Farrani Ideas

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+40% Female Advisor Chance
+10% National Tax Modifier
+15% Global Trade Power

Grove of the ScoghtrínThe symbol of our kingdom and centerpiece of the royal courtyard, the Scoghtrín is a solid black tree grown from a Cursewood sapling first planted in Escin to represent the unity between the elves and men of the eastern Vale. The magics of the tree helped to lessen the effects of the curses that have long plagued this land, and allowed our kingdom to thrive where others have faltered. Though the original may have been destroyed in the Greentide, its legacy lives on in all of us as our banner flies once more over the cities of the Forlorn Vale.
-2 National Unrest

With Lance and BowFarraneán has always been a diverse land, a kingdom where elves and men thrived alongside each other as equals and compatriots, forging our unique culture and strategies. From our human roots we take chivalry and horsemanship, our knights charging into battle without fear or worry. From our elven roots we take their skill with the bow, archers supporting the horseman's charge from afar with excellent precision. It is through this fusion of strengths and tactics that Farraneán has survived throughout the centuries, and it will allow us to stand on our own for many more.
+5% Infantry Combat Ability
+10% Shock Damage

Cursewood LumberThe Cursewoods are a largely untapped source of quality lumber, the superstitions and happenings of the Vale allowing them to grow thick and rich, untouched by civilization. They've long supplied the timber required to build our cities and villages, and so long as we maintain them properly they will continue to do so as we rebuild and expand the kingdom.
-10% Construction Cost
+5% Production Efficiency

Farrani CaseánThe White Pestilence, and the undead hordes it brought, ravaged the young kingdom of Farraneán. To survive we constructed heavily fortified towns known as Caseán to house our people during attacks. When the dust settled and we were allowed to return to our homes, many of our people stayed within the walls of these Caseán, maintaining them in anticipation of future crises or war with Ibevar. It was due to them that many of our people were able to escape from the Greentide, their walls holding just long enough for them to flee to safer lands.\n\nWith our kingdom restored the Caseáns shall be repopulated as well, ready to defend us against whatever the gods decide to send our way.
+15% Fort Defence

Right of AldresiaOur kingdom very well may have fallen completely within a few short decades if not for the timely arrival of Lady Aldresia and her noble crusaders. Their actions saved the kingdom and our people, vanquishing the ravenous dead that tormented us. In return for their service and bravery, it has been a long standing tradition for Farrani nobles to send their younger children to join their order, training themselves to defend the weak while also acting as our emissaries, spreading goodwill throughout the courts of Anbennar and ensuring the name of Farraneán is respected and trusted across Cannor.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Cogaulúis BallMany of Farraneán's founders came from Esmaria, and they brought with them traditions of revelry and festivities. The most anticipated celebration of the year is the annual Ball held on several dozen barges moored in the Cogaulúis river as it runs through Escin. Commoners celebrate and peddle trinkets along the riverbank while wealthy nobles, merchants, and visiting dignitaries party and converse on the vessels. The celebrations are typically held during the first week of Silversight, as the Scoghtrín blooms and the fragrance of the royal gardens wafts over the city.
-2% Prestige Decay

The Scoghtrín BloomsTwice Farraneán has faced catastrophe, and twice we have risen back from sure ruination. Even the destruction of the venerable Scoghtrín was, though incredibly tragic, but a minor setback for us, as her young child now stands proud in the courtyard of Arca Farran, the royal palace. The Caseáns once again guard our villages and townships, while in the woods our men and women work hard to supply timber to the Whistlevale.\n\nThe Forlorn Vale has long been a place few tread, fearful of curses and shadowy creatures. But to us, she is home, our cradle and hearth, where we may prosper in harmony. For so long as the Scoghtrín blooms, Farraneán shall blossom.
+1 Monthly Splendour

+5% Discipline