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Tier 1: Power Structure

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
  "NOT": [
      "culture_group": "latin"
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
      "tag": "Y15"
      "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • +5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +5% National Tax Modifier
  • -0.5 National Unrest
In an Oligarchy the ruler is elected from a group of very influential persons at the very top of society. This ruling class is also the only group that the head of government answers directly to and it is their support the state relies upon.
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
A Plutocratic Republic is one where wealth and trade dictate the agenda. The ruler is elected from among the most influential merchant families within the state and will have to rely on their support.
Pirate Republic
  "has_reform": "pirate_republic_reform",
  "OR": {
    "has_dlc": [
      "Lions of the North",
      "Golden Century"
  • +50% Marines Force Limit
  • +33% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +50% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • -1 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • +75% States Governing Cost
Insofar as this loose collection of pirate crews can be called a state, the Pirate Republic is a haven for all manner of thieves, murderers, and smugglers.
Noble Elite
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "obsidian_council_reform"
      "tag": "Y15"
      "culture_group": "dwarven"
      "culture_group": "goblin"
  • +0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +5% Nobility Influence
In this Republic the right to rule is hereditary within certain noble families. These families elect the ruler from within their own group and this head of government will also have to rely on their support.
Free City
  "has_reform": "free_city"
  • -20% Development Cost
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • +10% Trade Efficiency
This is a free Imperial city that has been granted special rights and privileges by the Emperor himself.
Trading City
  "has_reform": "trading_city"
  • +10% Global Trade Power
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
A governmental form where the nation is governed as a republic with a heavy reliance on trade and commerce.
Trading Cities can only be created by the leader of a Trade League.
If a Trading City grows to more than one province, the government form will change to §YMerchant Republic§!.
Ambrosian Republic
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "ambrosian_republic",
    "have_had_reform": "ambrosian_republic"
  • +10% National Tax Modifier
  • +5% Morale of Armies
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
It was a short-lived city-state government that formed in the Duchy of Milan when the Duke died without an heir in 1447.
Colonial Government
  "is_colonial_nation": true,
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
      "is_subject_of_type": "crown_colony"
      "is_subject_of_type": "private_enterprise"
      "is_subject_of_type": "self_governing_colony"
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2% Recover Army Morale Speed
A provincial government set to handle the affairs of the New World colonies, led by a Governor or Viceroy.
Crown Colony
  "is_colonial_nation": true,
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2% Recover Army Morale Speed
A Crown Colony is a colony type that is directly controlled by the metropolis.
Private Enterprise Colony
  "is_colonial_nation": true,
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +20% Ship Trade Power
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
  • +5% Production Efficiency
A colony run as a Private Enterprise focuses on extracting resources from a colony and bringing it back home.
Self-Governing Colony
  "is_colonial_nation": true,
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": [
  • -10% Construction Cost
  • -10% Development Cost
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • -25% State Maintenance
A type of colony that is autonomous, a Self Governing Colony acts as a country inside a country.
Peasants Republic
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "peasants_republic",
    "has_country_flag": [
    "have_had_reform": [
  • +5% Morale of Armies
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Production Efficiency
A governmental form where peasant communities hold the power themselves and elect rulers from among their leaders.
Revolutionary Republic
  "has_reform": "revolutionary_republic_reform"
  • -0.2 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +50 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal
  • -100 Yearly Rectorate Influence
  • +2 Tolerance of Heretics
The revolutionary republic represents the government of the nation by a small executive with the support of an elective chamber of deputies. Revolutionary propaganda gives the armies defending the revolution strong morale, and the principle that everyone is equal gives strong leadership.
Revolutionary State
  "has_reform": "junior_revolutionary_republic_reform"
  • -0.2 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +25 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal
  • -100 Yearly Rectorate Influence
  • +2 Tolerance of Heretics
The revolutionary republic represents the government of the nation by a small executive with the support of an elective chamber of deputies. This state will do its utmost to support the cause of the Revolution and spread the ideals of liberty and equality.
Presidential Dictator
  "has_reform": "presidential_despot_reform"
  • -0.075 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
In this state an appointed dictator exercises almost absolute power over the state.
Sich Rada
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "cossacks_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "cossacks_reform"
  • +25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -20% Cavalry Cost
  • +20% Cavalry Combat Ability
Free Orachav are ruled by a military council presided over by a Hetman.
Military Dictatorship
  "has_reform": "military_dictatorship_reform"
  • -0.075 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
A military dictator has seized power and rules the state as an autocrat. New rulers are invariably selected from among the Generals.
Italian Signoria
  "culture_group": "latin"
  • +5% National Tax Modifier
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
The Republic functions most smoothly under the de facto jurisdiction of our most prominent political family. Any suggestion that this is barely distinguishable from a monarchy is of course nonsense.
Protectorate Parliament
  "has_reform": "protectorate_parliament_reform"
  • -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
Under the benevolent guidance of the Lord Protector, our nation is administered by a rump parliament loyal to the Commonwealth.

Disables elections.
Adventurer Council
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  "OR": {
    "AND": {
      "is_playing_custom_nation": true,
      "have_had_reform": "adventurer_republic_reform"
    "has_country_flag": "adventurer_derived_government"
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • -1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
  • +1 Colonists
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
Founded on the values of friendship and cooperation, the Adventurer Council is similar to the oligarchic republic form of government, in which a group of people (in this case important members and close friends of the adventurer captain) hold power.
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "pentapandemonium_reform"
      "has_reform": "obsidian_council_reform"
  "OR": {
    "has_country_flag": [
  • -5% Administrative Efficiency
  • -15% Advisor Cost
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • +10% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • +33% Female Advisor Chance
A highly administrative form of government where the ruling elite consists of scientists, engineers and artificers. The state aims to put the most skilled folks in their fields into the positions where they can serve the state most effectively.
The Obsidian Council
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  "OR": {
    "tag": "I23",
    "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  "religion": "runefather_worship"
  • +5% All Power Costs
  • +60 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • -20% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture
Established in the aftermath of Runefather's interment upon the Obsidian Throne, the Council is composed of the eldest of the five most influential families. All issues of state are held to vote, and unanimity is required to carry the day, guaranteeing that the Council maintains a united front in the face of the people. Only the members of the council have the knowledge and right to visit the site of the Runefather's interment, thus conferring upon them the status as the voice of the venerable father. This fact coupled with the practical concentration of power into the hands of the Council ensures the authoritarian nature of Obsidian Dwarf society is maintained.
Free Slaves
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "free_slave_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "free_slave_reform"
  • -0.03 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +3 Max Promoted Cultures
  • -50% Promote Culture Cost
  • -25% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture
A government of slaves and slaves owning slaves, where the most skilled are promoted and the least skilled are reassigned to positions more appropriate for their skillset. They are all owned by the state and the state choses their leader and position.
Gang Control
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "gang_control_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "gang_control_reform"
  • +2 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
A criminal organisation has accumulated enough power to effectively run this nation, be it through force, threat or bribery. The lack of a legal framework is a burden to effective administration and diplomacy, only countered by strong figureheads.
Lake Republic
  "NOT": [
      "has_reform": "crown_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "private_enterprise_colony_government"
      "has_reform": "self_governing_colony_government"
  "OR": {
    "has_country_modifier": "lake_federation_member",
    "has_reform": "lake_republic"
  • -20% Advisor Cost
  • +3 Random Candidate Bonus
  • +10% Goods Produced Modifier
  • -35 Maximum Absolutism
  • +33% Reelection Cost
The Lake Republics have banished from their shores all those who would call themselves 'monarch', after the reign of the Tyrant Queen. Instead, the most capable citizens vote on a representative for a set term, with the re-election of said representative being spoken of with anger and disapproval.
United Federation
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "united_federation",
    "have_had_reform": "united_federation"
  • +4 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -2 National Unrest
  • -50 Maximum Absolutism
  • +33% Reelection Cost
  • -25% State Maintenance
With the Constitution ratified, our people united, and our goals clear, the Federation stands ready to protect the interests of our cities and project our influence beyond the lakes that have nurtured us for so long.
Consolidated Democratic State
  "overlord": {
    "OR": {
      "has_reform": "united_federation",
      "have_had_reform": "united_federation"
  • -10% Core-Creation Cost
  • -30 Maximum Absolutism
  • +3 Max Promoted Cultures
  • +25% Religious Unity
With the oversight of Kalsyto, the peoples of this region have been united under democratic rule.
Crownsman Republic
  "OR": {
    "tag": "A25",
    "have_had_reform": "damescrown_republic_reform"
  "NOT": {
    "ruler_can_revive": true
  • +5 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
The Republic of Damescrown is a plutocratic league of several cities, most prominently the city of Damescrown itself. The politics of the republic are dominated by the wealthy and influential Calasanni Trade Company (also known as the CLSTC), and Calasanni leaders often have the influence to extend term lengths indefinitely.
Roilsardi Elective
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "roilsard_elective",
    "have_had_reform": "roilsard_elective"
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
A government formed from the compromise between the four major families of Roilsard where a leader is elected from one of their dynasties.
Ár Calléin
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "ar_callein_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "ar_callein_reform"
  "has_estate": "estate_vampires"
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Yearly Prestige
  • +10% Production Efficiency
The ruling class of Marlliande consists of wealthy landowners residing in opulent countryside manors and organized into three distinct social circles, each competing for prestige and influence through various means such as constructing magnificent edifices, throwing grandiose parties, or sending expeditions into unknown lands. The circles of the Ár Calléin are quite selective with who joins their ranks, each one looking for different qualities, though for what purpose few truly understand. What is known is that those who are chosen and accept their call-and one must accept when called-are never the same again.
Wineport Republic
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "wineport_merchants",
    "have_had_reform": "wineport_merchants"
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
A governmental form based around the Wine Merchants of the realm, the nation is governed as a republic but with a heavy reliance on trade and commerce.
Malacnari Stratocracy
  "OR": {
    "AND": {
      "tag": "G32",
      "has_country_flag": "reformed_malacnar_flag",
      "NOT": {
        "map_setup": "map_setup_random"
    "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  • -0.075 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • -50% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • +10% Manpower Recovery Speed
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • -0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion
The City of Warriors is ruled by its citizens, who double as generals and warriors. Whenever their Battleking dies, the most capable of Malacnar's citzens is elected to take his place.
Re-Uyeli Republic
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "reuyeli_republic",
    "have_had_reform": "reuyeli_republic"
  • -5% Idea Cost
  • +2 Max Promoted Cultures
Rulers can be of different cultures and races but can't be re-elected after ruling for more than 20 years.
League of Magnates
  "OR": [
      "has_reform": "northern_league_magnates",
      "have_had_reform": "northern_league_magnates"
      "tag": "A13",
      "was_tag": "A13",
      "is_subject_of": "A13"
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -10% Development Cost
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Production Efficiency
The country is run by the Council of Magnates, whose members only agree on one thing: that monarchies are an unfit method of governing a state. Aside from that tenet, there are countless disagreements among Council members on how the League should be governed.
Infernal Autocracy
  "has_reform": "infernal_autocracy"
  • -10% Establish Local Organization Cost
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
Fully commited to the goals of the secret societies, the Infernal Autocracy marches in lockstep with the legions of Hell to conquer Cannor.
Elected Clans
  "culture_group": "dwarven",
  "NOT": {
    "tag": "I02"
  • +2 Possible Advisors
  • +25% Caravan Power
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
The dwarven variant of a republic where a clan is elected to rule rather than an individual, with the clan head acting as the de facto ruler. This often leads to one family ruling the country for generations.
Clan Council
  "NOT": {
    "has_country_flag": "krak_disaster_ended"
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "krak_clan_council",
    "have_had_reform": "krak_clan_council"
  "primary_culture": "quartz_dwarf"
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
Our system of meritocratic recruitment means that our council is always filled with the best and brightest from our hold. It calls for frequent elections so that no ruler may gain too much power and thereby exert control over the others. Or that's how it used to work. Now the power cycles between one of the five major clans. Their hasty short-term planning has kept our country from thriving.
Free Council
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "krak_free_council",
    "have_had_reform": "krak_free_council"
  • -15% Advisor Cost
  • -2 National Unrest
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Nobility Influence
A reformed version of the old Clan Council, the new Free Council system employs an elected council in each hold which will govern that hold itself and report to a larger council body in Krakdhûmvror. Any dwarf from a poor miner to a rich merchant will be allowed to take the exams for office and thereby put themselves up for election, which will be based purely on qualification.
Eunuch Overseers
  "OR": [
      "capital_scope": {
        "superregion": "yanshen_superregion"
      "has_reform": "eunuch_republic"
      "has_estate": "estate_eunuchs_anb",
      "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • +1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -10% Female Advisor Chance
This country is ruled by a class of eunuchs, who handle all aspects of administration. A large series of these states were set up by Harimar when he conquered Yanshen, to create a class of subjects who were loyal only to him and would not suffer from the dynastic struggles that plagued his subjects in Rahen.
  "has_reform": "stratocracy_reform"
  • +1 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
A state ruled by the military, who make up the entirety of the administration. Only those that have proven themselves in battle are allowed to run for office or vote, for who else can we trust to decide our people's future than those that have shed blood for them?
Eternal Council
  "has_reform": "eternal_council",
  "NOT": {
    "has_country_flag": "magic_artificery_artificery_only"
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • -10% Female Advisor Chance
  • -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
The Eternal Council is an alliance of three powerful Jiangshi Courts, founded by eunuchs and scholars from the Yanszin that unlocked the secrets of the Black Jade Citadel. The eldest court is the Zhuying, and advocates for peace to facilitate growth of the internal economy. The Wandaoji came very soon after Jinqiu's founding, a court of eloquent and manipulative Jiangshi that frequently don elegant masks to hide their undead nature. The youngest court is that of the Shudiyi, consisting of former warlords and soldiers. They elect one of their exalted members to lead them for approximately two human generations, at which point the reigning Chancellor must step down and allow a member of one of the other Courts to take their place. They keep a tight grip on their subjects, using a combination of fear and mortal enforcers to ensure the loyalty of their country. Despite this, the staunchly meritocratic nature of their society opens the door for virtually anybody to rise to greatness, perhaps even being granted a seat at the council as a gift for their competence.
Kai Township
  "culture_group": "kai",
  "NOT": {
    "OR": {
      "has_reform": [
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
  • +15% Fort Defence
  • -20% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
A loose alliance of towns and villages in the harsh lands of Thidinkai. They elect a lord from amongst themselves to rule for life, and are fierce in their determination to remain free from the yoke of monarchs and tyrants.
Kai Republic
  "has_reform": "kai_republic"
  • -10% Development Cost
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2 Max Promoted Cultures
Several townships have been consolidated under a single banner, with an established capital and administration to govern their lands with greater efficiency. No longer a loose pact of disparate villages and towns, this is a true nation united in spirit and leadership.
Azkare Convocation
  "has_reform": "azkare_court"
  • -15% Advisor Cost
  • +10000% Culture Conversion Cost
  • -10% Development Cost
  • -10% Missionary Strength
  • -60% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
Azkare has forged the loose alliance of towns into a functioning state. Elves serve as convocationaries, representatives of the realm and trained bureaucrats. However, anyone, regardless of class, heritage or religion can rise to positions of leadership in the country based on merit.
Sunrise Court
  "has_reform": "sunrise_court_reform"
  • -15% Advisor Cost
  • +10000% Culture Conversion Cost
  • -10% Development Cost
  • -10% Missionary Strength
  • -60% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • -10% Idea Cost
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
The Sunrise Empire is a federal republic ruled by an elven court that oversees the largely autonomous and extremely diverse regions of the realm. The ruler is elected by popular vote to act as the public face of the Court, which serves as the guiding hand and protector of the land and all that call the Empire home.
Sinistral Republic
  "has_reform": "sinistral_republic_reform"
  • +20% Foreign Spy Detection
  • +50 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
Emboldened by our success in Yanshen, the Sinistral Chamber has abandoned the guise of the old republic.
The Council of Twelve
  "has_reform": "bulwar_twelve_families_reform"
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
Bulwar is ruled by the Council of Twelve, a legisative body consisting of representatives from each of the Twelve Families. Every twelve years, elections are held within the families to determine which will make up the smaller yet still powerful executive council.
League of Feiten
  "OR": {
    "if": {
      "limit": {
        "has_saved_global_event_target": "feiten_or_was_feiten_target"
      "tag": "event_target:feiten_or_was_feiten_target"
    "have_had_reform": "league_of_feiten"
  • -5% Administrative Efficiency
  • +0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Goods Produced Modifier
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +0.5 Yearly Republican Tradition
The League of Feiten is a collective of city-states and communities along the Jellyfish Coast. The League was formed by refugees fleeing Jaher's conquest of Yanshen, taking shelter in the rugged hills and craggy cliffsides of the then sparsely populated coast. Though dominated by Feiten, each member of the league proudly retains some independence and have a fierce tradition of self-sufficiency, their origins as refugees not forgotten.
Constitutional Plutocracy
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "beikdugang_plutocracy_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "beikdugang_plutocracy_reform"
  • +10% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +1 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2 Merchants
  • -25% Stability Cost Modifier
While power is still largely in the hands of the mercantile class, the constitution maintains the framework of the government and keeps the influence of said class in bounds. The constitution also dictates the rights of individual citizens, and allows the establishment of policies on time sensitive matters within the legal framework.
