Azkabari Ideas

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+1 Administrative Possible Policies
-1% Prestige Decay

The Paper SpearSince the bygone era of god-kings, Azkabar was always the city-state spearheading innovations regarding administration. From the use of clay tablets to record trade deals and food stocks to the founding of schools to train scribes from a young age, Azkabar has always been — and will always be — a step beyond its rivals.\n\nThe Azkabari administrative system was so efficient that when the gnolls, the Castanites and even the Sun Elves conquered Bulwar, they simply copied it to manage their newly founded kingdoms and empires. Even Keladora I Birzartantazuir was said to have consulted Azkabari in designing her formidable bureaucracy, and they would play a key role in the administration of the Jadd Empire (and their arguments with Harimari ex-ministers over proper paperwork would become things of legend).
+10% Administrative Technology Cost

The Seat of JusticeThe ancient Order of Judges codifies and protects the laws of Bulwar. To maintain legal consistency and to ensure that all people are equal before the law no matter their situation, the Judges wander between the various city-states to settle disputes and to ensure that justice is done.\n\nIn 557 BA, during the Castanorian Peace, a time when the Castanites held control over Bulwar, the Order established their headquarters in Azkabar to move away from the influence Aleric the White had from his seat in Anzabad, ensuring their continued independence from any political designs.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Keeping up AppearancesThe citizens of Azkabar attach great importance on following the law and always presenting the best version of themselves. This behaviour can be seen in all the strata of the population, from the care the craftsmen put in their work, to the efforts soldiers put in their training. The numerous customs and polite civilities that make up Bulwari culture tend to always be respected... at least in public.\n\nFor the most part, the way an Azkabari citizen is expected to behave is only enforced by social pressure — except in the armed forces, where even a small mistake can carry with it harsh punishment: from extensive fines, to banishment, to outright execution. This ensures Azkabar's soldiers' utmost discipline in their duty.
+5% Discipline

Beneath the SurfaceBehind the façade of its perfect society, Azkabar possesses another, darker, face. At night, many frequent illegal establishments where they can escape the pressure of normal Azkabari society by engaging in debauchery. Most of the time, these practices are limited to orgies under the heavy influence of drugs and alcohol, but there are rumours that some such activities tend toward the… sinister.
+50% Chance of New Heir

Prisoners of AzkabarThe city's infamous prison was built in 1140, under the order of Jexis the Burned Empress, to hold any Bulwari mage who broke her law (by being human, for example), in an attempt to consolidate her control over the region.\n\nIt is said that it's impossible to break out of the prison, partially thanks to its thick walls and tightly guarded exit, but mostly because of the peculiar nature of its jailers. The corridors that separate the cells are not patrolled by humans or even elves… but by ominous spectral creatures, with an almost blank face dominated by a gigantic mouth that devours the hopes and dreams of its victims. They were conjured by spellcasters to drive the prisoners to madness to prevent them from using their magical powers to attempt any form of escape, and whatever magics were used, they still persist to this day.
-1 National Unrest

The Obsidian WallsThe fifteen meters tall and seven meters wide obsidian black walls surrounding the city give a sinister feeling. They were built during the age of God-Kings but have strangely never deteriorated with time. The Azkabari would credit this to a unique type of greasy black stone simply no longer found in Bulwar. Others have a more... morbid... theory, about an ancient abjuration spell, cast by an unknown djinn and involving human sacrifices, keeping the walls from ever falling down.
+20% Fort Defence

The Cult of the EclipseThe Cult of the Eclipse was always a great source of concern for the leaders of the Sun Cult, both old and new. These heretics believe the Onslaught was, in fact, a salvation, meant to purge the humans that fell into corruption.\n\nNot a lot is known about the mysterious followers of the Deep Devils, but it is said that they meet in secret every new moon, in some hideout on the outskirts of Azkabar, seeking to bring back their masters to rid mankind of its sinners once more.
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

+10% Governing Capacity Modifier