Galeinni Ideas

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-20% Spy Action Cost Modifier
-5 Years of Separatism

+10% Goods Produced Modifier

A Most Loyal PeopleThe people of Galéinn are well known for their loyalty and honor, be they the richest noble or the poorest peasant-farmer. This makes it difficult for spies to turn any of our people against us without getting caught and imprisoned by the nobles or caught and torn apart by the masses.
+15% Fort Defence
-2 National Unrest

Knights of the SaltmarchDuring the War of the Sorcerer-King, much of the old nobility perished. In 1020, the Treaty of Anbenncóst which ended the war would grant the lands that became Galéinn to a newly founded knightly order, the Knights of the Saltmarch. Funded by the profits of the local salt mines, this order attracted those knights who favored boldness in tactics over personal bravery and prowess.\n\nEventually, as the Kingdom of Verne declined, the knightly order would crown its Grandmaster as a sovereign duke, later becoming a direct vassal of the Damerians. To this day, the Knights of the Saltmarch loyally serve the dukes of Galéinn as our most daring and skilled generals.
+1 Land Leader Shock

+1 Diplomats

+1 Yearly Prestige

The Salty Dwarves of GaléinnThe county of Galéinn is host to a great many dwarves, the majority of whom are employed in our great salt mines. These dwarves not only provide our realm with a bounty of salt, letting us preserve a larger reserve of food than our rivals, but their stoicism and determination serve as an inspiration to our people.\n\nThey are somewhat prone to bitterness, however, as many still hold a grudge over their generations ago exile from Silverforge - it is for this reason that some call those who cannot forgive a grudge, 'salty'.
-10% Morale Damage Received
+100% Power Projection From Insults

Legacy of LaudariLaudari, a hero of the War of the Sorcerer-King and disciple of Caylen Longlance, is considered the founding father of Galéinn though he never took the title of duke. Instead, his grandson, made Grandmaster of the Knights of the Saltmarch out of nostalgia for their founder, would declare himself sovereign duke of Galéinn and found the House of Laudaris following conflict with the King of Verne.
+1 Yearly Devotion
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

+1 Diplomatic Free Policies