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Tier 1: Power Structure

Icon Name Potential Effects Description
Feudal Nobility
  • +5% Nobility Influence
  • +25% Income from Vassals
In a Feudal kingdom the power of the Monarch is enhanced by a land owning aristocracy sworn to obey them. The aristocrats, or nobles, are often landowners in their own right, with considerable influence and vassals of their own.
  • +10% Rebel Suppression Efficiency
  • -10% Harsh Treatment Cost
  • -10% Unjustified Demands
Autocratic monarchies concentrate power in the hands of the ruler. The state is often seen as their personal property. It is not uncommon for rulers to have ministers and supporters, but these are then referred to as members of the royal household.
Elective Monarchy
  "has_dlc": "Domination"
  • -40 Maximum Absolutism
Elective monarchies choose their heir instead of having them come to power through a succession law. The nobility can propose a candidate from a foreign dynasty, from their own midst or other members of the royal family.
  "OR": {
    "technology_group": [
    "culture_group": [
    "primary_culture": [
    "has_reform": "plutocratic_reform",
    "is_vyzemby_primary_culture": true
  • +1 Merchants
  • -5% Nobility Influence
A plutocratic kingdom is one where the supporters of the Monarch are those with the largest incomes. The monarch is often the head of a successful merchant enterprise, and so are many of their supporters.
Revolutionary Empire
  "has_reform": "revolutionary_empire_reform"
  • -0.2 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +25% National Manpower Modifier
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +50 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal
  • -100 Yearly Rectorate Influence
The Revolutionary Empire is a slightly more conservative form of government with a single ruler ruling with reference a chamber of deputies. The government can mobilize a large amount of manpower, and every soldier carries a marshal's baton in his backpack.
Arverynnic Feudalism
  "OR": {
    "tag": "G35",
    "was_tag": "G35"
  "mission_completed": "land_reform"
  • +5% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -2 National Unrest
  • -10% Nobility Influence
Like the rest of the Ynn, Feudalism is an important aspect of our society, providing stability and hierarchy, as well as effective local governance. Unlike most of the Ynn however, Arverynn has many laws in place protecting the smaller land holders, those who truly keep the empire running with their dedication to their own land, which we then of course can tax more easily.
Ynnic Feudalism
  "AND": {
    "OR": [
        "culture": [
        "religion": [
  • -10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +50% Vassal Force Limit Contribution
  • +25% Income from Vassals
Feudalism is the dominant form of government in the Ynn river valley. Lords maintain vast estates on which serfs work the land, which they use to support their antler horses through which they form mighty armies. However, in return a Lord is expected to be just and fullfill his obligations to his subjects, among which are keeping the peace, protecting them from local wildlife, serving their overlord, and aiding them in times of trouble such as droughts, floods and raids by buycev.
Kyrrachean Dynasties
  "OR": {
    "AND": [
        "tag": "G35",
        "dynasty": "Vyrekynn"
        "tag": "G84",
        "dynasty": "yen Bacar"
        "tag": "G35",
        "dynasty": "yen Stenur"
        "tag": "G86",
        "dynasty": "yen Stantir"
        "tag": "U69",
        "OR": {
          "dynasty": [
            "yen Stantir",
            "yen Stenur",
            "yen Bacar",
  • -10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +50% Vassal Force Limit Contribution
  • +25% Income from Vassals
Of Sarda's ruling families, four are the true Kyrrachean Dynasties: the green-haired yen Stantir, the teal-haired Vyrekynn, the blue-haired yen Bacar, and the white-haired yen Stenur. All of these dynasties have earned the title of "Everlasting" through their centuries of history, and it would be a scandal if they were succeeded by someone with the wrong hair colour all of a sudden. Our Hair colour grants us further legitimacy, both to our subjects and to our Iosahars.
Ranger Lordship
  "tag": "U32",
  "NOT": {
    "has_country_flag": "no_ranger_lordship_discount"
  • -1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -25% Improve Relations
  • -20% Infantry Cost
  • +0.25 Infantry Shock
  • -10% Nobility Influence
  • -10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -400% Province War Score Cost
This country's administration is led by a council of rangers that is loosely united under a strong leader. Traditional nobility has no place of power among them and conversely nobility in other realms recognize them as no more than mere bandits.
Blademarches Kingdom
  "OR": {
    "tag": "B33",
    "AND": [
        "was_tag": "B33",
        "has_reform": "blademarches_kingdom_reform"
        "is_playing_custom_nation": true,
        "have_had_reform": "blademarches_kingdom_reform"
  • +0.25 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +1 Land Leader Shock
  • +1 Monarch Military Skill
The Kingdom of the Blademarches is somewhat of a monarchy, with all the caveats of the traditional nobility. What's different however, is the process of selecting a monarch: each monarch must prove themselves capable of wielding §O(Calindal, the Gleaming Blade)§! or abdicate the throne.
Lucian's Domain
  "has_country_flag": "B34_lucian",
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "luciande_lucians_domain_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "luciande_lucians_domain_reform"
  • +1 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
Of Lucian, by Lucian, the nation of Luciande is the domain of Lucian and all that are within are subject to his whim. He is the absolute monarch and eternal lord of the glorious nation.
Adventurer Kingdom
  "OR": {
    "AND": {
      "is_playing_custom_nation": true,
      "have_had_reform": "adventurer_kingdom_reform"
    "has_country_flag": "adventurer_derived_government"
  • -1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
  • +1 Colonists
  • -10% Improve Relations
  • -10% Unjustified Demands
Founded by an adventurer, this kingdom's noble-caste is not backed by millennia of ancient rights and traditions, but instead their efforts and rank within the Adventuring Company and closeness to the founding monarch, creating a more diverse and less homogeneous noble class.
High Elven Empire
  "OR": {
    "AND": [
        "has_country_flag": "aelnar_government",
        "tag": "Z43"
        "is_playing_custom_nation": true,
        "have_had_reform": "enlightened_empire_reform"
  • -25% Culture Conversion Cost
  • +10% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +15 Maximum Absolutism
  • +200% Promote Culture Cost
  • +1 Tolerance of the True Faith
This form of government stratifies civil society into several classes of citizens, ranging from the first to the third. Chosen amongst the most enlightened of first-class citizens is the High King, who rules absolute until their death.
Orcish Kingdom
  "OR": {
    "culture_group": "orcish",
    "culture_is_half_orcish": true
  • +1 Colonists
  • -10% Regiment Costs
  • -0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion
A highly decentralised state where power is shared between the king, the tribal clans and powerful shamans. All members of ruling elite must have martial education and strive for glory on the battlefield.
