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Tier 1: Power Structure

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
  "NOT": [
      "culture_group": "latin"
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
      "tag": "Y15"
      "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • +5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +5% National Tax Modifier
  • -0.5 National Unrest
In an Oligarchy the ruler is elected from a group of very influential persons at the very top of society. This ruling class is also the only group that the head of government answers directly to and it is their support the state relies upon.
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
A Plutocratic Republic is one where wealth and trade dictate the agenda. The ruler is elected from among the most influential merchant families within the state and will have to rely on their support.
Pirate Republic
  "has_reform": "pirate_republic_reform",
  "OR": {
    "has_dlc": [
      "Lions of the North",
      "Golden Century"
  • +50% Marines Force Limit
  • +33% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +50% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • -1 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • +75% States Governing Cost
Insofar as this loose collection of pirate crews can be called a state, the Pirate Republic is a haven for all manner of thieves, murderers, and smugglers.
Noble Elite
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "obsidian_council_reform"
      "tag": "Y15"
      "culture_group": "dwarven"
      "culture_group": "goblin"
  • +0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +5% Nobility Influence
In this Republic the right to rule is hereditary within certain noble families. These families elect the ruler from within their own group and this head of government will also have to rely on their support.
Free City
  "has_reform": "free_city"
  • -20% Development Cost
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • +10% Trade Efficiency
This is a free Imperial city that has been granted special rights and privileges by the Emperor himself.
Trading City
  "has_reform": "trading_city"
  • +10% Global Trade Power
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
A governmental form where the nation is governed as a republic with a heavy reliance on trade and commerce.
Trading Cities can only be created by the leader of a Trade League.
If a Trading City grows to more than one province, the government form will change to §YMerchant Republic§!.
Ambrosian Republic
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "ambrosian_republic",
    "have_had_reform": "ambrosian_republic"
  • +10% National Tax Modifier
  • +5% Morale of Armies
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
It was a short-lived city-state government that formed in the Duchy of Milan when the Duke died without an heir in 1447.
Colonial Government
  "is_colonial_nation": true,
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
      "is_subject_of_type": "crown_colony"
      "is_subject_of_type": "private_enterprise"
      "is_subject_of_type": "self_governing_colony"
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2% Recover Army Morale Speed
A provincial government set to handle the affairs of the New World colonies, led by a Governor or Viceroy.
Crown Colony
  "is_colonial_nation": true,
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2% Recover Army Morale Speed
A Crown Colony is a colony type that is directly controlled by the metropolis.
Private Enterprise Colony
  "is_colonial_nation": true,
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +20% Ship Trade Power
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
  • +5% Production Efficiency
A colony run as a Private Enterprise focuses on extracting resources from a colony and bringing it back home.
Self-Governing Colony
  "is_colonial_nation": true,
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
  • -10% Construction Cost
  • -10% Development Cost
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • -25% State Maintenance
A type of colony that is autonomous, a Self Governing Colony acts as a country inside a country.
Peasants Republic
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "peasants_republic",
    "has_country_flag": [
    "have_had_reform": [
  • +5% Morale of Armies
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Production Efficiency
A governmental form where peasant communities hold the power themselves and elect rulers from among their leaders.
Revolutionary Republic
  "has_reform": "revolutionary_republic_reform"
  • -0.2 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +50 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal
  • -100 Yearly Rectorate Influence
  • +2 Tolerance of Heretics
The revolutionary republic represents the government of the nation by a small executive with the support of an elective chamber of deputies. Revolutionary propaganda gives the armies defending the revolution strong morale, and the principle that everyone is equal gives strong leadership.
Revolutionary State
  "has_reform": "junior_revolutionary_republic_reform"
  • -0.2 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +25 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal
  • -100 Yearly Rectorate Influence
  • +2 Tolerance of Heretics
The revolutionary republic represents the government of the nation by a small executive with the support of an elective chamber of deputies. This state will do its utmost to support the cause of the Revolution and spread the ideals of liberty and equality.
Presidential Dictator
  "has_reform": "presidential_despot_reform"
  • -0.075 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
In this state an appointed dictator exercises almost absolute power over the state.
Sich Rada
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "cossacks_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "cossacks_reform"
  • +25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -20% Cavalry Cost
  • +20% Cavalry Combat Ability
Free Orachav are ruled by a military council presided over by a Hetman.
Military Dictatorship
  "has_reform": "military_dictatorship_reform"
  • -0.075 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
A military dictator has seized power and rules the state as an autocrat. New rulers are invariably selected from among the Generals.
Italian Signoria
  "culture_group": "latin"
  • +5% National Tax Modifier
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
The Republic functions most smoothly under the de facto jurisdiction of our most prominent political family. Any suggestion that this is barely distinguishable from a monarchy is of course nonsense.
Protectorate Parliament
  "has_reform": "protectorate_parliament_reform"
  • -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
Under the benevolent guidance of the Lord Protector, our nation is administered by a rump parliament loyal to the Commonwealth.

Disables elections.
Adventurer Council
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  "OR": {
    "AND": {
      "is_playing_custom_nation": true,
      "have_had_reform": "adventurer_republic_reform"
    "has_country_flag": "adventurer_derived_government"
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • -1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
  • +1 Colonists
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
Founded on the values of friendship and cooperation, the Adventurer Council is similar to the oligarchic republic form of government, in which a group of people (in this case important members and close friends of the adventurer captain) hold power.
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "pentapandemonium_reform"
      "has_reform": "obsidian_council_reform"
  "OR": {
    "has_country_flag": [
  • -5% Administrative Efficiency
  • -15% Advisor Cost
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • +10% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • +33% Female Advisor Chance
A highly administrative form of government where the ruling elite consists of scientists, engineers and artificers. The state aims to put the most skilled folks in their fields into the positions where they can serve the state most effectively.
The Obsidian Council
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  "OR": {
    "tag": "I23",
    "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  "religion": "runefather_worship"
  • +5% All Power Costs
  • +60 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • -20% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture
Established in the aftermath of Runefather's interment upon the Obsidian Throne, the Council is composed of the eldest of the five most influential families. All issues of state are held to vote, and unanimity is required to carry the day, guaranteeing that the Council maintains a united front in the face of the people. Only the members of the council have the knowledge and right to visit the site of the Runefather's interment, thus conferring upon them the status as the voice of the venerable father. This fact coupled with the practical concentration of power into the hands of the Council ensures the authoritarian nature of Obsidian Dwarf society is maintained.
Free Slaves
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "free_slave_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "free_slave_reform"
  • -0.03 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +3 Max Promoted Cultures
  • -50% Promote Culture Cost
  • -25% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture
A government of slaves and slaves owning slaves, where the most skilled are promoted and the least skilled are reassigned to positions more appropriate for their skillset. They are all owned by the state and the state choses their leader and position.
Gang Control
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "gang_control_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "gang_control_reform"
  • +2 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
A criminal organisation has accumulated enough power to effectively run this nation, be it through force, threat or bribery. The lack of a legal framework is a burden to effective administration and diplomacy, only countered by strong figureheads.
Lake Republic
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  "OR": {
    "has_country_modifier": "lake_federation_member",
    "has_reform": "lake_republic"
  • -20% Advisor Cost
  • +3 Random Candidate Bonus
  • +10% Goods Produced Modifier
  • -35 Maximum Absolutism
  • +33% Reelection Cost
The Lake Republics have banished from their shores all those who would call themselves 'monarch', after the reign of the Tyrant Queen. Instead, the most capable citizens vote on a representative for a set term, with the re-election of said representative being spoken of with anger and disapproval.
United Federation
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "united_federation",
    "have_had_reform": "united_federation"
  • +4 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -2 National Unrest
  • -50 Maximum Absolutism
  • +33% Reelection Cost
  • -25% State Maintenance
With the Constitution ratified, our people united, and our goals clear, the Federation stands ready to protect the interests of our cities and project our influence beyond the lakes that have nurtured us for so long.
Consolidated Democratic State
  "overlord": {
    "OR": {
      "has_reform": "united_federation",
      "have_had_reform": "united_federation"
  • -10% Core-Creation Cost
  • -30 Maximum Absolutism
  • +3 Max Promoted Cultures
  • +25% Religious Unity
With the oversight of Kalsyto, the peoples of this region have been united under democratic rule.
Crownsman Republic
  "OR": {
    "tag": "A25",
    "have_had_reform": "damescrown_republic_reform"
  "NOT": {
    "ruler_can_revive": true
  • +5 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
The Republic of Damescrown is a plutocratic league of several cities, most prominently the city of Damescrown itself. The politics of the republic are dominated by the wealthy and influential Calasanni Trade Company (also known as the CLSTC), and Calasanni leaders often have the influence to extend term lengths indefinitely.
Roilsardi Elective
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "roilsard_elective",
    "have_had_reform": "roilsard_elective"
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
A government formed from the compromise between the four major families of Roilsard where a leader is elected from one of their dynasties.
Ár Calléin
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "ar_callein_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "ar_callein_reform"
  "has_estate": "estate_vampires"
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Yearly Prestige
  • +10% Production Efficiency
The ruling class of Marlliande consists of wealthy landowners residing in opulent countryside manors and organized into three distinct social circles, each competing for prestige and influence through various means such as constructing magnificent edifices, throwing grandiose parties, or sending expeditions into unknown lands. The circles of the Ár Calléin are quite selective with who joins their ranks, each one looking for different qualities, though for what purpose few truly understand. What is known is that those who are chosen and accept their call-and one must accept when called-are never the same again.
Wineport Republic
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "wineport_merchants",
    "have_had_reform": "wineport_merchants"
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
A governmental form based around the Wine Merchants of the realm, the nation is governed as a republic but with a heavy reliance on trade and commerce.
Malacnari Stratocracy
  "OR": {
    "AND": {
      "tag": "G32",
      "has_country_flag": "reformed_malacnar_flag",
      "NOT": {
        "map_setup": "map_setup_random"
    "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  • -0.075 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • -50% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • +10% Manpower Recovery Speed
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • -0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion
The City of Warriors is ruled by its citizens, who double as generals and warriors. Whenever their Battleking dies, the most capable of Malacnar's citzens is elected to take his place.
Re-Uyeli Republic
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "reuyeli_republic",
    "have_had_reform": "reuyeli_republic"
  • -5% Idea Cost
  • +2 Max Promoted Cultures
Rulers can be of different cultures and races but can't be re-elected after ruling for more than 20 years.
League of Magnates
  "OR": [
      "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates",
      "have_had_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
      "tag": "A13",
      "was_tag": "A13",
      "is_subject_of": "A13"
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -10% Development Cost
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Production Efficiency
The country is run by the Council of Magnates, whose members only agree on one thing: that monarchies are an unfit method of governing a state. Aside from that tenet, there are countless disagreements among Council members on how the League should be governed.
Infernal Autocracy
  "has_reform": "infernal_autocracy"
  • -10% Establish Local Organization Cost
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
Fully commited to the goals of the secret societies, the Infernal Autocracy marches in lockstep with the legions of Hell to conquer Cannor.
Elected Clans
  "culture_group": "dwarven",
  "NOT": {
    "tag": "I02"
  • +2 Possible Advisors
  • +25% Caravan Power
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
The dwarven variant of a republic where a clan is elected to rule rather than an individual, with the clan head acting as the de facto ruler. This often leads to one family ruling the country for generations.
Clan Council
  "NOT": {
    "has_country_flag": "krak_disaster_ended"
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "krak_clan_council",
    "have_had_reform": "krak_clan_council"
  "primary_culture": "quartz_dwarf"
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
Our system of meritocratic recruitment means that our council is always filled with the best and brightest from our hold. It calls for frequent elections so that no ruler may gain too much power and thereby exert control over the others. Or that's how it used to work. Now the power cycles between one of the five major clans. Their hasty short-term planning has kept our country from thriving.
Free Council
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "krak_free_council",
    "have_had_reform": "krak_free_council"
  • -15% Advisor Cost
  • -2 National Unrest
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Nobility Influence
A reformed version of the old Clan Council, the new Free Council system employs an elected council in each hold which will govern that hold itself and report to a larger council body in Krakdhûmvror. Any dwarf from a poor miner to a rich merchant will be allowed to take the exams for office and thereby put themselves up for election, which will be based purely on qualification.
Eunuch Overseers
  "OR": [
      "capital_scope": {
        "superregion": "yanshen_superregion"
      "has_reform": "eunuch_republic"
      "has_estate": "estate_eunuchs_anb",
      "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • +1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -10% Female Advisor Chance
This country is ruled by a class of eunuchs, who handle all aspects of administration. A large series of these states were set up by Harimar when he conquered Yanshen, to create a class of subjects who were loyal only to him and would not suffer from the dynastic struggles that plagued his subjects in Rahen.
  "has_reform": "stratocracy_reform"
  • +1 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
A state ruled by the military, who make up the entirety of the administration. Only those that have proven themselves in battle are allowed to run for office or vote, for who else can we trust to decide our people's future than those that have shed blood for them?
Eternal Council
  "has_reform": "eternal_council",
  "NOT": {
    "has_country_flag": "magic_artificery_artificery_only"
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • -10% Female Advisor Chance
  • -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
The Eternal Council is an alliance of three powerful Jiangshi Courts, founded by eunuchs and scholars from the Yanszin that unlocked the secrets of the Black Jade Citadel. The eldest court is the Zhuying, and advocates for peace to facilitate growth of the internal economy. The Wandaoji came very soon after Jinqiu's founding, a court of eloquent and manipulative Jiangshi that frequently don elegant masks to hide their undead nature. The youngest court is that of the Shudiyi, consisting of former warlords and soldiers. They elect one of their exalted members to lead them for approximately two human generations, at which point the reigning Chancellor must step down and allow a member of one of the other Courts to take their place. They keep a tight grip on their subjects, using a combination of fear and mortal enforcers to ensure the loyalty of their country. Despite this, the staunchly meritocratic nature of their society opens the door for virtually anybody to rise to greatness, perhaps even being granted a seat at the council as a gift for their competence.
Kai Township
  "culture_group": "kai",
  "NOT": {
    "OR": {
      "has_reform": [
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
  • +15% Fort Defence
  • -20% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
A loose alliance of towns and villages in the harsh lands of Thidinkai. They elect a lord from amongst themselves to rule for life, and are fierce in their determination to remain free from the yoke of monarchs and tyrants.
Kai Republic
  "has_reform": "kai_republic"
  • -10% Development Cost
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2 Max Promoted Cultures
Several townships have been consolidated under a single banner, with an established capital and administration to govern their lands with greater efficiency. No longer a loose pact of disparate villages and towns, this is a true nation united in spirit and leadership.
Azkare Convocation
  "has_reform": "azkare_court"
  • -15% Advisor Cost
  • +10000% Culture Conversion Cost
  • -10% Development Cost
  • -10% Missionary Strength
  • -60% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
Azkare has forged the loose alliance of towns into a functioning state. Elves serve as convocationaries, representatives of the realm and trained bureaucrats. However, anyone, regardless of class, heritage or religion can rise to positions of leadership in the country based on merit.
Sunrise Court
  "has_reform": "sunrise_court_reform"
  • -15% Advisor Cost
  • +10000% Culture Conversion Cost
  • -10% Development Cost
  • -10% Missionary Strength
  • -60% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • -10% Idea Cost
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
The Sunrise Empire is a federal republic ruled by an elven court that oversees the largely autonomous and extremely diverse regions of the realm. The ruler is elected by popular vote to act as the public face of the Court, which serves as the guiding hand and protector of the land and all that call the Empire home.
Sinistral Republic
  "has_reform": "sinistral_republic_reform"
  • +20% Foreign Spy Detection
  • +50 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
Emboldened by our success in Yanshen, the Sinistral Chamber has abandoned the guise of the old republic.
The Council of Twelve
  "has_reform": "bulwar_twelve_families_reform"
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
Bulwar is ruled by the Council of Twelve, a legisative body consisting of representatives from each of the Twelve Families. Every twelve years, elections are held within the families to determine which will make up the smaller yet still powerful executive council.
League of Feiten
  "OR": {
    "if": {
      "limit": {
        "has_saved_global_event_target": "feiten_or_was_feiten_target"
      "tag": "event_target:feiten_or_was_feiten_target"
    "have_had_reform": "league_of_feiten"
  • -5% Administrative Efficiency
  • +0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Goods Produced Modifier
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
The League of Feiten is a collective of city-states and communities along the Jellyfish Coast. The League was formed by refugees fleeing Jaher's conquest of Yanshen, taking shelter in the rugged hills and craggy cliffsides of the then sparsely populated coast. Though dominated by Feiten, each member of the league proudly retains some independence and have a fierce tradition of self-sufficiency, their origins as refugees not forgotten.
Constitutional Plutocracy
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "beikdugang_plutocracy_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "beikdugang_plutocracy_reform"
  • +10% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2 Merchants
  • -25% Stability Cost Modifier
While power is still largely in the hands of the mercantile class, the constitution maintains the framework of the government and keeps the influence of said class in bounds. The constitution also dictates the rights of individual citizens, and allows the establishment of policies on time sensitive matters within the legal framework.
Revolutionary Thalassocracy
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "beikdugang_revolutionary_thalassocracy_reform",
    "AND": {
      "have_had_reform": "beikdugang_revolutionary_thalassocracy_reform",
      "is_revolutionary": true
  • +3 Diplomatic Relations
  • +5% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal
  • +2 Merchants
  • +10% Morale of Navies
  • -20% Liberty Desire in Subjects
The revolutionary thalassocracy represents the government of the nation of a maritime-oriented executive consisting of former mercantile leaders who have adopted the ideals of the revolution and seek to spread them across the seas. The use of maritime and economic power to spread the revolution is prefered to mere conquest of existing nations.
Segbandalic Syndicate
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "seghdihr_syndicates_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "seghdihr_syndicates_reform"
  • -25% Fort Maintenance
  • +10% Goods Produced Modifier
  • -25% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +15% Production Efficiency
As a syndicate, the security needs of this hold are entirely trusted to the Segbandal. This leaves the hold's government able to direct all of its attention to maintaining trade routes and fulfilling production quotas.
Golden Republic
  "has_reform": "golden_republic_reform"
  • -5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
  • +10% Production Efficiency
A republic shaped under oversight of Balris, the Golden Republic grants representation to the masses through a parliament and limits the influence of the previously entrenched clergy and old guard. This old guard still often delivers presidential candidates, but is much less powerful than before. The constitution dictates the rights of individual citizens, alleviating tensions between kobolds, humans, and others.
The Ghost Council
  "has_reform": "honsai_ghost_council_1"
  • -3% All Power Costs
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • +0.2 Yearly Republican Tradition
While the Ghost-Emperor retains his title and honour, matters of earthly government are in the hands of his council of advisors. This new institution, the Ghost Council, has representatives from every estate, every prominent family, and every important institution. The members of the Ghost Council elect one of their one of their number to the position of Chancelor, who is nominally the lead advisor to the Ghost Emperor, and the de facto head of state.
The Ghost Council
  "has_reform": "honsai_ghost_council_2"
  • -5% All Power Costs
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • +0.2 Yearly Republican Tradition
While the Ghost-Emperor retains his title and honour, matters of earthly government are in the hands of his council of advisors. This new institution, the Ghost Council, has representatives from every estate, every prominent family, and every important institution. The members of the Ghost Council elect one of their one of their number to the position of Chancelor, who is nominally the lead advisor to the Ghost Emperor, and the de facto head of state.
The Ghost Council
  "has_reform": "honsai_ghost_council_3"
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • +0.2 Yearly Republican Tradition
While the Ghost-Emperor retains his title and honour, matters of earthly government are in the hands of his council of advisors. This new institution, the Ghost Council, has representatives from every estate, every prominent family, and every important institution. The members of the Ghost Council elect one of their one of their number to the position of Chancelor, who is nominally the lead advisor to the Ghost Emperor, and the de facto head of state.
War Empire
  "has_reform": "jiangdu_war_empire_reform"
  • +1 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • +10% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
A state ruled by military, with endless desire for war and dominance over the enemies. Hundreds dedicated to fueling the everlasting engine which is Jiangdu. The generals of our nation are constantly planning, making our next move. Reforms of the military are of the greatest importance, and the administration of the lands is as tight-knit as a bootcamp. We must be prepared for anything, and the push for order and dominance that never ends.
Jiangdu Leadership
  "has_reform": "jiangdu_leadership_reform"
  • +0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
  • -25% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +10% Morale of Armies
A state ruled by military, who make up the entirety of the administration. They decide all the reforms of the government, state, and military in a way that suits their every growing need for conquest and dominance. The fittest of our soldiers, the greatest of our generals, all find themselves vying for a spot amongst the Jiangdu Leadership. If they get a spot is another question...
Conqueror's Council
  "has_reform": "ameion_conquerers_reform"
  • -10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
  • -20% Core-Creation Cost
  • -25% Cost to fabricate claims
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • -0.75 Yearly Republican Tradition
Laskaris the Conqueror spends the vast majority of his time in Taychend, planning or enacting his conquests in the region, and has left the majority of duties in Ameion proper to a council of talented individuals. His leadership on the field has allowed Ameion to overcome incredible odds, but his disregard of the Republic's nature has called its very foundation into question.
Cobalt Glasslords
  "has_reform": "orlghelovar_glasslords"
  • +10% Improve Relations
The Glasslords of Orlghelovar were known for their glass in the days of Aul-Dwarov. They produced a special type of glass made with cobalt particles giving them the name 'Cobalt Dwarf'
Now we have fully reclaimed the legacy of our cobalt ancestors and can produce this beautiful glass.
Dwarven Science
  "has_reform": "orlghelovar_science",
  "OR": {
    "has_country_flag": [
  • -5% Idea Cost
  • +10% Trade Efficiency
With the help of the gnomes, Orlghelovar made vast progress in every aspect of science. The technological advancements of Orlghelovar should not be underestimated as both dwarves and gnomes work tirelessly to conduct research in the pursuit of knowledge.
White Stone Council
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "shaz_white_stone_council",
    "have_had_reform": "shaz_white_stone_council"
  • -8% Construction Cost
  • -5% Development Cost
  • -2 National Unrest
The White Stone Council is the revived version of the old Whitestone council. Changes were made to make sure the modernization of the ways of old was done properly. Now, it is not only dwarves who can lead, but important powers from all regions of Shazstundihr, no matter what race they may be.
The Amlvîhte
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "shaz_the_amlvihte",
    "have_had_reform": "shaz_the_amlvihte"
  • -10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
  • -15% Construction Cost
  • -5% Development Cost
The ideas of justice and equality,