Revolutionary Thalassocracy
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "beikdugang_revolutionary_thalassocracy_reform",
    "AND": {
      "have_had_reform": "beikdugang_revolutionary_thalassocracy_reform",
      "is_revolutionary": true
  • +3 Diplomatic Relations
  • +5% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal
  • +2 Merchants
  • +10% Morale of Navies
  • -20% Liberty Desire in Subjects
The revolutionary thalassocracy represents the government of the nation of a maritime-oriented executive consisting of former mercantile leaders who have adopted the ideals of the revolution and seek to spread them across the seas. The use of maritime and economic power to spread the revolution is prefered to mere conquest of existing nations.
Segbandalic Syndicate
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "seghdihr_syndicates_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "seghdihr_syndicates_reform"
  • -25% Fort Maintenance
  • +10% Goods Produced Modifier
  • -25% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +15% Production Efficiency
As a syndicate, the security needs of this hold are entirely trusted to the Segbandal. This leaves the hold's government able to direct all of its attention to maintaining trade routes and fulfilling production quotas.
Golden Republic
  "has_reform": "golden_republic_reform"
  • -5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
  • +10% Production Efficiency
A republic shaped under oversight of Balris, the Golden Republic grants representation to the masses through a parliament and limits the influence of the previously entrenched clergy and old guard. This old guard still often delivers presidential candidates, but is much less powerful than before. The constitution dictates the rights of individual citizens, alleviating tensions between kobolds, humans, and others.
The Ghost Council
  "has_reform": "honsai_ghost_council_1"
  • -3% All Power Costs
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • +0.2 Yearly Republican Tradition
While the Ghost-Emperor retains his title and honour, matters of earthly government are in the hands of his council of advisors. This new institution, the Ghost Council, has representatives from every estate, every prominent family, and every important institution. The members of the Ghost Council elect one of their one of their number to the position of Chancelor, who is nominally the lead advisor to the Ghost Emperor, and the de facto head of state.
The Ghost Council
  "has_reform": "honsai_ghost_council_2"
  • -5% All Power Costs
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • +0.2 Yearly Republican Tradition
While the Ghost-Emperor retains his title and honour, matters of earthly government are in the hands of his council of advisors. This new institution, the Ghost Council, has representatives from every estate, every prominent family, and every important institution. The members of the Ghost Council elect one of their one of their number to the position of Chancelor, who is nominally the lead advisor to the Ghost Emperor, and the de facto head of state.
The Ghost Council
  "has_reform": "honsai_ghost_council_3"
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • +0.2 Yearly Republican Tradition
While the Ghost-Emperor retains his title and honour, matters of earthly government are in the hands of his council of advisors. This new institution, the Ghost Council, has representatives from every estate, every prominent family, and every important institution. The members of the Ghost Council elect one of their one of their number to the position of Chancelor, who is nominally the lead advisor to the Ghost Emperor, and the de facto head of state.
War Empire
  "has_reform": "jiangdu_war_empire_reform"
  • +1 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • +10% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +40 Maximum Absolutism
A state ruled by military, with endless desire for war and dominance over the enemies. Hundreds dedicated to fueling the everlasting engine which is Jiangdu. The generals of our nation are constantly planning, making our next move. Reforms of the military are of the greatest importance, and the administration of the lands is as tight-knit as a bootcamp. We must be prepared for anything, and the push for order and dominance that never ends.
Jiangdu Leadership
  "has_reform": "jiangdu_leadership_reform"
  • +0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
  • -25% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +10% Morale of Armies
A state ruled by military, who make up the entirety of the administration. They decide all the reforms of the government, state, and military in a way that suits their every growing need for conquest and dominance. The fittest of our soldiers, the greatest of our generals, all find themselves vying for a spot amongst the Jiangdu Leadership. If they get a spot is another question...
Conqueror's Council
  "has_reform": "ameion_conquerers_reform"
  • -10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
  • -20% Core-Creation Cost
  • -25% Cost to fabricate claims
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • -0.75 Yearly Republican Tradition
Laskaris the Conqueror spends the vast majority of his time in Taychend, planning or enacting his conquests in the region, and has left the majority of duties in Ameion proper to a council of talented individuals. His leadership on the field has allowed Ameion to overcome incredible odds, but his disregard of the Republic's nature has called its very foundation into question.
Cobalt Glasslords
  "has_reform": "orlghelovar_glasslords"
  • +10% Improve Relations
The Glasslords of Orlghelovar were known for their glass in the days of Aul-Dwarov. They produced a special type of glass made with cobalt particles giving them the name 'Cobalt Dwarf'
Now we have fully reclaimed the legacy of our cobalt ancestors and can produce this beautiful glass.
