Khasani Ideas

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-10% Development Cost
+10% Morale of Armies

Rebirth of KhasaOur mighty kingdom was brought to its knees and vanquished by the gnolls of Viakkoc. Many assumed that the age of Khasa was over, but we have proven them wrong. With our old territories back under our control, it is time for us to begin restoration work of our ruined kingdom.
-10% Construction Cost

The Young PrinceCompared to Deshak and Ekha, Khasa is quite young, only being established in the aftermath of the Onslaught as a city of farmers and refugees. It wasn't until the Damerian Republic gained holdings in Akasik that we came to prominence, Khasa being reorganized into the regional capital of Damerian Akasik. This era led to a rapid expansion in the city of Khasa, and even long after the fall of the Republic we've stood as the grandest and most magnificent kingdom of Akasik.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Yohwankas BazaarThe palace of the old Damerian governors quickly fell out of administrative and royal use following our independence from Dameria, its open courtyards and overall design being, while astonishing to look at, insufficient in securing the safety of our monarchs. That does not mean we completely abandoned the complex however, instead it was converted into a bustling bazaar where one can find goods from across the Salahad and beyond.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Fertile CoastNowhere else in Akasik is such a bountiful supply of grain harvested yearly, the fields of Khasa are the most fertile of all the lands within Mother Akasik's shadow. With such a vast source of food coming in, we find it simple to support a larger army and population than our neighbors.
+10% National Manpower Modifier
+10% Land Force Limit Modifier

Mother's ChosenWhile Deshak and Ekha stagnated and rolled over to invaders after the terror of the Deep Devils, after experiencing and recovering from our own catastrophic tragedy the people of Khasa have become all that more sure of our place in the world. Khasa has been chosen by the great Mother Akasik to unite her people, our fall to the gnolls was but a trial to prepare us for the road ahead.
-20% Unjustified Demands

The Enlightened of AkasikThe Akasik people are typically viewed as an insular folk, wary of foreign ways and new innovations. Not the Khasani, however, we've always been eager to experiment and trade ideas with such impressive powers as Anbennar or Lorent. One cannot reach enlightenment with a closed mind.
+20% Institution Spread

HurkashuThe Planetouched of the plane of fire tend to be quite volatile and aggressive, leading to them gaining a reputation as brigands and arsonists. In Khasa they have a different reputation, serving as the Hurkashu, terrifying shock troopers on the battlefield and master smiths at home. Such pursuits work well in keeping them busy, ensuring their flames go towards steel and our enemies and not our homes.
+5% Infantry Combat Ability
+5% Shock Damage

-5% Technology Cost