Silvelari Ideas

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-10% Advisor Cost
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Dame's MetalEver since its founding by the first Damerians, Silvelar has been a hotbed of manufacturing and mining, playing host to the skilled labourers from whose hands there spills its greatest resource: silver, dug up from the mines beneath and reforged into a thousand other fine goods for trade. Silvelar's renown has been further bolstered by silver's - and, by extension, its - association with the Dame. More prosaically, the silver that Silvelar exports in such great quantities has ever been minted into currency, and has circulated far and wide across Cannor. Yet one might say that its silver is blood-streaked, for Silvelar's silver funded the Damerian Republic's wars and paid for vast numbers of mercenaries.
+5% National Tax Modifier
-20% Monthly Gold Inflation Multiplier

The Founding of SilvelarSilvelar was born from the gradual convergence of untold multitudes of minor villages, forged over the years from a disparate mess to a mighty city - against the wishes of its erstwhile rulers. It was the discovery of silver that kick-started this process, nurturing the growth of a sizable mercantile/artisanal class who would go on to become Silvelar's leaders, representing the city's interests against those who sought to tax it into submission. Over the centuries, the nobility waned and the burghers waxed, and things came to a head. The city was victorious, and when Anbennar was established in 1221, Silvelar acceded to it as a Free City, answerable only to the Emperor, the yoke of its old aristocrats lifted from its shoulders.
-10% Development Cost

Silver Spires of the Silver MoonThe Silver Moon is one of the Dame's greatest temples, with its spires sparkling in the sunlight to produce a most bewitching effect - an optical illusion that causes those who gaze upon it to mistake it for pure silver, warped and hammered into a lances that pierce the clouds themselves. Its existence is a testament to Silvelar's construction industry, which facilitated the development of the Silver Moon from a simple temple to a grand monument - an enterprise three centuries in the making, and one begun by an elf priest whose name remains lost to the ages.
-10% Construction Cost

Doodlebug GuildRoyy Doodlebug was a famous gnomish silversmith, and the guild that bears his name - the Doodlebug Guild - remains firmly rooted in Silvelar, the city which he called his home. It continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in silversmithing, utilizing several specialized gnomish techniques and design motifs to do so, such as the use of lenses to perform increasingly intricate filigree work. It deserves much credit for fostering a culture of innovation amongst the intellectuals, craftsmen and merchants of Silvelar.
-10% Idea Cost

The TarnishedWhen Lucian "the Black Moon" Silmuna was stripped of his inheritance and formally disowned by his father for a variety of reasons (up to but not including stealing from his own family to fund his gambling habit), he descended into Silvelar's criminal underground and emerged with a group of men and women whom he called the Tarnished. Formerly a colloquial term used to refer to a member of the Silver Families with a particularly bad reputation, the Tarnished eventually became associated with the guild that Lucian Silmuna founded and would later be used to refer to the entirety of the Silvelari underground, which was - by that point - dominated entirely by the Tarnished and their subordinates.
+1 Possible Advisors
+15% Spy Network Construction

Legend of Old GhostsDrip, drip, drip goes the ceiling.\nA collapse! Quick, boys! - An ecstasy of fumbling\nCrawling out of the shaft before it dissolves\nDriven by panic.\nTrian remains within,\nLast to leave, hustling his fellows out\nSacrificing himself for his brothers\nLungs filled with dirt\nAs the tunnel collapses\nLeaving no trace behind\n\n- Ode to the Silvelar Miner, Arman Qáthnar (1820)
-1 National Unrest

Eight SistersThere is a certain prickly sort of pride inherent to the Eight Sisters (Port Munas, Silvelar, Menibór, Oldtower, Magdalaire, Bluehart, Bellacaire, Cestaire), which cluster amidst the East Dameshead, surrounded by so many aristocratic fiefdoms. It is important for such cities to stick together, lest they be overwhelmed by their adversaries, who put more stock in blood than in merit, and who are ever-eager to take them down a peg. For this reason, Silvelar - the oldest of the Eight - maintains strong ties with its fellows, and has ever strived for unity and amicability between the Eight.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
+10% Improve Relations

+1 Diplomatic Reputation