Eborthil Ideas

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-20% Naval Maintenance Modifier
+20% Morale of Navies

The Fortress IslandFrom the Toref Citadel built in antiquity by Kheteratans, to the dockyards built by the Castanorians and the naval fortifications constructed by the Silebors, over its history the Isle of Tef has become a veritable fortress, capable of fending off attackers and being in the perfect position to project power over neighbouring seas.
+10% Fort Defence
+1 Naval Combat Bonus off owned coast

Hills of GoldsWhile trade is the blood that moves money and keeps much of the nation employed. Eborthíl does have a secondary, but not lesser, source of income: a vast gold mine in the centre of the nation. The so-called Tef Mines provided substantial funds for Eborian's war efforts and once peace came, allowed for the foundation of one of the earliest National Mints in Cannor as well as the establishment of various banks by local Tefori noble houses, which also provided the key service of exchanging the varied currencies that made their way into Eborthíl.
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction

Clash of StylesMany have ruled over what is now Eborthíl, and each new overlord brought with it a new architectural style, from thick-walled houses of the Damerian Republic, to the rising towers of the mysterious elven homeland of Aelantir and even a few remaining buildings carrying the style of ancient Kheterata. This has meant that Tefori architects have many sources of inspiration and can easily adapt their style to fit anywhere.
-15% Construction Time

Expansion of the TradathílThe Tradathíl is a heavily fortified position under protection of the Eborthíli crown, which acts as a trade post and warehouse for merchants away from home, while also helping the State receive its due taxes and monopolize local goods. Faced with a lack of manpower and resources compared to prime colonizers such as Lorent and Verne, Eborthíl would expand their Tradathíl system over multiple continents and would go on to create a vast trade empire, kept together by this series of fortified markets.
+1 Colonists

Goldwater SquadronsWhile Eborthíl has always had a respectable seafaring tradition, it's famous near-unbeatable navy would only come about thanks to Eborian Goldwaters. Founder of the House of Silebor, Eborian was one of the greatest Elven naval commanders which made landfall with the Remnant Fleet. He would soon institute a harsh training regimen which made it so the sailors of Eborthíl would not lose to any others, unless faced with overwhelming odds. The Goldwater Squadrons would continue to be refined throughout much of his life and once he passed away, his descendants made sure to continue his work.
+20% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

The Heart of the DivenhalEborthíl holds a strategic position like no other, the home islands sit at the central point of the Divenhal Sea, dividing it between east and west. This also means that no trade fleet of significant size can traverse it without running into us, and that our shrewd merchants can act as middleman and have much influence in markets close and far, being openly supported in their endeavours by the ruling nobility.
+20% Global Trade Power

Roaring DragonsAs technological advancement made ships increasingly larger and capable of fitting more weapons, Eborthíli fleets would soon become the terror of any opposing coastal town. Carrying dozens upon dozens of cannons, they would keep up a constant and powerful naval bombardment which was said to be as loud as the roar of a dragon. These would not only overwhelm most defences put in place, but also serve as cover to sailors which could sneak into a town and quickly subdue it.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+1 Blockade Impact on Siege

+33% Naval Force Limit Modifier