Brasanni Ideas

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+20% Caravan Power
+25% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Braša AbadazarThe Braša Abadazar, or Water Paradise of Brasan, is an enormous system of swamps and marshlands. The Brasanni's ability to tame the abundant wetlands means the people of Brasan are never short of food or natural luxuries.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Lamps and TapestriesThe merchants of Brasan have been seen throughout the world since ancient times and have gained a deeply ingrained reputation over that time. Many wonder what mysteries they hide in their tents, cabins and shops. They often sell famed Bulwari tapestries or decorated oil lamps, but everyone knows the stories and they attract many patrons, both rich and poor, all hoping to find that flying carpet or that magical lamp.
+1 Merchants
+10 Merchant Trade Power

The Eternal HomeThe ancient genie Brasan the Emancipator granted the Brasanni three wishes. One for the power over genies, one for the freedom of Bulwar, and one for an eternal home. While all the great empires of Halann have turned to dust, Brasan is still the jewel of cities and greatest in the world. It is the Eternal Home.
+10% Fort Defence
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Land of Floating GardensTo feed their enormous population, the Brasanni expertly built floating gardens in the marshy wetlands of Braša Abadazar. These artificial islands are a masterpiece of engineering and magic making the Brasanni builders are some of the most talented in the world.
-15% Development Cost

Heart of the WorldBrasan straddles the center of the world, like the hub of a great wheel. The spokes spreading to the three continents of Cannor, Sarhal, and Haless. It's centralized location means Brasan is the Bazaar of Halann. Traders and goods flow between Rahen and Yanshen in the east to the nations of the Divenhal and Dameshead to the west.
+10% Global Trade Power

Port of EmperorsIt was on the docks of Brasan that Jaher first declared himself the Phoenix Emperor, the great port and the ships in it allowed him to unify much of the eastern world. His daughter, Jexis, commissioned a thousand warships and used them to build an empire of her own. From Brasan Jexis and her father Jaher filled the sea with ships.
-20% Naval Maintenance Modifier

Beyond the HorizonSince ancient times the Brasanni have made pilgrimages to the far western reaches of Cannor and Sarhal to see the sun disappear beneath the sea. This great search for the sunset became one of the central tenets in the Bulwari cult of Surael. This pilgrimage has led the Brasanni ships to be some of the most recognized in the world and their owners some of the most profitable. With the discovery of lost Aelantir the Brasanni feel the horizon calling them forward once again. The shipyards of Brasan have been expanded and retrofitted to build all the ships needed to explore the seas.
-10% Shipbuilding Time

+1 Yearly Devotion+1 Yearly Horde Unity+1 Yearly Legitimacy+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition