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Tier 1: Tribal Administration

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Steppe Nomads
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "steppe_horde",
    "culture_group": [
    "primary_culture": "altaic_new"
  "has_reform": "steppe_horde",
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "great_mongol_state_reform"
  • +25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -15% Institution Spread
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +50% Looting Speed
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • -50% Reinforce Cost
  • -5 Years of Separatism
A governmental form where a sovereign or military ruler rule a tribal chiefdom, with constant Casus Bellis on all their neighbors and troops who fight better on the plains.
Tribal Federation
  "has_reform": "tribal_federation"
  • -5 Years of Separatism
A governmental form where a confederation of tribes rule with a certain degree of internal autonomy but are nationally governed by a central authority.
Tribal Despotism
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
  • -10% Core-Creation Cost
A political system where a tribe is controlled by an individual ruler with unlimited power and the ability to exercise any action without consequence or retribution, often ruling through fear.
Tribal Monarchy
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
  • +20% Income from Vassals
A political system where a large tribal society has formed a kingdom, with one strong ruler who rules through law.
Siberian Native Council
  "has_reform": "siberian_tribe"
  • -20% Institution Spread
  • -33% Stability Cost Modifier
The Siberian Council is as an assembly of elders that is led by a joint chief.
Great Mongol State
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "great_mongol_state_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "great_mongol_state_reform"
  • +50% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • +1 Yearly Horde Unity
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +50% Looting Speed
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • -50% Reinforce Cost
  • -5 Years of Separatism
The Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan has been restored under our leadership. We are rebuilding the systems of government established by the Great Khan while avoiding the mistakes of his unworthy successors.
Stateless Society
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "ai": true
  • +75% Fort Defence
  • -99% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +15% Morale of Armies
Our people have consciously chosen not to organize into a state, preferring simple lives free from the oppressive hierarchies prevalent in the lowland realm.
Polynesian Kingdom
  "culture_group": "pacific",
  "has_reform": "polynesian_kingdom"
  • -50% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +20% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • +20% Colonial Range
  • -20% Liberty Desire in Subjects
  • +20% Income from Vassals
A Polynesian Kingdom is the form of government where a polynesian monarch manages to unite the usually competing tribes under their rule and act as a united nation.
Polynesian Tribe
  "culture_group": "pacific",
  "has_reform": "polynesian_tribe"
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
A Polynesian Tribe is the form of government where a leader manages to hold authority over a tribe or group of tribes but the nation does not act as a unified one.
Greentide Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "greentide_horde",
    "AND": {
      "capital_scope": {
        "OR": {
          "region": [
          "area": [
      "NOT": {
        "culture": "gray_orc"
      "OR": {
        "culture_group": [
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +40% National Manpower Modifier
  • +30% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -20% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • +50% Prestige from Land battles
  • +500% Province War Score Cost
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -10% Reinforce Cost
Living primarily in Escann, these tribes of orcs and goblins are the result of and successors to Korgus Dookanson's invasion of Escann, also known as the Greentide.
Deepwood Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "deepwoods_horde",
    "AND": {
      "capital_scope": {
        "superregion": "deepwoods_superregion"
      "OR": {
        "culture_group": [
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "greentide_horde"
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +40% National Manpower Modifier
  • +30% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -20% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • +50% Prestige from Land battles
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -10% Reinforce Cost
During Korgus Dookanson's invasion of Escann a great host of orcs and goblins invaded the Deepwoods. While initially unified, news of Dookanson's death lead to this host splitting into a series of tribes.
Brown Orc Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "brown_orc_horde",
    "culture": "brown_orc"
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "greentide_horde"
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +40% National Manpower Modifier
  • +30% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -20% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • +50% Prestige from Land battles
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -10% Reinforce Cost
One of the orc tribes that invaded Rahen under the Command.
Settled Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "settled_horde",
    "culture_group": [
  • +25% Fort Defence
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -15% Fort Maintenance
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +30% National Manpower Modifier
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -30% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • -25% Reform Progress Growth
  • -35% Reinforce Cost
Some hordes of monsters make their homes in well defended lairs, with much of their effort spent on the maintenance and improvement of their settlements, and of course... keeping unwanted visitors out!
Roaming Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "roaming_horde",
    "culture_group": [
    "AND": {
      "culture_group": "goblin",
      "capital_scope": {
        "OR": {
          "superregion": "bulwar_superregion",
          "region": [
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +30% National Manpower Modifier
  • -15% Land Attrition
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -35% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +20% Looting Speed
  • +35% Movement Speed
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -35% Reinforce Cost
While not quite nomadic, some monsters are known to roam large territories, forming societies centred around frequent travel and looting the lands they cross.
Desert Legion
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "desert_legion",
    "tag": "F46"
  • +50% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -50% Cavalry Cost
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • -25% National Tax Modifier
  • -25% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +30% Movement Speed
  • -200% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • -25% Production Efficiency
  • +10% Technology Cost
The legions that returned from Jaher's campaign settled in the eastern Salahad. Their military experience shaped the state that they formed into a structured military society of roaming bands. They adopted a nomadic lifestyle that allowed them to survive in the desert. While scattered, when unified they recall the glory of the legions of yore.
Dwarovar Squatter
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "dwarovar_squatter",
    "AND": {
      "capital_scope": {
        "continent": "serpentspine",
        "OR": {
          "has_terrain": [
      "OR": {
        "culture_group": [
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • +10% Garrison Size
  • -25% Institution Spread
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • -10% Land Attrition
  • -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -10% Reinforce Cost
  • -50% War Taxes Cost
These tribes of orcs and goblins occupy ancient dwarven holds within the Dwarovar.
Dwarovar Warband
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "dwarovar_warband",
    "AND": {
      "capital_scope": {
        "continent": "serpentspine"
      "OR": {
        "culture_group": [
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -25% Institution Spread
  • +33% National Supply Limit Modifier
  • +10% Movement Speed
  • +50% Prestige from Land battles
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -20% Reinforce Cost
These roaming warbands of orcs and goblins wander the Dwarovar looking for plunder.
Emerald Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "emerald_horde",
    "tag": "I46"
  "NOT": {
    "has_country_flag": "magic_artificery_artificery_only"
  • -1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • +50% Institution Embracement Cost
  • -45% Institution Spread
  • +40% National Manpower Modifier
  • -50% Improve Relations
  • +30% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -20% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • -75% Reform Progress Growth
  • +15% Technology Cost
  • -0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion
An orcish horde imbued by the mysterious powers of fey hellbent on reviving the world tree.
Graytide Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "graytide_horde",
    "primary_culture": "gray_orc"
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • -30% Reform Progress Growth
"Graytide" is a term referring to the orcish invasion of Vrorenmarch, which happened four years earlier than the Greentide. This country contains orcish tribes and subjects of other races united under the rule of a Gray King.
Centaur Horde
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "centaur_horde",
    "culture_group": "centaur"
  • +50% Looting Speed
  • -20% Production Efficiency
  • -40% Reform Progress Growth
A Centaur Horde
Settled Centaur Horde
  "always": false
  • +33% Looting Speed
  • -15% Production Efficiency
  • -33% Reform Progress Growth
A Settled Centaur Horde
Ogre Horde
  "has_reform": "ogre_horde"
  • +1 Colonists
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -33% Institution Spread
  • +15% National Manpower Modifier
  • +1 Attrition for Enemies
  • +15% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -10% Reinforce Cost
A horde of rampaging Ogres, united under a single purpose; to devour anything that fits between their titanic jaws and to rend apart anything that doesn't until it will.
Great Centaur Horde
  "has_reform": "great_centaur_horde"
  • +10% Settler Chance
  • +1 Colonists
  • -50% Institution Spread
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • +200% National Supply Limit Modifier
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -25% Reform Progress Growth
The Great Centaur Horde
Gnoll Pack
  "culture_group": "gnollish"
  • -2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • -15% Land Attrition
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +20% Looting Speed
  • +15% Movement Speed
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
  • -35% Reinforce Cost
Similar to Hyenas, their bestial counterparts, traditional gnollish societies are organized in the structure of a pack, typically led by the strongest or most vicious among their number.
Infernal Autocracy
  "has_reform": "infernal_autocracy"
  • -10% Establish Local Organization Cost
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
Fully commited to the goals of the secret societies, the Infernal Autocracy marches in lockstep with the legions of Hell to conquer Cannor.
Great Convoy
  "tag": "H91",
  "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
  • -50 Colonists
  • -1 Diplomats
  • -30% Institution Spread
  • +33% National Supply Limit Modifier
  • -99% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +20% Movement Speed
  • -200% Native Uprising Chance
  • +50% Prestige from Land battles
  • -55% Reform Progress Growth
  • -20% Reinforce Cost
The rumble of wheels and steel, the acrid smell of black smoke that can be tasted on the air for miles around, the rumbling of ancient engines... This band of raiders barges through on an unholy amalgamation of looted transportation, now used to pillage and plunder their way through the mountains, taking with them anything they find of value.