Jadd Empire
  "OR": {
    "OR": {
      "tag": [
    "AND": {
      "have_had_reform": "jadd_empire",
      "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • +1% Missionary Strength
  • +15 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Missionaries
  • -2 Tolerance of Heathens
  • -2 Tolerance of Heretics
  • +2 Tolerance of the True Faith
In this form of government the head of state is also the head of the Jadd faith. The Divine-Herald is the voice of Surael and the first in the prayer. But the Divine-Herald is also the leader of the government and the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Legions.
§ODue to its vast administration the Divine-Herald can move his or her court upon taking the throne and upon the completion of certain missions.§!
Dwarven Clans
  "culture_group": "dwarven"
  • +10% National Garrison Growth
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • -25% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion
The dwarven variant of a monarchy, in which the monarch and his family derive power from the consent of other powerful clans.
Invasion Forces
  "OR": {
    "tag": "H94",
    "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  • +20% Aggressive Expansion Impact
  • -10% Core-Creation Cost
  • -1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -20% Improve Relations
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -10% Province War Score Cost
  • -10% Unjustified Demands
  • -0.05 Monthly War Exhaustion
This country is mainly composed of soldiers, whose purpose is to install a bridgehead to prepare for the arrival of larger occupation.
The Oak Monarchy
  "OR": {
    "has_country_flag": "oak_monarchy_reform",
    "AND": {
      "have_had_reform": "oak_monarchy_reform",
      "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  • +10% Advisor Cost
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +0.5 Yearly Absolutism
The failure of the Verdant Pact pushed the disparate Wood Elf clans to bow to the newly formed realm of Cyranvar as a permanent union headed by a High King, who was elected by the leading clans of the Deepwoods. To prevent the stagnation of past eras from setting in once again, the vital convention was that the reigning king can only serve until they reach two centuries of age was established. This was done to ensure that Cyranvar continues to be ruled by dynamic leaders who are not out of touch with the times while also guaranteeing that no ruler is able to accrue too much power. From this arrangement stems the effervescence characteristic of the reinvigorated Wood Elven society.
Hobgoblin Stratocracy
  "OR": {
    "tag": [
    "has_reform": "hobgoblin_stratocracy_reform"
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • -0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Monarch Military Skill
In a variation on meritocracy, the stratocracy revolves around military ability and skilled generalship. As such after the death of the previous despot, the next greatest general is elevated to fill their predecessor's position so that all military operations can continue functioning at peak efficiency.
  "has_reform": "prabhi_reform",
  "OR": {
    "overlord": {
      "has_government_attribute": "is_raja"
    "any_known_country": {
      "war_with": "ROOT",
      "has_government_attribute": "is_raja"
  • -10% Development Cost
A subject of the Raja that retains a large amount of independence. Its main duties revolve around paying taxes to the Raj, but besides that they are much more free to pursue their own goals within the Raj. The monarch's role is mainly as an administrator for the ruler.
Independent Prabhi
  "NOT": {
    "tag": [
  "capital_scope": {
    "superregion": "rahen_superregion"
  "OR": {
    "culture_group": [
    "primary_culture": [
  • -10% Development Cost
A subject of the Raja that has gained its independence. Where previously it had to pay taxes to the Raj, now it is able to use the vast riches of Haless for its own benefit. The monarch's role is that of an administrator and defender of his realm.
  "has_reform": "senapti_reform",
  "OR": {
    "overlord": {
      "has_government_attribute": "is_raja"
    "any_known_country": {
      "war_with": "ROOT",
      "has_government_attribute": "is_raja"
  • -1 Diplomatic Relations
  • -10% Fort Maintenance
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
A subject of the Raja that has received extra rights and privileges, including tax exemptions and expanded military grants, in exchange for aiding their overlord in his military ventures. The monarch also fulfills military and administrative functions in his province.
  "OR": {
    "AND": [
        "capital_scope": {
          "province_id": 4411
        "has_reform": "raja_reform"
        "is_playing_custom_nation": true,
        "have_had_reform": "raja_reform"
  • -75 Vassalization Acceptance
  • -50% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Monarch Administrative Skill
A highly administrative government form that revolves around the control of a loose collection of vassals and managing their politics. It is led by the Raja, who is the ultimate ruler of his raj and dependencies, and also functions as the head of the ministries. However if one of their subjects takes over their capital, they can claim directorship over the ministries and the title of Raja.
Phoenix Estate
  "primary_culture": "sun_elf",
  "OR": {
    "religion": "bulwari_sun_cult",
    "has_country_flag": "updating_isolationism_window"
  • +1 Tolerance of the True Faith
  • +33% Income from Vassals
The governorships of the Phoenix Empire were divided among the sun elven rulers during the Partition of Kalib. These evolved into their personal estates and form the core power of the sun elven kingdoms and so the management of these estates became the management of the state.
Wine Lord
  "OR": {
    "primary_culture": [
  • +10% Nobility Influence
The Wine Lords dominate the upper echelons of Lorentish nobility, forming the backbone of Lorentish wealth and power from their vast vinyards along the Bloodwine River. In Lorent, the quality of your wine measures equally to the strength of your noble lineage.
Damerian Monarchy
  "OR": {
    "primary_culture": [
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -1 National Unrest
  • -10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Nobility Influence
The Damerian Monarchy is a representative monarchy, with a parliament called regularly by the ruling monarch. It is based on traditions passed down since the times of the Damerian Republic.
Phoenix Empire
  "has_reform": "phoenix_empire"
  • -0.1 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +15 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Province War Score Cost
  • +2 Tolerance of the True Faith
The true successor of Jaher's Empire, with the supreme Phoenix Emperor leading both the nation and the people of the light in their war against the Malevolent Dark that has taken over the rest of the world.
Phoenix Empire
  "has_reform": "phoenix_empire_mandate"
  • -0.1 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +15 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Province War Score Cost
  • +2 Tolerance of the True Faith
The true successor of Jaher's Empire, with the supreme Phoenix Emperor leading both the nation and the people of the light in their war against the Malevolent Dark that has taken over the rest of the world.
Eternal Empire
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "varamhar_eternal_empire",
    "have_had_reform": "varamhar_eternal_empire"
  "NOT": {
    "has_reform": "varamhar_eternal_empire_mandate"
  • +15 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2 Tolerance of the True Faith
Surael's Empire on earth, led by the immortal Phoenix Emperor leading both the nation and the people of the light in their war against the Malevolent Dark that has taken over the rest of the world.
