Ainethani Ideas

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+1 Yearly Prestige
+10% Production Efficiency

Ainethán's MaidensThe daughters of the ducal family of Ainethán have long been famed for their refinement. This stemmed from the court’s welcoming attitude towards, and patronage of, various troubadours and minstrels. Over time, this established a tradition of artistic mentorship for our many princesses, cultivating their skill as musicians and adept poets of courtly love. These sorts of traits made them highly desirable as partners to any proper Lencori noble and Ainetháni ladies can be found in a multitude of prominent families in Lencenor. One such marital entanglement resulted in the inheritance of the duchy to Deranne, but, regardless, ducal princesses have consistently been committed advocates for Ainetháni interests abroad.
+1 Diplomats

Tales of Adelinde“...And with a flash of her mother’s keen elven blade, bold Adelinde slew the malefic marshall of the King most foul, freeing her loyal Sir Alfred from his dark clutches…” \n\nThus goes the climax of one of the most popular chivalric tales regarding Duchess Adelinde Aldegarde, who ruled during the latter period of the War of the Sorcerer-King. She was a renowned warrior and tactician, and her actions, both real and embellished, spawned numerous tales and ballads throughout the realm. The most significant factor shared among all the tales was her position in the role of honorable knight who would even outdo or rescue her male counterparts, as in the above example. All told, these tales contributed to a pervasive sense of martial responsibility that inspires both men and women in the ducal court.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
yes May Recruit Female Generals

The Duchy's Favored SonThe duchy is the home and namesake of Darien síl Ainethán, a famed Lorentish general who during Lorent’s Wars of Dominion against Gawed rose to prominence for his development of the Thorn Formation. Upon his triumphant return to his home duchy, however, he found the local military infrastructure and culture in a sorry state. Muster camps and barracks were in disarray, soldiers lacked effective equipment and training, and the noble officers meant to lead them still thought of victory as a valiant charge of armored knights. He quickly set to work putting camps in order, ordering repairs to failing fortifications, and standardizing the local methods of recruitment and training, so that ready troops could be raised without officers needing to ensure each and every soldier could hold a spear straight. As part of his effort to reeducate the nobility on modern doctrine, he staged a grand demonstration of the destructive ability of firearms and cannon upon an armored horseman, forcing them to accept the changing nature of warfare.
-5% Land Maintenance Modifier
+1 Land Leader Fire

Oldport ArsenalOldport has, like its name suggests, long served as an important naval facility on the Bay of Wines. During the 10th century, Oldport was the main entrepot to the Lorentish kings and later, in the 16th Century, it was refurbished to support Lorent’s burgeoning colonial and naval empire, which had significant impacts on the local economy. The port also employed a large portion of the local halfling population as stevedores who performed a crucial, yet overlooked and marginalized, role in maintaining its commercial and naval function.
+10% Ship Trade Power
+10% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Casthíli Quarter BooksIn the early 17th century printers in Casthíl began producing books at a quarter of the standard proportions, allowing them to more easily fit into saddlebags. This portability enabled a greater dissemination of ideas, and made it a cultural norm to carry a book on even minor journeys. Furthermore, the smaller size was cheaper on resources, making books less costly and more accessible to non-nobles. This broader literate culture subsequently allowed for the growth of alternative, innovative ideas
-10% Idea Cost

Bastion-Manor AldegardeThe modern Aldegarde residence lies on a storied site of ancient fortifications; first Castanorian, then Damerian, before the ducal family finally built their own additions. Its earliest name was Castfort, when it served as a defense on the western border of Castanor. The fortification’s Damerian life ended when the Republic abandoned the area as the migrating Rubenti moved in. From then on, the site languished in various states of disrepair, at times being shored up to serve in various wars, until it passed into the hands of Lorens I Aldegarde, then regent of the High Kingdom of Lencenor. He established the Aldegarde residence there, repairing and expanding upon the ancient fortifications to create a stalwart home against any scheming Lencori nobility. Now, the place serves as both a lavish home for the wine-rich ducal family and as one of the most heavily fortified keeps in southern Lencenor.
+10% Fort Defence
-5% Fort Maintenance

Vineyard of the Ruby CrownAinethán passed into the hands of Lorent after their subjugation of Deranne, where it occupied a special role as the favored vineyard of the Summer Palace at Redfort. The Lorentish rulers and nobility who stayed there preferred the flavors produced from the gently sloping terroir of Ainethán, and local growers could rely on yearly shipments to the Palace. This relationship, and the picturesque acres of Ainethán’s bountiful vineyards, also spawned a burgeoning sort of agritourism. Lencori nobles, having heard of the vineyard's connection to the Palace, often visited the vineyard to tour its low, rolling hills and taste its delicious wine for themselves.
+10% National Tax Modifier

+1 Diplomatic Reputation