Drolas Ideas

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-20% Galley Cost
+15% Privateer Efficiency

From Barren ShoresThe Drolas Peninsula is a rocky land with little fertile soil. By contrast it has a very long coastline so in ancient times the majority of the locals lived in fishing villages along the coast, with their homes fortified and camouflaged against raids of neighbouring clans. It was only a next logical step that their shipping boats quickly became vessels of piracy with the rise of rich shipping lanes through the gulf of glass and the port of Brasan. The local piracy thrived especially during the gnollish period, when they would raid all over the Divenhal.
+10% Marines Force Limit
+25% National Sailors Modifier

A Driftwood FleetThe Drolas is poor in timber, so local vessels were often small. But the pirates were crafty. Why build ships if you can steal them? And so they did. Instead of relying on home-built ships they stole well built merchant ships from Bulwar, long-range fishing vessels from Kheterata and even Damerian warships. On top of this, they used the wrecks of sunken ships as resources for the repair of their own vessels. This earned them the (mocking) nickname of "Driftwood Pirates".
+20% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships
yes Ships can repair when in coastal sea zones

The Scourge of EborthílWhen Jaher landed in Bulwar, he banished most gnolls from the region at the behest of many of the human cities. However some gnolls found refuge among the crags of the Drolas, where many gnolls had lived harmoniously with the locals for centuries. This alliance lasted for many years until Jexis expelled the last gnolls from the peninsula after the request of many merchants from Brasan and Anbenncóst. Their ire had been drawn by a certain gnollish pirate captain, who was known as Korzorra the Scourge of Eborthíl. Korzorra had been plaguing the shipping lanes around the islands of Eborthíl, greatly disrupting the trade through the Divenhal. After Jexis' expulsion of the gnolls she was left afloat and eventually was captured by Jexis' navy and executed, but her legacy lives on.
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre
yes May Recruit Female Generals

No Stone UnturnedDuring gnollish rule, the locals learned many things from their overlords. Especially the ruthless way they treated any of their business endeavours was transferred to the humans. Both in practice, negotiation and thoroughness they echo gnolls. And of course in piracy they are incredibly efficient at picking out any available valuable from ships and raided villages.
+20% Available Loot

The Teachings of the Other One GodIn 1656 AA, a group of Drolas pirates captured a ship headed from Anbenncóst to Aelantir. Aboard this ship was a group of three Ravelian missionaries, led by one Lucian Carter. Intrigued by their words and talk of one god, the pirates took them home.\n\nCarter and his companions swiftly set about instructing the locals. Their work in education greatly helped the poor locals, as they set up schools and hospitals in various places. Along with their aid they brought a new faith and a new single god. Their Ravelian teachings did not spread far into Bulwar, but they certainly took hold on the Drolas, who saw their god as the one that lightened the hardships that they had gone through under Surakel.
+10% Administrative Technology Cost

Familial FinancesThe extended families of the Drolas are all tied together. Large family gatherings mean many contacts with those who are fortunate and some who are less fortunate. Everyone is a brother, niece or cousin. And they all support each-other. They will give help with clothes, shelter, food. And when one member of the family, even their ruler, is in financial need, they can offer reliable financial support.
-0.5 Interest Per Annum

Matriarchs of the DrolasGnollish rule has left a great impact on local society, especially in social hierarchy. Like in some other locations in Bulwar, females are held in very high esteem, similar to how in gnollish society female gnolls are held above male gnolls. Especially in marriage and property ownership they hold the primary position: Weddings are arranged between the bride and mother of the groom. And the wives are the primary property owners. As such the Matriarchs of the Drolas hold a major share of the power and decision making.
+2 Possible Advisors
+50% Female Advisor Chance

+33% Blockade Efficiency