Land of Equals
  "has_reform": "barumand_land_of_equals_reform"
  • -15% Advisor Cost
  • +2 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -2 National Unrest
Orcs take leading positions, but humans are promoted on bias due to their assistance during the Sarkub-Kashr (e.g. humans are better administrators) and merit.
Newshire Stewardship
  "has_reform": "newshire_stewardship"
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • +10% Institution Spread
  • +5% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
Our nation functions as a decentralised agrarian republic, with provincial officials known as Stewards ruling over their respective villages. During a grand festival every fifteen years, our people select one of these Stewards to serve as a first-amongst-equals, who will act as the face of the country for their term.
High Stewardship
  "has_reform": "newshire_high_stewardship",
  "NOT": {
    "has_country_flag": "magic_artificery_artificery_only"
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • +10% Institution Spread
  • +5% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
The Chloromancers and the Stewards have become one and the same; who best to care for Halann then those who can give the most to her? No longer do we have a first-amongst-equals - the college of Stewards congregate upon the death of their leader to select a new High Steward. The people still vote at their little festival, but everybody is well aware that their choice doesn't matter much.
Anisíkheioni Naval Stratocracy
  "has_reform": "anisikheioni_naval_stratocracy"
  • +1 Naval Leader Fire
  • +1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +100% Naval Tradition From Battles
  • +0.5 Yearly Navy Tradition
In Anisíkheion, the state and the navy are one and the same, a state of affairs seen nowhere else in the world of the Kheionai. The Grand Admiral rules the nation till his death, his successor being an admiral promoted to the position of Grand Admiral by his peers through an internal election.
Concord Administration
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "concord_administration_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "concord_administration_reform"
  • +1 Diplomats
  • -25% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • -10 Change National Focus Cooldown Years
This country grew to manage not only their own affairs, but those of the entire Trollsbay Concord. As such, it puts a heavy focus on diplomacy and political compromise.
Theínósi Synkletos
  "has_reform": "theinosi_synkletos"
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • +1 Colonists
  • -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
The Synkletos is the legislative body of Theínós, consisting of 10 representatives from each nékheis, which passes laws superseding the laws of the individual nékheis. Each nékheis has complete freedom in how they elect their representatives, but the Dega-Kylakas of Theínós is elected by the Kylakas' of the individual nékheis.
  "OR": {
    "primary_culture": "tanizu",
    "has_reform": "namasomitingo_reform"
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "seventeen_families_reform"
  • +2 Diplomatic Relations
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +25% Vassal Force Limit Contribution
A Namasomitingo is an evolved form of the tribal democracy practied by the Tanizu. It is an egalitarian system that bases its legitimacy off the Tanizu belief of the obligation of leaders to provide spiritually and materially for their followers. The Mitingo is a temporal leader but also a spiritual one, being the head of a community of faithful who make up the electoral system.
Thasáros Kheinisí
  "has_reform": "thasaros_kheinisi"
  • +1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre
  • +25% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • +100% Naval Tradition From Battles
  • +30% Privateer Efficiency
A government that represents the close ties of the pirates and government of Amgremós.

Pirates have representation in government and are able to take part in nationwide debate and elections. In return, the Amgremósi are granted control of pirates as subject, and are able to organize the pirates as if they were apart of their own navy.

Of course, the pirates will still raid and the Amgremósi will still govern, but this system allows for organization that could have never been found if these two parties were to remain seperate. Now everyone benefits from this relationship, and instead of a small pouch of gold for one, a great ton of gold can be shared by many.
  "has_reform": "mountainshark_govzenszel"
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • +50% Female Advisor Chance
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
A republic where the leader is chosen for their adherence to one or more of the lessons of Glozok. Administration is split between the factions of the Violent, the Cunning, and the Genius. While the extent of the legal distinction between these factions changes over time, they each hold levers of power over different parts of the state.
Amezatany Dynasties
  "OR": {
    "culture": [
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
The ruling elites of the urbanized northern states trace their origin back to the coastal city states on mainland Sarhal. Those states now lie in ruins after halflings were pushed out during a human migration that happened centuries ago. With centuries of rulership and tradition both on the mainland and later on the Summer Isles, these ruling families are known for their connections all around Fahvanosy.
Plumstead Technocracy
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "plumstead_technocracy_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "plumstead_technocracy_reform"
  • -40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +20% Religious Unity
A unique yet efficient mix between technocratic and theocratic rule, the Plumsteader Technocracy epitomizes the fusion of its academic culture, agrarian economy and Ravelian customs. Ruled by the greatest minds, who in Plumstead are required to have a theological schooling as well, the Plumstead Technocracy favors the advancements of science and faith above all else and sees them as one and the same. The premier science in the land, and therefore also the most common academic background of our rulers is that of agroscience, which has over the last century evolved into Plumstead’s number one field of expertise. From soil research to state of the art farm automata, Plumsteader agrotechnology is leagues ahead of the rest of the world, leading to the nation sometimes being called an ‘agro-technocracy’. It also puts a strong emphasis on the protection and expansion of the faith, stemming from their own roots as settlers in a strange and at many times hostile land.
  "OR": {
    "AND": {
      "tag": "J53",
      "NOT": {
        "map_setup": "map_setup_random"
      "ai": true
    "has_reform": "kengashkosh_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "kengashkosh_reform"
  • +25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -10% Cavalry Cost
  • +20% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • -75% Move Capital cost modifier
The Kengashkosh, or Captains' Council, is a militaristic council where gathered clans of Orachav gather. The Ashkosh, or Captain, is chosen by a wider council consisting of peoples from all walks of life.
City of the Esteemed Widow
  "has_reform": "isobelin_government_reform_city_of_the_esteemed_widow"
  • -10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +50% Female Advisor Chance
  • +10 National Unrest
  • -50% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +50% State Maintenance
  • +10 Years of Separatism
The Widow Isobel left Cannor with her considerable wealth and a fleet of followers, driven by a singular vision - to found a city where all might lead a life of liberty and the pursuit of profit.
The Pentapandemonium
  "has_reform": "pentapandemonium_reform"
  • -5% Administrative Efficiency
  • -33% Advisor Cost
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • +20% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • +33% Female Advisor Chance
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Technology Cost
Most would argue that a state operates most efficiently in the world of law, order, and peace. That the absence of these things leads to anarchy, upon which no progress can be made. But have no fear. We've laughed the sorry sods spreading this misinformation out of the ceremony!

Chaos shall reign supreme under the unnoble leadership of the five Pentapandemoniac Prefectoriums: the ever-brilliant artificers of the Discombobulatorium, the omnipresent life of the party known as the Harmaceuticals (shortened to Big Harma), the sly and cunning Cloak and Swagger prefectorium, the constructive Glorious Erectors, and the simple backwater Clodhoppers. These five prefectoriums working in utter disharmony are certain to bring prosperity to Ves Udzenklan... right?
Ynnic Dynastic Republic
  "has_reform": "brelar_ynnic_dynastic_republic"
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +5% Nobility Influence
  • +5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -0.75 Yearly Republican Tradition
A republic in which the ruler's office lasts for life and is elected from a group of prestigious noble families.
Matriarchal Pirate Republic
  "has_reform": "matriarchal_pirate_republic",
  "OR": {
    "has_dlc": [
      "Lions of the North",
      "Golden Century"
  • +50% Marines Force Limit
  • +33% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +50% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • -1 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • +75% States Governing Cost
Halfway between a pirate confederation and a Harpy Matriarchy, the Republic of Naléni is a mess of factional politics. Between the interests of the Nobility and that of the Captains, little exists to legitimate claims beyond a strong captaincy at the Helm of a raiding galley.
Settled Centaur Horde
  "always": false
  • +33% Looting Speed
  • -15% Production Efficiency
  • -33% Reform Progress Growth
A Settled Centaur Horde
The Medasi Compromise
  "has_reform": "medasi_reform"
  • -25% Religious Unity
When Horashesh was the Southern Territories of Kheterata, a native monarch - the Efergezmu - ruled with the blessing and guidance of a local Kheteratan governor - the Medawor. After Kheterata's collapse, the two sides agreed to share power in an uneasy compromise.
Rule of the Seventeen
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "seventeen_families_reform",
    "primary_culture": "antmvura"
  • +10% Goods Produced Modifier
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
The Seventeen are a set of families of the Butuguzi, ranging from warlords to traders to landowners of mixed Dakinshi, Naamjyut and even Baashidi heritage. Together they control the most important spheres of the state. Their primary focus centres around protecting and cultivating the coffee trade using the state as a means for securing lands for plantations and escorting the maritime routes to their Naamjyut relatives.