Can only have §T1 province§!, conquering additional provinces gives ¤ §Tloot§! and £adm£ §Tmonarch points§! based on the province's development.
Your convoy can be §Gupgraded§! through the §TUpgrade the Great Convoy§! decision.
Harpy Matriarchy
  "ruler_is_harpy": true
  • +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
Traditional harpy society is composed of minor flocks ruled by familial matriarchs, who are in turn ruled by one foremost matriarch and considered part of a larger flock. Males do not have power in this social structure.
Harpy Matriarchy
  "ruler_is_harpy": true
  • +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
Traditional harpy society is composed of minor flocks ruled by familial matriarchs, who are in turn ruled by one foremost matriarch and considered part of a larger flock. Males do not have power in this social structure.
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "namasoguziza_reform",
    "culture_group": "inyaswarosa"
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • +1 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +15% Vassal Force Limit Contribution
Meaning 'matriarch tribe' a Namasoguziza is a democratic confederation of Tanizu tribes lead by one powerful tribe that holds a preeminent position in the tribal democracy.

Bound by kinship and a religious respect for the elected Ingo, the confederation sustains itself off irregular gifts and tribute from the villages and roving bands that make up its population. Tanizu social and political hierarchies are extremely fluid, with any member of the confederation being eligible to run in the elctions that occur every 8 years.

The Ingo is traditionally a woman, but highly respected men sometimes also occupy the position.
Pilgrims Of Effelai
  "religion_group": "effelai",
  "has_reform": "pilgrims_of_effelai"
  • -15% Infantry Cost
  • +10% Movement Speed
Although we make an effort to maintain the fruit trees, berry bushes, and other edible plants everywhere we settle, they all need time to grow after having been harvested. To this end, we follow Effelai's calling: we always have to keep moving, but we know that wherever we go, the jungle will provide us with plenty of food to hunt and gather.
Vyzemby Tribe
  "is_vyzemby_primary_culture": true
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • -1 National Unrest
  • +1 Yearly Legitimacy
Lacking an established ruling family, vyzemby tribes represent tribal confederacies where the power is shared between all tribes equally. Rulers are elected in a vote of all tribes present, which must be unanimous.
Haraagtsedi Pack League
  "tag": "F72"
  • -1 Diplomatic Relations
  • -15% Institution Spread
  • +15% National Manpower Modifier
  • +10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +15% Movement Speed
  • -20% Reinforce Cost
Our packs are loosely organised into a tribal league, allied against outside invaders but largely maintaining their autonomy from each other.
Taychendi Tribe
  "OR": {
    "religion": [
  • +50% Army Tradition From Battles
  • -10% Development Cost in Primary Culture
  • -1 Diplomatic Relations
  • -0.2 Monthly Heir Claim Increase
A scarcely organized polity in Taychend, clinging onto a receding past.
The Great Salla
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
  • -15% Institution Spread
  • +15% Foreign Spy Detection
  • -30% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
Descending from a regiment of a lost Moon Elven army, the Great Salla is a collection of close knit Wood Elf salla (clans) who defer to a ceann (clan leader). This ceann relies on personal connections and archaic military traditions to wield power.
Traveling Cheqh'anate
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "traveling_cheqhanate_reform",
    "culture_group": "khudi"
  • +25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -15% Institution Spread
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +50% Looting Speed
  • +25% Movement Speed
  • -50% Reinforce Cost
  • -5 Years of Separatism
Due to the wide expanse the Oinukhudi rule over as well as its relative inhospitability, the Cheqh'an resides in a mobile court known as the Qh'an Flowing Palace, hauled by the prestigious Hill Troll caravan guards known as the Sasarai Tasuzidavi. The Cheqh'an thus travels the wastes, reining in the myriad of disloyal taishi bannerlords to maintain the unity of the realm.
  "OR": {
    "primary_culture": "arraskay_lizardfolk",
    "tag": [
  • +2 Tolerance of the True Faith
  • -20% Unjustified Demands
Outside of the ancient cities of the lizardfolk lies acres and acres of dense jungle, divided by deep rivers and swamps. This harsh terrain houses many tribal lizardfolk clans. Each one is led by a royal family, usually guided by a council of powerful naga on matters of faith and philosophy.