Dwarven Science
  "has_reform": "orlghelovar_science",
  "OR": {
    "has_country_flag": [
  • -5% Idea Cost
  • +10% Trade Efficiency
With the help of the gnomes, Orlghelovar made vast progress in every aspect of science. The technological advancements of Orlghelovar should not be underestimated as both dwarves and gnomes work tirelessly to conduct research in the pursuit of knowledge.
White Stone Council
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "shaz_white_stone_council",
    "have_had_reform": "shaz_white_stone_council"
  • -8% Construction Cost
  • -5% Development Cost
  • -2 National Unrest
The White Stone Council is the revived version of the old Whitestone council. Changes were made to make sure the modernization of the ways of old was done properly. Now, it is not only dwarves who can lead, but important powers from all regions of Shazstundihr, no matter what race they may be.
The Amlvîhte
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "shaz_the_amlvihte",
    "have_had_reform": "shaz_the_amlvihte"
  • -10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
  • -15% Construction Cost
  • -5% Development Cost
The ideas of justice and equality,

Land of Equals
  "has_reform": "barumand_land_of_equals_reform"
  • -15% Advisor Cost
  • +2 Random Candidate Bonus
  • -2 National Unrest
Orcs take leading positions, but humans are promoted on bias due to their assistance during the Sarkub-Kashr (e.g. humans are better administrators) and merit.
Newshire Stewardship
  "has_reform": "newshire_stewardship"
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • +10% Institution Spread
  • +5% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
Our nation functions as a decentralised agrarian republic, with provincial officials known as Stewards ruling over their respective villages. During a grand festival every fifteen years, our people select one of these Stewards to serve as a first-amongst-equals, who will act as the face of the country for their term.
High Stewardship
  "has_reform": "newshire_high_stewardship",
  "NOT": {
    "has_country_flag": "magic_artificery_artificery_only"
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • +10% Institution Spread
  • +5% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
The Chloromancers and the Stewards have become one and the same; who best to care for Halann then those who can give the most to her? No longer do we have a first-amongst-equals - the college of Stewards congregate upon the death of their leader to select a new High Steward. The people still vote at their little festival, but everybody is well aware that their choice doesn't matter much.
Anisíkheioni Naval Stratocracy
  "has_reform": "anisikheioni_naval_stratocracy"
  • +1 Naval Leader Fire
  • +1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +100% Naval Tradition From Battles
  • +0.5 Yearly Navy Tradition
In Anisíkheion, the state and the navy are one and the same, a state of affairs seen nowhere else in the world of the Kheionai. The Grand Admiral rules the nation till his death, his successor being an admiral promoted to the position of Grand Admiral by his peers through an internal election.
Concord Administration
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "concord_administration_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "concord_administration_reform"
  • +1 Diplomats
  • -25% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • -10 Change National Focus Cooldown Years
This country grew to manage not only their own affairs, but those of the entire Trollsbay Concord. As such, it puts a heavy focus on diplomacy and political compromise.
Theínósi Synkletos
  "has_reform": "theinosi_synkletos"
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • +1 Colonists
  • -0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
The Synkletos is the legislative body of Theínós, consisting of 10 representatives from each nékheis, which passes laws superseding the laws of the individual nékheis. Each nékheis has complete freedom in how they elect their representatives, but the Dega-Kylakas of Theínós is elected by the Kylakas' of the individual nékheis.
  "OR": {
    "primary_culture": "tanizu",
    "has_reform": "namasomitingo_reform"
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "seventeen_families_reform"
  • +2 Diplomatic Relations
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +25% Vassal Force Limit Contribution
A Namasomitingo is an evolved form of the tribal democracy practied by the Tanizu. It is an egalitarian system that bases its legitimacy off the Tanizu belief of the obligation of leaders to provide spiritually and materially for their followers. The Mitingo is a temporal leader but also a spiritual one, being the head of a community of faithful who make up the electoral system.
Thasáros Kheinisí
  "has_reform": "thasaros_kheinisi"
  • +1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre
  • +25% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • +100% Naval Tradition From Battles
  • +30% Privateer Efficiency
A government that represents the close ties of the pirates and government of Amgremós.

Pirates have representation in government and are able to take part in nationwide debate and elections. In return, the Amgremósi are granted control of pirates as subject, and are able to organize the pirates as if they were apart of their own navy.