Every four years and in situations of grave importance, such as the declaration of war, the families’ heads sit down for a coffee party to discuss the matters of the state and elect a chairman or chairmistress who shall represent their interests outside of the country.
Frontier Republic
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "frontier_republic_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "frontier_republic_reform"
  • +0.5 Cavalry Fire
On the vast Epednan Expanse, the frontier never truly ends. Houses can be raised, towns built, but bringing true civilization here is a process that will take centuries and take more than simply putting a flag here and there. It's seen as a lawless wasteland where only hard men can thrive. But we are those hard men.
Kinah Conclave
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "haraf_kinah_conclave",
    "have_had_reform": "haraf_kinah_conclave"
  • +10% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
After the reformation of the Kinah system, House Leeti’haàt used the systems of Gommoport, Mestikardu and Zurzumexia as inspiration for a republic ruled by representatives of all the Kinah. Although they did keep a measure of autonomy under the republic, the Kinah became increasingly associated with the political ideals they embodied alongside the territories they ruled over.
Crathánori Assembly
  "AND": {
    "OR": {
      "tag": "U17",
      "AND": {
        "tag": "F52",
        "was_tag": "U17"
    "mission_completed": "crathanor_embrace_the_two_principles"
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • -40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
  • +0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • +10% Trade Efficiency
Comprising purely of the various Burgher guilds, factions, and individual actors within the nation, the Crathánori Assembly is free of the influences of both the clergy and the nobility within the nation. History has shown that they cannot be trusted with the interests of the merchant class, and as such to safeguard against future potential threats and reprisals, the clergy and nobility have hereafter been utterly barred from participating in government affairs.
Scaled Lords Council
  "OR": {
    "tag": "L03",
    "was_tag": "L03"
  "has_country_flag": "isagumze_our_right_to_rule"
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
With the bizarre Medasi Compromise abolished, the nation is now ruled by a council of the 5 most powerful Kulugi Abe families, the Scaled Lords. The head of this council, who receives the name of Scaled Speaker, is selected each decade with a ritualized wrestling tournament, in which candidates of the five families compete to determine who is the most worthy to lead the Ikilshebe. The winner, having proven himself to be the chosen of Nyokyora, will fill this position for 10 years, after which a new Scaled Speaker will be elected.
Aelantiri Corporate State
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "aelantiri_corporate_state_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "aelantiri_corporate_state_reform"
  • +10% Domestic Trade Power
  • +10% Production Efficiency
This state is an Aelantiri chapter of a massive company. Unlike the corporation's main Cannorian branches, this division is a sovereign nation of its own: and so it commands an army, a navy, a tax base, and more. It weaponizes these assets towards the exploitation of the Ruined Sea (and Aelantir at large) for the economic benefit of themselves and their shareholders.
Korosheshi League
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "koroshesh_league_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "koroshesh_league_reform"
  • +0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -20% Cost to Promote Mercantilism
The Korosheshi League is a council composed of representatives from the wealthiest and most powerful individuals and groups of Koroshesh. Merchants, guild masters, members of the most prominent gnomish families and prestigious scholars deliberate about the government of the country and the appropriate economic policy that should be followed. The League holds executive and legislative power and it also elects the head of state among its members. This position is for life and has fairly limited attributions, mainly serving as the spokesperson who communicates the League's decisions to the country.
The Bacaran Republic
  "has_reform": "vels_bacar_bacaran_republic"
  • +20% Fort Defence
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +20% Institution Spread

Tier 2: Republican Virtues

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • -1 National Unrest
  • +5 Maximum Absolutism
While it is no Monarchy, this republic values law and order above all else and will act forcefully to ensure that the authority of the central government is respected throughout the country.
Political Dynasties
  "NOT": {
    "has_government_attribute": [
    "has_reform": [
    "culture_group": "dwarven"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
In this country a number of families have over time emerged as very willing to assume the responsibilities of state. So much so that it has become both expected of them to shoulder that responsibility, and expected of the state to offer it to their scions.
  "NOT": {
    "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform",
    "has_reform": [
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +0.2 Yearly Republican Tradition
This Republic has made itself a guardian of Republican ideals, citizen power and everyone working together for the common good.
Meritocratic Rule
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • +5% Goods Produced Modifier
Our republic does not elect its rulers based on connections or influence from the oligarchs. Instead the masses of our country vote according to the skills the candidate can bring. This system of meritocracy does not differentiate genders, and is present in all aspects of our society.
Virtues of Politeia
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
The oligarchs cannot rule without the masses enabling them, and the masses cannot decide what they want. In order to keep the republic running we have to protect the values of the simple people as well as of those who rule.
Religious Values
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates",
      "culture_group": [
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +1 Missionaries
Religion plays just as much of a big role within our republic as the power to vote. The religious aspects of our country help us elect the right person in times of doubt, and the Clergy ensure a devoted ruling term.
Articles of Agreement
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • +10% National Sailors Modifier
  • +0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
The Articles of Agreement are the cornerstone of the social order on board a pirate ship. They guarantee that every crewman has an equal vote in all matters and an equal share of all plunder. Articles such as these should be established for the Republic itself, so that the liberty and equality of all pirates is secured.
Smugglers Haven
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • +30% Trade Power Abroad
A pirate enterprise cannot function without a way to sell their stolen goods. We must ensure that conditions in the Republic are favorable for smuggling operations.
Council of Captains
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • +33% Privateer Efficiency
The Pirate Republic should be governed by the will of its greatest captains. It is their alliance that holds our nation together, and so their decisions must take precedence over any other authority.
The Privateer's Way
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • -10% Naval Maintenance Modifier
  • +10% Morale of Navies
  • +25% Privateer Efficiency
  • +1 Yearly Republican Tradition
There is no place for us among the lawful states. They do not trust us and we have little reason to trust them. At the end of the day, only a fellow cutthroat is the companion we can have around us.
Liberté Ideals
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +2 Max Promoted Cultures
  • -75% Promote Culture Cost
Liberté is the school of thought within the Revolution that claims that any individual should have the divine right to do whatever he or she wishes that does not do harm to or restrict the liberty of others.
Egalité Ideals
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • +1 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +0.25 Yearly Republican Tradition
Those who believe in the ideals of Egalité believe that the law, whether it be a rule or a right, applies equally to all people, regardless of faith, social class, culture, and gender. Equally, all citizens should have access to all positions in our government based only on their competence.
Fraternité Ideals
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • -20% Culture Conversion Cost
  • -25% Harsh Treatment Cost
  • +10% Reform Progress Growth
Not everyone acknowledges the ideals of Fraternité as an ideal of the Revolution, but view it as a reactionary element within our own state who wish to return to the old government. Fraternité is a sense of brotherhood and those who follow its principles believe that the state should follow an authoritarian route where there is a proper place for all citizens assigned by the state.
Military Council
  "has_reform": "military_council_reform"
  • +50% General Cost
  • +1 Land Leader Fire
  • +2 Land Leader Manoeuvre
  • +2 Naval Leader Manoeuvre
Kalsyto Sojdal has formed a council of the nation's finest soldiers to better direct their war efforts, both on land and on sea.
Needs of the Many
  "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • -2 National Unrest
  • +5% Production Efficiency
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. We must take measures to keep the workforce happy; a happy workforce will be most willing to serve and support the League, which is after all their homeland.
Freedom for All
  "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • +15% Trade Efficiency
Freedom from tyranny is the greatest cause of all.
A Continued Purpose
  "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • -10% Autonomy Change Cooldown
  • -10% Reelection Cost
It is important that the League has a single, continued purpose; in order to guarantee this we must choose a single person to lead the League.
Legionary Command
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "eordand_legionary_command",
    "have_had_reform": "eordand_legionary_command"
  • +0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +10% Manpower Recovery Speed
The heart of Tuathak society are the warriors that carve our way to victory! Those showered with glory may always find themselves with a say in our realm, unlike those pansies of the Spring Court who value reading books, or counting coins like the wave-watchers. Those proven in battle naturally rise the ranks in the Legions, and those officers with experience and tested-worth are entrusted with the governance of our realm. Who else knows better than those who have risked their lives for us, and not only survived, but emerged victorious?
Secret Societies
  "has_reform": "secret_societies_inf"
  • +20% Spy Network Construction
  • +0.1 Yearly Corruption
We have gained the support of the secret societies of Escann, be it for good or for ill.
Traveling Convocationaries
  "has_reform": "traveling_convocationairies"
  • -25% Stability Cost Modifier
  • -0.1 Yearly Corruption
Our most well trained convocationaries are assigned to travel from district to district and ensure that they are running smoothly and justly by their representatives. They answer only to the supreme convocationary and have the power to remove any convocationary from their position and send them to the academy should they deem it neccesary.
Sinistral Chamber
  "has_reform": "sinistral_chamber_reform"
  • -2 National Unrest
  • -15% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +40% Spy Network Construction
  • +0.05 Yearly Corruption
The outward-facing aspects of our state are nearly all a facade - the true power in our government rests in the hands of secretive individuals known as the 'Sinistral Chamber'
Court of Envoys
  "has_reform": "anjiang_court_of_envoys_reform"
  • +20% Advisor Cost
  • +20% Fort Defence
  • +20% Foreign Spy Detection
  • +10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
Every seven days, a runner from our capitol departs west along the Golden Highway. Spirits willing, every seven days another returns.

Each of them are entrusted with a task of tremendous import - to receive news from the Oracles of Tughayasa.
Council of Stripes
  "has_reform": "guhe_council_stripes_reform"
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • +0.05 Infantry Shock
  • +5% Movement Speed
Guhe has long been known as an enclave of Yansheni Harimari. By formally bringing their expertise into our military, we can adopt many of their strengths.
The Xuezhe
  "has_reform": "yangcheng_xuezhe_reform"
  • -15% Construction Time
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -5% Technology Cost
The most adept scholars of Yangcheng are invited to the Xuezhe, directing their research towards matters relevant to the state.
The Great Patrol
  "has_reform": "yanzhong_patrol_reform"
  • -15% National Manpower Modifier
  • +10% Goods Produced Modifier
  • +1 Merchants
The state of Yanzhong devotes an incredible amount of its resources into the maintenance of her trade routes - providing great boons to the local economy.
Councils Of Technocrats
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
  • -5% Technology Cost
The technocratic councils within our nation hold great amounts of power, being centralized within holds, they also further their development, significantly helping our nation.
Maiden Republic
  "has_reform": "maiden_republic"
  • +10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
This state is ruled by a semi-theocratic republic dominated by the Order of the Maidens of Liho. Every major state organ is directly occupied by a shrine maiden and the rest are closely monitored; they maintain their position under the guise of ruling in Huszien's name. Religious orthodoxy - that is, their form of orthodoxy - is enforced.
Bureau of Bharbhen Relations
  "AND": {
    "OR": {
      "tag": "G55",
      "was_tag": "G55"
    "has_country_flag": "G55_bharbhen_reform_access"
  • +50% Native Assimilation
  • -50% Native Uprising Chance
The Bureau of Bharbhen Relations is tasked with handling the issues of the allied tribes, settlers, and other related affairs.
Agronomer's Association
  "AND": {
    "OR": {
      "tag": "G58",
      "was_tag": "G58"
    "has_country_flag": "G58_agronomers_association_flag"
  • +1 Administrative Free Policies
The Keyolíoni Agronomer’s Association was a prestigious organisation for transmuters . Initially a government-run initiative for researching high-altitude sugar cane cultivation, administrative power shifted over to the academic staff as its influence grew.

Close cooperation between wealthy plantation owners and the Association allowed for rapid research and development of new strains of sugar cane and offered students practical experience in the greenhouse laboratories. It issued licences to plantation owners and inspected the crops regularly to ensure compliance with the Association’s standards. For many skilled mages, a career in the Association was a quick path to being hired on one of the many plantations in the country. For others, it was a steady climb towards the top of the academic ladder - and one of the 24 seats on the Council of Agronomers, headed by the Grand Agronomer, whose influence in the country was, at least on paper, second only to the Kylakas.
Educated Republic
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "educated_republic_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "educated_republic_reform"
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • -10% Idea Cost
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
The voting population in Plumstead is made up mostly of those with an educated background. This is because we very uniquely require each who wants to vote to pass a test in which they show knowledge on what the elections are about and what the candidates are proposing. Requirements for candidates are even more strict, as we not only require a formal education, we also require candidates to get a supportive reference from multiple other educated Plumsteaders.
Nobility Pillaging Rights
  "technology_group": "tech_black_orcish"
  • +25% Available Loot
  • +25% Looting Speed
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
Many nobles of today are warchiefs of yesterday. We should use their past experiences of raiding and pillaging the weaker races going forward.
Spoils for the People
  "OR": {
    "culture_group": [
  • -20% Available Loot
  • -2 National Unrest
  • +5% Morale of Armies
  • -10% Production Efficiency
In our past tribal days we all looted for the clanleader. Those days are past us, our leaders work for us and us for them. By introducing two new distribution systems, we can ensure unity and spirit. The first deals with spoils of war. Loot will be counted and fairly distributed among soldiers and fallen families. The second one deals with industry. A certain percentage of all productive surplus will be granted back to the worker as a bonus. Satisfied soldiers and happy workers will ensure a successfull country.
Appease the Khet
  "has_dlc": "Mandate of Heaven",
  "is_emperor_of_china": true,
  "NOT": {
    "has_special_hedonism_reform": true
  • +20% Improve Relations
  • +1 Max Promoted Cultures
  • +0.1 Yearly Corruption
Our state is technically not the owner of the lands of the Sorrow, technically it is just a steward which manages the lands and river in the name of the Khet. The Khet, feline-human hybrids, demi-gods, and true owners of the lands and river have named us the stewards. This gives us the right to subjugate and control the lands of the Salahad and the authority to do as we please, as long as we praise, worship and serve the Khet in any way they please, no matter if it is moral or debaucherous.
Xhazobkult Sacrifices
  "culture_group": "gnollish"
  • +25% Available Loot
Though we are no longer a rampaging horde, our state still requires sacrifices be gathered to fuel our demonic rituals. Tithes and blood taxes are all well and good but why should we waste good captives when sacking a city just because we are now 'civilised'
Familial Company
  "OR": {
    "tag": [
  "is_revolutionary": false
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
We are a branch of a large company founded by a famous Cannorian family. Thanks to this and our extensive connections, we can count on a constant inflow of young and ambitious "second sons" who will definitely help us in management and increase our prestige.
Diligent Bureaucracy
  "has_reform": "kai_republic"
Every village, township and city under us have been integrated into a system, where every single one of them has a specific role in the country. This allows us to make grand, nation-wide projects with ease, as it is much easier to assign the workforce to a specific task.
Bastion of Democracy
  "has_reform": "lake_bastion_of_democracy"
  • +5% Administrative Efficiency
  • +1 Diplomats
  • -25% Envoy Travel Time
It is Kalyin's will that the peoples of the world be liberated from the tyrants that oppress them. We will find friends wherever there is inequality, and enemies in those that benefit from it.
Rule of the Panykorun
  "has_reform": "vels_bacar_rule_of_the_panykorun"
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism

Tier 3: Frequency of Elections

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Frequent Elections
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "eternal_council",
    "has_country_flag": "mykx_disable_t3",
    "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
Long terms make rulers reckless and the very idea that someone would rule for a long time is contrary to the very idea of a republic. Let us reform our election system to ensure better accountability from our elected officials.
Consolidation of Power
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "eternal_council",
    "has_country_flag": "mykx_disable_t3",
    "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
The current terms for officials are too short to see through larger projects. This only feeds populism and leads to short-sighted policies. Let us reform our election system to allow for longer terms so that our elected officials have the power they need to conduct their office.
Consolidate Exectuive Power
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
For years, our Republic has had its power base divided between the Executive, the Council, the citizens, and countless other legislative bodies. Each are subject to each other, but the Executive sits at the top of the hierarchy. Our loose government system has been useful thus far in advancing our trade efforts, but as our nation expands across the world, it’s become clear that we must grant the Executive total power across all branches of the government if we are to eliminate corruption in our administration.
Disperse Power Across the Cities
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • +10% Trade Power Abroad
Our government is a strange mix between a Republic, an Oligarchy, and a Monarchy. Trade and commerce are our primary concern and we’re not interested in building a global empire, only making an empire of trade. If we shatter powers in our nation and grant greater control to the Trade Cities, we shall make our trade league much more inviting for the smaller powers who only desire the freedom and economic stability that we can provide.
Formalize the Right of Re-election
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  "NOT": {
    "has_government_attribute": "anb_special_elections"
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -0.1 Yearly Corruption
Even in a glorious republic such as ours the ruler of the state is an individual, and individuals tend to exploit their power for personal gains. Let us introduce the right of the ruling class to enforce a re-election in times of doubt.
Devotion to the People
  "OR": [
      "is_revolutionary": false,
      "NOT": {
        "has_dlc": "Emperor"
      "has_reform": [
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +0.1 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • -5 Years of Separatism
Ruling the republic is not a task which can be done temporarily. To truly serve the people and the republic, our rulers have to embrace their position of power and responsibility their whole life.
Permanent Marathas Council
  "has_dlc": "Dharma",
  "has_estate": "estate_maratha",
  "technology_group": "indian"
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • -10% Nobility Influence
  • -5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
Maratha generals and civic leaders are an important part of the balance of power in our nation. We should formalize their assemblies and establish a permanent council of the Marathas to guide our nation.
Governmental Purbias Register
  "has_dlc": "Dharma",
  "has_estate": "estate_rajput",
  "technology_group": "indian"
  • -10% Nobility Influence
  • -5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +5% Recover Army Morale Speed
The state is taking measures to attract elite Rajput warriors from all over India. Steps should be taken to organize these warriors into cohesive regiments upon arrival so that they can be deployed more effectively.
  "is_colonial_nation": false,
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": [
      "culture_group": "goblin",
      "has_reform": [
      "has_country_flag": "mykx_disable_t3"
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +25% Average Monarch Lifespan
Elections by majority votes are prone to corruption or worse, populism. We shall employ a complex system of allotment to determine who should lead our Republic by selecting almost at random from among a pool of suitable candidates.
Legislative Assembly
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
With the collapse of the old government, we have an opportunity to reconstruct a new legislative government which treats all people, regardless of social class, as equals. This government shall be absolutely committed to the ideals of the Revolution, and will not suffer those who wish to subjugate us back into the old regime.
Constituent Assembly
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • +15% Improve Relations
  • -15% Reelection Cost
The Constituent Assembly was a rough outline of democracy provided by the old government that governed the people in three distinct constituents. By building and expanding upon the old government rather than overhauling it with the new, we may prove to the reactionary governments on our border that we are still a civilized nation and a force for good in this changing world.
National Assembly
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +2 Random Candidate Bonus
The National Assembly is the heart of the new government where the different factions of our state gather together to propose and deposit laws for the nation. A new candidate of the state gets elected from said factions.
Thumb on the Scale
  "tag": "A73",
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "revolutionary_republic_reform"
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • -20% Reelection Cost
  • +0.2 Yearly Corruption
With more and more clan members joining the Carver Cartel as a path to power, it seems that no matter who is elected, the Carver Cartel rules.
Younger Courts
  "has_reform": "eternal_council"
  • +15% Institution Spread
  • -2 National Unrest
  • -15 Maximum Absolutism
It has been realized that the great age of our courtiers has a tendency to detach them from the mortal world, leading to a dissonance between the people and the council. By shortening the length of a chancellor's term to but one human generation and granting the gift to younger candidates, we can work towards greater harmony.
Wisdom Comes With Age
  "has_reform": "eternal_council"
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
  • -10% State Maintenance
The members of the Eternal Council are some of the wisest and most learned men in Yanshen, and only those that have spent an entire mortal lifespan to grow their knowledge of administration and statesmanship are worthy of receiving the Gift and a seat at the Council.
Mortal Court
  "has_reform": "eternal_council"
  • +10% Global Trade Power
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Trade Efficiency
Our undead nature has a tendency to disturb and frighten those not familiar with the Council. While this fear has its uses, it also results in a lack of trade coming and going from Jinqiu. A solution to this would be to create a new court of qualified mortal administrators, the Nuanxie, to handle our trade networks and improve our outward appearance.
Mykxic Factionalism
  "has_country_flag": "mykx_disable_t3_2"
  • +25% Religious Unity
  • +0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
Since its inception, Mykx her unique circumstances have caused her politics to diverge from ordinary pirate republics.

The Xhazobkult who seek to maximize the amount of sacrifices that are performed in order to please the demons they worship are a major new player, but there are also Colonialists, drug barons and slavers.
The Silken Council
  "has_reform": "feiten_silken_jellyfish_council"
  • -5% Administrative Efficiency
  • +20% Ship Trade Power
  • +1 Merchants
  • +5 Merchant Trade Power
  • +33% Stability Cost Modifier
  • +10% Trade Efficiency
To better represent and project the newfound power and influence of Feiten's burgeoning merchant class, the richest merchants were invited to sit upon an official advisory council. Soon, the council gained the moniker of the Silken Council, as many meetings took place in the skies, inside the private silken balloons that only the most successful of Feiten's merchants owned.
Expanded Council
  "has_reform": [
New Minds
  "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • -15% Stability Cost Modifier
It sometimes feels as if the world has changed as much in the past few centuries as it did in all the millennia since the fall of Aul-Dwarov. The young of our race are adaptable and ready to meet the uncertain future; let them lead us all towards brighter days!
Elder Wisdom
  "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
The world is a dangerous place, but our elders have survived everything it can throw at them. However swiftly things may change around us, their experience and wisdom will carry us through the dark days which are surely ahead.
Elected Clanspeakers
  "capital_scope": {
    "OR": {
      "superregion": "bulwar_superregion",
      "continent": "serpentspine"
  "culture_group": "goblin",
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "mountainshark_govzenszel"
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +15% Reelection Cost
  • +0.1 Yearly Republican Tradition
Our esteemed Republic values new ideas - at any cost. Each Clanspeaker will only have a limited time to leave their mark on the mangled political tapestry of the Republic, and by averaging over their chaotic successes and failures the state shall overall be improved. At least, on average.
Capital On Train Tracks
  "OR": {
    "mission_completed": "railskulker_on_the_rails_again",
    "has_reform": "railskulker_capital_on_train_tracks"
  • +10% Artificers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -75% Move Capital cost modifier
With the introduction of our great convoy of trains, our capital now basically resides within said convoy, travelling from hold to hold, our administration is now capable of distritbuting resources and attention more efficiently.
Chaotic Republicanism
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "besolaki_chaotic_republicanism",
    "have_had_reform": "besolaki_chaotic_republicanism"
  • +0.1 Yearly Republican Tradition
Besolakí’s system of government is based in the concepts of radical, combative democratic state, termed a “Chaotic Republic” by the thinkers of the city. Power is contested by a group of powerful factions, each of which are born from a specific philosophical school. Analogous to loose political parties, the clash between them upholds Besolakí’s democracy, as any one faction getting too powerful would hurt the others. It also encourages innovation and good governance, with intense, passionate debates and arguments between them driving the creation of new policies and the further development of philosophy. The frequent change of governing party therefore empowers the state further, while consolidation of power leads to stagnation.

Tier 4: Religion within the Republic

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Strengthen Clergy Privileges
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  "has_no_religion_specific_government_available": true
  • +10% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion
The priestly class serves the state by being a spiritual guidance of our people through difficult time periods. The clergy deserves an increase of their rights to honor their role in our state.
Curtail Clerical Privileges
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
      "culture_group": "goblin"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • -10% Administrative Technology Cost
  • +10% Religious Unity
Religion might be of great social importance within our government, but the priestly class of our state have gained too much influence. Their narrowminded world view will only hinder the growth of our state if they keep their power.
Expand Temple Rights
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "culture_group": "dwarven"
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
The clerics of our state have as much interest in the worldy possessions as our nobilty does. To appease them without sacrificing too much of our own power it is in our best interest to expand the lands and rights of the temples of our country.
Maintain Balance of Power
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +1 Diplomats
The Clergy is like any other estate to us: a powerful and useful asset. In order to keep the balance of power between the estates it is beneficial for our state not to interfere with the interests and actions of the priestly class.
Separate the Clergy from State
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +25% Innovativeness Gain
The theological minds have served their purpose to the state, but now they have grown too powerful. It is time to separate the Clergy from the affairs of the apparatus of the government.
Cult of Reason
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +1 Free Policies
  • -20% Idea Cost
  • +1 Possible Policies
Religion is a poison which limits the minds of the population. Instead of logic they believe in a god which is responsible for their suffering.
We remove the shackles of ignorance from our minds. No god shall ever set boundaries for our people!
Conserve the Religion
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • -5% Idea Cost
  • +100 Yearly Rectorate Influence
  • +2 Tolerance of the True Faith
Faith has been a substantial part of our society ever since the existence of our state. Even admist the chaos of the revolution, it is important that we do not lose faith in our beliefs.
Secularization of the State
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
While many zealous revolutionaries like to destroy the concept of religion as a whole, it is undeniable that it is a source of comfort and safety for many of our people. Our goal should not be the extinction of faith but the separation of the Clerical institutions from the government.
Crew before Faith
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -0.1 Monthly War Exhaustion
Our men come from all kinds of regions of the world. But they have one thing in common: whatever god they believed in is long gone. All that they can count on is their crewmates.
Complete Religious Freedom
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -5% Development Cost
  • +1 Tolerance of Heathens
  • +1 Tolerance of Heretics
It does not matter what a pirate believes in. One god; many gods; no god at all; none of our men care. The more important question is how much gold one can carry.
Respect for the Sea
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -1 National Unrest
  • +0.5 Yearly Navy Tradition
On the high seas no faith will rescue you. There is no god who will save your soul.
There is only Davy Jones's locker where we all will eventually end.
Establish Religious Institutions
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -15 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2 Tolerance of the True Faith
While many of our crewmates have long given up in believing in any kind of deity other than the sea itself, there are still pirates within our ranks who are as pious as a priest, though their interpretation of their faith is a little bit less... restrictive.
Triumvirate Court
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "ravenmarch_triumvirate_court",
    "have_had_reform": "ravenmarch_triumvirate_court"
  • +1% Missionary Strength
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
Although Ravenmarchers are zealous adherents of Corin, their organization of the Corinite church has led to the almost-equal representation of Ryala and Nerat. The Triumvirate Court focuses on the main cycles of life: life, war or struggle, and death. While these aspects are constant in life, the separate cults of Corin, Ryala, and Nerat sometimes compete for ascendancy.
Emulate Ancestral Warriors
  "culture_group": "dwarven",
  "NOT": {
    "is_adventurer": true
  • +25% General Cost
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • +0.25 Yearly Prestige
We venerate all of our ancestors, but the great warriors of the past deserve not only worship but emulation. Our armies should be led by the best and bravest among us, so that our feats of valor will one day be the stuff of legends, to be emulated in their turn!
Rectors in the Bureau
  "religion": "ravelian",
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "rectors_in_the_bureau_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "rectors_in_the_bureau_reform"
  • +50% Innovativeness Gain
With the spread of Ravelianism, it became obvious that the attempts of the Special Cases Prevention Bureau to face the unknown were just part of the greater search for the Truth. Even if they can’t admit it publicly due to the nature of the organization, the Bureau has the full support of the High Rectorate.
Avatars of the Great Shark
  "has_reform": "mountainshark_avatars_of_the_great_shark"
With inspiration from Cannorian religions and the Avatar Cult, we will give religious significance to the emulators of Glozok. Those who truly embody Violence, Cunning, and Genius will be venerated not just as goblins, but as Avatar-Emulants of Glozok himself! This will legitimize and strengthen our rule in well-developed provinces, where military, economic and industrial centers host many of these Avatar-Emulants.
Shrine Guardians
  "NOT": {
    "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  "religion": "nakavy_avo"
  • +2 Tolerance of the True Faith
Fahvanosy is the land of shrines. However, the holy places still need protection, and the fall of Kolo’s temple has made this even more salient. Let us designate special garrisons to protect the shrines from bandits, pirates or even foreign invaders.
Clerical Mayors Act
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "clerical_mayors_act_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "clerical_mayors_act_reform"
  • -15% Missionary Maintenance Cost
The Plumsteader people were one of the first to convert in large numbers to the Ravelian faith, and they are perhaps the most fanatic followers of it in the Ynnic region. And while many Rectors are, because of this, central to the daily workings of the community, they were initially ineligible to run for office due to a strong separation between church and state functions. Only now by the enactment of the Clerical Mayors Act do we formally abolish this barrier and allow Rectors or other clergymen not only to run for the position of mayor, but for any public office that has election or appointment committees as well.
Codified Omens
  "technology_group": "tech_black_orcish"
  • +10% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +10% Religious Power
  • +1% Missionary Strength
With time, our shamans have gained the experience to know what to look for in particular when performing their rites.
Just Another Cult
  "religion": "goblinic_shamanism"
  • +2 Tolerance of Heathens
  • -1 Tolerance of the True Faith
Our religious ways have always been very fluid, each of our clans worshipping their own small gods. That we do not share the faith in foreign gods, does not mean we deny their existance, however. They could, afterall, simply just be the new gods we have not met yet. Let us accept their gods and demigods as part of our religion.
Semayebaka Chapter Houses
  "NOT": {
    "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  "religion": "sky_domain"
  • +5% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
The Semayebaka, as part of their sacred duties, must wander from place to place across the realm. To assist in this, many temples both great and small have begun to establish specific lodgings for wandering Semayebaka. Ranging from a simple room with comfortable bedding, to grand chapter houses dedicated to the magical arts in the grandest of temple complexes, these facilities regardless allow the Semayebaka to do their divine duties with greatest efficacy.

Tier 5: Military Doctrines and Organization

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Bottomless Bags
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -15% Reinforce Cost
  • +15% Reinforce Speed
  • +15% Supply Limit Modifier
There is no bottom, nor a bagend.

Army logistics can be a daring challenge for even the most senior of commanders, though with this new invention, we can at least ease the problem a bit. The Bottomless Bags are bags with virtually infinite storage capabilities, at least for as long as our mages can maintain them that way. We can store a whole army camp or food silo in these bags without having to fear the weight or dimensions of what is stored within. While we would be foolish to store everything in just one bag, just a few of these would already help us cut down on supply wagon costs and give our armies the ability to be on the move without the need for resupplying or plundering. Just don’t drop your keys in there - you might lose them.
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +5% Morale of Navies
  • -1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay
As the wind goes, so goes the flow of trade.