Eternal Empire
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "varamhar_eternal_empire_mandate",
    "have_had_reform": "varamhar_eternal_empire_mandate"
  • +15 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2 Tolerance of the True Faith
Surael's Empire on earth, led by the immortal Phoenix Emperor leading both the nation and the people of the light in their war against the Malevolent Dark that has taken over the rest of the world.
Kharunyana Monarchy
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "kharunyana_monarchy",
    "have_had_reform": "kharunyana_monarchy"
  • +20% Global Trade Power
  • +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +2 Max Promoted Cultures
The great Kharunyana is the lifeblood of this nation. The many big cities along the river form the powerbase of the kingdom and are to be appeased.
Trials of Castan: Dynastic
  "OR": {
    "tag": [
    "AND": [
        "OR": [
            "was_tag": "B32",
            "has_reform": "dynastic_castanor_trials_reform"
            "was_tag": "Z34",
            "has_reform": "dynastic_castanor_trials_reform"
        "is_playing_custom_nation": true,
        "have_had_reform": "dynastic_castanor_trials_reform"
  • +1 Military Free Policies
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
The ancient nation of Castanor has long relied on the Trials of Castan, a series of arduous tests on the Trialmount, to prove that the claimant of the empire is worthy to rule. In times past many claimants would flock to the Temple of Castellos at the base of the Trialmount to compete in the climb, and the trials, against each other for title of Castan and become Emperor of Castanor. But since the rule of Castan Ebonfrost, the trials been changed to a hereditary dynastic rule, with only the direct heir participating in the Trial.
Trials of Castan: Original
  "OR": {
    "tag": [
    "AND": [
        "OR": [
            "was_tag": "B32",
            "has_reform": "original_castanor_trials_reform"
            "was_tag": "Z34",
            "has_reform": "original_castanor_trials_reform"
        "is_playing_custom_nation": true,
        "have_had_reform": "dynastic_castanor_trials_reform"
  • +1 Military Free Policies
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
The ancient nation of Castanor has long relied on the Trials of Castan, a series of arduous tests on the Trialmount, to prove that the claimant of the empire is worthy to rule. In times past many claimants would flock to the Temple of Castellos at the base of the Trialmount to compete in the climb, and the trials, against each other for title of Castan and become Emperor of Castanor. As it was, so it will be again.
Karashari Empire
  "primary_culture": "karashari_orc"
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • -50% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +50% Income from Vassals
This Orcish Empire takes many of its features from Bulwari administrative traditions and focuses on governing via a group of vassal states. The state itself is focused on protection of its human subjects from foreign threats, while orcs mainly serve in the administration and the army.
Ogre Kingdom
  "has_reform": "ogre_kingdom"
  • +15% Fort Defence
  • -20% Institution Spread
  • +3 National Unrest
  • +5% Morale of Armies
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
This is a kingdom of Ogres, giant gluttonous monsters known for their selfishness and cruelty. Due to these innate features of Ogrekind, rulers of the realms are by virtue highly authoritarian and rule with an iron fist.
Ogre Empire
  "has_reform": "ogre_empire"
  • -15% Construction Cost
  • +30% Fort Defence
  • -10% Development Cost
  • -10% Institution Spread
  • -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +8% Morale of Armies
  • +15 Maximum Absolutism
Through immense effort, the Ogres of this realm have been brought to heel before their supreme overlord, vowing unbreakable loyalty upon their liege under pain of death by starvation. Though this Empire is highly authoritarian, they seem to be more focused on improving what they have than conquering new lands, which is not to say that they are not prepared to do the latter as well.
Great Ogre Horde
  "has_reform": "great_ogre_horde"
  • +1 Colonists
  • -3 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -4 Diplomatic Relations
  • -75% Institution Spread
  • +20% National Manpower Modifier
  • +2 Attrition for Enemies
  • +25% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -75% Reform Progress Growth
  • -15% Reinforce Cost
The horde of Ogres has grown to immense size, full of barbaric and ruthlessly bloodthirsty beasts with an insatiable desire for raw flesh, and prepared to go to incredible lengths to obtain their next bloody, writhing, still screaming meal. The Horde marches across Halcann, and all must flee from its might or become fuel for its warriors.
  "has_reform": "mengotsa"
  • +20% Fort Defence
  • -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +10% Morale of Armies
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +20% Income from Vassals
The great Mengurkha of Maghargma has finally managed to enforce their rule over their subjects, forging a powerful and united force against those that should oppose them. The Menghurkha practices virtually absolute power over the land, and his warbands march out against the weak to subjugate and destroy at his command only. The Ogres can now be said to truly possess an Empire.
  "has_reform": "liangzhu_reform"
  • -1 National Unrest
  • +5% Nobility Influence
The finding of the Liangzhu, or Good Lord, is a ceremony that is performed every five years. In this ceremony every direct scion of the ruling dynasty is examined by the elders and priests of the clan. They are tested to show that they are wise, knowledgable, cunning, strong and just. This is how succession is determined.

Examinations will be hosted every 5 years.
  "primary_culture": "undergrowth_goblin",
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "underkingdom_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "underkingdom_reform",
    "tag": "I99"
  • +2 Possible Advisors
  • +2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -10% Regiment Costs
Cave goblins are the most brutal and devious of the goblinoids, living their lives in overcrowded and food scarce warrens and tunnels deep within the Serpentspine mountains. The most devious and brutal of all of these are the goblins of the Undergrowth, whose massive populations fill the twisting warrens of their home. Despite the cutthroat conditions of the dens, their hardscrabble life has done a great deal to encourage meritocracy among them. The level of social freedom for one of the Undergrowth goblins far greater than even the kingdoms of their surface bretheren. It is a pity that this freedom seems mostly devoted to climbing the ladder of society or inventing new and explosive ways to eliminate one's enemies.
Reformed Goblinoid Kingdom
  "dwarovar_goblin_culture_primary": true
  • +1 Tolerance of Heathens
In the past, kingdoms of goblins and other goblinoids tended to be loosely administrated, with no formal laws or rules of succession. However, the advancement of this particular kingdom has seen it borrow these aspects from human style kingdoms. What still sets apart a goblinoid kingdom is its level of social advancement, having a far weaker and looser nobility than a human kingdom. This gives them a degree of administrative flexibility, as well as a more powerful merchant class, called cartels in Dwarven parlance.
Eunuch Dynasty
  "has_reform": "eunuch_dynasty_reform",
  "has_estate": "estate_eunuchs_anb"
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • -10% Female Advisor Chance
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -15% State Maintenance
  • -0.1 Yearly Corruption
This kingdom is ruled by a eunuch king who adopts and raises one of his nephews to serve as his heir. While an odd style of dynastic succession, their ruler is faced with far fewer 'distractions' than most others of his distinguished office.