Tier 2: Cultural Values

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Martial Society
  "NOT": [
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
Martial values have always been important in our society and as we expand a militarized society is what we must continue to build and preserve at the core of our state.
Civil Society
  "NOT": [
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
  • +5% National Tax Modifier
  • -0.05 Yearly Corruption
No state can exist with only warriors. We must build up stronger ties with civil society and the urbanites in our realm so that we can better extract revenue from them.
Troll Forebearer Teachings
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "troll_forebearer_teachings",
    "have_had_reform": "troll_forebearer_teachings"
  • +20% Manpower in True Faith provinces
  • -15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture
Trolls remember and learn from their forebearers and the giants who created them. Every troll, from old to small, serves our state to further the Jotunns' purpose.
Solidarity in the Clan
  "has_reform": "greentide_horde",
  "NOT": {
    "culture_group": "goblin"
With the death of Korgus Dookanson went the hope of a unified orcdom. For now, at least. If we are ever to unite our peoples once more we must first unify ourselves. Lesser clans have splintered from the horde, and worse, our own clan fractures with petty squabbling and petty fights of honour. The adventurers will be coming for us, and if we are to resist them, we must look inward and settle our affairs with our kind first.
No More Chains, Only Opportunities
  "has_reform": "greentide_horde",
  "culture_group": "goblin"
  • +20% Reform Progress Growth
For aeons the goblins have been relegated to the deepest darkest caves and dungeons of the Serpentspine... but in our enslavement to the Dookanson, we have found light. Up here, there is free air and room to grow - and perhaps one day we may no longer need to fight amongst our kin for top spot. In this new land comes new opportunities, and we goblins are not so stubborn as our orcish cousins. If we must broker deals with the adventurers then we will do so, if we must say false platitudes to the orcish remnants, we will do so, but one thing is certain: with Korgus Dookanson dead and the Greentide defeated, we have managed to scrap our way to independence - and this time, it'll stay that way.
Secret Societies
  "has_reform": "secret_societies_inf"
  • +20% Spy Network Construction
  • +0.1 Yearly Corruption
We have gained the support of the secret societies of Escann, be it for good or for ill.
Shuvüüsh Tribalism
  "has_reform": "steppe_horde",
  "OR": {
    "tag": [
  • +0.05 Cavalry Shock
  • +10% Development Cost
  • -85% Institution Spread
  • -75% Innovativeness Gain
  • -25% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +10% Manpower in True Faith provinces
  • -80% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • -50% Reform Progress Growth
The Shuvüüsh have been a relatively stagnant people ever since the Husuusing in 1 A.A. 'You can take a Shuvüüsh out of the steppes, but you can't take the steppes out of a Shuvüüsh' is a common expression among our people. With societal change only coming through necessity and never through the passage of time.
Magardon Warlords
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
  • +0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
  • -10% General Cost
Ambitious and powerful Ogre chieftains hailing from the many warbands scattered around the realm could be put to good use if we gave them a place within the system of our state. As an elevated class, these Magardon chiefs could serve as enforcers and retainers to our dynasty ensuring the loyalty of their warbands, which will provide us with a good source of battle-hardened Ogres.
Empower the Shamans
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
  • -5% Advisor Cost
  • +25% Reform Progress Growth
The blue-skinned ogre magi have heightened intelligence, powerful magics and a devious nature. Within ogrish society, most of these magic wielders are elevated to the position of shaman within their respective clans and tribes where they enjoy a certain amount of say due to their much sought-after council. Let us go one step further, granting them even more influence over our affairs, where their vast knowledge will provide benefits that will prove useful to us as our realm continues to expand.
Bloodtooth Clan
  "tag": "J47",
  "has_country_flag": "bloodtooth_reform"
  • +5% Morale of Armies
  • +10% Movement Speed
  • +33% Razing Power Gain
The arrival of Rancor Bloodtooth brought about a terrible hunger within the people of Skurkokli, a hunger that is never truly filled. Like a swarm of starving locusts, we will wash over the land and gorge ourselves upon the people that dwell there in hopes that their tender, succulent flesh will quell the constant rumbling within our bellies, if even for a moment. All shall quiver in fear for the devouring hordes of the Bloodtooth Clan of Skurkokli have come to feast upon this world!
Adoptive Kartel-Clans
  "has_reform": "landshark_adoptive_kartel_clans",
  "tag": "U11"
  • +1 Diplomats
  • +25% Reform Progress Growth
Initial attempts to trade with the humans to our west were stymied by their misunderstanding of clan structure and our rules of common property; they walked away from individual clans believing they had negotiated trade deals with the entire country, or were entirely rebuffed, not yet having earned the trust necessary for a deal based on pledges. To deal with this we have created kartel-clans with jurisdiction over specific industries, backed and funded by the crown; this is the closest we can get to a guild-like institution without rupturing our clan structure. These clans will mass-adopt fluent speakers of Crathánori, maintain their own networks of contacts in cities around the northern Divenhal, deal with disputes, and negotiate lodging for foreign merchants in our major settlements.
Plundered Knowledge
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "NOT": {
    "culture_group": "harpy"
  • +50% Looting Speed
After returning from battle with loot and treasure, we have discovered a new valuable asset: knowledge. This has piqued the interest of our elders and has proven to be of great usefulness. Therefore, we shall raid the libraries and governing offices of our enemies to obtain their secrets and advancements.
Tribal Assimilation
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "NOT": [
      "culture_group": "harpy"
      "culture_group": "gnollish"
  • +20 Global Settler Increase
The leadership of the tribe aims to foster inclusiveness and broaden membership by assimilating individuals from outside the tribe. To increase our reach, we will actively seek out new members in our border regions through recruitment efforts.
Learning by Doing
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "greentide_horde"
      "tag": "F72"
The increasing urbanisation of our territory poses challenges to our traditional form of governing. It is important to closely monitor this situation, make steady improvements, and use this as an opportunity to enhance our way of governance.
Rein in the Tribes
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
  • +15% National Tax Modifier
The expansion of our territories has led to the emergence of splinter groups, which have posed challenges and complications to the governance of our tribe. Therefore, it is time to make a concerted effort to expand our control over our subjects and centralise our tribe.
Appease the Khet
  "has_dlc": "Mandate of Heaven",
  "is_emperor_of_china": true,
  "NOT": {
    "has_special_hedonism_reform": true
  • +20% Improve Relations
  • +1 Max Promoted Cultures
  • +0.1 Yearly Corruption
Our state is technically not the owner of the lands of the Sorrow, technically it is just a steward which manages the lands and river in the name of the Khet. The Khet, feline-human hybrids, demi-gods, and true owners of the lands and river have named us the stewards. This gives us the right to subjugate and control the lands of the Salahad and the authority to do as we please, as long as we praise, worship and serve the Khet in any way they please, no matter if it is moral or debaucherous.
  "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
Ensure Ordsiwyn Loyalties
  "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
  • +10% Monstrous Tribes Loyalty Equilibrium
Supremacy of the Clan Head
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
  • -5% Nobility Influence
  • +5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
§g"I will tolerate these petty squabbles between cousins no longer. We are one clan, nothing more. When we act, we shall act as one. And, as the forest quakes in our wake, our foes shall hear but one voice - mine." - Oberon Fealgarn§!

The power of our clan heads has traditionally depended heavily on maintaining relationships with key clan members. It is time to dispel this tradition and proclaim our clan head not as first amongst equals but as sole leader!
Heed the Elders
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
  • +5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -15% Stability Cost Modifier
§g"Our youth, most barely knowing a handful of decades, clamor for action. They are brashly demanding we act now, not recognizing our people’s greatest strength: time. It is up to us, who have endured over two centuries, to provide a stern and steady hand." - Cinithir Elyn§!

The Elders of our clan have long been crucial in maintaining unity during times of strife. With so much change upon us, it is clear their wisdom is needed now more than ever.
Embrace the Artisans
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
  • +5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +10% Global Trade Power
§g"Were it not for our craftsmen, Ciramyna’s walls would not have held against the invader’s forces. Were it not for our merchants, our stalwart defenders would have faltered from empty stomachs. As ceanna and as a clanself, how could I not recognize these unsung heroes?" - Bricena Myna§!

