Aramoole Ideas

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-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
-10% Shock Damage Received

Battlemages JuntaAramoole is one of the primary examples of that form of governance that is increasingly referred to as a 'battlemage stratocracy'—martial rule by mages. It is magical-martial potential that determines the merit of a person in the eyes of the Aramoole state. For, to remain strong, the state cannot tolerate hereditary governance by inbred fools or the election of leaders from a choice of money-grubbing buffoons. It is only through a constant generational renewal of new mages that Aramoole can maintain its integrity and magical might.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Raising A BattlemageIt matters not if a child within our borders was born a noble or a slave—if they show magical potential, the Aramoole state will take them to be raised into an elite battlemage. However, every child is different, each requiring a unique approach. As a result our battlemages are trained differently; they each have different magical affinities, different weapons preferences, different tactics and strategy on the battlefield. But the outcome is always the same: a battlemage of Aramoole is, without fail, a deadly, disciplined, and powerful warrior.
+1 Land Leader Fire

Militarized CapitalWithout a capital, a nation is nothing. Without Aramoole itself, our state is nothing but a historical footnote. It is not enough for us to have some castle walls and a garrison—the whole capital of our nation must be militarised. We will construct barracks, forts, academies, training grounds, equipment workshops, and mage towers—and post guards everywhere and maintain dragonne packs wherever appropriate. In this manner, we will preside over an era of military strength.
-2 National Unrest

Tijarikheti AttatanWe Tijarikhetis have many noodle dishes, which we tend to refer to as 'attatan' or 'attahan'. However, the average foreigner generalises all attatan to one specific dish, which tends to make all of them, no matter where they come from, drool. Small, tub-shaped sorghum noodles, a sauce composed of sheep or cow's milk, salted goat or—more rarely—buffalo cheese, and butter. Such is the popularity of this combination, that our battlemages have jokingly complained the dish’s reputation outshines even their own! It gets even better with the addition of a local mushroom, which we call 'gnoll's fur', or shredded chicken meat.
+1 Yearly Prestige

A Bronze Eye WatchingOur suspicious enemies, trying to avoid taking responsibility for their blunders, claim that a bronze eye is watching us in Aramoole. Whenever it seems like we are going to lose, we manage to win. Time and again we pull victory from the jaws of defeat. We pull off ambushes of a sort that no one but a great talent of history would normally achieve. The rumor began with enemy reports of a large, scaled beast being seen behind smoke and shadow, there at every important moment. Little did our enemies know that the great bronze dragon himself had made his home in Aramoole.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Great CannonsYears ago, Aakhet ordered the emissaries of Aramoole be sent out throughout the then-known world to bring back samples of artillery. When the emissaries returned, Aakhet himself worked with engineers to build the beginnings of our legendary artillery corps. Though later on after Aakhet's departure our artillery corps suffered, we are now in a position to revive it and expand its scale beyond anything Aakhet himself could have dreamt of. This being done, we will be able to ensure that everyone trembles before the sight, sound, and strength of our cannons once again.
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

Reforge Aakhet's EmpireKhetapera is now unified; the most immediate enemies of Aramoole are defeated; we have at last begun to do honour to our deity's memory. But it is not enough. We must head north, seize the Mandate of the Khet, then push to the East until there is no more east left to push into. In this manner, Aakhet's name and Aramoole's glory will be engraved upon the minds of all races on Halann!
-10% Core-Creation Cost

+5% Discipline