Bosancovaco Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
+1 Merchants

Home of the Holy Merchant FleetFrom the Mocvarey swamps to the Bacaran reservoir, you will see elves on rowing boats braving crocodiles and water serpents to transport goods across the Ynn. They are members of the Holy Merchant Fleet housed in Bosancovac, which not only facilitates trade between towns, but also delivers payment on behalf of other lords for the crossing toll of funerary barges.
+15% Domestic Trade Power

The Bridge-TownWhile there are many settlements built along the great Ynn River, Bosancovac is unique in that it is built directly above it. A network of stilt houses and floating platforms evolved into a bustling lake town, which bridges the reservoir of the Great Dam of Bosancovac and bears its same name. In the last few centuries Bosancovac's population has grown as many who lived on the mainland were displaced by war and sought the safety of our waters, challenging us to push the limits of our building techniques.
-10% Development Cost

The Paddleboard KnightsBosancovac's positioning as a bridge into Dolindha made us see our fair share of invasions, and with the collapse of the Ynnic Empire we were left to fend for ourselves against the eastern savages. While many towns sought the protection of lords and lost their independence, Bosancovac pooled its wealth into hiring mercenaries and swaying landless knights to their side.\n\nOn the water, many of these knights began anew, forsaking their heavy armour and horses in favour of light scalemail and gondolas - and while this earned them the mocking name of "Paddleboard Knights" by other Dolindhans, they eagerly adopted it as their own, having the last laugh because, on the water, even the mightiest antler horse is just food for the fish.
+25% Marines Force Limit
-20% Mercenary Maintenance

Coup in the Name of the RiverIn the early days of Bosancovac, the town had a split rule between its mayor and river priests, with one managing the secular life and the others everything spiritual; one was backed by the "Boat" faction, the others by the "River" faction. This duality was finally brought to an end in 1224, when the River faction, aided by the lordship of Amacimst and many Paddleboard Knights, assumed undisputed control of the Bridge-Town and confined the mayor of Bosancovac to the far side of the Ynn River, at Imstana.\n\nEver since then, the day of the Holy Coup is celebrated with a week of festivities as a crowd marches from the western side of the River towards the southern one, reciting holy sermons and partaking in many activities along the way: canoe races and canoe jousts, public banquets, zoos of river monsters, dramatic recreations of historical events and plays… all generously funded by our patrician families.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Scrolls Against Rea NarsiDating to the late thirteenth century after Flood, the Scrolls Against Rea Narsi are a collection of complaints by the many vexed citizens of Ynnic towns against a merchant hailing from Bosancovac. The allegations include, but are not limited to: false advertising, late deliveries, passing off Brelari iron as Malacnari steel, last-minute haggling, hiring thugs to poke holes into the rowing boats of competitors, conspiring with the Order of the Mountain Eye to bring about the collapse of the Ynnic Empire, and being unpleasantly curt towards customers, making the child of one of them cry.\n\nWhile many important figures within Bosancovac have stepped up against this unacceptable slander against one of our respected merchants, providing alibis and evidence, those facts were simply used as further ammunition by Rea Narsi's detractors, who proceeded to accuse the entire Bosancovac elite of covering up for the misdeeds of their countryman.\n\nEver since this affair, the stereotype of Bosancovaco citizens being greedy and untrustworthy entered the collective imagination of Ynnic peoples, which was a catastrophe for our business, but also a huge pressure on us to be as honest and upstanding as possible at all times, a fact which is clearly reflected in modern Bosancovaco society.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Reaching out to New CustomersEver since having its reputation sabotaged with its fellow Dolindhans, the city of Bosancovac looked for new partners to strike deals with. While this originally meant trading with Sarda lordships downstream and the occasional Veykodan tribe, a huge new array of opportunities opened up with the arrival of Cannorian settlers. Particularly fruitful was the trade of lamp oil and ropes made from the fat and leather of mighty Dolindhan animals, and bombs, the manufacturing of which saw a small boom in the Bridge-Town of Bosancovac. In turn, Bosancovaco patricians started collecting many new goods and commodities the Cannorians brought, with rubies from Argezvale being the most prized rarity.
+20% Institution Spread

Coddorran Class SubmersibleIn the late eighteenth century, an invention unlike anything seen before was put afloat in the Bosancovac waters: a submersible, the fruit of years of Gnomish engineering. With it, the holy priests could witness the underside of the Holy Ynn River, marveling at the river-bed's creatures and vegetation, and enticing their fellow citizens with the stories of what they had seen after they had surfaced. Soon, it became a common custom among Bosancovaco citizens to pool their life savings into affording a ride on the submersible… the experience of a lifetime.
+1% Missionary Strength
+10% National Tax Modifier

+10% Morale of Navies