Duwarkani Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Feathers of Ma'atThe Upholders of Ma'at were a holy order of harpy warriors whose mission was to guard the khetist faithful who ventured away from the Sorrow. Most of the order died at the hands of Grizaka's army during the siege of Golkora, but a small chapter survived in Duwarkani and refounded themselves as the Feathers of Ma'at to commemorate the martyred bodies of their sisters.
+10% Morale of Armies

Land of Red CamelsDuwarkani is known for its hardy herdsmen and their distinctive red-furred camels. This local breed is well suited to the rocky and treacherous terrain of the mountainsides and the sparse forage found there. Duwarkani men are often away from home for months, driving the camels to foraging spots while hunting game from atop their mounts. The skill with which these men handle their animals and the capabilities of the breed make them fierce opponents in the twisting valleys and ravines, appearing at will from behind hills and crags to pour arrow-fire into the enemy.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Oversee the FaithfulDuwarkani is the southern outpost of the khetist faith. Responsible for guarding Kheterata from lizardfolk incursions and ensuring the safety of pilgrims traveling through Khetapera. Now that Grizaka's war has sundered the empire, this mission remains. Protect the faithful. Guard Kheterata. Guide the pilgrims.
+1 Missionaries

Hanging GardensThe wives and daughters of the Duwarkani’s villages maintain large gardens built into the mountainsides. They compete with each other to display the wealth of their village through gaudy arrangements of flowers and carved heads that trumpet a village's name and wealth to distant travelers or rivals the valley over. There is no sight more beloved in Duwarkani than to glimpse one’s garden after a long journey.
+5% National Tax Modifier
-1% Prestige Decay

+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Spotters and Camel GunnersLightly equipped harpy targeters combined with camel mounted heavy guns allow the armies of Duwarkani to turn the mountains into deathtraps. The harpies mark their targets with thrown burning alchemical flares or pots of colored dust, prompting the fire of the battery on priority targets.
+0.5 Cavalry Fire

+15% National Manpower Modifier