Deamoiner Ideas

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-10% Fort Maintenance
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Our Humble Halfling HeroesThe war of the Sorcerer King left Deamóine in shambles, and when its new overlord, the warlord Drosten River-Reaver, refused to return the county to the unpopular Esmari monarch, things looked grim. However, instead of ushering in dark times for the region, the rule of Drosten proved to be very fruitful for Deamóine due to the River-Reaver's intent on inviting other races to Esmaria - and most importantly among them for Deamóine, halflings.\n\nThese halfling immigrants not only helped rebuild Deamóine, but shared everything they had with the humans in need, including much of their farming expertise. Much of the easygoing, friendly nature of Deamóiners - no matter how tall - is thanks to the generosity and kindness fostered by the halflings in those post-war years.
+10% Improve Relations
+5% Production Efficiency

Community Construction ProjectsDeamóine is often regarded as a very idyllic and pretty county, in part due to the county's bucolic atmosphere, but also because everything in its borders always seems to be well working and tidy.\n\nWhile this is in part due to the local government's efforts, this image is kept mostly by the people themselves: Deamóiner folk enjoy using their (abundant) spare time to help around, fixing whatever breaks and participating in community projects.
-10% Construction Cost

Good MeadowsDeamóine is an extremely fertile land, and its farms and fields are very important to itself and to the region, even being represented in the location's name ("Good Meadow" in elven) and flag (The blue sky above the green fields). This plentifulness of food helped Deamóine have a relatively large population, and as such the county benefitted from a fairly large pool of people it could use in times of need.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Slow Dances on the Lazy RiverThe slowness of the Esmar river in Deamóine makes their stretches of the river parties a popular destination for couples, who enjoy the romantic and at times even sensual laziness of the journey. Apart from couples, the River's slowness is also echoed in Deamóine's people, who in general are very easy going and calm.
-1 National Unrest
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

The Right Hand CountySince the times of the Kingdom of Esmaria, Deamóine has been highly regarded as the origin of several important advisors to the rulers of Esmaria. These figures, although usually laid back and casual, were often bearers of some very unexpected insight into how to help the realm. Because of this, the county was nicknamed by some rulers as the Right Hand County, a reputation that has helped Deamóine maintain a lot of autonomy no matter who it pays fealty to.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Ready MeadowmenDespite their easygoing nature, Deamóine people have from experience become very attentive to signs of upcoming conflict. The county's flatness and lack of distinct natural features other than the river makes it very prone to being invaded, but also gives its inhabitants plenty of time to spot an incoming enemy and prepare accordingly.
-10% Recruitment Time
+10% Reinforce Speed

The Greenside LevelInvented in 1654 by Deamóine civil engineer Arél of Greenside, The Greenside Level, also known as the Green Level and more commonly as the Bubble or Spirit Level, is a simple device which measures the declination of a surface by using a small air bubble contained in a liquid. The story goes Arél invented this device to settle a dispute with some peers, as he claimed Deamóine was the flattest land between the Dameshead and the Havoral.
-10% Development Cost

+1 Diplomats