Trade has formed the financial lifeblood of our nation and any risk to it is a risk to our nation itself. To ensure the punctuality, speed and reliability of our merchants, magic should be employed. By having mages onboard of our ships to bend the air and shape the winds right into our sails, we will ensure that our navy is always on the move, even if there is no wind to be found. These windshapers will also allow us to move more precisely in battle and avoid unnecessary losses. Our control over the element of air will grant us control over the waters!
Enviromental Protection Charms
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -15% Land Attrition
  • +10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves
Charming as Charms, Protective as Pendants.

Glittering like the stars or shining bright like the largest flame, our armies are equipped with one of the most peculiar yet useful pieces of equipment, the elemental charm. These Elemental Protection Charms or EPC’s, are small magical pieces of jewelry which have been augmented by magicians or artificers to protect the wearer against certain elemental obstacles: braces which make the wearer immune to freezing cold, pendants that keep the wearer safe from the scorching heat or rings which keep disease carrying bugs at a distance. These pieces of jewelry may seem underwhelming when compared to specialized weapons, yet in many cases prove to be more useful and favored by our soldiers than anything else.
War Games
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -25% Regiment Drill Loss
  • +50% Army Drill Gain Modifier
  • -10% Leader Cost
Battleplans are the first casualties in war.

A good commander knows that to win a battle, one must think on their feet. They know that they must expect the unexpected and to always be prepared for this. To make sure that our commanders are prepared, will we simulate wargames to train our officer corps and the soldiers themselves in not only known formations and attack strategies, but also in unexpected and tricky situations.
Adventurer Contracts
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -10% Mercenary Cost
  • +50% Possible Condottieri
  • +50% Trade Range
True power is found not at the end of a blade but at the bottom of a treasure chest.

War may change through the ages, yet one thing remains: the need for manpower. And so instead of having our neighbors rely on expensive permanent armies or cutthroat mercenaries, why not be the supplier of soldiers of fortune ourselves. We have not only the manpower, but the equipment needed as well and it may prove to be a lucrative and stable business venture. No nation that is looking for soldiers will dare to attack us, as they need us to fight their wars for them. By enlisting adventurers in state run adventurer companies we will be able to make money, influence our neighbors and extend our mercantile reach, as our appealing offers entice even those across the seas.
Specialised Troops
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
We do not settle for good; we strive only for the best.

Where other nations build their armies around the principle that more men equal more power, we strive for the best troops we can field. One soldier must be worth fifty opponents and be able to dispatch just as many. Our armies may be more costly, but they will also be stronger, better and more specialized than those of our enemies. Let them cower at the sight of our specialized, elite trained and best equipped soldiers, even if it is just a few!
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +10% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -10% Cavalry Cost
Mounts are like men, they march on their stomach.

Our nation, unlike many others, makes extensive use of cavalry. Our ability to project power comes in large part from our mounted forces and it is therefore imperative that we give these noble steeds the best food we can find. By increasing the production of fodder will we be able to not only equip more men with mounts, but allow them to go further than ever before. Let our armies ride out and outpace the enemy wherever we venture, on the backs of our noble steeds!
Mage Shields
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "wood_elf_salla"
      "AND": {
        "eligible_for_gov_tribal_reform_monster_non_horde": true,
        "OR": {
          "has_country_modifier": [
      "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
      "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +15% Fort Defence
  • -10% Fort Maintenance
  • +20% Garrison Size
  • +1 Max Hostile Attrition
A siege is as much a risk to the attacker as to the defender.

Siege warfare has slowly become more and more the norm. While large battles on fields are not obsolete, they do not impact wars as much anymore as they once did. Instead, most wars are won through the conquest of cities and forts, which hold the population and wealth of an area, and therefore the true key to victory. Thus, to prevent our nation being captured by a horde of enemies, we must use every piece of equipment or skill there is to bolster our defenses. Once such a way is to employ mages in creating extra shielding around our walls, creating a strong extra layer of protection around our points of interest. These shields will, as long as the mages can hold them up, be able to deflect artillery bombardments, hostile assaults and if need be even the magical attacks of our opponents. The only question that remains; what color do we want the shields to be?
Thunder Riders
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -15% Artillery Combat Ability
  • +10% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -15% Cavalry Cost
  • +0.2 Cavalry Shock
  • -5% Land Fire Damage
Only dead centaurs refuse to fight.

While some may see centaurs as nothing but savages, they cannot deny their prowess in cavalry combat. They combine raw equine power and speed with human wit and weapons to create the best cavalry force known to Halann. Equipped with sturdy yet light armor so as not to impede their speed and bearing weapons like lances, bows and sabers, centaur units make for excellent line breakers and flankers. Their hoofs will make the earth tremble and their arms will wreak havoc upon our enemies.
Deepstone Bombardiers
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +10% Artillery Combat Ability
  • +10% Regiment Costs
  • -10% Manpower Recovery Speed
  • +10% Siege Ability
A wall unbroken has yet to meet a dwarf.

Dwarven bombards are known for being of a quality which not even the best of our blacksmiths can replicate. Each is a piece of art in itself and combines the dwarven craftsmanship with the most innovative and advanced siege technology. While heavy and expensive, these guns are more precise than anything we possess and rival the range of even magically-enhanced arms. We will use these dwarven bombardiers and their knowledge not only to instill fear in our enemies as they cower behind their walls, but also to flatten the ground our opponents stand on!
Elvish Farsight
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +3% Discipline
  • -10% National Manpower Modifier
  • -5% National Sailors Modifier
  • -10% Manpower Recovery Speed
  • +15% Movement Speed
  • -1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay
Knowledge is power and in war it is might.

Reconnaissance is key, before and during battle, and to give ourselves an edge over the enemy, we will employ the elves as specialized scout units. The elves are naturally attuned to nature, move silently like leaves in the wind and possess eyesight that betters our own even with looking glasses; as such they are the greatest experts in reconnaissance and maneuver. This comes combined with their centuries of naval experience and their ability to navigate the seas by attuning themselves to the elements and stars. By employing elven officers and training our own men in their ways, we ensure our navies can sail anywhere, any time and in the shortest time possible.
Gnollish Marauders
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +50% Available Loot
  • +50% Looting Speed
  • +10% Morale Damage
In chaos, demons reside.

The gnolls are feared by many throughout Halann. Whether it is their reputation as demon worshippers who sacrifice victims in green fires of evil, their almost unnatural skill in piracy or their inclination towards brutality in war, gnolls are a race that instill fear in even the bravest of men. And this is the exact reason why we employ them as a special vanguard force. By looting the lands of the enemy and demoralizing their armies even before we meet them on the battlefield we will find victory. War is brutal, and through the gnolls, we shall prove it.
War Artificery
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +10% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • +10% Regiment Costs
  • -10% Infantry Combat Ability
If you ain’t strong, you ought to be smart!

The strongest weapon a gnome possesses is their brain. They have a knack for crafting and artificery unmatched by any other race in Halann. While no martial race, they have long held their own through the creation of war machines like exoskeletons or special arms which level the playing field. And so comes the thought: why not make use of their genius to give ourselves an advantage in the never ending arms race by establishing a GARD, or Gnomish Artificery Research Division? This GARD will be fully focused on the creation of cutting edge weaponry in the field of artificer armaments.
Salvage Blasters
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +15% Land Fire Damage
  • +5% Fire Damage Received
  • +5% Shock Damage Received
One man's trash is another goblin’s treasure.

The goblins, being chaos incarnate, have an almost comedic talent for improvising and salvaging. They can turn a heap of scrap into something useful or even better, something deadly. Thus by employing these denizens of chaos and allowing them to salvage the remnants of the battlefield will we be able to develop our own weapons of mad destruction. While some of these weapons may be dangerous, they will no doubt help us fight the enemy in unconventional and chaotic ways.
Diplomatic Corps
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -5% Province War Score Cost
There is nothing as intoxicating as charm.

The half-elves of the world are a mixed people who combine the best characteristics of both men and elf. Their heritage means that they speak both elven and human tongue, understand a menagerie of customs and blend in with many of Halann’s elite without much effort. Combine this with their abundance of noble and royal connections, the half-elves make the best diplomats one could wish for, combining their human intellect with elven charm and beauty like few others can. They can form alliances, solve conflicts and work out favorable deals through strategic foresight, cunning and a lot of smiling and mingling. Through a half-elf Diplomat Corps can we ensure that we stand strong in the arena of diplomacy and international affairs.
Martial yet Mindful
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
  • +25% Regiment Drill Loss
  • -25% Army Drill Gain Modifier
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
Only when combined with wit does strength mean anything.

A half-orc is like an alloy, robust and enduring precisely because it is a mix of supposed opposites. They possess the raw power and stout physicality of the orcish races, yet combine this with the ambition and strategic cunning of humans. They bring a combination of attributes that is perfectly fit for our army. A half-orc is able to pounce through enemy lines like an orc, yet is less prone to blind rage and brawling without brains. They are strength and wit in harmony.
Halfling Provisioners
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +10% Regiment Drill Loss
  • -3% Land Fire Damage
  • -25% Land Attrition
  • +10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves
  • -3% Shock Damage
An army marches on its stomach.

While boys may think that war is all about prowess, men know that logistics are key. Halflings, while not known for their skill in combat, are the best logistical minds we can hire. Their naturally large appetite has given them a knack for resource management and their efficiency and speed in the delivery and organization of provisions will ensure that our men are always well-fed and on time, even when resources are scarce or of a lesser quality. The smell of comforting halfling dinners combined with the music of halfling troupes will boost the morale of our men and bolster even the most squeamish or underfed of men against desertion, loss of morale or the elements.
Predatory Might
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -0.2 Infantry Fire
  • +10% Infantry Combat Ability
  • +0.2 Infantry Shock
Harimari do not carry weapons; they are the weapons.

A harimari is not just a sentient feline, it is a large machine of power, agility and wits. The harimari possesses claws that cut like a blade and muscles that can tear any opponent apart. During combat they excel in deadly charges, leaping towards enemies at speeds that outpace even the best cavalry regiments, shattering the morale of enemy lines with their sheer ferocity and intrinsically intimidating physique. They are perhaps not the most popular of races to incorporate into our armies due to historic grievances, yet with time our men will get used to and accept the usefulness of these harimari shock troops to our military ambitions.
Aerial Skirmishers
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +20% Assault Fort ability
  • -10% Fort Defence
  • -10% Land Attrition
  • +15% Siege Ability
Aerial Skirmishers:"The difference between harpies and demons? Demons fly alone.

There are not many things that men in Bulwar fear more than the sound of harpies raining down upon them. These humanoid avian inhabitants of the skies are infamous for their practice of abduction and are strong enough to lift all but the heaviest men high into the air. Luckily we have established a good relation with the harpies and as such enlisting them into the army has become a possibility. The harpies offer us the ability to rain explosives or fire upon enemies from above, supply our men in the most unreachable locations and “pick up” enemy commanders to disrupt enemy communications and battlefield coordination. We can conquer the skies, just as we can conquer land and sea!
Hobgoblin Drill Masters
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -25% Regiment Drill Loss
  • +100% Army Drill Gain Modifier
  • -10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -10% Morale Damage Received
  • -10% Recover Army Morale Speed
Hobgoblins did not invent discipline, though they sure did perfect it.

If the Command teaches us anything, it is that hobgoblins live and die as soldiers. From the moment they can walk, they are trained for war and combat. This upbringing ingrains a discipline in them that has remained unmatched anywhere else and makes the hobgoblins of the Command perfect military instructors. We would be fools, then, not to employ our own hobgoblin community in drilling our armies and making them more organized, disciplined and overall professional. The harsh training regiments of the hobgoblins will make our soldiers more sturdy, reliable and brave, though it will also mean fewer men get through bootcamp, as the weak will not be able to keep up with the high and unforgiving demands of their red drillmasters. Nonetheless, our armies shall be like iron, and march against our enemies with unrivaled discipline!
Humanity First
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +3% Artillery Combat Ability
  • +3% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • +3% Infantry Combat Ability
All The World Belongs To Humanity

It is a simple fact, humanity is the most successful race in all of Halann. We are present and dominant on each continent and everywhere one goes, it is humans that have created the greatest and most durable societies of all time. Empires of elves, harimari or dwarves come and go, yet it is humans that always remain and return. It is as such that we can trust only humans to defend and expand our nation and that no other or lesser race must be allowed to form a sort of fifth column and undermine our ambitions and defense. Humanity first is the motto of our army and our nation!
Kobold Masses
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +5% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • +15% National Manpower Modifier
  • +10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -5% Morale of Armies
  • +5% Shock Damage Received
A thousand drops form a tidal wave.

Kobolds are not known for their physical strength or bravery. However, they are known for their large families and clans. They dwell in large numbers and are rarely seen alone, forming tight-knit communities that rely on their numbers to compensate for their lack of individual strength. By employing these large communities as mass infantry, we can form substantial groups of "replenishable" soldiers who fire and fight in unison. However, this communal behavior could also damage their morale in case of high casualties.
Lizard Mariners
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +15% Marines Force Limit
  • +10% Cavalry Cost
  • +10% Morale of Navies
  • -5% Recover Army Morale Speed
If there is water, a lizardfolk has already won.

Lizardfolk are by their very nature semi-amphibious and masters of aquatic combat. When in water, lizardfolk can reach speeds and depths that make them evasive and nigh-undetectable. So why not employ them for exactly these purposes? By having lizardfolk perform swift and stealthy attacks during amphibious landings and deploying them to secure the first beachheads, can we ensure the success of our naval invasions and deploy our main force with little opposition. Another benefit we could eke is in using lizardfolk to enter and sabotage enemy ships during naval combat and having them perform attacks behind enemy lines, boosting our morale and weakening that of an enemy forced continually to fear our surprise amphibious attacks.
Ogre Shieldbearers
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -5% Fire Damage Received
  • -15% National Supply Limit Modifier
  • +15% Infantry Cost
  • -10% Shock Damage Received
Meatshield is the best way to describe the body of an ogre.

During battle, stones, shields or other hard surfaces can give one protection from projectiles or allow for a short rest before resuming the fight. But what if these “hard surfaces” were mobile? This is where our ogre population comes into play. The ogres, having naturally thick skins and possessing a strength we cannot even dream of matching, make for perfect shieldbearers. By having them carry immense and thick shields can we offer our men protection from enemy salvos or give our men a place to rest or get patched up by medics. While these mobile fortresses are a boon for our army, they will also cost us a massive amount of food and resources: ogres eat tenfold what our regulars eat and we cannot deny them a single meal, lest they start snacking on some poor nearby infantrymen.
Orcish Martial Culture
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -15% Fort Defence
  • +0.15 Infantry Shock
  • +15% Shock Damage
  • -10% Siege Ability
An orc’s brain is located in its fists.

Orcs are to many the very embodiment of martial culture, with orcish society being very warfocused and aggressive at its very core. While the orcs within our realm are no roaming warmongers or plunderers, they still maintain their natural strength and martial traditions to this day. So why not employ this culture in our army and adopt the tenets of aggressiveness and overwhelming strength into our army as a whole? By having orcs inspire our men and induct them into martial culture can we turn even the most feeble soldier into a brave and unwavering warrior who will lay down his life for nation and family; if this comes at the cost of a little chaos in the ranks, so be it.
Ruinborn Light Cavalry
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +10% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • -15% Fort Defence
  • -5% National Sailors Modifier
  • -15% Land Attrition
  • +1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
The warcry of the Epednari is as powerful as the thunderbird it follows.

