Redglader Ideas

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+20% Fort Defence
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Ioriellan AccordEver since our kinswoman Ioriel married Ruben Lorentis and founded House Siloriel, our people have enjoyed good relations with the Kings of Lorent. Our friendship is enshrined in the ancient Ioriellan Accord, which guarantees our cultural rights and sovereignty.
+20% Improve Relations

The GladeguardWhile we have generally gotten along amicably with the humans since the Landing, at times a firmer hand is needed in negotiations. At the height of Ioriel's Empire, when our influence spanned the hills of Lorent and the fields of Gawed, the Gladeguard was renowned as the finest all-elven military force on Cannor.
+5% Discipline

Elvish FabricsElvish artisans are among the most esteemed in the world, and our craftsmanship is no exception. Let us turn a profit by selling lavish tapestries and ornate rugs to the wealthiest courts in Cannor.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Thorned GladeWhile it is oft assumed that our home takes its name from the trees in autumn that captivate Ioriel and the elves, in truth it refers to the blood spilled by generations of would-be conquerors. Beneath its beauty, the Redglades hide terrible danger, and we alone know how to deal with it.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Leaders in EtiquetteLet it not be forgotten that it was we, through our forebear Ioriel, who taught the Lorentish the arts of courtly grace and etiquette. Our diplomats are famed as the most pleasant to be around, and our reputation is improved by this.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

In Pursuit of PerfectionWhile lesser races are content with their flawed works and indisputably inferior craftsmanship, our artisans strive for nothing short of absolute aesthetic perfection. This dedication to improvement permeates every aspect of our society.
-10% Development Cost

Legacy of IorielIoriel was a Moon Elf of the Redglade who won great renown by marrying the King of Lorent and forging a great empire that rivalled those of the Jexisian Phoenix Empire and even Old Castanor. Though her reign has ended, her legacy survives through us, her people.
+2 Yearly Prestige

-1% Prestige Decay