Crovanian Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Reputation
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Grey Grey, Mist of HomeOver rolling hills and across meandering streams, an ever-present grey mist shrouds Crovania. In other lands, this would be considered an omen or warning, but for us, it is a simple fact of life. Farmers toil and merchants haggle, unbothered by the blurred horizons and dappled light during daytime. At night, a common saying in Crovania holds that hard workers “sleep in the mist's embrace” - peacefully and without a care. Why worry about anything beyond your own field if you can't see it in the first place?\n\nMany who visit Crovania are unsettled by the mist and leave as quickly as they arrive. They spread rumours of ghostly figures hidden in the gloom and scoff at our simple lifestyles, discouraging many a traveller. This suits us just fine. Each mist-wreathed village and town is a placid land of hardy folk, left mostly untouched by the squabbles of greater Cannor. Where other holdings suffer under tyrannical nobles, we enjoy a great degree of autonomy and freedom. The nobles enjoy passing their time around the village and participating in chat and parties with commoners. In Crovania, everyone is cut from the same misty cloth. Some may call our lands strange and steer away from the fog. For us, though, it's home.
-25% State Maintenance

Adean Guides UsWhile the Crovanians aren’t horsemen like the Entebic peoples or the chivalric men of Escann, they have followed Adean in a more humble and simplistic manner, believing that putting honesty and effort into their work will bring blessings as a reward. The classic symbol of the Crovanian peoples is that of Adean’s hand holding a spear.\n\nCrovan Spearsworn was the first to bring the worship of Adean not only to Crovania but to Lencenor as a whole. The ancient Crovanni people followed his lead, and with Adean guiding Crovan, they were able to find a safe land and establish a secure community in Crovan’s Rest. Thus, the origins of an Adeanic Crovania came forth, and the people have had an affinity for the god ever since. The people are generous and kind, and the nobles are honourable and clean of corruption, working day and night to prosper. These are lessons ingrained in the Crovanians from the day they were born until now, all thanks to Adean.
-25% Regiment Drill Loss

The Right Hand ArmyThe Crovanian army has never been the strongest in Lencenor. The nearby duchies of Rubenaire, Enteben, and Deranne eclipsed the small Crovanian force. When they fought alongside the Moon Party during the Lilac Wars, though, they proved their worth. As opposing Silmuna-aligned and Lorentish armies met in battle, the Crovanians became a necessary component to fight off the Lorentish coalition. A disciplined and unwavering force in a sea of crashing waves.\n\nThe reason for such valiance is the same reason the Crovanians stayed humble: Adean. By fighting in battle with all they could, the men of Crovania believed that they would be blessed by their patron and could live their lives happily.\n\nThus, the morale of the Crovanians remained high all throughout the war. They fought in the battles of Kyliande and Greatfield, and eventually witnessed the Derannic surrender in Rosereach in 1439. Deprived of allies, the Crovanians strained themselves to stand as firm as they could. They would cry their final hurrah as their armies were wiped out in the battle of Crovan’s Rest. By 1440, the Crovanians would surrender to their fate, and they would be annexed by the Lorentish crown.
-10% Regiment Costs

Stalwart TradersVenaíl was never vastly inhabited until the elves came around and settled the island.\n\nThe mist that lies on the Shrouded Coast proved to be a heavy barrier. For centuries, nobody has dared venture into the cursed fog. Rumours abound of monsters and eldritch beings that lurk around the coast, that grab onto people and then drag them to the depths of the waters to feast. The fact that the mist became so thick sometimes that it was impossible to see a lighthouse; these tales don’t tempt explorers to venture around these waters when there are far more interesting things to explore.\n\nThe Crovanians thus had the Shrouded Coast all for themselves. They enjoyed full control of this seaway, as it allowed the few Crovanian traders that existed to outcompete their competition in Lorent and Sorncóst, even with their tiny numbers. Their willingness to explore and memorise the Shrouded Coast gave them navigational knowledge like no other.\n\nThe Crovanian traders banded together to form the Crovanian Trade Company, which dominated trade around the Shrouded Coast and transported goods no matter the dangers. This pioneer spirit led to them expanding to the far reaches of the Dalaire, transporting goods to and from Aelantir.
+10% Global Trade Power

