Horsegarden Ideas

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-15% Cavalry Cost
+10% National Tax Modifier

The First SpearIn time past, Nazthi, last spawn of Agrados, sought to bring an end to the world of man, angered and envious that the gods had pardoned mankind while his siblings were hunted down and their progeny butchered. \n\nHidden by a cursed fog, serpentine monsters rose from the sea. Led by the sea demon the Lencori called Turanos, eldest son of Nazthi, they ravaged the coastline, killing any human they found before moving further inland. \n\nMany fought back, often giving their life so others could escape, but it did little more than slowing the onslaught. That was until Artanos, avatar of Adean, rose to fight the monsters. Armed with a magical spear, Artanos rode across the countryside, killing beasts wherever he went, gathering warriors to him and establishing an encampment where the survivors of the attack could gather and be safe. \n\nRecognising the threat, Turanos sought to kill Artanos himself. They clashed multiple times until Artanos, at the cost of his life, plunged his spear deep into the multi-headed beast's heart. Leaderless, the monsters fled back to the sea. \n\nVictorious, the band of warriors returned to their camp, carrying with them the spear of their leader. The encampment had changed over time, becoming the town of Horsegarden. In the town center a temple was built honoring Artanos where his spear remains to this day.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

A Horse for Every LordWhen discussion arises about the legacy of the Entebic people, it often centers around their prowess on horseback and its influence on Lorentish military doctrine. A regularly overlooked point is the tradition of horse breeding, of which Horsegarden is the center. For generations, the breeders of the duchy have honed their craft, gaining the reputation of producing the best horses on the continent. They work mainly with the Lencori Charger and the Lencori Palfrey, two breeds native to Lencenor though many more exotic breeds, like the Arbarani Destrier, the Kheteratan, and even the Adenican Courser have been imported, particularly by the smaller estates, in order to carve a niche for themselves in the horse trade. \n\nAs a result of the reputation of its horse breeders, Horsegarden is the first (and often last) place in the minds of the rich and powerful men and women of Cannor in need of mounts for themselves or their armies, bringing fortune to the duchy. \n\nTruly, Horsegarden is the best place to get horses.
+0.5 Yearly Prestige
+10% Production Efficiency

Peasant LordsThe nobility of Horsegarden, unlike its peer in much of Cannor, lives a simpler life of dedication and hard work, and many can be found in the fields or raising horses and cattle alongside the peasantry, earning the derisive nickname "peasant lords" from fellow nobles. \n\nFor the peasants, however, this proximity is an opportunity they would not have in the rest of Lencenor: their hard work is rewarded, and their advice is valued by the lords, who often engage low-born men and women to help them in their work. As a result, many notable figures in the duchy's history were commoners, the most known of which is Eléanore, a weaver and couturier of Manegrass. Thanks to the excellent quality of her work, which earned her the nickname "Goldweaver", she entered the service of the Gwevoris family before, under their recommendation, working for queen Reánna I Lorentis. To this day, the Goldweaver family is an important fixture of the craft and trade of fabric in Cannor.
+1 Possible Advisors
-10% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Along the Spear WayCutting through the duchy is an old road known as the Spear Way. It starts in Rubenaire and goes west to the town of Horsegarden, then south towards New Adea, connecting the First Spear memorial and Adeanscour to the Bloodwine River. The Spear Way owes its name to the countless shrines built along it, all of which include a spear pointing to the sky. \n\nDespite not being the most direct route, the Spear Way is the main road on which pilgrims to Adeanscour travel, as they pay homage to great heroes of the past, from Lorenan the Great to Caylen Longlance. Traditionally, these pilgrims would come from Lencenor and Anbennar, but with the recent ravages inflicted by the Greentide, many Escanni refugees have made the trip. \n\nFor the knights of Horsegarden, the Spear Way is a thousand examples to follow; many give their oath next to a shrine as if it was given to the dead hero itself. When they ride into battle, they do so knowing that their god and heroes watch over them.
+10% Morale of Armies

A Wound ReopensThe count Bradan III of Saddleglade was an ambitious man, never missing an opportunity to further his interests. In the chaos of Elizar's campaign, he found the perfect one. Using his family claim as a cadet branch of the ancient House of Enteba, he declared himself king of Enteben. \n\nIts army and duke away, Horsegarden quickly fell, followed by other duchy. Before long, Bradan had secured his control over a significant part of the Lorentish flat and demanded oaths of loyalty from the nobles of his new realm. The Gwevoris were quick to refuse, and were executed, angering the Horsegardeners. To prevent rebellion, Bradan seized the food supply hoping to starve them into submission. It wasn’t until 1169 that these measures would be lifted, with Brandan’s defeat. It came, however, with one last blow to the duchy as it learned of the death of its beloved duke. \n\nThe Horsegardeners, traumatized by the war, took it upon themselves to make sure they would not be victims of such events again. They formed militias and built watchtowers and hidden food stores. However, most of these were slowly abandoned as war became, for a time, a distant affair. \n\nAs the recent Lilac Wars brought back devastation to Horsegarden and promised to bring more, the Horsegardeners once again organized to defend their land.
+10% Fort Defence

Twin FestivitiesAfter the death of the Gwevoris family, the duchy of Horsegarden became a possession of the royal family, but for long as King Laurens II gave the land to his twin daughters, with the county of Horsegarden going to Madaléin, and Greatfield to Eilís. \n\nOnce reunited, the duchy had the hard task of mending the difference between its two halves, as centuries of different laws and traditions now existed. For that goal, two celebrations were of particular interest: both previous duchies instituted a festival celebrating their namesake, with activities corresponding to their value. Madelaire preferred shows of skill, and so Horsegarden celebrated with jousts, horse races, and great tourneys. Eilísin, however, saw itself as Minara's favorite, and engaged in merrymaking, with feasts and spectacles, and an increase in the number of births nine months after. These festivals became one, with both sides of the duchy adopting each other's activities; as a celebration of the newfound unity.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

The Order of the ErrantsThe Order of the Errants is a knightly order dedicated to Adean whose primary task is to fight bandits throughout Lencenor, with its members constantly on the move. A small part of the order is composed of warrior priests who help maintain the wayside shrines of Lencenor. \n\nDespite its actions, the order suffered from a poor reputation and a lack of funding. On the roads, its members, often equipped only with what little they can afford, are regularly taken for the bandits they hunt. When an errant tells their story, they speak of gruesome and bloody fights, where notions such as honor and chivalry are reserved for the dead. \n\nHowever, fortune changed for the Errants: the rich landowners of Horsegarden, suffering from a rise in banditry, gathered with representatives of the government and the leadership of the order to find a solution to the problem. In 1541, the "Accord of Horsegarden" was signed, which stipulated that the duchy and the landowners would supply the Errants with proper equipment and horses, and finance them.
+5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
-2 National Unrest

+15% Improve Relations