Long seen as a humble profession, the Artisans have recently found their position in society on the rise thanks to the opportunities afforded by the opening of the Deepwoods. Let us be the first to recognize their newfound potential.

Tier 3: Tribal Religion

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Religious Society
  "NOT": [
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
  • +15% Religious Unity
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
While clan loyalties can take us far our expansion has made us the masters of more peoples than we once did. A strongly religious society can withstand expansion in both time and space more efficiently and will give us the cohesion we need.
Lip Service
  "NOT": [
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
  • -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
While it is important to observe religious practices to maintain our legitimacy we should not get bogged down in the principles of righteous rule and morality. Pragmatism will take us longer and allow us to support a larger state and army.
Jadd Principles
  "religion": "the_jadd"
  • +1% Missionary Strength
  • +1 Max Promoted Cultures
  • +1 Tolerance of the True Faith
The most important thing for our people's religion is that we follow Jaddari principles: We follow the truth and welcome all people within that truth.
Embrace new Thoughts
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
  • -5% Technology Cost
We are currently facing pressure from the other races to adjust our mannerisms and the way we interact with other nations more to their style. Since we wish to extend an olive branch, we shall follow suit. We will do this on our own terms, deliberately integrating their beliefs and slowly transforming our culture to have a place in the modern world.
Forced Evolution
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
  • +15% Reform Progress Growth
As the world continues to shrink and change, our tribe must keep pace with the times to secure a place in this new reality. We must be quick to adapt and shed the limitations of our past, no matter the cost, and force our society to accommodate the standards set by the civilised races.
Hold fast to the old Ways
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
  • -5% Core-Creation Cost
  • -15% Province War Score Cost
"How dare these so-called "civilised" races demand from us to adjust to their way of life and abandon our roots? We shall not conform and shall stay true to our nature. Let us demonstrate to them the true power of our tribe!"
Scourge of Irdaeos
  "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute",
  "has_country_flag": "scourge_of_irdaeos_unlocked"
Protection Racketeering
  "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
Middlemen of the Plains
  "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
Favor the Seelie
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
While we officially proclaim neutrality between the two great Fey Courts, there are plenty of opportunities to show subtle favor to the jovial Seelie. In return, we can expect the bounty of their court to quietly spillover into ours.
Favor the Unseelie
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
It is quite possible to favor the interests of the stern Unseelie while maintaining outward neutrality toward the two great Fey Courts. For this tacit loyalty, the King of Darkness and his servants are sure to reward us.
Favor Neither Court
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
  • +10% Religious Power
To meddle in the great game of the Seelie and Unseelie is to invite unwanted attention and unknowable consequences. Let us avoid such affairs so long as the Courts allow us.

Tier 4: Tribal Warfare

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Bottomless Bags
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -15% Reinforce Cost
  • +15% Reinforce Speed
  • +15% Supply Limit Modifier
There is no bottom, nor a bagend.

Army logistics can be a daring challenge for even the most senior of commanders, though with this new invention, we can at least ease the problem a bit. The Bottomless Bags are bags with virtually infinite storage capabilities, at least for as long as our mages can maintain them that way. We can store a whole army camp or food silo in these bags without having to fear the weight or dimensions of what is stored within. While we would be foolish to store everything in just one bag, just a few of these would already help us cut down on supply wagon costs and give our armies the ability to be on the move without the need for resupplying or plundering. Just don’t drop your keys in there - you might lose them.
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +5% Morale of Navies
  • -1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay
As the wind goes, so goes the flow of trade.

Trade has formed the financial lifeblood of our nation and any risk to it is a risk to our nation itself. To ensure the punctuality, speed and reliability of our merchants, magic should be employed. By having mages onboard of our ships to bend the air and shape the winds right into our sails, we will ensure that our navy is always on the move, even if there is no wind to be found. These windshapers will also allow us to move more precisely in battle and avoid unnecessary losses. Our control over the element of air will grant us control over the waters!
Enviromental Protection Charms
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -15% Land Attrition
  • +10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves
Charming as Charms, Protective as Pendants.

Glittering like the stars or shining bright like the largest flame, our armies are equipped with one of the most peculiar yet useful pieces of equipment, the elemental charm. These Elemental Protection Charms or EPC’s, are small magical pieces of jewelry which have been augmented by magicians or artificers to protect the wearer against certain elemental obstacles: braces which make the wearer immune to freezing cold, pendants that keep the wearer safe from the scorching heat or rings which keep disease carrying bugs at a distance. These pieces of jewelry may seem underwhelming when compared to specialized weapons, yet in many cases prove to be more useful and favored by our soldiers than anything else.
War Games
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -25% Regiment Drill Loss
  • +50% Army Drill Gain Modifier
  • -10% Leader Cost
Battleplans are the first casualties in war.

A good commander knows that to win a battle, one must think on their feet. They know that they must expect the unexpected and to always be prepared for this. To make sure that our commanders are prepared, will we simulate wargames to train our officer corps and the soldiers themselves in not only known formations and attack strategies, but also in unexpected and tricky situations.
Adventurer Contracts
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -10% Mercenary Cost
  • +50% Possible Condottieri
  • +50% Trade Range
True power is found not at the end of a blade but at the bottom of a treasure chest.

War may change through the ages, yet one thing remains: the need for manpower. And so instead of having our neighbors rely on expensive permanent armies or cutthroat mercenaries, why not be the supplier of soldiers of fortune ourselves. We have not only the manpower, but the equipment needed as well and it may prove to be a lucrative and stable business venture. No nation that is looking for soldiers will dare to attack us, as they need us to fight their wars for them. By enlisting adventurers in state run adventurer companies we will be able to make money, influence our neighbors and extend our mercantile reach, as our appealing offers entice even those across the seas.
Specialised Troops
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
We do not settle for good; we strive only for the best.

Where other nations build their armies around the principle that more men equal more power, we strive for the best troops we can field. One soldier must be worth fifty opponents and be able to dispatch just as many. Our armies may be more costly, but they will also be stronger, better and more specialized than those of our enemies. Let them cower at the sight of our specialized, elite trained and best equipped soldiers, even if it is just a few!
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +10% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -10% Cavalry Cost
Mounts are like men, they march on their stomach.

Our nation, unlike many others, makes extensive use of cavalry. Our ability to project power comes in large part from our mounted forces and it is therefore imperative that we give these noble steeds the best food we can find. By increasing the production of fodder will we be able to not only equip more men with mounts, but allow them to go further than ever before. Let our armies ride out and outpace the enemy wherever we venture, on the backs of our noble steeds!
Mage Shields
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +15% Fort Defence
  • -10% Fort Maintenance
  • +20% Garrison Size
  • +1 Max Hostile Attrition
A siege is as much a risk to the attacker as to the defender.