Haunting at Medron HallThe old Countess Griselda, of the ancient house of Medrontis, ruled the lands of Mistspear, and her young nephew Drunhem in Crovan’s Rest remained nearby. After the death of Triandil Medrontis with no suitable replacement from House Medrontis, his close friend Belan was given regency over New Adea until a suitable replacement from House Medrontis could be found.\n\nUnfortunately for Belan, the old lady Griselda, mother of Triandil and ruler of nearby Mistspear, heard a different story. As a young mage, she studied all the magics profusely, believing that they had spoken to her. While it may have just been a gut instinct at first, in her old age she truly acted as if the magics were alive and talking. In her slumber, she heard voices screaming cries of assassination.\n\nEventually, Griselda invited her young nephew Drunhem, Belan and the rest of House Medrontis to a meeting. Nothing seemed different from any of the previous occasions on which House Medrontis had convened. It was one of Griselda’s nieces who noticed she was noticeably different that evening. Her face was tired; her eyes were bloodshot, and her pupils in a blur. As the family gathered around the dinner table, Griselda stood to give a toast for the wonderful evening. She talked for what seemed like an age until, abruptly, she stopped. A tear came to her eye as she spoke of her son and his brutal assassination. Nobody knew what she was talking about, as Drunhem and Belan sat watching in fearful paralysis. Griselda continued, her voice becoming hoarse and her tears flowing. She shouted and screamed until finally she turned and yelled:\n\n“You Belan, you took my son from me! He is dead because of your greed! My own nephew, Drunhem, helped him! And all of you did as well! You are all pigs and devils and demons! You will all be damned!”\n\nThe night was still young, as Medron Hall went dark. The locals simply thought they had gone to sleep, as the butlers ran out in horror at what they saw.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Crovanian... What?Crovania never had a special wine to sell or even a notable trade good within our lands. The people sold fish, horses, and crops. The fields were unproductive, and the people were poor.\n\nThis was true until the elves would come to settle in Crovanian territory. They saw the calm lands and immediately brought their peoples in caravans to settle along the Shrouded Coast. Many were surprised at the vast number of elves travelling to settle in their isolated fields. The Crovanians were intrigued by the incoming elves and their culture. They treated their new neighbours as friends and provided them with food and new homes. It took very little time for the elves and Crovanians to mix into one.\n\n Whilst well-appreciated by the Crovanians, the most notable thing they brought wasn’t their culture or their wealth; it was their silk. Shops appeared across Crovan’s Rest, and eventually even large-scale companies. Crovania would become notorious for its elven silk, which gave it a soft feel unlike any other. Thus, Crovan’s Rest became a valuable hub for the silk market, and Crovania soon became invaluable to their wine-loving brethren.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Crovanian CannonsCannons were something that the Crovanians under Lorent cared little about. They had never properly devoted any of their resources to producing weapons and gear for war. What was the need if they were so distant from conflict?\n\nYet, as the lands grew older and old rocks eroded, an opportunity came about. An iron mine was found in Mistspear, and nearby, a copper mine.\n\nThus, the era of the Crovanian Cannons began, as high-quality cannons were shipped out locally and regionally. Mistspear, which had once been a backwater, suddenly got rid of its run-down infrastructure and prospered from the new income surrounding the mining and forging community and the production of their cannons. They were known for their firing power, which allowed them to reach long distances with ease.\n\nAll of this gave the Crovanians a new outlet for their tiny local guard, the Lorentish major army, and any other possible buyers. Their few numbers could now be happy, economically and militarily secured by high-quality Crovanian cannons.
+0.25 Artillery Fire

+10% Artillery Combat Ability