Haraagtsedi Ideas

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+15% Land Attrition
+25% Religious Unity

A People ReforgedThe gnollish packs inhabiting the great savannah west of the Mengi were a loose federation adhering to the ancient Kvangahga religion, referring to themselves as Haraagtseda, the "Makers League" in the gnollish tongue. Times of crisis would see them come together to repel Xhazobkult invaders but otherwise they maintained their independence and traditional way of life. When the great Dao palace at Kvangraak was uncovered by the holy-smith Rozherg and his pack, the immense hoard of enchanted metal they were able to scrap sparked off a wave of settlement building and political unification, finally bringing the packs together as one nation.
-10% Development Cost

Sacred Scrap MarketsTraditionally the Holy-Smiths or "Rram Zelags" of the Kvangahga faith collected metalwares on an ad-hoc basis, scrapping and scavenging for components as they travelled the savannah and beyond, in addition to trading with other gnolls and human merchants. When the Haraagtsedi began to urbanise they established bazaars dedicated to supplying the growing number of Rram Zelags congregating in the cities. Haraagtsedi merchants abroad would take payment for their goods in defunct or damaged metal products and sell these on to smiths at home, resulting in a thriving network of scrap metal exchange in eastern Sarhal.
+15% Religious Power

The Hammer of KvangaIn order to maintain the unity of Haraagtseda, when Rozherg entered his twilight years and was close to death he decreed that his successor must be selected from amongst the Rram Zelags of all the packs of Haraagtseda, not just his own. The Mazla Haraag or "Master Maker" would be chosen through a series of trials to test the skills, diligence and leadership of prospective candidates.\n\nThe winner would be crowned the new leader of Haraagtseda and granted Rozherg's title of Hammer-of-Kvanga as well as the ancient genie weapon of the same name, a huge warhammer that gave its wielder the power to shape and enchant metal, serving as a symbol of legitimacy and a potent weapon of war.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

YaikvaWhile the Haraagtsedi facilitated the Trans-Salahad Slave Trade from the west, their treatment of the human Echenka tribes they shared the savannah with was somewhat more complex. The Echenka were not property but neither were they fully free, forming a kind of subjugated serf society within the gnollish packs, carrying out agricultural and herding duties while the gnolls warred, hunted and crafted. Though unlike human tribes under the yoke of their Xhazobkult cousins, they could even earn equal rights through the Kvangahgan Trial of the Reforged Chain, success granting the status of Yaikva or "Chainless".
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

The Call of KvangaThe subjugation of Kogzalla and Koggraffa following the death of Zokka resulted in the Kvangahgan federation of Haraagtseda ruling over significant Xhazobkult populations for the first time in millenia. A flood of Rram Zelags soon found their way into the vassal states, espousing the virtues of the goddess Kvanga and urging them to return to the faith of their ancestors. This tradition of missionary work would continue in later years with foreign expeditions that achieved mixed success amongst the Sandfang, Windhowlers and Seascourge.
+1 Missionaries

IronpeltsThe Rram Zelags were experts at the creation of enchanted weapons and armour, allowing the Haraagtsedi to develop powerful heavy infantry that were crucial to their continued independence. So effective were these enchanted armours that they remained in use long after the widespread adoption of gunpowder warfare in Haraagtseda, earning them the nickname of Ironpelts.
-10% Fire Damage Received

Unconventional ArtificersThe Kvangahgan traditions of creating enchanted weapons and armour evolved naturally into the enchantment and creation of other trinkets and devices such as firearms - or in other words: artificery. The Haraagtsedi were among the earliest gnollish adopters of this burgeoning field. Some even say that the gnolls are the fourth race that influenced the course of artificery, focusing on the concept of utilising scrap metal and waste materials to create unconventional and surprisingly sustainable inventions - of course, their gnome, goblin and kobold counterparts have yet to accept them into their ranks.
-5% Technology Cost

+10% Artillery Combat Ability