Siege warfare has slowly become more and more the norm. While large battles on fields are not obsolete, they do not impact wars as much anymore as they once did. Instead, most wars are won through the conquest of cities and forts, which hold the population and wealth of an area, and therefore the true key to victory. Thus, to prevent our nation being captured by a horde of enemies, we must use every piece of equipment or skill there is to bolster our defenses. Once such a way is to employ mages in creating extra shielding around our walls, creating a strong extra layer of protection around our points of interest. These shields will, as long as the mages can hold them up, be able to deflect artillery bombardments, hostile assaults and if need be even the magical attacks of our opponents. The only question that remains; what color do we want the shields to be?
Thunder Riders
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -15% Artillery Combat Ability
  • +10% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -15% Cavalry Cost
  • +0.2 Cavalry Shock
  • -5% Land Fire Damage
Only dead centaurs refuse to fight.

While some may see centaurs as nothing but savages, they cannot deny their prowess in cavalry combat. They combine raw equine power and speed with human wit and weapons to create the best cavalry force known to Halann. Equipped with sturdy yet light armor so as not to impede their speed and bearing weapons like lances, bows and sabers, centaur units make for excellent line breakers and flankers. Their hoofs will make the earth tremble and their arms will wreak havoc upon our enemies.
Deepstone Bombardiers
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +10% Artillery Combat Ability
  • +10% Regiment Costs
  • -10% Manpower Recovery Speed
  • +10% Siege Ability
A wall unbroken has yet to meet a dwarf.

Dwarven bombards are known for being of a quality which not even the best of our blacksmiths can replicate. Each is a piece of art in itself and combines the dwarven craftsmanship with the most innovative and advanced siege technology. While heavy and expensive, these guns are more precise than anything we possess and rival the range of even magically-enhanced arms. We will use these dwarven bombardiers and their knowledge not only to instill fear in our enemies as they cower behind their walls, but also to flatten the ground our opponents stand on!
Elvish Farsight
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +3% Discipline
  • -10% National Manpower Modifier
  • -5% National Sailors Modifier
  • -10% Manpower Recovery Speed
  • +15% Movement Speed
  • -1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay
Knowledge is power and in war it is might.

Reconnaissance is key, before and during battle, and to give ourselves an edge over the enemy, we will employ the elves as specialized scout units. The elves are naturally attuned to nature, move silently like leaves in the wind and possess eyesight that betters our own even with looking glasses; as such they are the greatest experts in reconnaissance and maneuver. This comes combined with their centuries of naval experience and their ability to navigate the seas by attuning themselves to the elements and stars. By employing elven officers and training our own men in their ways, we ensure our navies can sail anywhere, any time and in the shortest time possible.
Gnollish Marauders
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +50% Available Loot
  • +50% Looting Speed
  • +10% Morale Damage
In chaos, demons reside.

The gnolls are feared by many throughout Halann. Whether it is their reputation as demon worshippers who sacrifice victims in green fires of evil, their almost unnatural skill in piracy or their inclination towards brutality in war, gnolls are a race that instill fear in even the bravest of men. And this is the exact reason why we employ them as a special vanguard force. By looting the lands of the enemy and demoralizing their armies even before we meet them on the battlefield we will find victory. War is brutal, and through the gnolls, we shall prove it.
War Artificery
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +10% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • +10% Regiment Costs
  • -10% Infantry Combat Ability
If you ain’t strong, you ought to be smart!

The strongest weapon a gnome possesses is their brain. They have a knack for crafting and artificery unmatched by any other race in Halann. While no martial race, they have long held their own through the creation of war machines like exoskeletons or special arms which level the playing field. And so comes the thought: why not make use of their genius to give ourselves an advantage in the never ending arms race by establishing a GARD, or Gnomish Artificery Research Division? This GARD will be fully focused on the creation of cutting edge weaponry in the field of artificer armaments.
Salvage Blasters
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +15% Land Fire Damage
  • +5% Fire Damage Received
  • +5% Shock Damage Received
One man's trash is another goblin’s treasure.

The goblins, being chaos incarnate, have an almost comedic talent for improvising and salvaging. They can turn a heap of scrap into something useful or even better, something deadly. Thus by employing these denizens of chaos and allowing them to salvage the remnants of the battlefield will we be able to develop our own weapons of mad destruction. While some of these weapons may be dangerous, they will no doubt help us fight the enemy in unconventional and chaotic ways.
Diplomatic Corps
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -5% Province War Score Cost
There is nothing as intoxicating as charm.

The half-elves of the world are a mixed people who combine the best characteristics of both men and elf. Their heritage means that they speak both elven and human tongue, understand a menagerie of customs and blend in with many of Halann’s elite without much effort. Combine this with their abundance of noble and royal connections, the half-elves make the best diplomats one could wish for, combining their human intellect with elven charm and beauty like few others can. They can form alliances, solve conflicts and work out favorable deals through strategic foresight, cunning and a lot of smiling and mingling. Through a half-elf Diplomat Corps can we ensure that we stand strong in the arena of diplomacy and international affairs.
Martial yet Mindful
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
  • +25% Regiment Drill Loss
  • -25% Army Drill Gain Modifier
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
Only when combined with wit does strength mean anything.

A half-orc is like an alloy, robust and enduring precisely because it is a mix of supposed opposites. They possess the raw power and stout physicality of the orcish races, yet combine this with the ambition and strategic cunning of humans. They bring a combination of attributes that is perfectly fit for our army. A half-orc is able to pounce through enemy lines like an orc, yet is less prone to blind rage and brawling without brains. They are strength and wit in harmony.
Halfling Provisioners
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +10% Regiment Drill Loss
  • -3% Land Fire Damage
  • -25% Land Attrition
  • +10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves
  • -3% Shock Damage
An army marches on its stomach.

While boys may think that war is all about prowess, men know that logistics are key. Halflings, while not known for their skill in combat, are the best logistical minds we can hire. Their naturally large appetite has given them a knack for resource management and their efficiency and speed in the delivery and organization of provisions will ensure that our men are always well-fed and on time, even when resources are scarce or of a lesser quality. The smell of comforting halfling dinners combined with the music of halfling troupes will boost the morale of our men and bolster even the most squeamish or underfed of men against desertion, loss of morale or the elements.
Predatory Might
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -0.2 Infantry Fire
  • +10% Infantry Combat Ability
  • +0.2 Infantry Shock
Harimari do not carry weapons; they are the weapons.

A harimari is not just a sentient feline, it is a large machine of power, agility and wits. The harimari possesses claws that cut like a blade and muscles that can tear any opponent apart. During combat they excel in deadly charges, leaping towards enemies at speeds that outpace even the best cavalry regiments, shattering the morale of enemy lines with their sheer ferocity and intrinsically intimidating physique. They are perhaps not the most popular of races to incorporate into our armies due to historic grievances, yet with time our men will get used to and accept the usefulness of these harimari shock troops to our military ambitions.
Aerial Skirmishers
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +20% Assault Fort ability
  • -10% Fort Defence
  • -10% Land Attrition
  • +15% Siege Ability
Aerial Skirmishers:"The difference between harpies and demons? Demons fly alone.