Midnight Monarchy
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "corvurian_midnight_reform",
    "AND": {
      "has_country_flag": [
  • +30 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Monarch Administrative Skill
  • -10% Reform Progress Growth
The Midnight Monarchy carries two conventions. For the unaware, it is known for the ruthless treatment of its citizenry, such that the Monarch's will is easily carried out. For those with a taste for blood, however, this nation is a haven worth working alongside.
Demon Empire
  "has_reform": "demon_empire_reform"
  • +5% Administrative Efficiency
  • -1.5 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Monarch Military Skill
The former Rashenbir of Azjakuma have completely seized control of the Oni, removing the old electoral system and crowning themselves Tamongor, Emperor. While the Shirgrii continue to hold great influence in the land, they know who their undisputed ruler is and follow them without question. Highly expansionist and determined to see the world under their fist, they are a force to be reckoned with.
Griffon Lords
  "has_reform": "griffon_lords_reform",
  "OR": {
    "primary_culture": "marrodic",
    "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  • -1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
  • +1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
Ever since the times of King Marr and Ulric, the Griffon Prince, when our people first settled this land, our nobility has practised the art of griffon riding. Thus, raising griffons and using them as war mounts in battle became an extremely important tradition, and the nobles are expected to lead our people to battle atop these magnificent feathered beasts.
Griffon Empire
  "has_reform": "griffon_empire_reform",
  "OR": {
    "primary_culture": "marrodic",
    "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  • +2 Land Leader Manoeuvre
  • +10% Movement Speed
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +20% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
After innumerable conquests, Marrhold has now forged an empire of its own, not in small part due to the effort of their griffon riders, who by now are an instrumental part of the Marrodic army, which enjoys an unprecedented level of royal sponsorship. Every marrodic soldier aspires to one day prove themselves and become a griffon lord in their own right, something which has led to a never-ending improvement of their technique.
  "OR": {
    "AND": [
        "tag": "G32",
        "NOT": {
          "map_setup": "map_setup_random"
        "is_playing_custom_nation": true,
        "have_had_reform": "malacnar_monarchy"
  • -10% General Cost
  • -25% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • -10% Land Maintenance Modifier
  • +50% Looting Speed
Resurrected in the wake of Galadorn's rebellion in 1377, the Battlekingdom of Malacnar claims legacy to what is possibly the oldest state in the Ynn - that of Levodas and his companions. But whether this new state will solidify, or keep walking the thin line between a kingdom and a mere battleground where the strong do as they please, it remains to be seen.
Hereditary Battlekingdom
  "OR": {
    "AND": [
        "tag": "G32",
        "has_country_flag": "reformed_malacnar_flag",
        "NOT": {
          "map_setup": "map_setup_random"
        "is_playing_custom_nation": true,
        "OR": {
          "have_had_reform": [
  • +5% Discipline
  • -1 National Unrest
  • -50% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +2 Monarch Military Skill
  • +10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion
Malacnar's Battlekings have solidified their grasp over the City of Warriors, reforming them into an army with few equals. The Battleking's line has also become hereditary, but, for the sake of tradition, it is still advised the Battleking participates in battles.
Sleeper Government
  "has_reform": "verkal_dromak_sleeper_government"
  • -1% All Power Costs
  • +10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
Sleepers will be in charge of ruling country. They are the most important people in our hold and should be given all power. They will ensure that everyone can learn magic.
Neckcliffer Admirality
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "neckcliffer_admirality",
    "have_had_reform": "neckcliffer_admirality"
  • +10% Global Naval Engagement Modifier
  • +1 Naval Leader Fire
  • +10% Morale of Navies
Neckcliffer rulers are admirals first and rulers second. As such they are expected to be trained as naval officers and ready to lead our navies into battle.
The Empress Rule
  "has_country_flag": "aelnar_the_empress_rule"
  • -33% Culture Conversion Cost
  • +35 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Monthly Splendour
  • +300% Promote Culture Cost
The title of ruler of all the elves, custodian and keeper of our peoples and of our once-forgotten home, is the supreme position held not by the descendants of some "great" line of bickering mortals and their groveling sycophants like that of the unenlightened backwater that is the rest of the world. Instead, our empress is the one and same ruler who had taken our race out of the grime and soot of our past and guided us to a our ultimate future: one where the elves are to live on a utopia of their own hands, in the land that was once lost, where magic more powerful and incomprehensible than anything seen before is made servile to our every whim.
Gnomish Co-Government
  "NOT": {
    "has_country_modifier": [
  "OR": [
      "accepted_culture": [
      "AND": {
        "is_playing_custom_nation": true,
        "have_had_reform": "gnomish_cogovernment_reform"
      "has_country_flag": [
  • -10% Advisor Cost
  • +10% Artificers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -5% Idea Cost
  • -10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -15 Maximum Absolutism
  • +25% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture
  • -10% Technology Cost
A Gnomish Co-Government is a government in which gnomes hold a supportive but vital role. Their influence permeates through every faucet of the administration. These gnomes will be more than pleased with this system, but the local civil servants won't be keen on working in a bilingual government.
Northern Custodians
  "has_reform": "northen_custodians",
  "primary_culture": "fjord_troll"
  • -10% Construction Cost
  • -20% Fort Maintenance
  • +25% Garrison Size
  • -10% Institution Spread
  • +10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • -10% Province War Score Cost
We are custodians of the north, a task left to us by the Giants themselves. Our government must be geared to this purpose, and it alone.
The Seincourt
  "has_reform": "seincourt_reform"
  • -10% Development Cost
  • +2 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +2 Diplomatic Relations
  • -50% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +25% Improve Relations
  • +75% Prestige from Land battles
The Songcourt, a system of government with what is essentially a duke, surrounded by a powerful class of mages, specifically bards. Most of the court's focus is in their own creative persuits, so less time is spent on proper ruling, but the benefits to a powerful bard class are many.
Elikhander Autocracy
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "elikhander_autocracy_reform",
    "have_had_reform": [
  • +10% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium
Anybody who is anybody in Elikhand can trace their lineage to Kheterata, and their faith towards the Khets. With this shared identity there is little competition between the elites of this nation, for we are one people united by blood and faith. Together we build this nation towards glory and reverence.
Infernal Autocracy
  "has_reform": "infernal_autocracy"
  • -10% Establish Local Organization Cost
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
Fully commited to the goals of the secret societies, the Infernal Autocracy marches in lockstep with the legions of Hell to conquer Cannor.
