climbed the great cliffs, ascending to the world beyond where the people there bestowed upon them great gifts of gold, in exchange for the face of one of our gods. Inspired by this legend, and aided by a foreigner named Adrien síl Terr, a group of Braves from our tribe gathered to make the fabled journey once more, seeking to learn about the people who live there and gain their aid in expanding our tribe.\n\nAt first it seemed they feared us, believing us to be some form of demons, and were cautious with their words, telling us little of their tribe and the other tribes of the river. That changed when we told them of the vast ocean beyond the cliffs astonished they lead our expedition to the local chief Seronval asking endless questions about the bay and yet strangely disregarding our warnings.\n\nUpon our arrival their chief granted our tribe many gifts, most notable of all was the necklace granted to Tewalari, our chief, before his departure, and its striking resemblance to the artifact granted to us by the heavens. Tewalari saw this sign and, realizing that these people were also working in service of the heavens, promised to return to them thus becoming Tewalari Doboni-Achukkoa, Tewalari the Divine Passageway.
-10% Idea Cost

Draining the InvadersIn the year 1523 the invaders came from the sea. While we did not know from where they had come, we knew why. They meant to steal from us, from the moment they saw our tribe, adorned with the riches granted to us by the heavens, there was jealousy in their eyes, and we knew they would return, to push out of our homeland and claim what is rightfully ours.\n\nThey returned not long after, bringing with them a host armed with great weapons that far outmatched our own, but they believed their weapons made them invincible, and they did not know the land as we do. A small force of our Braves awaited them, weapons at the ready. They marched to face us, and found themselves sinking, having walked into a concealed bog. But they pressed on, towards the mound where our warrior awaited them, their fate sealed.\n\nThe signal was given.\n\nOur warriors arose from the depths where they had concealed themselves. The invaders were outnumbered with 10 of our warriors to each of their own. Surrounded and outnumbered the invaders were helpless and we slaughtered them to the last man.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Taming of the WetlandsWhile the wetlands have long sheltered our people, protecting them from would be invaders and sustaining us, our tribe has grown too large and the marshy terrain is not best for building, it has come time to drain the wetlands, creating new lands for our people allowing our tribe to grow bigger than ever before.
-10% Development Cost

Ynnsmouth SettlementWhilst the Inek had nominally settled Ynnsmouth, the settlement was never a large one, likely due to the Inek's fear of the seas, and the Kuukuswlaws lurking in the bay. The Cannorians had no such fears and were more than happy to settle along the coast, however none settled Ynnsmouth, likely due to both the Inek Braves who would attack any colonists and a deeper, instinctive, feeling that Ynnsmouth should be avoided.\n\nThe first permanent Cannorian settlement in Ynnsmouth was founded as late as 1673 by a small group of settlers from Busilar, having fled the country due to conflicts over the continued worship of certain Regent Court deities by the populace. Following the foundation of this settlement the Inek found themselves drawn towards the coast, expanding the Inek settlement and eventually absorbing the Busilari settlement. Ynnsmouth grew to become a major trading hub due its prime position at the mouth of the Ynn. Most traders do not stay for long.
+10% Global Trade Power

+15% Manpower Recovery Speed