There are not many things that men in Bulwar fear more than the sound of harpies raining down upon them. These humanoid avian inhabitants of the skies are infamous for their practice of abduction and are strong enough to lift all but the heaviest men high into the air. Luckily we have established a good relation with the harpies and as such enlisting them into the army has become a possibility. The harpies offer us the ability to rain explosives or fire upon enemies from above, supply our men in the most unreachable locations and “pick up” enemy commanders to disrupt enemy communications and battlefield coordination. We can conquer the skies, just as we can conquer land and sea!
Hobgoblin Drill Masters
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -25% Regiment Drill Loss
  • +100% Army Drill Gain Modifier
  • -10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -10% Morale Damage Received
  • -10% Recover Army Morale Speed
Hobgoblins did not invent discipline, though they sure did perfect it.

If the Command teaches us anything, it is that hobgoblins live and die as soldiers. From the moment they can walk, they are trained for war and combat. This upbringing ingrains a discipline in them that has remained unmatched anywhere else and makes the hobgoblins of the Command perfect military instructors. We would be fools, then, not to employ our own hobgoblin community in drilling our armies and making them more organized, disciplined and overall professional. The harsh training regiments of the hobgoblins will make our soldiers more sturdy, reliable and brave, though it will also mean fewer men get through bootcamp, as the weak will not be able to keep up with the high and unforgiving demands of their red drillmasters. Nonetheless, our armies shall be like iron, and march against our enemies with unrivaled discipline!
Humanity First
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +3% Artillery Combat Ability
  • +3% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • +3% Infantry Combat Ability
All The World Belongs To Humanity

It is a simple fact, humanity is the most successful race in all of Halann. We are present and dominant on each continent and everywhere one goes, it is humans that have created the greatest and most durable societies of all time. Empires of elves, harimari or dwarves come and go, yet it is humans that always remain and return. It is as such that we can trust only humans to defend and expand our nation and that no other or lesser race must be allowed to form a sort of fifth column and undermine our ambitions and defense. Humanity first is the motto of our army and our nation!
Kobold Masses
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +5% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • +15% National Manpower Modifier
  • +10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -5% Morale of Armies
  • +5% Shock Damage Received
A thousand drops form a tidal wave.

Kobolds are not known for their physical strength or bravery. However, they are known for their large families and clans. They dwell in large numbers and are rarely seen alone, forming tight-knit communities that rely on their numbers to compensate for their lack of individual strength. By employing these large communities as mass infantry, we can form substantial groups of "replenishable" soldiers who fire and fight in unison. However, this communal behavior could also damage their morale in case of high casualties.
Lizard Mariners
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +15% Marines Force Limit
  • +10% Cavalry Cost
  • +10% Morale of Navies
  • -5% Recover Army Morale Speed
If there is water, a lizardfolk has already won.

Lizardfolk are by their very nature semi-amphibious and masters of aquatic combat. When in water, lizardfolk can reach speeds and depths that make them evasive and nigh-undetectable. So why not employ them for exactly these purposes? By having lizardfolk perform swift and stealthy attacks during amphibious landings and deploying them to secure the first beachheads, can we ensure the success of our naval invasions and deploy our main force with little opposition. Another benefit we could eke is in using lizardfolk to enter and sabotage enemy ships during naval combat and having them perform attacks behind enemy lines, boosting our morale and weakening that of an enemy forced continually to fear our surprise amphibious attacks.
Ogre Shieldbearers
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -5% Fire Damage Received
  • -15% National Supply Limit Modifier
  • +15% Infantry Cost
  • -10% Shock Damage Received
Meatshield is the best way to describe the body of an ogre.

During battle, stones, shields or other hard surfaces can give one protection from projectiles or allow for a short rest before resuming the fight. But what if these “hard surfaces” were mobile? This is where our ogre population comes into play. The ogres, having naturally thick skins and possessing a strength we cannot even dream of matching, make for perfect shieldbearers. By having them carry immense and thick shields can we offer our men protection from enemy salvos or give our men a place to rest or get patched up by medics. While these mobile fortresses are a boon for our army, they will also cost us a massive amount of food and resources: ogres eat tenfold what our regulars eat and we cannot deny them a single meal, lest they start snacking on some poor nearby infantrymen.
Orcish Martial Culture
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -15% Fort Defence
  • +0.15 Infantry Shock
  • +15% Shock Damage
  • -10% Siege Ability
An orc’s brain is located in its fists.

Orcs are to many the very embodiment of martial culture, with orcish society being very warfocused and aggressive at its very core. While the orcs within our realm are no roaming warmongers or plunderers, they still maintain their natural strength and martial traditions to this day. So why not employ this culture in our army and adopt the tenets of aggressiveness and overwhelming strength into our army as a whole? By having orcs inspire our men and induct them into martial culture can we turn even the most feeble soldier into a brave and unwavering warrior who will lay down his life for nation and family; if this comes at the cost of a little chaos in the ranks, so be it.
Ruinborn Light Cavalry
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +10% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • -15% Fort Defence
  • -5% National Sailors Modifier
  • -15% Land Attrition
  • +1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
The warcry of the Epednari is as powerful as the thunderbird it follows.

Whether it be Antler Knights, Epednar Riders or else, the ruinborn are known to be some of the best horsemen in Halann. Many ruinborn learned to ride horses even before they could walk or talk and know the saddle like a second home. The employment of ruinborn in our cavalry units gives us a multitude of advantages. Former Antler Knights make for the bravest chargers to shatter even the most disciplined ranks; cunning Epednari scouts can spot even the stealthiest hostiles; and the Taychendi with their war-chariots make perfect mobile fire positions to rain down havoc upon their opponents. Versatile as they are, they come at the cost of pulling ruinborn from the navy, in which they mostly serve.
Unbreakable Walls
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -15% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • -5% Morale Damage Received
  • -10% Movement Speed
  • +10% Recover Army Morale Speed
Trolls keep calm, and go on.

A troll, as foul as some may think they are, make for the most unwavering and unstoppable warriors that exist. They can endure and even take a slight pleasure in pain and will march on in battle when others would lie down in fear or agony. They not only make for great protection to our regulars, but inspire bravery as well. There is however one downside: horses do not like the smell of trolls and become extremely nervous when they are in the area, greatly weakening the effectiveness of our cavalry units.
Army of Halann
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +5% Discipline
  • +5% Land Fire Damage
  • +5% Morale of Armies
  • +1 Land Leader Fire
  • +1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • +1 Leader Siege
  • +10% Morale of Navies
  • +5% Ship Durability
  • +5% Shock Damage
United we stand, divided we fall!

Our nation is not made up of just humans, just elves or just orcs. It does not have just a few dwarves or a single cadre of harimari. No, our nation is the embodiment of racial diversity and the principle that all are welcome. We combine the best traits of all the races of Halann and are, because of this, an army of the races of Halann, by the races of Halann and for the races of Halann. In our diversity we find unity, to victory!
The Pasts' Might Reforged
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +10% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • -15% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • +10% Regiment Costs
  • +5% Infantry Combat Ability
Pasts' might in every soldiers hands!

For ages we've been living in the ruins of Aelantir, slowly trying to rebuild, studying the past, learning from the mistakes of old. Improving on what wreckage was left behind with artifice. Our soldiers are equipped not just with artificer weapons, but armed with the knowledge and might of the arcane warriors of the past.
Lord's Charge
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +15% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • +0.15 Cavalry Shock
  • +5% Fire Damage Received
Ride against the storm.