Agdirvoeða Empire
  "has_reform": "agdirvoeda_empire",
  "primary_culture": "fjord_troll"
  • -15% Construction Cost
  • -20% Fort Maintenance
  • +50% Garrison Size
  • -10% Institution Spread
  • -10% Regiment Costs
  • +20% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +20% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -15% Province War Score Cost
A new empire rises astride Halann. An empire of the giant-kin, ruled by and for the giants' will.
The Mountain Kingdom
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "verkal_ozovar_monarchy",
    "have_had_reform": "verkal_ozovar_monarchy"
  • +75% Core-Creation Cost
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +2 Diplomatic Relations
  • +1 Diplomats
  • -80% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +10% Spy Network Construction
All within sight falls under the rule of the Mountain King, or such it has been decreed. In truth, the empire crumbles more each day, with decadence's unforgiving presence growing greater each day.
Krakdhûmvroric Monarchy
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "krak_monarchy",
    "have_had_reform": "krak_monarchy"
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Monarch Administrative Skill
  • +0.5 Yearly Absolutism
We have consolidated power behind the Frozenforge clan. May they maintain the traditions of competence and meritocracy that have so shaped our people and be themselves their pinnacle! The councils of each hold will report to a larger assembly in Krakdhûmvror at the head of which will sit the King. This way the previous system can be used to manage the holds, while the king manages them and the realm.
Holy Corinite Empire
  "OR": {
    "tag": "U16",
    "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  "has_reform": "ourdi_holy_corinite_empire"
  • -20% Culture Conversion Cost
  • -1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +0.2 Yearly Absolutism
A state fully dedicated to the cause of expanding Corinism, the Holy Corinite Empire is a militaristic and aggressive state ruled by zealous Emperors who act as secular ruler and high priest alike.
New Bulwari Accord
  "OR": {
    "tag": "U16",
    "is_playing_custom_nation": true
  "has_reform": "ourdi_new_bulwari_accord"
  • +2% Missionary Strength
  • -2 National Unrest
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
A resurrection of an old concept, the New Bulwari Accord represents the ambitions of Ourdanor to take the Bulwari city-states under the protection of Corin just as so long ago they were under that of Castellos.
Teplinbasiet Arena Monarchy
  "owns_core_province": 4941,
  "tag": "Y58"
  • -10% General Cost
  • -10000% Chance of New Heir
  • -15 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Mercenary Maintenance
  • +5% Mercenary Discipline
The Arena in Lapnam Amrik has been the stage of countless fights, which in turn has attracted countless fighters, as a result a society of mercenaries has formed around this violent hub. The captains of these mercenaries, often local nobles are called Daulophs. Fights range from bloodfeuds to bets, man versus monster, mercenary squabbles, dauloph arguments and even heir selection.
Unreformed Ghost-Emperor
  "has_reform": "honsai_ghost_emperor_reform"
  • -1.5 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +2 National Unrest
  • +20% Stability Cost Modifier
This realm is ruled over by an immortal spirit of a deceased king, passed from life but not from this plane, their sheer force of will allowing them to remain in the mortal world. They are bound to their palace, incapable of leaving their throne. This has led to a lot of problems for our state, we should look for a better long term solution as soon as possible.
Reformed Ghost-Emperor
  "has_reform": "honsai_ghost_emperor_reform_2"
  • -1.5 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -20% Stability Cost Modifier
  • -15% States Governing Cost
The Twin Emperorship
  "has_reform": "honsai_twin_emperorship_1"
  • -3% All Power Costs
  • +1 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
While the guidance of the Ghost-Emperor is invaluable to our nation, his limited connection to the world of the living has caused unfortunate issues in the past. In order to rectify this, the hereditary position of living co-emperor has been created. A popular and prominent noble has been appointed to the position, which he will hold until his death or abdication. While the Ghost-Emperor remains our nominal sovereign, the co-emperor is entrusted with mortal affairs.
The Twin Emperorship
  "has_reform": "honsai_twin_emperorship_2"
  • -5% All Power Costs
  • +1 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
While the guidance of the Ghost-Emperor is invaluable to our nation, his limited connection to the world of the living has caused unfortunate issues in the past. In order to rectify this, the hereditary position of living co-emperor has been created. A popular and prominent noble has been appointed to the position, which he will hold until his death or abdication. While the Ghost-Emperor remains our nominal sovereign, the co-emperor is entrusted with mortal affairs.
The Twin Emperorship
  "has_reform": "honsai_twin_emperorship_3"
  • +1 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
While the guidance of the Ghost-Emperor is invaluable to our nation, his limited connection to the world of the living has caused unfortunate issues in the past. In order to rectify this, the hereditary position of living co-emperor has been created. A popular and prominent noble has been appointed to the position, which he will hold until his death or abdication. While the Ghost-Emperor remains our nominal sovereign, the co-emperor is entrusted with mortal affairs.
Roangu Thidin
  "has_reform": "roangu_thidin_reform"
  • +60% Female Advisor Chance
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Unjustified Demands
  • +1 Yearly Absolutism
  • +0.05 Yearly Corruption
Chien Binhrung's sole power, since the founding of the kingdom in 9 BA, has always been the ruling queen of the nation. This unique tradition dates back to when Chien Binhrung was founded by a matriarchal tribe, who conquered many disunified villages on the eastern side of the Lupulan Peninsula. Combining the traditions of their tribe to Kai customs, Chien Binhrung became a land where the queen's will was law and where the people were willing to fight for her against any foe. The tribe that formed Chien Binhrung also picked up the customs of their new Kai brethren, including a focus on open trade with neighbors and adopting the Righteous Path as their new faith.
Imperial Harem
  "OR": {
    "have_had_reform": "guwaamud_harem_reform",
    "has_reform": "guwaamud_harem_reform"
  • +20% Foreign Spy Detection
  • -1 National Unrest
  • +50% Chance of New Heir
  • -0.1 Monthly Heir Claim Increase
  • +10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
Our powerful subjects may seek to overthrow us whenever there is turmoil afoot. To prevent this from happening our ancestors demanded a daughter of every landed noble for the Monarchs personal harem. Let us emulate this ancient system and make sure the Monarch is never without heir or woman.
Radiant Empire
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "yan_empire_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "yan_empire_reform"
  • +10% National Manpower Modifier
  • +0.5 Yearly Absolutism
For the first time in history, the people of Yanshen are united under a Yan Emperor. Our great realm shall henceforth be known as Dahui, the Radiant Empire. Our Emperor's wisdom and strength knows no equal. The Empire shall be a beacon of glory, shining out across all of Haless!
