Arannese Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Relations
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

The Salt Lion of ArannenArannen has long-since been the major salt exporter in Anbennar, and it is where our sigil comes from. It is said that the first peoples who truly settled these lands were the Milcorissians from Businor to the south in order to mine the valuable mineral. While Milcorissia is long gone and most of its traditions forgotten, one thing remains... the keepsake from their homeland: the Lion.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Eastern MarchFounded by descendants of Roilsardi warriors from the War of the Sorcerer-King, Arannen quickly became the bulwark of the free realms once again during The White Pestilence, calling many of their cousins to join the Aldresian Crusade and help hold back the zombie plague rising from Corvuria. Upon the formation of the Empire of Anbennar there was no doubt which realm would stand as the protector of its eastern borders.
-10% Fort Maintenance
+10% National Manpower Modifier

Anbenncóst of the EastThe Borders is a land marked with dark forests and lonely, misty roads that only Corvuria can rival. It has always been the sleepy cousin of the Damerians to the east, content on being left alone with its own superstitions and ways. But no longer. The east has severely lacked a major urban hub until now, and we must turn Arannen into the largest and grandest city of the east - and the light that will shine through the mists and forests of these lands and call the world to watch as we do so.
-10% Development Cost

The Guns of ArannenArannese forts were famous for their artillery detachments, easily destroying besieging armies before they even had a chance to attack. Newfound breakthroughs now allow us to bring our expertise with cannons to the field.
-10% Artillery Cost
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

People of The BordersWhile our Roilsardi origins are foreign to these lands, so are many in The Borders. After all, it's in the name is it not? The Borders has had a tumultuous history, seeing the rise and fall of many settlers and empires. In aeons past it was home to the Milcorissians and their tribal descendants, the Milcori. Later, it was subject to failed Damerian and Castanorian colonization. Then the tumultous rule of the Great Cardest and its Augur Queen. Then finally the invasions of the Alenic Wexonards in the 400s. All of those, however, sought to control The Borders by force. We, on the other hand, have already won, controlling The Borders not by strength but by culture. In The Borders, the men, women and children talk in Arannese accents and dress in Arannese clothes, not because we rule over them, but simply because it must be so.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Bloody LionThe Salt Lion Banner of Arannen stands bloody, yet triumphant. Our foes fear us, and our soldier look up to seeing the salt lion covered in the blood of their enemies.
+10% Morale of Armies

Lacemaker Cottage IndustryLacemaking soon grew from the control of the Arannen Guilds and became one of the first cottage industries, in which families would create lace and other goods in their own homes, increasing Arannen's exports tenfold.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

+10% Fort Defence