Ruinborn, with their elven agility and keen senses, have a natural affinity towards horsemanship. Armed with enchanted armour, spellcasting sabres or frightening war-chariots, our riders are the elites of the nation, proudly challenging any threats to its security.
Warcry of the Steppes
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -5% Artillery Combat Ability
  • +10% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -20% Cavalry Cost
  • +10% Movement Speed
  • -5% Recover Army Morale Speed
True freedom is found in the immensity of the wilderness.

The vast expanses of Aelantir have been the home of nomadic civilizations since the Ruin, who fiercely fight atop their mounts to keep their independence. With the Cannorians encroaching on our lands, those warriors are ours to command, ready to take back their ancestral homes. Their proud leaders will not see a military defeat with forgiving eyes.
Shield of the People
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -15% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • -25% Regiment Drill Loss
  • +100% Army Drill Gain Modifier
  • -8% Fire Damage Received
  • -10% Morale Damage
  • -15% Reinforce Speed
  • -10% Shock Damage Received
War is an art not for the faint of heart.

We do not have lives to waste. We do not have mounts to spare. Every person in the army must know their place and follow orders without question. The disorganised masses of the enemy will break trying to overwhelm our ranks. Their cavalry forced back in the face of smoke and steel. So what if some take our discipline as cowardice? Dead men cannot fight back.
Unrelenting Valor
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +5% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • +15% National Manpower Modifier
  • -3% Infantry Combat Ability
  • +15% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +5% Shock Damage Received
We will fight to the last man.

With a strong martial culture and populous lands, we can always find new men eager to fight, seeking to prove their bravery or acquire the glory of a God-Hero. There is no need to care about adequately supplying or drilling our soldiers, as the unending mass of reckless warriors will undoubtedly overwhelm even our most prepared enemies.
Seafaring Souls
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +20% Artillery Cost
  • +0.3 Artillery Fire
  • +5% Heavy Ship Combat Ability
  • +10% Naval Maintenance Modifier
  • -1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay
Is there any greater joy than sailing wherever one's heart takes them?

While many of our kin fear the sea, we have long embraced the wide open ocean. Some love the smell of the salty air, others the scent of gunpowder as our enemies are sent into the blue abyss. We are more than happy to invest as much as possible into ruling the waves, the expense is worth it. The benefits to our artillery on land is a nice bonus.
To be of True Blood
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -10% Artillery Combat Ability
  • -10% Land Fire Damage
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • +15% Shock Damage
Magic is Might!

Our ancestors were famous for their magical powers. It is only fair to assume that we shall be the true successor of their majesty. We shall not waste our energy on simple physical work, but rely and improve on our arcane might. Why should we endanger our soldiers when they can smite them from afar with arcane powers? We shall remind the world who once ruled Halann!
Death From Afar
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +10% Fort Defence
  • +8% Land Fire Damage
  • +0.15 Infantry Fire
  • -10% Manpower Recovery Speed
  • -10% Movement Speed
  • +10% Shock Damage Received
War is dirty work. We can make it easier on ourselves.

It is foolish to risk our lives in pointless melee when it's easier than ever to destroy our enemies from afar. Our troops shall embrace the newest technologies and reject such mindless tactics as charging the enemy mindlessly. They shall be worn down on our forts and once they have been weakened by their fruitless efforts, destroyed utterly. However, we shall have to ensure we are not caught off guard.
Cannorian Auxiliaries
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +15% Artillery Damage from Back Row
  • +15% Regiment Costs
  • -10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +5% Morale of Navies
  • +15% Supply Limit Modifier
Everything changed when the Cannorians landed on our shores.

No matter what we may think of the Cannorians living outside our borders, those who are here have proven their worth. Though we conquered them, it was not without our own blood being shed. Their adventuring spirit, mastery of the ocean, and terrifying artillery can all be incorporated into our military. Their lust for wealth and our distance from the main centres where they acquired their weaponry will make our army smaller and more expensive, but who are we to complain about efficiency?
Experienced Leaders
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "OR": {
    "has_country_modifier": [
  • +1 Land Leader Fire
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • -5% Morale Damage Received
While launching an assault in the form of a chaotic horde has yielded positive outcomes in the past, the current adversaries we face require a different approach. We should learn from our opponents and implement a system of designated leaders, enforcing discipline and boosting the confidence of our soldiers, allowing us to perform better in large scale confrontations.
Self-Sustaining Troops
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "has_country_modifier": "goblin_military"
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • +50% National Supply Limit Modifier
  • -20% Land Attrition
Thanks to our small size and agile movements, we are capable of efficiently harvesting all the available resources the land has to offer. By leveraging our familiarity with the local flora and fauna, our ability to eat even things poisonous to most living beings, we can sustain our troops without having to depend on complex logistical supply chains, gaining a considerable advantage over our foes.
Siege Engineers
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "OR": {
    "has_country_modifier": [
  • +1 Leader Siege
  • +15% Siege Ability
Lately our adversaries have adapted to our tactics and fortified themselves with complex defensive structures to impede our advances. To overcome this obstacle, we must invest in new siege techniques that align with our style of warfare and allow us to attack even heavily fortified positions.
Controlled Aggressiveness
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "OR": {
    "has_country_modifier": [
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • +15% Movement Speed
Aggressive attacking has always been the way we conducted battles and has brought us far, but it also led to chaos during skirmishes and missed opportunities. We must train ourselves to harness our aggressive nature and utilise it as effectively as possible, while maintaining control over our actions.
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "OR": {
    "has_country_modifier": [
  • -10% Regiment Costs
  • +10% Land Force Limit Modifier
Our massive need for nutrition has made it challenging to adequately provide sufficient food and resources for our troops to undertake large-scale campaigns. To address this issue, we will establish a new division dedicated solely to the procurement and distribution of these necessary resources.
Aerial Assault
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "has_country_modifier": "harpy_military"
  • +50% Assault Fort ability
  • +1 Leader Siege
The defensive structures of our adversaries are of little concern to us when we possess the ability to fly. It is imperative that we fully exploit this significant advantage by providing specialised training to our troops on conducting aerial assaults against their castles and defensive fortifications.
Ambush Tactics
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "OR": {
    "has_country_modifier": [
  • +15% Fort Defence
  • +1 Max Hostile Attrition
Due to our species deficiency in individual physical strength, it is prudent for us to concentrate on our advantages. We should focus and improve our skills in outmanoeuvring our adversaries, setting up traps, laying ambushes in unforeseen areas, and disrupting the logistical operations of our foes.
Early Naval Focus
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
  • +20% National Sailors Modifier
  • +15% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • +10% Morale of Navies
In light of the need to safeguard our coasts, there is a growing demand for skilled sailors to man the ships and labourers to construct and maintain a competitive navy. Our rudimentary and makeshift ships are no longer sufficient for this task and have to be modernised and be improved upon.
Call Upon All Kin
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
Traditionally, when the clan head marched to war, each salla would send a select few warriors in support. This system worked well, until we were met with the overwhelming numbers of the Greentide. It is clear that if our salla is to survive then all kith and kin must fight.
Accept the Foreign Hand
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
  • +1 National Unrest
Years ago, a fiery haired woman by the name of Corin swept through the Deepwoods and ended our millenia-long isolation. Now, decades later, her followers have begun to retread her steps. While some espouse Corin’s beliefs, others are clearly more in search of riches and adventure. For this reason, we must be wary of these "Corintari", but perhaps we can use their help to protect our people.