Isolated Kingdom
  "has_reform": "isolated_kingdom_reform"
  • -4 Diplomatic Relations
  • -1 Diplomats
  • -1 Merchants
Still damaged by the civil wars of the Sewengun Period, as well as the lack of faith it's Menjeotaen and Chimbija subjects place in it, the Kingdom of Daengun is almost incapable of diplomatic interations and foreign affairs. Should the dynasty become fully recognized as the legitimate rulers of Odheongu, this state of affairs will end.
Compact of Menjaeng
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "compact_of_menjaeng_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "compact_of_menjaeng_reform"
  • -5% Development Cost
  • -0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +10% Institution Spread
The Compact of Menjaeng is the constitution of Odheongu, a deal between the king - on behalf of the Odheongun people - and the spirits of the realm. A kingdom following the Compact must send each new king to the island of Somyonghon to beseech the spirits for recognition before being considered a truly legitimate ruler.
The Segbandal
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "seghdihr_segbandal_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "seghdihr_segbandal_reform"
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • -25% Governing Capacity Modifier
The Segbandal took shape once before during the days of Aul-Dwarov and (short-lived decline notwithstanding) has emerged once more as the rightful authority over the Middle Dwarovar. It is everything Aul-Dwarov failed to be: decisive, innovative, undivided by internal rivalries and squabbles. It now stands in the way it was always meant to: as a rigid structure of holds bound together not only by honour, but also by kinship and law.
Harpy Matriarchy
  "ruler_is_harpy": true
  • +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
Traditional harpy society is composed of minor flocks ruled by familial matriarchs, who are in turn ruled by one foremost matriarch and considered part of a larger flock. Males do not have power in this social structure.
Harpy Matriarchy
  "ruler_is_harpy": true
  • +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • -10% Stability Cost Modifier
Traditional harpy society is composed of minor flocks ruled by familial matriarchs, who are in turn ruled by one foremost matriarch and considered part of a larger flock. Males do not have power in this social structure.
Flame Custodianship
  "OR": {
    "tag": "Y16",
    "has_reform": "flame_custodian_reform"
  • +10% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium
  • -25% Autonomy Change Cooldown
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
The result of Katouka's of the Undying Flame concentrating all powers of the republic onto himself, the Flame Custodian inherits not only the position of King of Jiantsiang, but also the position of High Priest of the Temple of the Undying Flame and that of Protector, commander of the state's military forces. This allows the Custodian to rule as they see fit, with little to no internal opposition.
Grand Vizier of the Raj
  "tag": "R08"
  • +1 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
  • -10% Liberty Desire in Subjects
Though the second Raj has fallen, it still lives on through us. We shall restore the Raj to its greatness; from the gulf of Rahen, to the Jademines in the north, all will bow to the new Northern Raj!
Surface Clan Government
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "surface_clan_government",
    "have_had_reform": "surface_clan_government"
  • +0.01 Monthly Autonomy Change
  • +15% National Manpower Modifier
Dwarven surface clans are almost as ancient as the Dwarovar's ones. By allowing them into our government, they shall provide great boons for us. Though, their recognition would grant local leaders more authority.
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "krakazol_olzonog",
    "have_had_reform": "krakazol_olzonog"
  • +50% Army Tradition From Battles
  • -40% Autonomy Change Cooldown
  • +1 Monarch Military Skill
The Alesong is held when a new Keglord is needed. The would-be-rulers drink heavily before every bout, in which they fight each other one on one, until one of them vomits, is knocked unconscious, or dies. The last contestant to remain undefeated is crowned as the new Keglord.

After their crowning, the new ruler has twenty years to find themselves a glorious death, be it through combat or drink. A Keglord that lives through his term is exiled from the realm in disgrace, never to be seen or be named an Amethyst Dwarf again.
  "culture_group": "yanglam"
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -15% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • +1 Yearly Prestige
The Rainforest Kings of the Lupulan have traditionally focused heavily on their territories directly surrounding their capitals, while leaving lesser kings to maintain the further reaches of their claimed realms.
The All-Cleaving Kingdom of Tluukt
  "culture_group": "gnollish",
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "tluukt_tluuktraak_reform",
    "have_had_reform": "tluukt_tluuktraak_reform"
  • +1 Diplomatic Relations
  • -33% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • -25% Liberty Desire from Subject Development
  • +5% Production Efficiency
  • +33% Income from Vassals
In the ancient days of Bulwar's bygone Age of Monsters, gnoll matriarchs ruled over the lesser gnoll packs and the native Bulwari in elaborate and sometimes even equitable hierarchies. The rise of the Great Xhaz, however, spelled the end of these arrangements, and though in the centuries since Bulwar has seen its fair share of kingdoms ruled by gnollkind, none come close to the glorious states conceived by those gnolls of antiquity - or so it was until Tluukt 'Cleaver-of-Realms' cleaved anew her own realm and codified the laws and hierarchies still in use today by the Tluuktraak.
White Stone Council
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "shaz_white_stone_council",
    "have_had_reform": "shaz_white_stone_council"
  • -8% Construction Cost
  • -5% Development Cost
  • -2 National Unrest
The White Stone Council is the revived version of the old Whitestone council. Changes were made to make sure the modernization of the ways of old was done properly. Now, it is not only dwarves who can lead, but important powers from all regions of Shazstundihr, no matter what race they may be.
The Amlvîhte
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "shaz_the_amlvihte",
    "have_had_reform": "shaz_the_amlvihte"
  • -10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
  • -15% Construction Cost
  • -5% Development Cost
The ideas of justice and equality,

Harpy Empire
  "has_reform": "siadan_harpy_empire"
  • +1 Yearly Legitimacy
  • -15% Stability Cost Modifier
Siádan's Harpy Matriarchy has been reorganised into the first "Harpy Empire", an autocratic and imperialist state, from which a legally privileged and empowered harpy class dominates the rest of society, and the autocratic apparatus rules with an iron fist the disparate subjects of the empire. Every instrument of empire is held in the personal command of the Queen of Siádan, with the Chorsekhíl, her personal guard and paramilitary force, acting as the executor of her will.
The Intrigue Court
  "has_reform": "truedagger_intrigue_court"
  • -1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +1 Diplomats
The Intrigue Court
Dakinshi Warlord
  "has_reform": "dakinshi_warlord_reform"
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • -15% Land Attrition
  • -0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +10% Manpower Recovery Speed
Dakinshiland of the late Warlord era has descended into what can be described as a state of near anarchy. In a world, where the land is poor, weapons are plenty, the most important resource is food and no tribal, family or religious identity exists. In this chaos, the Namingo - chief warlords - exert their power through military might and control over herds of livestock.

