Eaglecrester Ideas

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+0.1 Cavalry Shock
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Alenic KnightsThe monarchs of Gawed are too destitute to properly outfit their mounted warriors, instead sending hordes of unwashed peasants on half starved steeds to serve as "cavalry". Meanwhile the so-called Knights of Lorent, who believe they live in some child's fairy tale, prance around their vineyards wearing gaudy armor and tabards. We Eaglecresters know that war is no game to be played by barely-trained oafs or noble fops and train our knights for true battle; for the honor of a knight truly lies in achieving victory
+20% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability

The Western EagleOnce, the banner of Eaglecrest flew high over the western coast of Lencenor, the last of the Alenic realms in the west. That came to an end when the craven, underhanded whelps of Iochand lured those savage thugs from the north to pillage and ravage our blessed country. Despite this shame, our neighbors still remember the days when Eaglecrest was a mighty kingdom and can't help but respect its might.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

GnomefortWhen one gazes upon the fortress of Eaglecrest, they only see the most recent of its many renovations. While it stands as a proud symbol of Alenic strength now, in days long past it was a Castanorian bastion, and a border fortress of the Gnomish Hierarchy before that. While the gnomes may be conniving shrews, the fact that their ancient foundations still support our modern capital might serve as proof that they have some worth after all.
+10% Fort Defence
-10% Fort Maintenance

ScalemailThe pathetic newts that frequently trespass into our kingdom from the looming Dragonheights are little more than pests, though even they have their uses. Their scales, flayed from their flesh while their blood still runs warm, are incredibly strong for their light weight. While others trudge into battle clad in heavy and immobilizing plate or fragile leather, Eaglecresters proudly march into the fray in resplendent kobold-scale cuirasses.
-10% Shock Damage Received

A Wartorn LandSince time immemorial our lands have been the site of countless battles between mighty realms, such as the Three Empires of Antiquity or Gawed and Lorent. Where others may be disgusted and perturbed by the gritty reality of war and battle, Eaglecresters are used to such carnage.
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

Shepherd's BountyAcross the Dragonhills our peasantry nurture their flocks, great seas of wool and mutton just waiting to be harvested.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

Order of the CragWhen the bastards of Black Castanor conquered our kingdom we did not hide in our castles like the soft Wexonards, nor did we bend the knee to the conquerors like the snakes of Adshaw. Instead, we took to our rocky countryside, fighting them in a war of attrition. In honor of the brave men and women that fought for our people's honor, the Order of the Crag is a chivalric order that only accepts the best of our own to represent the interests of Eaglecrest in courts abroad.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

+10% Manpower Recovery Speed