Of course, the pirates will still raid and the Amgremósi will still govern, but this system allows for organization that could have never been found if these two parties were to remain seperate. Now everyone benefits from this relationship, and instead of a small pouch of gold for one, a great ton of gold can be shared by many.
  "has_reform": "mountainshark_govzenszel"
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • +50% Female Advisor Chance
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
A republic where the leader is chosen for their adherence to one or more of the lessons of Glozok. Administration is split between the factions of the Violent, the Cunning, and the Genius. While the extent of the legal distinction between these factions changes over time, they each hold levers of power over different parts of the state.
Amezatany Dynasties
  "OR": {
    "culture": [
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
The ruling elites of the urbanized northern states trace their origin back to the coastal city states on mainland Sarhal. Those states now lie in ruins after halflings were pushed out during a human migration that happened centuries ago. With centuries of rulership and tradition both on the mainland and later on the Summer Isles, these ruling families are known for their connections all around Fahvanosy.
Plumstead Technocracy
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "plumstead_technocracy_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "plumstead_technocracy_reform"
  • -40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +20% Religious Unity
A unique yet efficient mix between technocratic and theocratic rule, the Plumsteader Technocracy epitomizes the fusion of its academic culture, agrarian economy and Ravelian customs. Ruled by the greatest minds, who in Plumstead are required to have a theological schooling as well, the Plumstead Technocracy favors the advancements of science and faith above all else and sees them as one and the same. The premier science in the land, and therefore also the most common academic background of our rulers is that of agroscience, which has over the last century evolved into Plumstead’s number one field of expertise. From soil research to state of the art farm automata, Plumsteader agrotechnology is leagues ahead of the rest of the world, leading to the nation sometimes being called an ‘agro-technocracy’. It also puts a strong emphasis on the protection and expansion of the faith, stemming from their own roots as settlers in a strange and at many times hostile land.
  "OR": {
    "AND": {
      "tag": "J53",
      "NOT": {
        "map_setup": "map_setup_random"
      "ai": true
    "has_reform": "kengashkosh_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "kengashkosh_reform"
  • +25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • -10% Cavalry Cost
  • +20% Cavalry Combat Ability
  • -75% Move Capital cost modifier
The Kengashkosh, or Captains' Council, is a militaristic council where gathered clans of Orachav gather. The Ashkosh, or Captain, is chosen by a wider council consisting of peoples from all walks of life.
City of the Esteemed Widow
  "has_reform": "isobelin_government_reform_city_of_the_esteemed_widow"
  • -10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +50% Female Advisor Chance
  • +10 National Unrest
  • -50% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +50% State Maintenance
  • +10 Years of Separatism
The Widow Isobel left Cannor with her considerable wealth and a fleet of followers, driven by a singular vision - to found a city where all might lead a life of liberty and the pursuit of profit.
The Pentapandemonium
  "has_reform": "pentapandemonium_reform"
  • -5% Administrative Efficiency
  • -33% Advisor Cost
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • +20% Allowed Rajput Fraction
  • +33% Female Advisor Chance
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Technology Cost
Most would argue that a state operates most efficiently in the world of law, order, and peace. That the absence of these things leads to anarchy, upon which no progress can be made. But have no fear. We've laughed the sorry sods spreading this misinformation out of the ceremony!

Chaos shall reign supreme under the unnoble leadership of the five Pentapandemoniac Prefectoriums: the ever-brilliant artificers of the Discombobulatorium, the omnipresent life of the party known as the Harmaceuticals (shortened to Big Harma), the sly and cunning Cloak and Swagger prefectorium, the constructive Glorious Erectors, and the simple backwater Clodhoppers. These five prefectoriums working in utter disharmony are certain to bring prosperity to Ves Udzenklan... right?
Ynnic Dynastic Republic
  "has_reform": "brelar_ynnic_dynastic_republic"
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +5% Nobility Influence
  • +5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -0.75 Yearly Republican Tradition
A republic in which the ruler's office lasts for life and is elected from a group of prestigious noble families.
Matriarchal Pirate Republic
  "has_reform": "matriarchal_pirate_republic",
  "OR": {
    "has_dlc": [
      "Lions of the North",
      "Golden Century"
  • +50% Marines Force Limit
  • +33% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +50% Naval Force Limit Modifier
  • -1 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • +75% States Governing Cost
Halfway between a pirate confederation and a Harpy Matriarchy, the Republic of Naléni is a mess of factional politics. Between the interests of the Nobility and that of the Captains, little exists to legitimate claims beyond a strong captaincy at the Helm of a raiding galley.