Whether it be Antler Knights, Epednar Riders or else, the ruinborn are known to be some of the best horsemen in Halann. Many ruinborn learned to ride horses even before they could walk or talk and know the saddle like a second home. The employment of ruinborn in our cavalry units gives us a multitude of advantages. Former Antler Knights make for the bravest chargers to shatter even the most disciplined ranks; cunning Epednari scouts can spot even the stealthiest hostiles; and the Taychendi with their war-chariots make perfect mobile fire positions to rain down havoc upon their opponents. Versatile as they are, they come at the cost of pulling ruinborn from the navy, in which they mostly serve.
Unbreakable Walls
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • -15% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • -5% Morale Damage Received
  • -10% Movement Speed
  • +10% Recover Army Morale Speed
Trolls keep calm, and go on.

A troll, as foul as some may think they are, make for the most unwavering and unstoppable warriors that exist. They can endure and even take a slight pleasure in pain and will march on in battle when others would lie down in fear or agony. They not only make for great protection to our regulars, but inspire bravery as well. There is however one downside: horses do not like the smell of trolls and become extremely nervous when they are in the area, greatly weakening the effectiveness of our cavalry units.
Army of Halann
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "human_military"
  • +5% Discipline
  • +5% Land Fire Damage
  • +5% Morale of Armies
  • +1 Land Leader Fire
  • +1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • +1 Leader Siege
  • +10% Morale of Navies
  • +5% Ship Durability
  • +5% Shock Damage
United we stand, divided we fall!

Our nation is not made up of just humans, just elves or just orcs. It does not have just a few dwarves or a single cadre of harimari. No, our nation is the embodiment of racial diversity and the principle that all are welcome. We combine the best traits of all the races of Halann and are, because of this, an army of the races of Halann, by the races of Halann and for the races of Halann. In our diversity we find unity, to victory!
The Pasts' Might Reforged
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +10% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • -15% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • +10% Regiment Costs
  • +5% Infantry Combat Ability
Pasts' might in every soldiers hands!

For ages we've been living in the ruins of Aelantir, slowly trying to rebuild, studying the past, learning from the mistakes of old. Improving on what wreckage was left behind with artifice. Our soldiers are equipped not just with artificer weapons, but armed with the knowledge and might of the arcane warriors of the past.
Lord's Charge
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +15% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • +0.15 Cavalry Shock
  • +5% Fire Damage Received
Ride against the storm.

Ruinborn, with their elven agility and keen senses, have a natural affinity towards horsemanship. Armed with enchanted armour, spellcasting sabres or frightening war-chariots, our riders are the elites of the nation, proudly challenging any threats to its security.
Warcry of the Steppes
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -5% Artillery Combat Ability
  • +10% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -20% Cavalry Cost
  • +10% Movement Speed
  • -5% Recover Army Morale Speed
True freedom is found in the immensity of the wilderness.

The vast expanses of Aelantir have been the home of nomadic civilizations since the Ruin, who fiercely fight atop their mounts to keep their independence. With the Cannorians encroaching on our lands, those warriors are ours to command, ready to take back their ancestral homes. Their proud leaders will not see a military defeat with forgiving eyes.
Shield of the People
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -15% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • -25% Regiment Drill Loss
  • +100% Army Drill Gain Modifier
  • -8% Fire Damage Received
  • -10% Morale Damage
  • -15% Reinforce Speed
  • -10% Shock Damage Received
War is an art not for the faint of heart.

We do not have lives to waste. We do not have mounts to spare. Every person in the army must know their place and follow orders without question. The disorganised masses of the enemy will break trying to overwhelm our ranks. Their cavalry forced back in the face of smoke and steel. So what if some take our discipline as cowardice? Dead men cannot fight back.
Unrelenting Valor
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +5% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • +15% National Manpower Modifier
  • -3% Infantry Combat Ability
  • +15% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +5% Shock Damage Received
We will fight to the last man.

With a strong martial culture and populous lands, we can always find new men eager to fight, seeking to prove their bravery or acquire the glory of a God-Hero. There is no need to care about adequately supplying or drilling our soldiers, as the unending mass of reckless warriors will undoubtedly overwhelm even our most prepared enemies.
Seafaring Souls
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +20% Artillery Cost
  • +0.3 Artillery Fire
  • +5% Heavy Ship Combat Ability
  • +10% Naval Maintenance Modifier
  • -1% Yearly Naval Tradition Decay
Is there any greater joy than sailing wherever one's heart takes them?

While many of our kin fear the sea, we have long embraced the wide open ocean. Some love the smell of the salty air, others the scent of gunpowder as our enemies are sent into the blue abyss. We are more than happy to invest as much as possible into ruling the waves, the expense is worth it. The benefits to our artillery on land is a nice bonus.
To be of True Blood
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • -10% Artillery Combat Ability
  • -10% Land Fire Damage
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • +15% Shock Damage
Magic is Might!

Our ancestors were famous for their magical powers. It is only fair to assume that we shall be the true successor of their majesty. We shall not waste our energy on simple physical work, but rely and improve on our arcane might. Why should we endanger our soldiers when they can smite them from afar with arcane powers? We shall remind the world who once ruled Halann!
Death From Afar
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +10% Fort Defence
  • +8% Land Fire Damage
  • +0.15 Infantry Fire
  • -10% Manpower Recovery Speed
  • -10% Movement Speed
  • +10% Shock Damage Received
War is dirty work. We can make it easier on ourselves.

It is foolish to risk our lives in pointless melee when it's easier than ever to destroy our enemies from afar. Our troops shall embrace the newest technologies and reject such mindless tactics as charging the enemy mindlessly. They shall be worn down on our forts and once they have been weakened by their fruitless efforts, destroyed utterly. However, we shall have to ensure we are not caught off guard.
Cannorian Auxiliaries
  "NOT": {
    "has_adventurer_reform": true
  "has_country_modifier": "ruinborn_military"
  • +15% Artillery Damage from Back Row
  • +15% Regiment Costs
  • -10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +5% Morale of Navies
  • +15% Supply Limit Modifier
Everything changed when the Cannorians landed on our shores.

No matter what we may think of the Cannorians living outside our borders, those who are here have proven their worth. Though we conquered them, it was not without our own blood being shed. Their adventuring spirit, mastery of the ocean, and terrifying artillery can all be incorporated into our military. Their lust for wealth and our distance from the main centres where they acquired their weaponry will make our army smaller and more expensive, but who are we to complain about efficiency?
Administrating Officers
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "administrating_officers_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "administrating_officers_reform"
  • -10% State Maintenance
  • +0% Yearly Army Professionalism

Tier 6: Separation of Power

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
  "is_revolutionary": false,
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
      "has_reform": "azkare_court"
      "has_reform": "sunrise_court_reform"
      "has_reform": "corvurian_midnight_reform"
      "has_reform": "elikhander_autocracy_reform"
      "has_reform": "teplinbasiet_arena_kingdom_reform"
      "has_reform": "ogre_kingdom"
      "has_reform": "mengotsa"
      "has_reform": "ogre_empire"
      "has_reform": "great_ogre_horde"
      "has_reform": "golden_republic_reform"
      "has_reform": "ameion_parliamentary_reform"
      "have_had_reform": "ameion_parliamentary_reform"
      "has_reform": "eltikan_true_riei"
      "has_reform": "mountainshark_govzenszel"
      "has_reform": "isagumze_scaled_lords_reform"
      "has_reform": "kai_republic"
      "tag": "J33"
  "OR": {
    "NOT": [
        "culture_group": "dwarven"
        "capital_scope": {
          "continent": "serpentspine"
  • -1 National Unrest
It is time we separate the head of government from the head of state and give the legislative assemblies of the land a larger share in the day to day rule of our state.
Presidential System
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": [
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +5 Maximum Absolutism
The Chairman or President of our governing body must be elected separately from the legislative branch of government. The president can then appoint or dismiss members of the government.
Supremacy of the Diet
  "is_revolutionary": false,
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_reform": [
  • +10% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -25 Maximum Absolutism
Our president rules the country, but the power of the jurisdiction and the executive lies in the hands of the estates. As such, the diet has been strengthened in their role to govern the many aspects of the republic.
Attorney General
  "NOT": {
    "culture_group": "goblin"
  • -15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture
The attorney general is the main legal advisor to our government, and has the responsibility of the jurisdiction of our country. This separation of power ensures the safety of our population and an easier integration of newly annexed subjects.
War Against the World Doctrine
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -15% Shipbuilding Time
  • -5 Years of Separatism
The tyrants of the world must be unseated! We can no longer tolerate kings and despots making slaves of our fellow man. And so we shall adopt a new doctrine: war against the world!
Black Market Consortium
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
The pirates that run amok in the Republic cannot be trusted to bathe themselves, let alone to govern a nation whose future hands on the edge of a cutlass. A Consortium formed of the most influential black market merchants shall be established as its true governors. Profit must come before liberty.
Pirate King
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -20% Harsh Treatment Cost
  • +1 Naval Leader Fire
Every great empire stands in opposition to us. To stand any chance of survival we must rally behind our own Pirate King, and the King's word will be law.
Imperial Diplomacy
  "has_reform": "free_city"
  • +2 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
The city cannot maintain its independence without the support of the Emperor and our other allies. We shall focus our energies on strengthening our diplomatic ties and ensuring that, whenever we have need of them, our friends will be there to help us defend the city.
Municipal Self-Defense
  "has_reform": "free_city"
  • +25% Land Force Limit Modifier
Only by relying on the military capabilities of our city can we ensure our survival. We shall allocate more political power to the captains of the City Watch and ensure that they have all they need to provide for our defense.
The Feuillant System
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor",
  "NOT": {
    "ruler_can_revive": true
  • -0.1 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
There are many citizens and politicians in the Republic who wish to return to the tyranny of an absolute monarchy. However, the Feuillant political group believe in a compromise; that powers in the nation should be split between an Emperor and a President, similar to a constitutional monarchy. By riding the delicate balance between Empire and Republic, we may actually please both the Imperialists and Republicans within our nation.
The Two-Chamber System
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +1 Free Policies
  • +0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition
For a long time, the Canton system maintained the peace, stability, and independence of small democratic leagues like the Swiss and Swabian Federations. By similarly dividing our legislature into a Grand Council representing the Cantons, and the Senate representing the republic as a whole, we may protect the interests of the individual cities and cultural identities within our nation while still placing the values of the Revolution above all else!
Seize Executive Power Republicanism has served us well but it is time we empower a strong ruler to take our state into a new era.
Proclaim Divine Guidance Divine guidance and not popular support must be the governing rule in our state. Let us appoint someone who will truly care for the moral well-being of our subjects.
A Revolutionary Empire
  "is_revolutionary": true
Even in a Republic fueled by the fires of Revolution, it’s becoming clear that political dynasties are being established in our nation. Our President wishes to crown himself Emperor and continue to spread the ideals of the Revolution, with the Emperorship claiming sovereignty over all people.
Assembly of Holds
  "culture_group": "dwarven",
  "capital_scope": {
    "continent": "serpentspine"
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "amlharaz_reform"
  • -0.1 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • -1 National Unrest
Due to the immense wealth and power that holds have within our nation, a special Council of Holds is necessary to placate them. Allowing Holds to have influence within the government will allow our nation to become more centralized and we can now tighten our grip on the inner workings of these distant metropolises.
The Amlharaz
  "culture_group": "dwarven",
  "exists": "I24",
  "capital_scope": {
    "continent": "serpentspine"
  • +2 Diplomats
  • -15 Maximum Absolutism
Council comprising of the lesser kings and rulers of Aul-Dwarov holds, presided by the High King.

§GThis will create a continental parliament, comprised of all our §gAmlharaz§! subjects, with voting sessions happening every 5 years.§!
Cyranvar Parliament
  "has_country_flag": "cyranvar_parliament_reform"
  • -1 National Unrest
The Cyranvar Parliament acts similarly to a federal system of government. Under this system, powers are distributed between our monarch and the nine Groves, each nominally held by members of the nine Clans.
Extended Convocationary Terms
  "OR": {
    "tag": [
  • +15% Governing Capacity Modifier
By Extending the terms that our Convocationaries serve, they are able to govern each area more efficiently, but this comes with the cost of increased autonomy for the Convocationary.
Deep State Government
  "has_reform": "golden_republic_reform"
  • +5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +10% Foreign Spy Detection
  • -2 National Unrest
Deep below the central chamber of Balkhangfa Palace, where Balris snores, lie a dozen levels used by the administration, but below that lie even more levels, hidden from the public. This is where counterespionage is orchestrated, political prisoners are interrogated, and where the electoral process is protected from rigging or corruption. This is the deep state.
Ameioni Parliament
  "OR": [
      "tag": [
      "has_reform": "ameion_parliamentary_reform",
      "have_had_reform": "ameion_parliamentary_reform"
  • +1 Administrative Free Policies
  • +1 Possible Policies
  • -10% States Governing Cost
The Parliament of Ameion is dedicated to the efficient governance of the numerous cities across the state, allowing them to enact their own policies and voice concerns on the national level.
Trollsbayer Pluralism
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "trollsbayer_pluralism_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "trollsbayer_pluralism_reform"
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
The united Trollsbay is a parliamentary republic, where each people of the bay is granted equal representation. Member states are autonomous to some degree and keep their own local administrations.
Grand Assembly
  "is_revolutionary": false,
  "NOT": {
    "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  "OR": {
    "primary_culture": "sun_elf",
    "culture_group": "bulwari"
  • +5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
Known as Utur-Laruq by the Zanites, and Dannašru by the rest of Bulwari, the institution is the Grand Assembly of the Barkabti and the Ralkadezim, the human and elven aristocrats of the realm, that convene to solve disputes regarding succession, or to be consulted by the government during times of crisis.

By codifying their rights and duties, we may better use the council of this wise assembly to guide our nation towards a more radiant future.
North Ynnic Confluence
  "has_reform": "breluslad_north_confluence"
  • +2 Max Promoted Cultures
  • +0.2 Yearly Republican Tradition
The Purpose of this Republic is to unify the peoples of the North Ynn, thus we shall form a powerful parliament intended to represent all the regions' peoples.
Cabinet Positions
  "culture_group": "goblin"
  • +10% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture
For every victor in an election, there are several losers too—and over the years quite a backlog of frustrated goblins with access to political power and sharp daggers had built up. Luckily, republican governance gives us a way to deal with these malcontents: grant them expensive, meaningless titles like "Secretary of Homeland Transportation" and "Vice Chancellor of the Interior."
Circle of Hands
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "circle_of_hands_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "circle_of_hands_reform"
  • +15% Manpower in Accepted Culture provinces
The smallest Circles are made up of a village’s most Charitable members: they adjudicate disputes, lavish gifts upon those who have earned them, and elect members from their ranks to serve in the Inner Circles. The Inner Circles distribute gifts and resources between their sub-Circles, always ensuring that each community has given what it can and is given to in return. Above them is the Circles Intertwined, who ensure the Prosperity of entire regions; and finally above them is the Circle of Hands, ruling from the heart of Beggasrad. Through this chain of the Charitable, all are represented, and our Prosperity can reach every person who needs us!

