Silent Reposer Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

Legacy of KindnessFounded by Arda of Núrael, a nurse aboard the Lunateín, the Silent Repose has a legacy of selflessness and care for elves who are in need. Far from the Lilac Wars and devastation of man, the Repose is a safe-haven for elves tired of the constant bloodshed. Here they are granted whatever they may need to live out the rest of their days in peace. Many say the caretakers of the Repose are the gentlest souls they've ever met, with beaming smiles and warm personalities that could warm the most cold-hearted retiree. It is no surprise then, that the Repose's diplomats share an equally bright demeanor and friendly attitude.
+20% Improve Relations

Remnants of AelantirOf what the Repose is known for, few things compare to the miraculous seeds they grow from Aelantir. Coming with the elves aboard the Lunateín, these seeds survived nearly a thousand years on the sea. That and their wonderous efficacy for producing perfumes and Antirionnic Incense make them a high commodity in Cannor. A number of merchants make the journey up the steep mountain the Repose is built upon in an attempt to purchase these herbs, our monopoly granting us immense control over the flow of these goods.
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Aging CycleSo long as elves age, the Repose will always have purpose. As they get older across Cannor, they will flock to us as a safe haven, as they have since our founding. Though many pass due to their age, our numbers continue to grow by the day. Due to this, the Repose must not merely be maintained, but expanded. It helps then the deep pockets of many of our residents, and that of their descendants. There is always a charity happy to donate to our cause. Even some of our residents choose to spend their time laying brick and mortar, simple tasks to soothe their souls.
-10% Development Cost

Our ForebearersAge is both giver and taker, for the wisdom you gain is often balanced by memories you lose. However, even an older elf's mind is sharper than that of one such as a human's in their prime. The oldest of our elves still regale caretakers in tales of Anbennar's creation, of Jaher's untimely demise, and that of his daughter's. These elves, more than any other appreciate the history of our kind, and those that have created it. Whether it be Arda of Núrael, Munas Moonsinger, or Jaherian ta'Diranhriá, our retirees' zeal for these figures has not waned in the passing years. Even now, many of our residents descendants control states and counties, some more, yet they too pay homage to their forebearers upon our estate.
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

A Quiet PlaceAmidst the silence of the Repose, rumor states you can hear whisper of the trees in the garden, the flow of the Hehainé, and the hum of the world itself turning. This, of course, is due to the quiet serenity that rests upon the monastery like a gentle fog. Sure, there is some hustle and bustle as caretakers guide needing elves to-and-fro their activities for the day, but many others have no such ambitions. Often retirees' prefer games such as chess, meditation, or reading, private affairs that require only themselves and their minds. A great deal can be learnt from these aged people, when they do speak it is often profound and learned. Caretakers who take care to listen to these words are sure to be regarded as scholars to the common man, when in truth it is but the appreciation for peaceful thought.
-5% Idea Cost

Sleeping BladesNot all who come to the Repose do so to rest, this escape from the outside world is a perfect place to hone martial techniques for aging elves. Those who share this common purpose have found their way together, forming a tight knit community called "The Sleeping Blades". These masters, many of whom have trained for hundreds of years are able to exchange a variety of techniques and skills, tutoring the younger, though by no mean young, elves who arrive. Although weapons may be prohibited from being drawn upon the grounds, this has not stopped them from dutifully carrying their sheathed blades about the monastery. In practice they use wooden swords, striking hundreds, if not thousands of times a day. Even some, claiming to be remnants of Jaher’s eastern campaign, demonstrate prowess with merely their fists. When these masters spar it is in such a graceful manner it almost seems a dance, fluttering about each other in a flurry of movement. Should the day ever arise where these veterans are needed to maintain the peace they cherish, they will skillfully fight in the Repose's name.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Atop the HavoralAtop the Havoral Divide, upon its highest peaks, rests the Silent Repose. It is unlikely such a place would do well as a resting place, given the treacherous trek to the monastery, if not for the fact that visitors are often elves. For others more unfit, this climb is near-impossible. Far, far, from the world below, the mountain's steep climb and winding path lead to necessity from a Repose guide to get up. Those confident to go without often never find their way off the volcano, never making it to the Repose. For invaders, this spells near certain doom. If not advantageous for the Repose enough, the high walls surrounding it are made of firm elven architecture, densely packed bricks capable of resisting simple attacks. These natural defenses, in combination with the walls, have deterred many an invasion from weaker forces, and convinced those stronger that it may not be worth the trouble.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

-2 National Unrest