Havoric Ideas

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+20% Fort Defence
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Hard as HavoralHavoric culture is defined by stoicism and values physical prowess. This developed from the harsh conditions of the Havoral Divide and the Forlorn Vale, resulting in the prevalence of hunting for both survival and sport. 'Hard as Havoral' is an idiom used to describe Havorics that embody these traits, an informal way to call someone virtuous.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Clans of the MountainsHavoric clans operate in tribal, familial hierarchies. Referred to as 'the Mountainfolk', these Havorics made up the majority of the old Kingdom, their family heads becoming the stand in for nobility at the time. These mountainfolk communities stretched from the Havoral Divide to even the Godshield mountains at their cultural peak. Mountainfolk Clans were some of the last remnants of the Havoric people and are its most ardent defenders.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Codes of HavortonThe unification of Havoral was done by the clans of Bennonhill and the throne located at Havorton. While subjugated, Havoric clans had a set of codes enforced on them in an attempt to tie their loyalty to the new crown and prevent infighting. These codes stuck and became integrated into Havoric culture as a whole, defining the sense of honor that still exists in the mountainfolk culture, even today. To say that someone is 'violating Havorton's code' is an insult on their character, that they are untrustworthy.
-0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change
-1 National Unrest

Havoric BidentThe Havoric Bident became a symbol for Havoral after its unification, representing the Havoral Mountains. First used only for the Kings of Havoral, it quickly became a ceremonial item for most nobility and clan leaders of Havoral to have, becoming a symbol of power. The King's Bident was always made of Havoric minerals, as well as forged in Havoral, a symbol that the King brings Havoral itself with them wherever they go. The Bident returned to cultural prominence in many noble courts across Bennon after news that Sir Frederic síl Bennon used a Bident as his weapon of choice during the Battle of Rottenstep.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Goatlords of HavoralThe Havoric people started off with little to no access to farmlands, resulting in a reliance on husbandry for large scale food production. The most famous of the domesticated animals being the Havoric Goat. A cultural symbol, most Havoric villages have some form of Goat iconography. Havoric Wool Fashion became a niche yet profitable venture for merchants to take part, both internally and abroad. 'Goatlords' was the title given to merchants who owned vast pastures or textile manufactories.
+10% Production Efficiency

The RiverlandsThe lands around the Esmar, or more generally the lands west of the Mountains, are referred to as 'the Riverlands' in traditonal Havoric folklore. The Riverlands are directly tied to the Esmari in Havoric culture and as such are seen as a forgiving and soft place, a place where one would find little worry in life. The Havorics who moved to the Riverlands around the Esmar became known as 'the Riverfolk'. Farmland is scarce in traditional Havoral, so access to the Riverlands is seen as highly important to the Kingdom of Havoral.
-10% Development Cost

Never to Fall AgainHavoral unified after the Day of Ashen Skies while the great powers of Castanor and the Damerian Republic were still reeling and fighting over that dark day. This opportune time allowed the clans of Havoral to unite together. The Kingdom lasted for four hundred years until the Dragonwake began. The invading Gawedi clashed with Havoric armies as they entered Esmaria. During the Battle of Bennon in 472, Havoral's last King, Harold of Havorton, was slain. This loss sent the kingdom into a succession crisis. The last bastion of Havoric culture, Bennon, restored Havoral; we intend to keep it this way.
+10% Morale of Armies

-15% Culture Conversion Cost