The Namingo’s hold, however, is loose, kept only by whatever advantage they have. Typically this comes in the form of military might, but circumstances such as blackmail, bribery and even naive optimism have established several warlords’ careers.

When a warlord dies, the next one is chosen among their descendants by the lesser warlords in a "free" election, oftenly rigged in favour of the strongest one standing.
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "namasonamingo_reform",
    "culture_group": "inyaswarosa"
  • +25% Female Advisor Chance
  • -50% Monthly Gold Inflation Multiplier
  • +15% Production Efficiency
The Dakinshi practice a form of matriarchal shamanic feudalism, their society bound by linkages of ritual practice and religious hierarchy. At the top of this hierarchy sits the Namingo, a member of a hereditary shaman family who rules alongside her many spouses both male and female.

The Namingo and her family maintain a monopoly on various aspects of the queendom's economy, and her spouses function as a royal bureaucracy. Marriage into the royal household is one of the primary means of social and economic advancement.
Baashidi Monarchy
  "OR": {
    "culture_group": "baashidi",
    "has_reform": "baashidi_plutocratic_reform"
  • +1 Merchants
  • +100% Trade Range
A plutocratic kingdom of the Baashidi. Symbiotic with Merfolk.
Bandit Kingdom
  "tag": "H57",
  "has_reform": "new_havoral_bandit_kingdom_reform"
  • -1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +1 National Unrest
  • -25% Harsh Treatment Cost
  • +25% Looting Speed
  • +10% Manpower Recovery Speed
Oscillating between despotism and outright kleptocracy, the Bandit Kingdom of New Havoral operates on the simple principle of might makes right. Unconstrained by constitutional limits and enforcing a patchwork of legal codes inherited from specific mercenary corps, the iron fist of the Marauder King keeps a number of de facto bandit ‘lords’ in a constant, restless state of mobilisation, cracking down regularly to enforce obedience. The quality of government is pure lottery, determined by whoever has been given transient authority over one’s local area. Much of the population exists at the mercy of nouveau-riche bandit colonial landowners living out a frontier fantasy. Abuses are as such ubiquitous and egregious.
Ebonfrost Autocratic Rule
  "tag": "Z15"
  • +10% Rebel Suppression Efficiency
  • -10% Harsh Treatment Cost
  • +50% Chance of New Heir
  • -10% Unjustified Demands
The Ebonfrost dynasty practices a form of 'government' that is in many ways synonymous with the dynastic household itself. Within their realm, the heads of the dynasty have almost unlimited authority, and despite years of hardship, there never seems to be a 'Last Ebonfrost.'
Black Orc Elective Monarchy
  "is_colonial_nation": false,
  "OR": {
    "is_revolutionary": false,
    "NOT": {
      "has_dlc": "Emperor"
  "dwarovar_orc_culture_primary": true
  • +1 Colonists
  • -20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +10% Reform Progress Growth
By codifying the rules of the Ozarm'chadash into a series of duels for succession, we have developed a unique form of elective monarchy. Upon the death of our current ruler, a series of duels are held between the most notable of orcs in the kingdom, usually minor clan chiefs and famous generals. Instead of just doing a final combat with the two mightiest orcs of the duels, they, along with a notable relative of the previous king, must pass a series of trials designed to measure their leadership abilities.
Raghamidesh Merchant Kingdom
  "primary_culture": "raghamidesh"
  • +10% Global Trade Power
  • +1 Merchants
The Raghamideshi have long been a mercantile people, seeking new markets and wealth. In time this led to the rise of powerful merchants becoming nobles, and later those nobles mixing with the royal houses. These merchant nobles used their power to enforce a pseudo-elective monarchy in the Raghamidesh lands, where each of the represented houses could put forward a candidate for election. The elective was open only to houses of royal descent, and was just as often won through promises of wealth as it was skill, making both critical components of such elections.
Amezatany Dynasties
  "OR": {
    "culture": [
  • +1 Possible Advisors
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
The ruling elites of the urbanized northern states trace their origin back to the coastal city states on mainland Sarhal. Those states now lie in ruins after halflings were pushed out during a human migration that happened centuries ago. With centuries of rulership and tradition both on the mainland and later on the Summer Isles, these ruling families are known for their connections all around Fahvanosy.
True Riei
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "eltikan_true_riei",
    "have_had_reform": "eltikan_true_riei"
  • +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
  • +15% Manpower in True Faith provinces
  • +1 Monarch Military Skill
A Riei is defined, under the Gotiriei religion, as someone who has been able to take up the mantle of the Last True King in the elven realm, and bring righteousness to the world. Our lineage of kings has proven to be strong enough to carry that weight.
Taychendi City-State
  "OR": {
    "religion": [
  • +50% Army Tradition From Battles
  • -20% Development Cost in Primary Culture
  • -1 Diplomatic Relations
  • +1000 Sailor Increase
  • +25% Chance of New Heir
  • +1 Monarch Military Skill
  • -0.2 Monthly Heir Claim Increase
A City in Taychend led by am ambitious ruler who seeks to claim their place in history.
Taychendi Kingdom
  "OR": {
    "religion": [
  "custom_trigger_tooltip": {
    "tooltip": "gods_of_the_taychend_reform_2_buy",
    "has_country_flag": "got_reform_1"
  • +50% Army Tradition From Battles
  • -40% Development Cost
  • +2000 Sailor Increase
  • +50% Chance of New Heir
  • +1 Monarch Military Skill
  • -0.1 Monthly Heir Claim Increase
A State in Taychend led by a Dynasty which has consolidated its surroundings, but not yet the whole of Taychend.
Kingdom of Kheterata
  "tag": "U01"
  • +25% Caravan Power
  • +10% National Tax Modifier
  • -0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion
The Kingdom of Kheterata is ancient. Older than Dameria, the Phoenix Empire or even Castanor. And though many dynasties have come and gone, Kheterata remained. Though prosperity and suffering have come and gone, Kheterata remained. Our control over the Sorrow, the grainbasket of the Divenhal and the bridge between Sarhal and Salahad has provided us with immense amounts of wealth and power. As long as the Sorrow remains, so too will the Kingdom of Kheterata.
Mengi Kingdom
  "OR": {
    "culture_group": "mengi",
    "have_had_reform": "mengi_kingdom_reform"
  • -1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • -10% Harsh Treatment Cost
  • +10% Manpower Recovery Speed
  • +10% Nobility Influence
Royalty is suffused into the very essence of Madriamilak, for it is the land of kings. Here, neither Blood or Divinity determine ones right to rule, instead, ones capacity for violence proves their worthiness. Competition is fierce and ever-present amongst those who seek to become true royalty themselves - violence between these upstarts and their followers is a normal part of Mengi society.
