Busilari Ideas

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+10% Global Trade Power
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Shielded by the KhenakThe great Khenak Mountains protected our lands since time immemorial. In ancient tribes it protected us from the swathes of barbarians in what we now call The Borders, and in recent history it allowed the Kingdom of Busilar's continued independence from the Empire of Anbennar itself. It is said that our navies prevent us from being invaded by the empires of the Divenhal, and the Khenak protects us from invasion from the empires of Cannor.
+20% Fort Defence
-10% Fort Maintenance

Land of the Stone LionThe Stone Lions of Busilar figure heavily in the native mythology of Busilar long before it became occupied and settled by Kheterata. It is a sign that despite the many occupiers of our lands, we are a people that are resolute and enduring as the stone itself... and brave and as savage as lions.
+5% Discipline

Men of the DivenhalThe humans of the Busilar come from all walks of life, but are united as one. From the natives who bore the sigil of the lion that now runs rampant from Busilar to Arannen in the north, to the Kheteratan settlers following their god Elikhet, to the Castanorian occupiers who fought against the Hill Gnolls, to more recently the men of the Free Realms who left their homes in Lencenor and Dameria to help liberate our lands from the Sorcerer King, to the Bulwari who came under Jaher's will and found a new start, to the lion-hearted Sarhaly warriors that came with Narawen the Wanderer who fought to make our lands truly free.\n\nIn the end, no matter our ancestry, we are all human, and all Busilari. Stalwart as the stone lion. Stalwart and enduring as the seas that all our ancestors traveled across to make these lands their new home.
+10% National Sailors Modifier
+10% Morale of Navies

Elikhet the WandererOur nation was founded in ancient times by Elikhet the Wanderer as the Kheteratan colony of Busirat. While Kheteratan influence has waned over the centuries, their foundations and wayfaring traditions are kept alive by our people, who sojourn far and wide for new places to settle. Indeed, when the Rediscovery of Aelantir happened and independent adventurers flocked to the elven homeland, forsaking their old nations, the men and women of Busilar stood together as one to settle this rediscovered world not for themselves but for Busilar, the Stone Lion, and [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] and Country!
+1 Colonists

The Busilari ArsenalThe Arsenal of Busilar is one of the few still in existence not actively patterned on those built by Old Castanor and improved by the Damerian Republic. It is said that the Kheteratans colonized our lands to access our vast copper reserves, and that couldn't be more true. The Busilari Navy has used its natural resources to create one of the most powerful fleets in the Divenhal, to the dromonds suited for warfare that repel the gnoll corsairs of the Dog Coast to the first ships outfitted with bronze cannons, to massive galleons sailing across the Uelos' Lament and beyond.
+10% Galley Combat Ability
+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

Endure and SurviveFor much of history Busilar has been occupied and been of interest of foreign invaders. The most notable of which were the invasion of the gnolls, who came after they were broken by Daravan the Malignant and his creation of Daravan's Folly and Castanor, who sought to control our lands by force and dominion. Despite this, the Busilari people have survived, hiding and fighting in the arid hills, rivers and forests of Busilar - enduring and outlasting whatever invader sought to occupy our soils. Eons of conflict have allowed us to adapt to their tricks and tactics, letting us thrive where others would break.
+10% Land Attrition
-10% Naval Attrition

One God, One Truth, One WorldWhen the elf Torrieth brought the God Fragment to Cannorian shores, she found a welcome home in the Ravelian societies dedicated to the promotion of new knowledge. But the societies soon became something new, something more, and the newborn religion of Ravelianism found one of its first true believers in the King of Busilar, Varil Silnara.\n\nUnder his reign and wisdom, the proclamations of the One God were distributed to every inhabitant of the lands, and Ravelian missionaries brought the light of artificery to even the smallest villages of the Khenak foothills. But the first two Fundamental Truths to life is that we all live in One World, and are created by One God, and so Varil did not stop there. By 1631, almost every Busilari ship engaged in the Kingdom's prodigious Sarhaly and Halessi trade would carry with it an array of new inventions along with a missionary who would use them to spread the teachings of the One God. In trading ports across Halann, in the wake of a Busilari trade fleet's visit, small communities of Ravelian adherents would undoubtedly spring up.
+2% Missionary Strength
+100% Rectorate Influence from Veridicals

-1% Prestige Decay