Tier 7: Regionalism

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Provincial Governments
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "golden_republic_reform"
      "culture_group": "goblin"
  • +50% Global Prosperity Growth
  • -25% State Maintenance
In order for our administration to be efficient we must allow provincial governments the freedom they need to perform their functions. Local elections will ensure that trustworthy individuals can be appointed who would then answer to the central government.
Administrative Divisions
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "golden_republic_reform"
Let us divide the state into geographic regions ruled and administered by officials appointed by our central government.
Union of States
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_reform": "golden_republic_reform"
      "has_unlocked_government_reform": {
        "government_reform": "F23_trading_post_oversight"
  • +10% Global Trade Power
Rather than one unified state our country has grown from a large number of states integrated into one confederacy. As our administration grows and evolves we must not infringe on the rights of the member states, doing so would trample on the very principles of our existence.
Exile Colonial Companies
  "num_of_colonists": 1,
  "has_dlc": "Golden Century",
  "capital_scope": {
    "NOT": {
      "OR": {
        "continent": [
  • +5% Settler Chance
The New World is a place of great opportunity, and for us it is an opportunity to establish Exile Colonies and rid our nation of convicts and minorities. By allowing colonial companies to claim sovereignty over our undesirables, we will create harmony in the Old World and expand our influence in the New World.
Cultural Administration
  • +2 Max Promoted Cultures
  • -50% Promote Culture Cost
Our nation is home to many different cultures foreign to our own. In order to reduce tensions within our country the state is divided by the different cultures, and each culture elects their representative to administrate them.
Academical Realm
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "eordand_academical_realm",
    "have_had_reform": "eordand_academical_realm"
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • -20% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +25% Institution Spread
  • -10% Idea Cost
Arakeprun, city of learning and rebirth, has always combined the glories of the Precursor past with the potential of the future. The clerics, druids, and mages of the city have worked in tandem within the academical temples of the city, dedicated to Spring the season of growth and rebirth. These academies grew to dominate the city and all of the surrounding lands, with the provosts and deans of each college becoming governors of Darhan and beyond.

With Eordand united, the Academical structure has been spread thin, struggling to govern such a large territory. To manage with the times, the system has been expanded with sub-universities across Eordand governing each section, each answering to the executive power of the rector of Arakeprun.
Sunlit Thalassocracy
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "eordand_sunlit_thalassocracy",
    "have_had_reform": "eordand_sunlit_thalassocracy"
  • +10% Global Trade Power
  • +10% Morale of Navies
  • +1 Yearly Navy Tradition
  • +1 Naval Combat Bonus off owned coast
While sailing the seas of Halann, one can find themselves in distant corners of the world where the Sun may no longer shine on Eordand. So too are the overseas territories of Eordand many weeks or months from the homeland. But the Caamas of the Summer Court are no strangers to the sea, and are unafraid of the hardships of seaborne travel. Unlike those bound to the land, we can govern Aelantir and beyond from our vessels, our paperwork bureaucrats able to clamber on the ropes and sails in case of emergency.
Frozen Heart
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "eordand_frozen_heart",
    "have_had_reform": "eordand_frozen_heart"
  • +20% Fort Defence
  • +2 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +25% Foreign Spy Detection
Winter is often misunderstood. It is not just a season of death, but it is a season of giving and receiving. In celebrations, Snecboth give gifts to one another in glee. But Winter also gives the gift of a slow, cold, freezing death to those who tresspass. All those who wish to deal with us must understand these simple directive: they will be rewarded for their service to us, and punished severely if against us. As Aelantir is our rightful domain, we deserve a place at every discussion. Eordand will intermediate any negotiations, should they provide us with the necessary praises and concessions. And if they should dare strike us, they will not survive long enough to endure our blessings from Winter.
Regional Policies
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "beikdugang_regional_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "beikdugang_regional_reform"
  • +200% Expand Administration Cost
  • +1 Free Policies
The outposts of Beikdugang are geographically and culturally distant from one another. Those who trade with the Federation and those in Eordand have very different experiences, but both work under the flag of the Violet Dawn. By allowing flexible policy making on a post-to-post basis, they may work under whichever basis works best for them.
Balkhangfa Administration
  "has_reform": "golden_republic_reform"
  • +5% Administrative Efficiency
  • +15% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +10% States Governing Cost
The countless dug-out tunnels and rooms of the lower parts of the Balkhangfa Palace offer ample storage for documentation, and facilitate housing and office space for centralised administrative personnel.
The Commonwealth
  "has_reform": "honsai_the_commonwealth_rep"
  • -40% Liberty Desire from Subject Development
Our stability relies heavily upon the loyalty of our vassals. To ensure smooth relationship with them we founded a new council, reporting directly to our leader. The Commonwealth Council is comprised of representatives from our state and all of our vassals. The council is able to submit petitions and has a veto right on laws which directly touches them. This ensures that we have a good idea of what our vassals want and need from us, and our vassals are given assurance that their position is respected.
Anisíkheioni Naval Administration
  "has_reform": "anisikheioni_naval_administration"
  • -1 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +15% Galley Combat Ability
  • +10% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +100% Fleet Movement Speed
  • +10% Ship Durability
Anisíkheion's administration is quite distinct from the other Kheionai. Where one would find bureaucrats in other states, one sees naval officers in Anisíkheion. The state spends much of its funding on the navy, for the state and the navy are one and the same. While this has led to the Anisíkheioni navy being one of the greatest in existence, it has made the army almost vestigial in nature.
Autonomous Epednar Tribes
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "autonomous_epednar_tribes_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "autonomous_epednar_tribes_reform"
  • -15% Cavalry Cost
  • +0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
The Epednar tribes enjoy a far reaching level of autonomy in our realm. They can administer justice upon their own kind and can continue to follow their own traditions and faith as they please.
Communal Caves
  "OR": {
    "culture_group": [
  • -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +20% Institution Spread
  • -15% States Governing Cost
Dispersing local control to communal centres will allieviate alot of work for our central government. These communal centres will answer directly to the state and will be responsible for doing the states bidding for us. This will feel better for the local populace, as they will have more direct connection to their government. The communes will ensure a bit of welfare for our citizens, such as hospitals and schools, in order to boost unity and productivity.

Tier 8: Economical Matters

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Empower the Burghers
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
      "culture_group": "goblin"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +5% Global Trade Power
  • +5% Trade Efficiency
The Burghers are the traders and merchants of our state. They ensure that a constant stream of money finds its way into our state. To empower their privileges and their influence leads to a faster accumulation of our wealth.
Curtail the Burghers
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +15% Trade Steering
The rights and privileges of the Burghers have been too vast for far too long. Wars and expansion of the state are confronted by a lack of support from our own class of merchants. It is time to curtail the rights of the traders and create a centralized state.
Exploitation of the New World
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  "capital_scope": {
    "NOT": [
        "continent": "north_america"
        "continent": "south_america"
        "continent": "new_world"
        "continent": "serpentspine"
  • +1 Colonists
The resources of the New World are plenty and of great value. By granting certain rights and privileges to our merchants, we can assure that these foreign goods are exploited and transported to our state, which we then distribute in the Old World.
Mercantilistic Approach
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  • +15% Domestic Trade Power
  • -10% Cost to Promote Mercantilism
  • +5 Merchant Trade Power
Free trade implies an equal relation between imports and exports of goods. While beneficial for certain goods, it is of little value for our state. Only through maximizing our exports while minimizing the import from foreign powers, our state can grow its economy.
Embrace Free Trade
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  • +20% Trade Power Abroad
  • +25% Institution Spread
Merchants from all of the world should be able to travel into our lands to engage with our population in trade and commerce. Abandoning the narrowness of mercantalism, the state gains an easier access to foreign thoughts.
Embrace the Economic Theory
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "culture_group": "dwarven"
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  • +0.2 Yearly Inflation Reduction
  • -0.5 Interest Per Annum
The economy plays an undeniably important role within the apparatus of the state. The complex systems of trade, finance and luxury need to be tamed to serve the health of the government.
War Economy
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "culture_group": "dwarven"
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  • -10% Regiment Costs
  • -10% Ship Costs
  • -50% War Taxes Cost
The economical security of the state is based on our ability to wage and win wars. Manufactories in our state have no other purpose than fueling our military ambitions.
Órdimean Proviso
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  • -5% Development Cost
  • +5% Goods Produced Modifier
Unused property is a waste to both nature and the state. By introducing and emphasizing hard goods which yield utility over periods of time, the people can exchange their exessive possessions without offending the natural law. The government would moderate the conflict between accumulation of property and distribution of wealth.
Open Naval Services
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -5% Ship Costs
  • +15% Global Ship Repair
We are pirates who enjoy raiding merchant ships and razing entire harbors. But we are also craftsmen who had to repair their own ships on more than one occasion in the past. We should offer our knowledge of ship building and repairing to the merchants who are not good targets for our usual privateering.
A Smuggler's Deal
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -20% Mercenary Cost
Opening trade with actual countries, which have laws and rules, is nearly impossible. However, trading with some of their rich citizens is a different story.
The Smugglers have personal connections with a few rich mercenary company leaders who are more than willing to support us in exchange for some of our... legally acquired wares.
Bounty Hunting
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • +33% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships
  • +50% Naval Tradition From Battles
  • +50% Prestige from Naval battles
Not all gold has to be earned by raiding and privateering. We can fill our treasury just by collecting the bounties the nations of the world put on the flagships of their rivals.
Empower the Quartermasters
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -15 Maximum Absolutism
  • -15% Naval Maintenance Modifier
While the Captains lead the crew, the Buccaneers fight and the Smugglers trade, it is the Quartermasters who keep the piratical business running. They are the ones who organize the rations, plan the raids and design the Pirate Code.
In order for our confederation to run smoothly it is only logical to empower the Quartermasters.
  "NOT": [
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  "OR": {
    "NOT": {
      "culture_group": "dwarven"
    "tag": [
  "has_unlocked_government_reform": {
    "government_reform": "thalassocracy_reform"
  • -10% Center of Trade Upgrade Cost
  • +15% Global Trade Power
  • +25% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • -10% Trade Company Investment Cost
Thalassocracy, Rule by The Sea. Ours is a people whose lives are lived out with, by and for the sea. Our empire stretches far beyond our homeland and into far-flung colonies in our extended Outremer, our Lands Beyond The Sea. From coast to coasts beyond, our flags wave from ships upon the briny foam. The sea is cold, yet we have made it our home. Let no one challenge us in our proper element.
Royal Charters
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "culture_group": "dwarven"
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  "has_dlc": "Domination",
  "has_unlocked_government_reform": {
    "government_reform": "royal_charters_reform"
  • -1 National Unrest
  • -15% Stability Cost Modifier
  • -0.1 Yearly Corruption
The royal charters are allowances granted by the monarch to individuals or trade companies to bestow them with unique rights and power. Nowadays, it is mostly issued for corporations and universities.
British Global Trade Policy
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_adventurer_reform": true
      "culture_group": "dwarven"
      "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  "has_dlc": "Domination",
  "has_unlocked_government_reform": {
    "government_reform": "commercial_trade_empire_reform"
  • +25% Ship Trade Power
  • -33% Cost to Promote Mercantilism
  • -10% Trade Company Investment Cost
The ways of mercantilism have recently proven to be unprofitable. The government no longer restricts imports nor exports of goods and acts instead after the principles of the Wealth of Nations.
Glassworker Reform
  "has_reform": "orlghelovar_glass_worker_reform"
The Glassworker Reform was a difficult reform process in Orlghelovar with many lives lost in the chaos created by the 'Glasslords'.

The reform was written down in the 'Codex of Production' which aims to regulate every glassworker and ensures the freedom of their creativity which overall ensures the quality of the craftsmanship.
Ensure Worker Rights
  "culture_group": "dwarven",
  "NOT": [
      "is_adventurer": true
      "is_or_was_tag": {
        "tag": "I08"
  • +5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +1 Administrative Possible Policies
  • -25% State Maintenance
The madness of the Hoardcurse all too clearly demonstrated the folly of leaving our workers at the mercy of unchecked robber barons. Our emergency reforms successfully staunched the bleeding and ended the worst offenses, but if we want our economy to thrive long into the future, we must strengthen the rights of our traders and laborers so that they can never again be so exploited.
Grain Lords
  "has_reform": "barumand_grain_lords_reform"
  • -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
After a few hundred years of perfecting grain production and uplifting it in Orcish/Human society, the Barumandi have become the Lords of Grain.
Prosperity through Conflict
  "technology_group": "tech_black_orcish"
  • -15% Regiment Costs
  • -0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion
  • -50% War Taxes Cost
Wasting time and wealth building an economy is for others, not us! Our economy should serve the army, so that we can take more wealth from others!
Sponsor the Servants
  "OR": {
    "religion": [
    "has_country_flag": "updating_isolationism_window"
  • -20% Center of Trade Upgrade Cost
A Holy Order composed by some of the best artisans and artists of Bulwar, the Servants of Surael are one of the most important groups of Bulwar. By supporting their cause and allowing them to expand their operations outside the Temple walls, our nation can benefit from the fruit of their craftsmanship.
Ogrish Production Methods
  "has_government_attribute": "centaur_nomadism_attribute"
Regular De-Hoardings
  "culture_group": "goblin"
  • +10% National Tax Modifier
  • -15% Stability Cost Modifier
  • -0.1 Yearly Corruption
The goblin bosses at the top have always had their positions coveted by their underlings. A boss that did not treat their workers fairly was traditionally afflicted with un-heading, multiple stabbery, and sudden onset lack-of-limbs. The practice of pre-emptively distributing some of these bosses' hoards should prevent any such uprisings from occurring, with the added bonus of making it more readily available for our tax collectors.
What's Mine is Mine
  "culture_group": "goblin"
  • +5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +5% Trade Efficiency
Traditional goblin economic principles are simple: Buzz off, I got mine! Over the years, this has led to some goblins who have quite a lot, and a great many goblins who have very little. We can secure the cooperation of the former group in return for protecting them from the latter. Let them have what's theirs, so long as they remember who it is that lets them keep it.