The Vermillion Throne
  "primary_culture": "forest_yan"
  • +15% Trade Steering
The Kingdom of Zyujyut lies deep within the jungles of southern Yanshen. In contrast to their neighbors, gender in Zyujyut is decided by your job, with all monarchs being Kings of Zyujyut.
Harpy Queendom
  "ruler_is_harpy": true,
  "has_country_flag": "harpylen_restored_flag"
  • -10% Development Cost in Primary Culture
  • +2 Diplomatic Relations
A new Harpylen ruled by a Queen, Firanya’s successor, to which all matriarchs and harpies owe allegiance, regardless of political boundaries. The Queendom is composed of minor flocks ruled by familial matriarchs, who are in turn ruled by the Queen. Non-harpy subjects of the Queen are allowed to have their own leaders and follow their traditional laws, as long as they accept harpy rule.
Settled Centaur Horde
  "always": false
  • +33% Looting Speed
  • -15% Production Efficiency
  • -33% Reform Progress Growth
A Settled Centaur Horde
Awin Nephec
  "tag": "F66"
  • +0.75 Yearly Army Tradition
  • +2% Missionary Strength vs Heathens
  • -50% Promote Culture Cost
Though gnolls ruled over Kheterata in centuries past, they did not receive the blessing of the Khet until the ascendancy of the so-called gnoll dynasty, or "Awin Nephec" in Kheteratan. The Awin Nephec championed the Khet and took advantage of the traditional Kheteratan state apparatus, while drawing on the brutal and cunning warrior traditions of the gnolls.
Alas'gasidi Hegemony
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "haraf_alas_gasidi_hegemony",
    "have_had_reform": "haraf_alas_gasidi_hegemony"
  • +10% National Tax Modifier
  • +20 Maximum Absolutism
  • +1 Monarch Administrative Skill
After the reformation of the Kinah system, House Alas’gasidi took over the former Federation and installed a monarchy. The Kinah’s former rulerships were given administrative positions in the newly-formed kingdom’s institutions, and over time the Kinah became associated with government positions rather than territories. In order to legitimize their rulership, the Alas’gasidi proclaimed themselves bearers of the Paragon’s will and swore oaths to ensure the Haraf’ne’s prosperity.
The Lady In Purple
  "AND": {
    "OR": [
        "culture": [
        "religion": [
        "tag": "G38",
        "was_tag": "G38"
  • -10% Land Force Limit Modifier
  • +10% Nobility Influence
  • +50% Vassal Force Limit Contribution
  • +25% Income from Vassals
Lady Mitrenya refuses to marry or name an heir, much to the dismay of her noble subjects.
Lotus Seat
  "OR": {
    "AND": {
      "culture_group": "harimari",
      "religion": "high_philosophy",
      "capital_scope": {
        "superregion": "north_haless_superregion"
    "have_had_reform": "lotus_seat_reform"
  • -1 National Unrest
Adrift among the unenlightened, we represent a beacon in the dark, serving as an outpost to the Raja's glory. Long having lost contact with the main body of the Raja, we are now its loneliest seat.
Great Corsair Empire
  "culture_group": "gnollish",
  "has_country_flag": "viakkoc_corsair_empire"
  • +5% Administrative Efficiency
  • +15% National Sailors Modifier
  • +25% Looting Speed
  • +10% Privateer Efficiency
  • +20% Trade Steering
A thallasocratic state, ruled through the might of the gnollish navy that dominates the waters binding it together. Despite the important of the navy, it is undoubtedly under the control of the Corsair Empire, whose rule is nearly undisputed.
  "OR": {
    "tag": "J50",
    "was_tag": "J50"
  "has_country_flag": "sunijalla_arveviijeja_unlock"
  • -15% Liberty Desire from Subject Development
  • +15 Maximum Absolutism
Our monarch has styled themselves Ärveviijeja or, 'Rulers of the Lake' symbolizing the unparalleled prestige and grandeur of the state, the Royal Family, and Monarchy as a whole.
Drakonshani Dominion
  "OR": {
    "has_reform": "drakonshani_dominion",
    "have_had_reform": "drakonshani_dominion"
  • +25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
  • +10 Maximum Absolutism
We govern a vast realm of many different races. In this we prefer the use of vassal rulers, ruling their people according to their laws and customs. However they must never forget who they are beholden to. No matter how rich and fat they grow, the ultimate authority is the Drakelord and by extension the drakon rider armies they send out to enforce their will. Authority comes to those powerful enough to take it for themselves.
Exwesser Monarchy
  "AND": {
    "OR": [
        "high_tolerance_halfling_race_trigger": true,
        "medium_tolerance_halfling_race_trigger": true
        "have_had_reform": "exwesser_monarchy_reform",
        "has_reform": "exwesser_monarchy_reform"
    "primary_culture": "exwesser"
  • +10% Marines Force Limit
  • +1 Diplomatic Reputation
  • +2 Max Promoted Cultures
A form of government created by a branch family of the Silcalas dynasty within Exwes in order to gain greater influence by claiming dominion over the Small Country. To ensure the loyalty of the halflings, they have been granted equal rights under the state.
  "AND": {
    "culture_is_lizardfolk": true
  "NOT": {
    "primary_culture": "ashhana_lizardfolk"
  • -10% Idea Cost
  • -25% Leader Cost
As lizardfolk empires rise and inevitably fall, the major cities that once were part of the fabric of these empires splinter into their own entities. Called Ikatara, or Shard-Realm, these city states usually centre around one of the large, ancient cities that act as a hub of trade and activity in the dense jungles of Taneyas.
  "OR": {
    "tag": [
  • +1 Monarch Administrative Skill
  • -10% Nobility Influence
  • +0.5 Yearly Prestige
Heroic Realm
  "OR": {
    "culture_group": "upper_raheni",
    "AND": [
        "primary_culture": "royal_harimari",
        "capital_scope": {
          "region": "shamakhad_region"
        "primary_culture": "serene_harimari",
        "capital_scope": {
          "region": "shamakhad_region"
  • +10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
  • +5% Female Advisor Chance
Within the Heroic Realm, a distinctive governance emerges - one where the valorous adventurers, unencumbered by rigid social hierarchies, assume the mantle of protectors. Their duty transcends mere borders; they safeguard all the land against threats external and internal, their deeds echoing through time. In this place, lineage yields to courage, and the very fabric of our nation is woven by those who rise to glory instead of remaining mired in tradition.