Tier 5: Modernization

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Centralize Power
  "NOT": [
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
  • -5% Core-Creation Cost
  • -5% Stability Cost Modifier
We are too reliant on the loyalties of the clans and tribes within our state. Let us instead start to build up institutional loyalty and divide the responsibilities of the state between formal offices under our ruler.
Retain Tribal Hierarchy
  "NOT": [
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
Any form of modernization must preserve the ancient hierarchies of the clans and tribes within our nation. Without the support of these groups our country will not be able to expand and thrive as it has up to now.
Engineer Boys
  "tag": "H91",
  "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy",
  "has_country_flag": "roadwarrior_on_the_go"
  • -5% Construction Time
While before now, we’ve had an informal cadre of Orcs who can put a few things together. Now, establishing a proper group of skilled individuals allows us to have them dedicate their time to fully maintaining and improving the Convoy. With a group of skilled hands constantly attending the Convoy, we can ensure that they’re kept alive, and can finally stop relying on the ruins of the Dwarovar. All in all, not a bad use for a bunch of thinkers.

Can §Tupgrade your convoy§! outside of holds.
Protection of Foreign Traders
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "OR": {
    "culture_group": [
  • +10% Trade Efficiency
International recognition of our nation has resulted in heightened trade activities and the establishment of trade routes crossing through our territories. To accommodate these developments, we will establish designated trading areas and prioritise the safety of foreign traders.
Centralized Clan Education
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • +1 Possible Advisors
The continuous expansion of our nation has made it increasingly challenging to oversee every aspect closely. We have to find and train knowledgeable advisors to assist our chief in governing and advancing the territories under our control.
Implement Production Chains
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "OR": {
    "culture_group": [
  • +10% Goods Produced Modifier
During the early days of our tribe, skilled artisans were required to source their own crafting materials. This approach is becoming increasingly unfeasible with increasing demand for manufactured goods. To remain competitive with other groups such as humans, elves, and dwarves we must modernise our manufacturing processes.
Knowledge Keepers
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "OR": {
    "culture_group": [
  • -5% Idea Cost
  • -5% Technology Cost
In order to sustain the continual technological and societal progress of the tribe, we consider it important to create a specialised position in our hierarchy, dedicated to the acquisition, recording, and safekeeping of knowledge. These individuals will be held in the highest regard and granted the freedom to conduct experiments and be provided with a budget to support their endeavours.
Land Investments
  "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
  "OR": {
    "culture_group": [
  "dwarovar_orc_culture_primary": false
  • -10% Development Cost
In the past, we have given little consideration to the development of the territories under our control, as we could simply expand further. With external nations closing off our opportunities for natural expansion, it is essential that we shift our attention towards enhancing the lands we presently reign over.
Patrons of the Arts
  "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
Ogrish Production Methods
  "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
Expand the Gozlamoir System
  "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute",
  "has_country_flag": "expand_the_gozlamoir_system_unlocked"
Modernize the Ordsiwyn Armies
  "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
Embrace the Outside World
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
  • +40% Institution Spread
  • +25% Governing Capacity Modifier
§g"My brother, my uncle, and so many others gave their lives to tear down that accursed Veil. They allowed us the chance to leave our forest home. To see the world. To taste freedom. I’ll be feyscorned before I let that sacrifice be in vain." - Alara Cenag§!

For a thousand years, our people have bereft of the opportunity to step beyond this forest. It is time we find out what’s out there.
Inward Focus
  "primary_culture": "wood_elf"
  • -5% Development Cost
§g"What has the world outside given us other than grief and pain? Why look away when there is a bounty before us? Our forests are enough." - Elyaria Ayeth§!

While some amongst us look past the treeline with childish wonder, the rest of us can only shake our heads. And as they trapeze about, we shall remain where we belong - tending the groves and warming the hearths.

Tier 6: Tribal Reformation

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Barbaric Despoilers
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
    "has_country_modifier": "filustkhuga_scholar_modifier",
    "religious_school": {
      "group": "centaur_religion",
      "school": "filustkhuga_school"
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "great_centaur_horde"
  "has_dlc": "The Cossacks"
  • +33% Razing Power Gain
In war, nothing is truly sacred. To fight is to live, and the strongest should seize whatever they covet.
Unified Horde Identity
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
  "has_dlc": "The Cossacks"
  • +2 Yearly Horde Unity
We must put aside old tribal allegiances in the name of the Horde. We are one people under one Khan.
Reform into Monarchy
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
      "has_reform": "emerald_horde"
      "has_reform": "stateless_society"
      "tag": "H74"
      "tag": "F72"
It is time we abandon our tribal trappings and create a fully fledged monarchy carried by institutions and not clan loyalties.
Reform into Republic
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
      "has_reform": "emerald_horde"
      "tag": "H74"
      "has_reform": "harpy_matriarchy_reform"
      "tag": "F72"
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
We must guard the liberties of our citizens and form a state where the head of government is not hereditary but instead elected from those with the right qualities.
Reform into Theocracy
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "stateless_society"
      "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
      "has_reform": "emerald_horde"
      "tag": "H74"
      "has_reform": "harpy_matriarchy_reform"
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
Religious guidance is the road forward for our people. Let us involve the clergy in the rule of our nation and reap the rewards of a just and
Become Horde
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "stateless_society"
      "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
      "tag": "H74"
      "has_reform": "harpy_matriarchy_reform"
      "tag": "F72"
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
The steppes call for our people. Let us abandon the sedentary traditions of our ancestors and fully embrace the free life of the open plains.
Form an advanced Tribe
  "OR": {
    "AND": {
      "NOT": [
          "has_reform": "steppe_horde"
          "has_reform": "great_mongol_state_reform"
          "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "The Cossacks"
  "NOT": [
      "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
  • +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • -0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion
Through power consolidation our tribe has advanced to a more efficient government, which keeps the population satisfied and the ruler in power.
Tribal Unity
  "has_reform": "tribal_federation",
  "has_dlc": "Cradle of Civilization"
  • +5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +1 Yearly Government Power
The tribal life is our heritage and it shall be our legacy. We are united as a big family.
Restructure the State
  "religion": "the_jadd"
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • +1 Yearly Horde Unity
  • +1 Yearly Government Power
Our nation has been scattered and that makes us weak. Restructuring the state into a more unified force allows us to be more effective in the spreading of the faith.
The Greatest Warband
  "tag": "H91",
  "has_reform": "roadwarrior_great_convoy"
  • +10% Manpower Recovery Speed
  • +0.5 Yearly Prestige
While other warband may have settled like the weaklings they are, we have kept to the ways of our ancestors; roaming and looting. This means we are flooded with those who have heard of our Chieftain's prowess and wealth wishing to join our warband.
Rule from the Storm
  "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
  • -33% Harsh Treatment Cost
  • +1 Land Leader Shock