Tier 9: Consolidation of Power

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Broaden Executive Powers
  "NOT": {
    "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • -2% All Power Costs
  • -15% Stability Cost Modifier
As the country grows so does the need to be able to act swiftly and efficiently. The only way to ensure this is by broadening the powers of the executive branch so that it has the tools it needs.
Devolution of Powers
  • +2 Possible Advisors
  • -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
No single person can rule a country as big and complex as ours. Collecting such powers in the hand of one ruler is also contrary to the Republican ideals of our ancestors.
Decentralization and Devolution is how we can best remain able to dynamically meet the needs of an ever-growing state.
Consolidated Power
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_reform": "bulwar_twelve_families_reform"
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +25 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Reelection Cost
  • +2 Yearly Absolutism
Some might consider this practice as anti-republican, but it is apparent that absolute rule has its benefits. By consolidating all the power under our ruler we can ensure that our country can keep pace with the absolute monarchies around us.
New Men
  "NOT": [
      "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
      "has_reform": "pentapandemonium_reform"
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
Our Republic can't trust those staying too long in power. We prefer to elect new men which have not been meddled in corruption and shady business.
Expand Buccaneers' Power
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • +25% Marines Force Limit
  • +25% National Sailors Modifier
The Buccaneers are the backbone of our free harbor of pirates. Without them the loot of the wealthy merchants will not find its way into our chests. By expanding their leeway in what they can do, we can ensure a steady income of new loot.
Power to the Smugglers
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • +1 Merchants
  • +25% Ship Tradepower Propagation
Not all gold comes from lost treasures or from looted merchant ships. Some come from the trade with goods some might consider illegal. Of course legality is more like a suggestion to the Smugglers than a rule. By granting them additional power they will have an easier time infiltrating the markets.
Captains in Charge
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • +10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability
  • +100% Fleet Movement Speed
Let's face it: what is a Pirate without a ship? A petty thief at best. By putting our Captains in charge of the state we can get access to the finest ships this world has to offer.
Absolute Power of the President
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • -5% All Power Costs
While we have members of our nation elected to represent the people of their constituency, we must never forget that it is the President who has been elected to represent all people. The role of the elected representatives within the Revolution should be merely to advise the President who wields absolute power over the Republic.
A Revolutionary Council
  "has_dlc": "Emperor",
  "is_revolutionary": true
  • +10 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal
It’s become clear that the cult of personality surrounding our ruler is rapidly returning us to the old ways of government. We cannot allow this to happen, so by concentrating power into a council of elected individuals to represent the values of the Revolution, we strip power away from the individual at our state’s head and create another shield against the horror of absolute rulership.
Leading by Example
  "has_reform": "leading_by_example_reform"
  • +1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
  • +5% Morale of Armies
For the folk of Kalsyto Sojdal, to lead the nation is to lead its armies, and their elected representative marches to war beside their soldiers.
Lord Regent of the Domandrod
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "eordand_lord_regent_domanrod",
    "have_had_reform": "eordand_lord_regent_domanrod"
  • -2 National Unrest
  • +10% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
Titles given by the Fey are rare but profound in importance: very few exist other than the Champion of the Fey. They Fey themselves claim ownership of the Domandrod, only permitting us with a minor title as governor in their stead, as Regent of the Domandrod. For now they have given us access to this enchanted forest, but little else. But the real importance is that we now have full jurisdiction to carry out sentences for the Fey Lords, with them retaining an override veto. There are no more restrictions on what must be done to maintain the balance!
Cartel Backing
  "culture_group": "dwarven",
  "NOT": {
    "has_unlocked_government_reform": {
      "government_reform": "F23_uthojdihr_backing"
  • +5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +10% Global Trade Power
The Cartels are important to our society, not only handling much of the commerce which passes through our republic, but also acting as banks and investors in our great projects. By formalizing our relationship with them, we can ensure that our rulers will always have their support, and that we receive the best rates they have to offer if we ever require…emergency financing.
Shadow Chancellor
  "culture_group": "goblin"
  • +25% Foreign Spy Detection
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
We have heard from other republics about the existence of "Shadow Cabinets" and even "Shadow Prime Ministers," and we think this is very cool. Let us appoint the second-place candidate as a Shadow Chancellor, whose responsibility it will be to invalidate, subvert, and generally contradict the Clanspeaker. With all this confusion, no one knows who's even in power anymore!

Tier 10: Guiding Principle of Administration

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Political Principle
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • +1 Administrative Possible Policies
As a Republic the guiding principles of our state must be those that further the efficiency of the political apparatus and the political ideals.
Moral Principle
  "NOT": {
    "culture_group": "goblin",
    "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • +1 Diplomatic Possible Policies
One of the primary functions of the state is to uphold good and moral values. As our Republic in many ways relies on the good and virtuous behavior of its citizens corruption and sinful behavior must be counteracted and rooted out for the good of the entire country.
Defense Principle
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • +1 Military Possible Policies
The highest principle of our republic is the protection of the people. Although it is not a popular topic in our government it is important to maintain a system of military for self-defense and maintenance of the internal stability.
Principle of Enlightenment
  "NOT": {
    "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • -10 Years of Separatism
The Enlightenment is the next intellectual and philosophical step of our society. To embrace the ideas of the Enlightenment is our principle so we can progress into a new era.
Military Principle
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • -5 Years of Separatism
The Republic is surrounded by enemies who seek the destruction of our state; the restoration of the monarchy. It is our utter most priority - our principle - to use our military might to expand the republic.
Revolutionary Principle
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +15% National Manpower Modifier
  • +10% Morale of Armies
The purpose of our state is quite simple; to spread the Revolution. We must centralise our state around the idea that it is only be liberating all people of the world into Revolutionary states that we may create an everlasting state of peace and equality in the world.
Equality Principle
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +2 Tolerance of Heathens
  • +2 Tolerance of Heretics
Although our state holds Egalité as one of its core values, it is clear that we have completely failed in our goal to treat all our people with fairness and equality. The core principle of our nation must be to eliminate the barriers of gender, culture, and social class and ensure that it is known that all people are created equal and a good start to that would be to ensure that religion remains a private matter and does not dictate one’s rights within the state.
Imperial Principle
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • -10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
  • -10% Province War Score Cost
The Revolution has made it clear that our nation, above all others, wields the divine right to hold Imperial Hegemony over all other nations. The states around us are fragile and weak, and it is clear that only by directly controlling these states ourselves will we ensure that the values of the Revolution are enforced on the people.
Unitary Principle
  "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
The purpose of the government is clear: to bring the people of our realm together in a single vision to guarantee the realms prosperity.
Autonomous Principle
  "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • +10% Trade Power Abroad
The rights of the cities stand above all; the purpose of the central government is to ensure that these rights are not infringed upon.
Military Principle
  "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • +10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • -5 Years of Separatism
To live is to fight. The central government must ensure the League is always ready for conflict should it arise.
High Dawn Academy
  "has_reform": "high_dawn_academy_reform"
  • +10% Governing Capacity Modifier
The High Dawn Academy is an institution located in Sarisung, in which all convocationaries are trained for a minimum of fourty years in all the skills one need to govern an empire as diverse and large as ours.
Asra Bank Administration
  "has_country_flag": "unlock_asra_reform_republic",
  "NOT": {
    "has_country_flag": "khug_bank_out"
  • -0.5 Interest Per Annum
The guiding principle in our administration is that profits should always come first and foremost, before any other stately concern. This is accomplished by creating state offices that will be filled with experienced officials from the Asra Bank, whose business practices will help to achieve an age of prosperity to rival Aul-Dwarov.
Intellectual Principle
  "has_reform": "feiten_reformist_movement"
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Yearly Republican Tradition
The League of Feiten is split between two sides in a war of ideas and influences. The Reformists look toward the Gommo and Cannorians and their institutions as something to emulate, while the Old Guard believes that we must not stray from the path that has brought us so much wealth and our balloons.
Keep to Tradition
  "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • -20% Reelection Cost
  • -10% Reform Progress Growth
  • -5% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture
Many republics are said to twist in the wind like a flowing pennant, forever blowing this way and that on every gust of popular opinion or political manipulation. But our republic shall stand firm like a mountain, and let the storm break around us. We do not bow to the ephemeral fluctuations of 'political expediency', but cleave to the traditions which have guided our ancestors for thousands of years.
Mandate of Goblinkind
  "dwarovar_goblin_culture_primary": true,
  "capital_scope": {
    "continent": "serpentspine"
  • -25% Culture Conversion Cost
  • -25% Culture Conversion Time
We are goblinkind, heir to the Serpentspine of ages past. The Clanspeakers that head our empire have the support of our people—nay, a veritable goblin mandate! We are a nation of goblins, under whose banner every goblin deserves to live!

Tier 11: Electorate

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • +10% Manpower Recovery Speed
The landholders are at the heart of power in any society and our state is no exception. Let us extend the power to vote to all those that have land and grade their number of votes in accordance with the size of their properties.
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • +10% Morale of Armies
A Republic relies on its citizens to function and so it is only right that each citizen in our state will have the power to vote for who will guide our country. Attaining the privilege of being a citizen will also be a spur for all those under our rule to strive for good conduct.
Board of Admirals
  "is_revolutionary": false,
  "NOT": {
    "has_government_attribute": [
    "has_reform": [
    "tag": [
    "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • +1 Naval Leader Fire
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +100% Naval Tradition From Battles
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
Our nation lives and dies on our ability to project power on the sea. To that end we have handed over the reins of government to the Board of Admirals, whose members are experienced and patriotic beyond reproach.

Disables elections.
Military Rulership
  "is_revolutionary": false,
  "NOT": {
    "has_government_attribute": [
    "has_reform": [
  • +0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
The republic is a thorn in the side for many potential enemies who seek to destroy us. For the sake of the country's safety we granted the generals the reins of our government. May their experience and love to their home country protect the republic.

Disables elections.
Dynastic Rule
  "is_revolutionary": false,
  "NOT": {
    "has_government_attribute": "anb_special_elections",
    "has_reform": [
    "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • +2 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -0.25 Yearly Republican Tradition
Connections are more powerful than any sword could ever be. Through the installment of a dynasty as the political head of the state it is possible for us to build diplomatic relations with monarchies while still maintaining the principles of the republic.
That the elected ruler seems to be a member of the same family is just a pure coincidence.
Equal Electorate
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +33% Female Advisor Chance
  • +10% National Tax Modifier
  • -2 National Unrest
We must dissolve all barriers that separate our people and extend the right to hold a political office to all people. Gender, religion, social class, culture, all are irrelevant to one’s capability to hold a political office and so we must strive to maintain equality of opportunity within our government.
Three Social Classes
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • -10% Core-Creation Cost
In the days before the birth of the Revolution, the old government attempted to sway the people away from taking arms by allowing three social classes representation within the government; the clergy, the peasants, and the upper class. Perhaps we could emulate this system by organizing our people into an upper, middle, and lower class based on their economic status and creating three distinct political entities within our government to represent their interests.
Military Electorate
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +0.25 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +1 Land Leader Fire
Our nation values comradery above all else, and nobody exemplifies the value of being a comrade like our boys fighting on the fields of battle. These are the men who’ve seen the horrors of war and fought alongside their countrymen to preserve and advance the Revolution, and these men should be the ones to rule us. We must alter the requirements to hold an office in our government so that only those who have served in our military are eligible to represent the people within the government.
Rule through Loot
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -5% Land Attrition
  • +100% Looting Speed
We live in a world where no one trusts anybody and the only way to hold any kind of power is by promises of loot. Fortunately, our kind understands this rule.
Elected Board
  "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • -15% Advisor Cost
  • -25% Stability Cost Modifier
The masses are in need of guidance and cannot provide it to themselves. By having the electorate vote between a set of preordained candidates we can ensure the direction of the League is to its benefit.
The Three Houses
  "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
  • -15% Core-Creation Cost
The people of the cities are generally split into one of three classes: upper, middle and lower. By officially recognizing this split and giving each a house within the government to represent their interests we can ensure all interests are sufficiently represented.
Military Electorate
  "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates",
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "force_reelection_reform"
  • +0.25 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +1 Land Leader Fire
By choosing the greatest of our military minds as our leader we can ensure the League will never fail in it's endless need for acquiring new territories.
(Elected rule until death at which point a new general is picked)
Clan Heads
  "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
The heads of our great noble clans have proven their worth to the nation, ruling wisely and well for many decades. While our state is no monarchy, it is clear that the clan heads have both the greatest ability to choose those who should rule and the most to lose if the people should decide wrongly. Let us enshrine power where it rightly belongs, and allow the clan heads to elect our leader from among themselves rather than relying on the fickleness of the masses.

Tier 12: Office Selection

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Appointment by Committee
  • -5% Advisor Cost
  • +1 Possible Advisors
Let us abandon arbitrary appointments to governmental offices. Committees shall be established to decide on the best candidate for a given role to ensure that administrative competence is the norm in our realm.
Bureaucratic Aparatus The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.
Extended Suffrage
  • +1 Diplomatic Free Policies
Let us open up the availability of important offices to more of those living within our borders so that we have a wider and more representative selection of civil servants.
Pirate Council
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -15 Maximum Absolutism
  • +0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
We might live and operate outside any imperial law, but we are not an unorganized, backstabbing group of criminals. Every free port of our confederation is seat to an influential captain. These captains make the Pirate Council which ensures that the internal rules of the confederation are honored.
Appointment by Technical Keju
  "has_reform": "feiten_keju"
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • +1 Possible Advisors
To make sure that Feiten is equipped to keep up with the ever changing face of technology and progress, a special version of the Keju - or civil examination - system is mandatory for all aspiring office holders. Artificery, engineering, and science are the focus, ensuring that policymakers are aware of the limitations and possibilities of Feiten's formidable resources in all three.
Emissary of Liberty
  "has_reform": "lake_emissary_liberty"
  • +1 Diplomats
  • +25 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal
  • +100% Rebel Support Efficiency
  • +25% Spy Network Construction
Diplomatic infrastructure is in place to topple the monarchies of the world once and for all.

Tier 13: Question of Dictatorship

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Strengthen Executive Powers
  "is_revolutionary": false
  • +25 Maximum Absolutism
Especially in a Republic the authority and strength of the state is of the utmost importance. We must strengthen central power and ensure that each and every decision made in our capital reaches every corner of our country.
Reinforce Republican Values
  • +1 Administrative Free Policies
  • -10% Reelection Cost
Safeguarding the Republican values upon which this country has been built is the only way to ensure a successful evolution of our state.
Federal Senate
  "NOT": {
    "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -100% Expand Administration Cost
The provinces of our state have a history of self-government and involvement in the affairs of the government. Their voices are heard in the great senate of our country.
Lower the Black Flag
  "has_reform": "pirate_republic_reform"
The time has come to end our lives of piracy and settle down to establish a more stable Republic.
President For Life
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +1 Monarch Administrative Skill
  • +1 Monarch Military Skill
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
Though many Revolutionary politicians are supporting the idea of a Revolutionary Empire with a hereditary ruler at its head, others are fiercely resisting this idea and claiming that it betrays the very ideals of the Revolution itself. The President is sovereign, and none may supersede the authority of the Presidency. By electing our Presidents to rule for life, we will both secure the absolute leadership the Imperialists demand without completely abandoning the ideals of the Republic.
Government for the People
  "is_revolutionary": true,
  "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  • +20 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal
Egalité, Fraternité, Liberté. All three virtues of the Republic point to one thing; that the Republic exists to serve its people, and for no other reason. We will never surrender to the Imperialists, and the President shall always serve his term with the singular focus of protecting the freedom and equality of our people.
Unified Piratical Confederacy
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • -50% States Governing Cost
Our "state" has always been a loose confederacy of different pirate ships, their captains and their quartermasters. Recent changes of the confederal administration turned said confederacy into an actual self-governing state with its own apparats of the executive, legislative and judicative.
We are a true Pirate State!
Neutral Ground Policy
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • +2 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +15% Improve Relations
We stand outside the laws. This of course brings us some unloved side effects such as being wanted by the great empires. However, it makes our ports into the perfect place to serve as the "Neutral Ground" for rivaling pirates, colonies and even said empires as we have no strong feelings one way or the other.
Scourge of the Seven Seas
  "has_government_attribute": "is_pirate_republic_reform"
  • +100% Army Tradition From Battles
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +100% Naval Tradition From Battles
A pirate's true nature is not only found in their love for shiny treasure, but also in their lust to fight even the most dire battles. It is our duty as respectable privateers to embrace these elements of piracy to their fullest.
State Council
  "has_reform": "state_council_reform"
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Reelection Cost
  • +1 Yearly Republican Tradition
A council comprised of the highest graded members of society, keeping a nice balance of power with the ruler of the country.