Fadhevychi Ideas

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+15% National Manpower Modifier
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Calrodiy's LegacyFadhevych's history is recent, being built in the tenth century after Flood by Emperor Calrodiy I on the site of his victory against chieftess Dmina of the Veykodans. Like Arverynn, Fadhevych's fortified core was built atop an artificial mound and like Arverynn it stood to guard the realms of Sarda from Veykodan incursions.\n\nHowever, where Arverynn's position at the fork of the Ynn River made it very easy to resupply by boat - and thus very hard to besiege - the sons and daughters of Fadhevych had to fight tooth and nail in order to hold onto their possession. This ensured that while Arverynn grew rich and fat and its main enemy became the ones within, the people of Fadhevych remained steadfast, true, and soldier-like.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

To the GarrisonsWritten in 904 after Flood by the poet Talvyr yen Arkilodo, "To the Garrisons" is a poetry book narrating the siege of an imaginary castle named "Calrodiya" at the hands of giants. Its protagonist, Yelrodiy, is a clear representation of the then-Emperor Calrodiy I, and it is through his sometimes harsh decisions - as well as his strategic, tactic and logistic genius - that the castle manages to remain standing in the face of an existential threat. The castle being a colossal structure with hundreds of rooms and corridors, it is divided into five sections among which is the Eastern Keep, believed to be a representation of Fadhevych.\n\nFor this reason, and for the way the book glorifies both rulers and common soldiers alike, there is no feast in Fadhevych that doesn't feature a reading of at least one chapter of the book, preferably one focusing on the Eastern Keep, and, during times of siege, the most famous verses of the book are sung collectively by the troops on the walls at night, keeping their morale and unity high.
-15% Fort Maintenance
+10% National Garrison Growth

The Drowning of Ven EranelasThe River temple of Fadhevych is consecrated to Ven Eranelas, a mythical heroine who lived during the time of the Ending Flood. She swam deep into the forsaken depths of the old world to rescue as many elves as she could, dragging them to the surface before diving in again, until she finally collapsed and drowned. Because of her selfless gesture, her soul was made to return to this world time and time again in the form of a guardian spirit who travels along the River.\n\nVen Eranelas's travel, from the spring of the Velenynn river to the Divine Waterfall past Adbrabohvi, begins each year with her ritual Drowning in Fadhevych: first, a sarcophagus bearing her likeness is crafted, then children who can afford gifts - flowers, effigies, drawings of the heroine - fill the sarcophagus with them. Finally the sarcophagus is submerged into the Ynn River, which is when her spirit enters it and begin another journey, another year.
+10% Religious Unity
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

The BostrevytrieFadhevych's elite guard is known as Bostrevytrie, the Archerknights. Covered in beautiful scalemail, they rain arrows but are impervious to them, and can easily hunt the lightly-armoured Veykodan barbarians. However, when riding at full speed, their arrows can pierce even a heavily-armoured Battleguard!\n\nWhen Cannorians arrived and introduced firearms, the Bostrevytrie were the first Ynnic military unit to wear magically-augmented armour to repel bullets, and they abandoned their bows in favour of spears to exploit musket infantry's vulnerability in melee.
+1 Military Free Policies

Old King BemoOn a hill near Fadhevych, a slab of stone still remains, the runes carved on it still faintly glowing: "Oh, I am the most fortunate of elves!" The runes say. Those words were inscribed by King Bemo, ruler of the united Veykodan tribes. From his seat in old Fadhevych, he commanded mages and wizards capable of doing anything he could wish for. But while he was happy in life, only misery would befall his heirs, who used his magic to mar his realm and split it into many parts warring each other.\n\nTraditions and legends say that the Sarda did not come to rule these lands because they were powerful, but because they were patient and willing to accommodate one another, and in that true power resides. We must never forget that.
-25% Liberty Desire from Subject Development

Fadhevychi Dance CrazeIn the eighteenth century, Fadhevych's castle courtyard, already the performing ground of singers and minstrels, became livened up by dancing after a halfling performer named Roderic Swifthand initiated a fast-paced step dance while playing with his fiddle. The court, charmed by the West Tipneyan's movements, could not resist joining him and they began dancing.\n\nDancing soon became a distinctive activity in Fadhevych, with folk dances being performed in many streets and taverns. And, while dance wasn't unheard of amongst other Ynnics, Fadhevych became the only Ynnic place where dancing was considered something anybody could do for fun, rather than a type of show that should only be performed by professional dancers.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The Hradavych GranaryCommissioned by Lord Adrahel II of House Hradavych in 1786 and completed by Balgabaric engineers, the Hradavych Granary is a red-tiled round structure 30 meters high, with a dome top. Standing next to the keep of Fadhevych's castle, a spiral staircase on the outside goes around the granary's walls, leading all the way to the top of the dome, where two suspended bridges link it to the keep and the outer walls.\n\nWhile its supplies would later be used to support Adrahel's rebellion, the primary purpose of the granary was to show the power of the Lord, and centralize his rule by having most of the food gathered in one place.
+10% Fort Defence
-0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change

-10% Regiment Costs