Settled Centaur Horde
  "always": false
  • +33% Looting Speed
  • -15% Production Efficiency
  • -33% Reform Progress Growth
A Settled Centaur Horde
The Medasi Compromise
  "has_reform": "medasi_reform"
  • -25% Religious Unity
When Horashesh was the Southern Territories of Kheterata, a native monarch - the Efergezmu - ruled with the blessing and guidance of a local Kheteratan governor - the Medawor. After Kheterata's collapse, the two sides agreed to share power in an uneasy compromise.
Rule of the Seventeen
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "seventeen_families_reform",
    "primary_culture": "antmvura"
  • +10% Goods Produced Modifier
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
The Seventeen are a set of families of the Butuguzi, ranging from warlords to traders to landowners of mixed Dakinshi, Naamjyut and even Baashidi heritage. Together they control the most important spheres of the state. Their primary focus centres around protecting and cultivating the coffee trade using the state as a means for securing lands for plantations and escorting the maritime routes to their Naamjyut relatives.

Every four years and in situations of grave importance, such as the declaration of war, the families’ heads sit down for a coffee party to discuss the matters of the state and elect a chairman or chairmistress who shall represent their interests outside of the country.
Frontier Republic
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "frontier_republic_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "frontier_republic_reform"
  • +0.5 Cavalry Fire
On the vast Epednan Expanse, the frontier never truly ends. Houses can be raised, towns built, but bringing true civilization here is a process that will take centuries and take more than simply putting a flag here and there. It's seen as a lawless wasteland where only hard men can thrive. But we are those hard men.
Kinah Conclave
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "haraf_kinah_conclave",
    "have_had_reform": "haraf_kinah_conclave"
  • +10% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
After the reformation of the Kinah system, House Leeti’haàt used the systems of Gommoport, Mestikardu and Zurzumexia as inspiration for a republic ruled by representatives of all the Kinah. Although they did keep a measure of autonomy under the republic, the Kinah became increasingly associated with the political ideals they embodied alongside the territories they ruled over.
Crathánori Assembly
  "AND": {
    "OR": {
      "tag": "U17",
      "AND": {
        "tag": "F52",
        "was_tag": "U17"
    "mission_completed": "crathanor_embrace_the_two_principles"
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • -40 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Merchants
  • +0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition
  • +10% Trade Efficiency
Comprising purely of the various Burgher guilds, factions, and individual actors within the nation, the Crathánori Assembly is free of the influences of both the clergy and the nobility within the nation. History has shown that they cannot be trusted with the interests of the merchant class, and as such to safeguard against future potential threats and reprisals, the clergy and nobility have hereafter been utterly barred from participating in government affairs.
Scaled Lords Council
  "OR": {
    "tag": "L03",
    "was_tag": "L03"
  "has_country_flag": "isagumze_our_right_to_rule"
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
With the bizarre Medasi Compromise abolished, the nation is now ruled by a council of the 5 most powerful Kulugi Abe families, the Scaled Lords. The head of this council, who receives the name of Scaled Speaker, is selected each decade with a ritualized wrestling tournament, in which candidates of the five families compete to determine who is the most worthy to lead the Ikilshebe. The winner, having proven himself to be the chosen of Nyokyora, will fill this position for 10 years, after which a new Scaled Speaker will be elected.
Aelantiri Corporate State
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "aelantiri_corporate_state_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "aelantiri_corporate_state_reform"
  • +10% Domestic Trade Power
  • +10% Production Efficiency
This state is an Aelantiri chapter of a massive company. Unlike the corporation's main Cannorian branches, this division is a sovereign nation of its own: and so it commands an army, a navy, a tax base, and more. It weaponizes these assets towards the exploitation of the Ruined Sea (and Aelantir at large) for the economic benefit of themselves and their shareholders.
Korosheshi League
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "koroshesh_league_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "koroshesh_league_reform"
  • +0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -20% Cost to Promote Mercantilism
The Korosheshi League is a council composed of representatives from the wealthiest and most powerful individuals and groups of Koroshesh. Merchants, guild masters, members of the most prominent gnomish families and prestigious scholars deliberate about the government of the country and the appropriate economic policy that should be followed. The League holds executive and legislative power and it also elects the head of state among its members. This position is for life and has fairly limited attributions, mainly serving as the spokesperson who communicates the League's decisions to the country.
The Bacaran Republic
  "has_reform": "vels_bacar_bacaran_republic"
  • +20% Fort Defence
  • -10% Institution Embracement Cost
  • +20% Institution Spread