Esthili Ideas

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-10% Idea Cost
+10% Shock Damage

Sanctum for Outlawed MagistersWith the outbreak of the Greentide, vast swathes of land across Escann have been ruined. Were it not for the selfless acts of the brave magisters, in defiance of the Magisterium, the Greentide would have surely overcome all of Cannor. Esthíl itself has been established by these outlawed magisters, and it is with open arms that we accept any and all magic users who wish to join our realm.
-10% Advisor Cost
+2 Possible Advisors

Arcane DawnThroughout the lands of Cannor, magic is seen as a force that acts behind closed doors, in secret. That is not so for Esthíl. This is an Arcane Dawn for the world, when all may practice magic freely without fear of repercussion.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Esthíli Academy of MagicThe Esthíli Academy of Magic is the foremost magical education institution in all of Escann. While there are those elsewhere who pretend to compete with our title, such as the Núrcestirans, all know that only the most elite of candidates are accepted and graduate from Esthíl.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Sanctioned NecromancyThe Magisterium foolishly all but banned necromancy, one of the most powerful schools of magic. It is only fitting that we should sanction its usage as the other schools of magic are treated, for a loyal necromancer can bring many boons to our nation. Besides free manual labor, the necromancer themselves would remain loyal to the one cause that permits them.
+5% Production Efficiency
-0.05 Yearly Corruption

Grimoire of Tenebral SecretsA horrid manuscript found in a long-forgotten vault, the Grimoire of Tenebral Secrets lives up to its name. It bestows great power to those who can read and understand it, but at the risk of immediate death if not worthy.
+5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium

Mystic Vaults of Castle EsthílFar below the shadowy and ominous Castle Esthíl, the Mystic Vaults are a vast labyrinth filled with countless magical artifacts and spellbooks. From far and wide magical artifacts are tithed to fill the ever-expanding needs of the elite magisters.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Elementary Magical Education for the SoldieryPreviously the domain of melee, volley or the occasional magical blast, warfare has now changed. With the advent of a new technique, all of our soldiers can be equipped with the ability to cast minor spells. All shall fear the might of Esthíl!
+5% Discipline

+1 Yearly Prestige