Terrman ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Relations
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

Study AbroadPetran IV síl Terr grew up without a father, and spent his younger years directionless, as the regent was too preoccupied doing his best to keep Terr out of the clutches of neighboring Estallen and Wex. Terr was under threat, and Petran certainly would not be safe if war did break out. And so, the regent sent Petran to spend his youth amongst the city folk of Esmarainé, the old capital of the disbanded Grand Duchy of Esmaria.\n\nAmongst the Esmarainé wealthy, and their extravagant parties, Petran would learn three skills that would serve him well for the rest of his days: how to drink, how to argue, and how to tell when someone was bluffing. With these experiences in tow, Petran would return home a skillful diplomat and would lead Terr through the harsh realities of imperial politics.\n\nWhen Petran's children came of age, he would send them off to Esmarainé as well to experience it just as he had. So, the tradition was passed on from one generation to the next: The Crimson Deluge, The League War, Camir's invasion — none of these stood in the way of this traditional ritual for Terr's scions.
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

The Lady's EaglesWhen the Sorcerer-King invaded The Borders in 978, the Ottocam family abandoned their Wexonard liege lords and fled to Dameria, all except their fifth son, the teenage Lain of Ottocam. While most of the Wexonard resistance worked out of Bal Hyl, which due to its many secret tunnels never fell, Lain fled to Esmaria to aid the kingdom there. Here, Lain would form "The Lady's Eagles", taking the old Alenic symbol of the eagle, and fought for Esmaria when it was invaded ten years later in 988 and in the Esmari resistance after that.\n\nHere, it was said, the Eagle banner could be seen flying high at the forefront of every battle and skirmish, and in the thickest of the fighting. Lain, for his honor and valiance in battle over the many years, would be awarded the county of Terr by the Duchess Lindelin of Estallen. He would then go on to take the surname síl Terr, in honor of his newfound home.\n\nThe Lady's Eagles would live on well after Lain to become the backbone of the Terrman military.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Memories of Battles Long PastMany members of the Rose Party, from the Wesdamerian to the Winelords, joined it as a matter of expedience, and quickly left its binds behind once Dameria had been shattered. But Terr held on to the camaraderie of the Rose Party to the last. As the members of the Rose Party fell into political bickering, Terr held on to those ties of war. Terr simply did not have a choice.\n\nNo sooner than had Lothane taken the throne, Terr was under threat. From the capital, Estallen lied just beyond the hills and was maneuvering for war. In the north, the hunters of Bennon wished to secure the Havoral Divide, and Terr's lands in Havorton lied in their way. To survive, Terr would have to act decisively. By playing off the bonds of the Rose party, it could keep itself out of harms way long enough to build a strong web of allies with itself at the center.\n\nLong after these threats subsided, Terr would still remember the victories the Rose party brought them during and after the war.
+10% Improve Relations

Arms of AranthílTerr's proximity to mage fortress of Aranthíl has always given it a healthy relationship with the mages of Anbennar, especially during the time when the empire was ruled by mages proper, when the imperial seat sat in Aranthíl. This persisted even to harbouring mages during the tumultous Wars of Rule when the higher nobility of the realm, such as Terr's nominal overlord, the Grand Duchy of Esmaria, stormed the Tower of Aranthíl and slew Emperor Mathos the Idle. While this act put Terr at odds with their overlord, they would go on to side with the mages along with many other minor lords when the civil war would break out in 1253.\n\nMany years after the war, Terr's fondness of Aranthíl and the Magisterium has never waned. It is not uncommon, for the Counts of Terr open their court to any Magisterium Mage who needs a favor. As for the peasants, even now much of the Tower is staffed by Terrmen, many of whom see it as an honor to work there.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

Battle of HavortonIn 1292 the Houses of síl Terr and síl Havorton came together, when Warin síl Terr and Countess Eilís síl Havorton married. The arrangement was one of necessity for the countess, who needed the Terr troops to purge her land of the Havoric restorationists, who grew in power during her father's lackluster reign. She wished not to ask the other lords for help lest they take advantage of Havorton's precarious situation and lay claim to the county to prevent the Havoric Kingdom from rising again, and so sought alliance with Warin, another lesser noble like her who happily accepted the countess's hand in marriage, bringing Havorton under Terr's rule.\n\nWarin marched confidently into Havorton with little heed of the enemy forces. What he assumed would be a ragged band of vagabonds turned out to be an army led by Henric the Fierce, a Havoric descendant gathering power to restore the kingdom, starting at its ancestral capital of Havorton. When all seemed lost, Warin picked up the fallen eagle banner and waved it high, reminding his men of the countless drills and battles that have been fought under it over the centuries, successfully driving Henric's men into the Esmar river and filling it with blood. By the end of the battle the Havoric restorationists were all slaughtered, and the eagle banner stood planted next to the river, the body of Henric limp beneath it.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

The Spring of TerrTerr's capital itself lies atop one of the main freshwater springs that feed into the Esmar basin. It is from this mineral rich font that Terr draws the secret ingredient for crafting its signature wine. Most vineyards never use water in their fermenting process, but Terr has found that adding spring water to the juice batches, just before fermentation, greatly enhances the taste of its otherwise lackluster wines.\n\nWhile this wine is only available in Terr, it has garnered quite a reputation around the empire for its light but complex taste. Terrman diplomats often host eloquent parties along the banks of the spring, dipping jugs of cold water straight out of the spring itself, for Terr's diplomatic guests to compare to that of their Terrman wine.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Colors of the ForestThe forest of Terr held a colorful secret. Thousands of flowers, blooming in dozens of colors, lit up the forest every spring in a cacophony of sounds. However, these were little more than a host for the true treasure they attracted, the Terrman flower beetle. These Black beetles wandered from one flower to the next, chewing them clear of their petals.\n\nWhen the halfling, Isabella Brightflower, heard of the blooms deep in the Terr forests, she departed Viswall immediately with dye tools in tow. Brightflower set up a small lab on the edge of the forest and went to work. She found meager success, as each of the flowers produced too little pigment per petal to be an efficient dye. One day she came in and, to her horror, found her red flower petals had been eaten by dozens of bright red beetles. However, Brightflower recognized these beetles as the Terrman flower beetles, only they had turned a brilliant red, and then she had an idea. It turns out that the beetles turn the same color as the flowers they are fed, allowing for intricate and precise colors to be manufactured.\n\nBrightflower soon found herself in a storm of new dyes and colors. Unfortunately, the beetles never managed to survive the trip back to Viswall and so, Brightflower set up shop in Terr. While the dyes were never produced in the same quantities as they were in Viswall, the colors were still brilliant and easily distributed throughout Esmaria, bringing great wealth to Terr and her people.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

+1 Diplomats